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工业污水和生活污水排放量日益增多,污水处理厂污泥产量日趋加大,污泥填埋关键技术问题已成为当今环境工程以及环境岩土工程的热点问题之一。污泥和垃圾混合填埋在其他国家已得到应用,但由于目前中国关于污泥及其城市生活垃圾混合样的基础性室内试验成果不多,对污泥与城市垃圾混合样的工程力学特性及其混合填埋的适宜比例等不甚了解,从而导致中国污泥垃圾混合填埋工程事故频繁发生。对不同配比的污泥与城市生活垃圾混合样进行了固结压缩实验、三轴固结不排水实验、无侧限抗压强度实验,得出污泥与城市生活垃圾混合样的工程力学特性;同时,用ANSYS数值模拟方法,对不同配合比的污泥城市生活垃圾混合填埋边坡的稳定性进行分析,从而对污泥与城市生活垃圾混合填埋的适宜配合比及其稳定安全问题提出理论支撑。  相似文献   

城市固体废弃物填埋处置是当前环境岩土工程研究重点和热点,本文分析了城市垃圾的组成和处理方法,重点介绍了填埋处理的原理和工艺,分析了填埋体物理力学性质、卫生填埋场的防渗系统和边坡稳定等一系列环境岩土工程问题,讨论环境岩土工程在填埋处理中的应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

随着垃圾的产量和填埋量迅速增加,垃圾堆体的稳定问题日益突出,填埋场运行中安全监测显得十分重要。针对某大型垃圾填埋场失稳事件,对该填埋场堆体边坡开展了近2年的监测,获得了各种气象条件下渗滤液水位、地表水平位移、竖向位移、深层侧向变形等监测数据,特别是2008年6月强降雨期间垃圾堆体边坡局部失稳和2009年2月污泥坑周边堆体滑移过程中完整、全面的监测数据。基于监测数据,并结合实际降雨条件、填埋场运行状况,对填埋场失稳的内在因素进行详细的分析,得出渗滤液水位过高是导致堆体边坡失稳的主要内因,水平位移速率是填埋场边坡稳定状态最为敏感的指标。最后 根据监测数据 进行统计分析 ,提出垃圾填埋场稳定安全监测关键指标及警戒值, 为今后垃圾填埋场的现场监测工作提供重要依据 。  相似文献   

软土地基垃圾填埋场的稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软土地区垃圾填埋场系统的稳定性主要包括边坡、地基和填埋体的稳定性三方面,设计者在考虑填埋体边坡及地基失稳的情况时往往忽略渗滤液对填埋体的稳定性的影响.本文指出了渗滤液在填埋体中的存在形式可以分为五种情况,分析了这五种情况下渗滤液造成对填埋体稳定性影响的原因及结果.  相似文献   

通过理论与经验综合分析,将不同剪切方法所得抗剪强度指标大小进行对比,得出若干结论,主要有三轴试验的内摩擦角大小关系:固结排水>固结不排水>不固结不排水;三轴试验的粘聚力大小关系:不固结不排水>固结不排水≥固结排水。从而对工程试验所得数据的合理性有一个大致判断,使抗剪强度指标在工程应用中更加合理安全。  相似文献   

按常规建筑结构地基承载力评价的方法给出的垃圾填埋场的地基承载力特征值一般远小于垃圾填埋场的基底压力,而目前国内外规范对柔性基础(如垃圾填埋场、高填方路基)下地基承载力没有相应的理论依据和确定方法,因此急需研究在所建大型垃圾填埋场不进行地基处理的情况下如何评价场区地基承载力的方法。本文利用建筑结构按等效抗剪强度原理确定地基承载力的方法,基于地基土在垃圾体填埋过程中其承载力随地基固结度的提高而增大的基本原理,对大型垃圾填埋场地基的地基承载力的提高进行了研究,以在勘察阶段更好地评价大型垃圾填埋场的地基承载力。研究结果表明:在考虑地基承载力随固结度提高的情况下,各垃圾场填埋阶段的地基承载力特征值均满足要求,反之,若不考虑地基承载力随固结度的提高,垃圾填埋场在部分填埋阶段的地基承载力特征值不满足要求。实践证明,采用本文方法对垃圾填埋场的地基承载力进行评估是一种实用、有效和可靠的评估方法,可供同行参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

准好氧和厌氧填埋陈腐垃圾的稳定化特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较了5 a填埋龄准好氧和厌氧填埋体陈腐垃圾的挥发性固体(VS)、有机碳(TOC)和腐殖质等降解及稳定化指标。结果表明,陈腐垃圾中VS和TOC含量较新鲜垃圾显著降低,准好氧填埋体陈腐垃圾的VS和TOC含量低于厌氧填埋体1%~2%,但差异不显著;准好氧填埋体的表面沉降量显著高于厌氧填埋体(P0.05),存在一定的负相关关系。渗滤液和清水回灌引起陈腐垃圾VS含量的差异不明显,但造成了填埋体表面明显的不均匀沉降。准好氧填埋体陈腐垃圾的BDM值与厌氧填埋体相近,且随距离导气管距离和填埋深度的增加逐渐升高,距离导气管距离越大,层间BDM值差异越大。此外,准好氧和厌氧填埋体陈腐垃圾的腐殖质提取率与HA/FA差异不明显。  相似文献   

浓缩液回灌对垃圾填埋体水位及稳定性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成都长安填埋场渗滤液反渗透处理工艺日产260 t浓缩液,拟在填埋场进行回灌处理,回灌工程实施前需评估回灌工程对垃圾填埋体稳定性的影响.在该填埋场工程地质与水文地质勘查结果的基础上,利用GMS软件开展了垃圾填埋体非饱和一饱和三维渗流分析,模拟和预测了浓缩液回灌前后填埋体内渗滤液水位变化.基于渗流分析结果,利用Slope/...  相似文献   

城市垃圾填埋体的动力特性及地震响应   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
结合某垃圾填埋场工程 ,利用表面波频谱分析法 (SASW )测试垃圾填埋体的剪切波速 ,得到了用于静动力响应分析的填埋体参数。在假定地表降水入渗为填埋场垃圾土体唯一补给来源的前提下 ,提出了确定浸润线自由面的方法 ,通过静力和动力有限元计算 ,对某填埋场边坡进行了稳定分析。对最危险滑动面的位置分析后发现 ,在地震过程中 ,滑动面的位置比较集中。在此基础上 ,对Newmark方法进行了改进 ,采用圆弧滑动面 ,得到了填埋场在地震作用下的永久位移。实例分析表明 ,垃圾在填埋过程中的初始压实 ,对埋场的地震稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

垃圾土强度特性试验与双线强度包线研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三轴试验和直接剪切试验是研究垃圾土强度特性的主要方法,通过人工配制垃圾土、标准砂掺纤维土、现场垃圾土重塑样的三轴试验和直接剪切试验,发现垃圾土的剪切应力应变(或位移)曲线表现为持续硬化型,在应变达到一定数值后曲线有锯齿状波动;经过国内相关试验成果的分析,得到垃圾土的强度参数主要受干密度的影响,且有较好的相关性。研究结果表明:垃圾土的强度包线可以用双线强度包线来表达,黏聚力和内摩擦角取决于是否填埋碾压;直接剪切试验结果介于三轴固结不排水和固结排水试验结果之间,且接近于三轴固结不排水试验结果;直接剪切试验更准确地模拟了垃圾团间的滑动摩擦特性,用直接剪切试验确定垃圾土的强度参数更合理;同时建议了三轴试验破坏应变和直接剪切试验破坏位移。  相似文献   

 为研究垃圾填埋场堆填过程中垃圾抗剪强度参数的变化规律,考虑垃圾的压缩过程及剪切位移渐变过程,采用大型固废压缩与直剪联合测定试验仪器,对288个城市新鲜垃圾试样进行了系统地室内试验研究。试验材料分为3种配比,每种配比考虑3个初始孔隙比。试验压缩过程采用4级竖向压力,每级压力考虑8个压缩时间;剪切过程考虑10个剪应变限值。试验结果表明:抗剪强度参数c值和φ值随着剪应变限值的增加而增加,其关系可以拟合为对数表达式;在对试验数据分析的基础上,建立了一个既简单又实用的对数模型,讨论了模型拟合系数的变化规律,得到了模型拟合系数与压缩时间的关系表达式,并给出了模型拟合系数的取值范围。该模型可以预测新近填埋垃圾的抗剪强度参数,为垃圾填埋场的稳定性分析提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为克服岩土工程勘察中饱和粉土的取样和送样过程中产生的震动及水分损失对其原始含水量及孔隙比的影响,通过建立土体介电常数与孔隙比及含水量的关系,采用TDR测试方法,实现对不同深度饱和粉土的含水量及孔隙比的原位测试.经与室内土工试验结果相比较,表明TDR方法测试结果可靠,且测试速度快、对土层扰动小,是一种值得推广的原位测试手...  相似文献   

通过室内超高压试验 ,再现了黄河上游第三系泥质沉积物成岩作用中的压密变化过程。论证其较好的工程特性是由于曾经遭受较大的压应力作用的结果 (包括自重应力和构造应力 )。这与青藏高原强烈的构造运动和地壳的差异隆升密不可分。对比现场试验与室内试验成果 ,证明用室内超高压试验获得的力学参数与物理指标的关系可以评价第三系泥质沉积物的力学参数 ,具有实际工程意义和应用价值  相似文献   

This paper presents results of the deformability parameters of municipal solid waste (MSW) determined through laboratory (oedometer and triaxial tests) and in situ tests [standard penetration tests (SPT) and cone penetration tests (CPT)], as well as by a monitoring system including topographic control marks, open-tube piezometers, earth and pore pressure cells and inclinometer tubes with magnetic settlement plates and spiders. The studied landfill is located in a textile industry area, and was landfilled with some direct waste (10 %) and mostly pre-treated waste (90 %, from composting and triage). The influence of: the waste age, construction phase of the landfill and confining stress on the results of stiffness modulus, lateral waste pressure coefficient at-rest (K 0) and Poisson’s ratio (ν) are presented, as well as an attempt to establish correlations to estimate MSW stiffness modulus from SPT and CPT tests. The results indicate the increases of K 0 and ν with the average effective confining stresses during the first 2 years of the post-construction phase, reaching maximum values of 0.7 for K 0 and 0.4 for ν, and then decreasing gradually until stabilizing at values of around 0.23–0.48 for K 0 and around 0.19–0.32 for ν. The stiffness modulus values determined by different methods are consistent with each other and corroborate the fact that typical values for MSW are low. These values are between 0.4 and 2 MPa for a mean confinement stress of about 50 kPa, and tend to increase linearly with the increase of the confinement stress. The correlations established with SPT and CPT tests are of the same type as usually proposed for granular soils; however, the constant values are significantly lower than the lowest values reported for normally consolidated sandy soils.  相似文献   

强夯法处理湿陷性黄土地基评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 通过强夯法处理湿陷性黄土后的现场静载荷试验与静力触探原位测试数据对比分析,得到强夯地基承载力特征值fak与静力触探锥尖阻力最小平均值qc的关系式。在此基础上,依据设计要求建立采用静力触探法定量评价强夯地基承载力的方法和标准,利用静力触探原位测试数据对该强夯地基承载力进行定量评价,发现强夯地基软弱层并确定软弱层区的分布范围。采用探井取土样及土工试验对该强夯地基湿陷性进行定量评价,并发现2个探井中地基土剩余湿陷量较大;分析软弱层的成因并采取石灰砂桩等补强处理措施,消除强夯地基隐患。采用静力触探法,依据承载力标准较精确地划分强夯有效加固深度和影响深度;采用土工试验法,按照消除湿陷性标准确定强夯有效加固深度,发现两者确定的强夯有效加固深度存在差异。  相似文献   

Interpretation of electric cone penetration test (CPT) based pore water pressure measurement (CPTu) is well established for soils with behavior that follows classical soil mechanics. The literature on the interpretation of these tests performed on unsaturated tropical soils is limited, and little is known about the influence of soil suction on in situ test data. In this context, the CPT data are presented and discussed to illustrate the seasonal variability in an unsaturated tropical soil site. The test data show that soil suction significantly influenced CPT data up to a depth of 4 m at the study site. It shows the importance of considering seasonal variability in unsaturated soil sites caused by soil suction, which was related to water content through a soil-water retention curve (SWRC). It is also important to consider this aspect in the interpretation of CPT data from these soils.  相似文献   

本文在分析潮汕平原地区工程地质条件的基础上,对静力触探测试指标与室内试验压缩模量进行对比分析,并初步探讨该地区淤泥静力触探锥尖阻力与压缩模量的回归关系,对当地软土工程研究及实际勘察、设计、施工都具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

A major problem in the geotechnical approach to the stability of natural slopes is that there is usually little information on the in-situ geotechnical conditions, because of the extreme difficulty associated with ground investigations of steep slopes covered with vegetation. In this study, a lightweight dynamic cone penetration test (LWDCPT) has been introduced for a geotechnical survey of natural weathered granitic (Masado) slopes. Based on a series of direct shear tests, the internal friction angle and the apparent cohesion of reconstituted Masado soil were found to be fairly closely related to the void ratio and the degree of saturation in the soil. From the laboratory calibration tests, an equation was created to relate the dynamic cone resistance (qd) and the void ratio of reconstituted Masado under different degrees of saturation. Equations were developed to calculate the internal friction angle and the apparent cohesion from the value of qd for Masado at a known degree of saturation. LWDCPT and direct shear tests were carried out on undisturbed samples taken from a natural Masado slope. The estimated internal friction angle and the apparent cohesion calculated with the value of qd in the LWDCPTs agreed fairly well with those of tests on the undisturbed samples obtained in laboratory shear tests.  相似文献   

Subgrade strength is an important aspect to be considered when designing unsurfaced roads and working platforms for pavement structures. Furthermore, dynamic cone penetration tests are used to characterize the subgrade strength. However, the results of dynamic cone penetration tests, including the penetration depth per blow, can be affected by transferred energy and the verticality of the cone penetrometer. The objective of this paper is to characterize the subgrade strength using an instrumented dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP). The instrumented DCP includes a load cell and an accelerometer, located on the cone tip, and measures the dynamic responses of force and velocity over elapsed time. Weathered soil is compacted with three different dry unit weights in a square-shaped container for lab-scale dynamic cone penetration tests. Using instrumented and standard DCPs, several dynamic cone penetration tests are performed, and the dynamic cone penetration index (DCPI) is recorded along the depth profiles. Based on the dynamic responses at the cone tip of the instrumented DCP and the principles of energy conservation, the dynamic cone resistance is suggested as a new strength index. The experimental results show that the dynamic cone resistance increases with the depth of the instrumented DCP, providing a reliable subgrade strength profile in the soil. In addition, the correlation between the DCPI obtained from the instrumented DCP and the dynamic cone resistance suggests that the dynamic cone resistance is more sensitive than the DCPI for stiff soil. Based on the correlation values of the dynamic cone resistance obtained from the instrumented DCP, the internal friction angle and California bearing ratio values can be estimated with a high degree of reliability. This study demonstrates that use of the instrumented DCP may be a promising in situ testing method for the reliable characterization of subgrade strength.  相似文献   

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