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生态环境是人类生存发展的基本条件,是经济、社会发展的基础。保护和建设好生态环境,实现可持续发腱,是我国现代化建设中必须始终坚持的一项基本方针。  相似文献   

随着我国农村现代化进程的加快和小城镇建设的普及,如果不重视环境问题,势必出现农村环境污染的规模和影响不断扩大的局面,所以必须加强城镇建设与生态环境的保护,完善城市功能,优化城市社会、经济、生态环境,不断改善人类生存和居住条件,建设可持续发展的生态城市是全人类在21世纪努力追求的一个重要目标。本文主要针对小城镇建设中的的生态环境现状及存在的问题做简要分析。  相似文献   

辛洪云  蔡可心 《建筑》1999,(7):32-33
住宅设计,应体现“以人为核心’的基本构想,让住宅适应人类的需要和人生变化的发展趋势,使居民在跨世纪住宅中具有舒适性、安全性和经济性。搞好住宅建设,要在“可持续发展”的基本纲领指导下,处理好“以人为本”的基本环境建设的各个方面,使住宅建设更好地适应居民在新世纪的生活需要。一、住宅建设的可变性人类生存最基本的条件就是住宅。设计者在结构设计时一般要考虑如年的建设寿命。随着时代的社会政治、经济、文化和人们观念的更新,住宅的建设标准也会随之变化。近年来,由于改革开放,全国经济形势发展较快,住宅制度的变化,…  相似文献   

在逝去的年代里,特别是在工业革命以后的一个多世纪中,人类运用自己的智慧和力量创造了巨大的物质财富和精神财富,但伴随着科技进步和飞速发展的经济,严重的自然灾害和人为灾害也在无情地吞噬着社会经济发展的成果。无数的灾害事实警示着人们,如今在实施西部大开发的热潮中,必须将防灾减灾这一影响到人类发展与进步的重要问题纳入西部开发的战略步骤中去,并应从战略的高度给予足够的重视。因此,如何制定好与经济开发同步发展的减灾规划就显得有尤为重要。在乌鲁木齐市人民政府、中国地震局地震科学联合基金会及保险公司等单位的支持下,乌鲁木齐市有关专家根据1998年颁布的《中华人民共和国减灾规划》,开展了乌鲁木齐综合减灾规划研究,该项目已于2000年底完成。研究成果将为新疆维吾尔自治区和乌鲁木齐市减灾规划的编制提供科学依据。本刊特约了该项目的主持人叶民权教授撰写了“乌鲁木齐可持续发展的城市减灾管理”;“乌鲁木齐生命线系统减灾规划分析”;“乌鲁木齐人口、水资源与城市可持续发展”;“乌鲁木齐生态环境减灾规划分析”;“乌鲁木齐减灾规划的几点思考”;“减灾规划的主要影响要素分析”;“减灾规划研究中的信息管理系统建设”等七篇文章,今后在本刊陆续刊出,它们将从不同的角度予以阐述,希望能对其他城市编制减灾规划有一定的启示。  相似文献   

相金干  戴维 《四川建筑》2002,22(Z1):44-46
建筑业是一个高能耗高污染的产业,对中国生态环境破坏负有重大责任.因此在考虑21世纪中国住宅业发展时,必须抛弃传统模式,发展绿色生态住宅,使中国建筑业转向可持续发展的绿色道路.生态住宅的基本性能体现在合理的选址和规划,节约资源能源,减少环境负荷,保证室内环境质量等方面.通过生态建筑的营建使人类的建造活动最终能限制在地球生态系统允许的平衡范围之内.为了促进生态住宅的发展,需要建立适合中国的生态住宅评估体系,通过量化的指标反映出生态住宅的经济和环保效益.  相似文献   

自然资源、地理区位是小城镇发展的必不可少的主导因素,既为小城镇发展提供条件,又规定着人类的物资生产活动以及在此基础上的其他活动的界限。加强城市基础设施配套建设,完善城市功能,优化城市社会。经济、生态环境,不断改善人类生存和居住条件,建设可持续发展的生态城市是全人类在21世纪努力追求的一个重要目标。  相似文献   

良好的生态环境是人类生存的重要基础,也是小城镇可持续发展的重要保障。随着小城镇经济、社会的不断发展,小城镇的生态环境破坏问题越来越突出,亟需得到有效解决。文章基于对闽侯县青口、尚干、祥谦三镇的调查研究,阐述组团治理的可行性和必要性,认为可以在小城镇组团的基础上规划小城镇生态环境,通过组团治理,解决小城镇生态环境问题。在生态环境建设的建议中,着重阐述三镇生态功能保护区如何建立。  相似文献   

环境道德建设与城市可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王忠武 《城市开发》1999,(11):27-30
城市是区域性的经济、文化和政治中心, 城市可持续发展是人类社会整体可持续发展的关键部位和重要条件, 通过城市的率先可持续发展可以有力地带动周边地区的可持续发展, 由此国家在实施可持续发展战略的过程中应把城市可持续发展放在相对突出和适度超前的地位。城市可持续发展包括城市生态、城市经济和城市社会三方面的可持续发展, 而其得以实现的一项基本保证, 就是必须着力进行环境道德建设。  相似文献   

城市人居环境的可持续发展与建筑节能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市是人类生存和发展的基本单元,是人类与自然环境最直接、最密切、最具体的进行物质交换的地理空间。城市建设特别是城市人居环境的可持续发展关系到人口、社会、环境、资源相互协调的问题。建筑节能作为城市建设的有机组成部分,在促进城市人居环境的可持续发展中起到越来越重要的作用。一、城市人居环境改善是实现可持续发展的重要载体20世纪下半叶,随着全球经济进化、环境退化问题的日益凸现,可持续发展提上了各国发展的重要议事日程。面对严峻的人口、资源、环境问题,我国政府大力倡导和积极推进可持续发展战略,社会经济取得了举世瞩目…  相似文献   

“可持续发展”是指既满足当代人的需要又不损害后代人满足需要的能力的发展。也就是说,在追求经济增长、满足人们日益增长的物质文化需要的同时,应该考虑到保护人类赖以生存的物质基础,即自然环境和生态环境,既要使人类的各种需要得到满足,个人得到充分发展,又要保护资源和生态环境,不对后代人的生存和发展构成威胁。但如今在城镇化发展过程中,农村地区的人口不断向城镇集聚、经济要素不断向城镇集中、区域产业不断向城镇转换,而由于种种原因,多数的城乡联系一直处于“城市—工业”的非均衡状态,城市和农村成为空间上分离、地位上相差悬殊…  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in house prices and affordability in Melbourne. Using previously unpublished, detailed data from the Victorian Valuer General's Office, we plot price movements by suburbs, and locate these changes in the context of broader economic and policy developments. We show that during the 1990s approximately one-third of Melbourne's suburbs experienced real price increases of up to 87 per cent, while another third experienced real falls of up to 29 per cent. Those suburbs whose residents experienced the fastest growth in after tax incomes also enjoyed the fastest growth in house prices. The price increases were concentrated in the inner city, while price falls occurred in the outer suburbs. We offer an explanation for these trends, and extrapolate from them to offer some thoughts on likely price and affordability developments in the coming decade. We conclude with a discussion of the policy implications.  相似文献   

都市快节奏的生活使人们开始认识到住宅对健康的影响,大众更加追求居住的品质,从节能环保、生态绿化,到人类生活基本条件的安全与舒适,都市人选择理想住宅的重心逐渐向健康而又生态的居住条件转移。  相似文献   

This article argues that a systematic feminist analysis of housing must analyse the processes within a housing system which serve to produce and reproduce patriarchal relations. Aspects of design, production and tenure in Australia and Britain are briefly examined to illustrate this approach.  相似文献   

It seems that many Belgian cities are doing well. Their population is increasing, numerous urban projects are under way, and masses of construction sites testify to effective realisations. And the inner cities are swamped with tourists and visitors attracted by the historical monuments and leisure activities. Is the 21st century indeed becoming the era of the city, as a White Book on urban policies predicts? Or is some modification of that prediction necessary? It would seem so, since the population growth is due to people coming from abroad (family reunification or formation; asylum-seekers), while at the same time the natives—as they have done since the 1960s—keep on leaving the city. So sub- and de-urbanisation has not stopped. There are even indications that it is accelerating again. In this contribution we consider why sub- and de-urbanisation, why sprawl is so obstinate, so persistent. We look at the structures behind the Belgian sprawl, seeing them as the consequence of a longstanding dialectical process of political choices and actions, cultural convictions and economic possibilities that reinforced each other in daily practice over and over again in the dominant direction.  相似文献   

Mass housing     
Professor Vir Handa's abiding interest in low‐cost housing for the lower‐income earners is demonstrated in his paper from the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He draws experience from time spent at the Building Research Institute, Roorkee, under the United Nations TOKTEN Programme and illustrates his paper with pictures from Trinidad, where he is an External Examiner at the University of the West Indies. He argues that although shelter communities are being built without any government help and without any awareness of any codes and standards, the job of the expert should be to determine new affordable code requirements.  相似文献   

Mass housing     
Professor Vir Handa's abiding interest in low-cost housing for the lower-income earners is demonstrated in his paper from the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He draws experience from time spent at the Building Research Institute, Roorkee, under the United Nations TOKTEN Programme and illustrates his paper with pictures from Trinidad, where he is an External Examiner at the University of the West Indies. He argues that although shelter communities are being built without any government help and without any awareness of any codes and standards, the job of the expert should be to determine new affordable code requirements.  相似文献   

The Bramley Report (ADC, 1988), made a detailed attempt to construct a resource allocation formula for social housing provision. In this paper we stand back from the debate over the detail of the models being proposed by Bramley to consider instead the principles which underlie the modelling of housing needs and resource allocation in this context.

The measurement of housing need depends on a few key concepts; the definition of acceptable standards of accommodation, the total numbers of households, and the supply of housing of at least the required standard. Questions then arise as to which indicator should be included in a needs model and how they should be measured. Overcrowding and homelessness are likely to be included whether these indicators are chosen by consumers or by social decision‐makers. Having chosen the indicators they have to be ‘normalised’ to take account of cyclical factors in the housing market, and of the efficiency and policy stances of local authorities. After this the indicators have to be ‘weighted’, otherwise they are all of equal value. Access to owner‐occupation should not be included in the model because ability to buy is an influence on the indicators, and if so included (a key feature of Bramley's proposals) in effect leads to a double‐counting of the problems of access to owner occupation.

In the final resource allocation process there is likely to be a trade‐off between the equitable and the efficient distribution of scarce funds.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国房地产市场的快速发展和人民群众对住宅品质日益增长的居住需要,住宅的生产与经营方式已开始发生根本性的变化。本文是从促进住宅产业发展的角度对全装修住宅对部品的需求作了一些粗浅探索和思考。  相似文献   

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