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内罗毕,2005年1月28日——本周,联合国人居署和欧洲委员会宣称,双方将扩大合作以协助非洲国家应对非洲大陆迅速城市化带来的挑战。  相似文献   

The urbanization process leads many urban areas and megacities to be densely built and to overcome their physical and operational limits; in several cases, urban population density is growing faster than their infrastructures. Considering land use constraints, for mitigating some disagreeable living conditions and for creating new population opportunities, city planners have different opportunities involving the two opposite vertical directions: upward, erecting higher buildings or downward, developing a more intense use of the underground space. Both directions are characterized by positive and negative aspects and require suitable local condition to be built.In this paper, main issues related to the urban underground planning procedures are highlighted, taking also in consideration that after some very old visionary approaches, no relevant debates and concrete results have been further developed. Several underground-related technicalities are described and analyzed, mainly at sectorial level (f.i. mass transport systems, infrastructures for energy and water supply, storage facilities) however, experiences of a global urban planning – involving a holistic approach inside a City Master Plan – are still very few (Helsinki). A collection of some best practices is reviewed in this paper. Particular emphasis is devoted to the integrated planning approach and the related tools for the subsurface space assessment: the role of different planning tools for the rational use of the underground space in urban areas is analyzed and a variety of planning levels are discussed, from the more general one – the Master Plan – to the more sectorial ones. Moreover, the more recent visions for future cities – Smart, Resilient, Low-carbon and Post-Carbon Cities – are producing relevant and very useful technical and management solutions and the role of Integrated Mater Plans in this transition is further discussed.  相似文献   

今天在世界绝大多数人民居住在城镇和城市的时刻,我们纪念世界人居日。这个进程正在加速发展,并且这一转化对我们实现千年发展目标所必须采取的各项战略有着直接的影响。  相似文献   

今天,无论是发展中国家还是发达国家,城市化发展的进程中都先后出现了诸如环境污染严重、布局混乱、中心人口和建筑物密度过大、交通堵塞以及居民生活质量和健康水平大大降低等一系列问题,即所谓的“城市病”。 “可持续发展”这一概念在布伦特兰夫人的《我们共同的未来》报告中提出来以后,经过不断的发展,现在已成为人类的共识。“可持续发展”追求的目标是社会的全面发展,即除了经济  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been rapid urbanization worldwide, resulting in both benefits and problems. Sustainable urbanization has become an important aspect in promoting sustainable development. Existing studies have introduced various methodologies to guide urbanization towards sustainable practices. The application of these methods has contributed to improving urban sustainability. To further support the effective applications of the principles of sustainable urbanization, a tool is needed to evaluate whether a particular process of urbanization is sustainable. In this paper, we introduce an alternative model for evaluating sustainable urbanization by investigating the relationship between urbanization and urban sustainability. The practice of sustainable urbanization is defined as a dynamic process that enables urban sustainability to improve or to maintain a certain level of practice. By employing this definition, we introduce a sustainable urbanization elasticity coefficient eSU, which is defined by two parameters: urbanization velocity (VμR) and urban sustainability velocity (VμS). The sustainability of an urbanization process is measured by the value of eSU or read from the VμR-VμS coordinate. A case study demonstrates the application of the measure eSU and the VμR-VμS coordinate. The proposed model is an effective tool to help policy makers understand whether the urbanization processes they support are sustainable and thus whether to correct practices. The model also allows comparison of different urbanization practices and thereby encourages the sharing of successful experiences.  相似文献   

Has specialization of professional roles obstructed the holistic approach and sustainable development? A preliminary survey in Botswana involving construction professionals found that existing procurement systems have not integrated the efforts of the different project participants and also fail to fulfil the expectations of the users. A holistic approach involving the re-integration of construction disciplines by applying new procurement methods is proposed. An integrated, holistic way of working could provide a number of synergies through the consideration of the building project as an entire system. The implications include better decision making upstream, more efficient use of resources and the mitigation of negative environmental effects downstream.

La specialisation professionnelle est-elle un obstacle a l'approche globale et au developpement durable? Une etude preliminaire menee au Botswana et portant sur les metiers de la construction a revele que les systemes d'approvisionnement actuels n'integrent pas les efforts des differents participants a un projet et ne repondent pas aux attentes des utilisateurs. Cet article propose une approche globale dont le succes repose sur la reintegration de ces metiers et sur de nouvelles methodes d'approvisionnement. Une methode de travail integree et holistique, ou un projet de construction serait considere comme un systeme complet, pourrait faire naitre un certain nombre de synergies. Cette hypothese exige un meilleur processus decisionnel en amont une utilisation plus efficace des ressources et l'attenuation des effets negatifs sur l'environnement en aval.  相似文献   

城市是文明的基础,驱动着经济、进步和创造活动,实施着政策条令。如果城市走向失败,文明也会走向失败。本文中,世界银行金融、经济与城市发展处的Daniel Hoornweg和Perinaz Bhada指出,人类对气候变化的响应将取决于市民与其城市之间、城市与其国家政府之间的关系,并且人类对气候变化的响应有望加强这些关系。  相似文献   

城镇化进程中的土地可持续利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳敏 《山西建筑》2011,37(11):21-23
通过分析我国城镇化的历史演进及发展,从城镇化进程中土地可持续利用的意义入手,探讨了土地可持续利用存在的问题及策略,从而提高土地利用的社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

The proliferation of good urbanization practices around the world has led to an imperative need to share these experiences. However, these good practice cases relate to different and specific contexts, making it difficult to effectively apply these experiences to other cases. It is appreciated that no existing method is available to guide us into refining these experiences so that they can be adopted in new urbanization scenarios. This method-shortage presents a major barrier to the sharing of good experiences between cities in promoting sustainable urbanization. This paper presents an Experience Mining System (ExMS) for effectively extracting previous urbanization practice experiences. ExMS is built based on the theories of experience representation, storage and mining. Its major components include a Sustainable Urbanization Practices Database (SUPD), a Refinery process, and a Mine-sweeper. ExMS can facilitate decision-makers in the selection of strategies and solutions when addressing urbanization practice challenges.  相似文献   

介绍了大兴安岭地区劲松镇的发展概况及存在的问题,从道路交通、绿地系统、景观风貌等方面,阐述了该镇的规划设计方案,有利于实现小城镇的可持续发展,推动我国新型城镇化的建设。  相似文献   

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