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该文从粤剧艺术博物馆剧院的功能需求出发,根据观众厅体型和平面布置形式确定声学设计目标。针对不同的使用功能,选择适宜的室内各界面材料和构造,从而确保观众厅内具有良好的音质效果。文章首先建立三维仿真模型,计算各项客观评价指标,模拟并预测各接受点的反射声序列,保证最终的音质效果。剧院竣工后,进行了相关的建筑声学测量。实测结果表明:粤剧艺术博物馆剧院声学设计较为合理,各项客观指标均在优选范围之内,满足粤剧表演和综合文艺演出的音质要求。  相似文献   

以一个剧院观众厅的室内装饰为典型案例,指出目前厅堂的声学设计存在着先天不足与后天无补的不良现象,为厅堂的音质问题埋下隐患.通过案例音质问题的分析与预测,着重强调了解决厅堂音质缺陷应把握的3个要点,可为其他厅堂的建筑设计、室内声学设计及业主的抉择提供参考.  相似文献   

通过室内声场计算机模拟这一厅堂音质辅助设计工具,对现阶段交响乐厅的声场特性及对应各项音质的物理参量进行了分析计算,对声学初步设计所提出的音质设计方案进行了论证,以便与后续的缩尺模型实验结果进行对比分析,为本厅的建筑声学设计提供优化和调整的依据。  相似文献   

音质设计是多用途剧场实现其功能的最重要的设计,它决定着剧场使用时音质效果;而决定剧场音效的因素很多,包括剧场观众厅体形、观众厅音质设计指标确定、观众厅声场计算机模拟准确度、室内设计方案深化程度以及剧场完工后观众厅音质设计指标现场测量结果系统分析等。文章全面细致介绍了浙江蓝天文化影视中心多用途剧场音质设计过程,通过详细的数据计算、分析、模拟等手段细化展现设计思路,体现了音质设计在剧场建筑中的影响及提升作用,为其他的多用途剧场音质设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

1958年我们在天津市干部俱乐部扩建的观众厅中,为了满足声学上的要求,在设计中采用了六角形平面。这座观众厅要求除开会和报告外不用扩音设备,而且造价要比较经济。 观众厅声学设计,基本上包括两个内容:外来噪声的隔绝和室内音质的控制。 这座观众厅位在郊区,环境幽静,根据参考资料介绍外来噪声一般不会超过80分贝,空场容许噪声级为40分贝。所需总透射损失为80-40 5=45分贝(5分贝是安全值)。计算结果如下:  相似文献   

近几年来,我省相继修建了一大批多功能厅堂(multi purpose hall),就其音质来看,某些观众厅的音质是较好的,但有一部分是不佳的,还有一些观众厅尚未使用便不得已进行音质改造,造成了不应有的浪费。据笔者对若干观众厅音质不佳的实例分析,有以下四方面的原因:一是建设单位只一味地追求进度,缺乏音质意识;二是设计人员缺乏厅堂音质设计理论及技术,又不调查研究总结经验,造成设计质量低劣;三是施工单位不按原图施工,又不了解建筑师的意图而任意改动;四是观众厅音响管理人员,缺乏建声与电声的基本知识,不能使所籍观众厅处于最佳声学状态。下面笔者从几个方面谈一下改善多功能厅堂音质设计的几点意见。我国目前演出用的厅堂,几乎都属于多功能厅堂,  相似文献   

观众厅音质是评价剧场设计的重要标准,合格的声学设计则是良好音质的保证。对于多功能剧场而言,明确声学评价指标是声学设计的第一步。首先,不同侧重功能的多功能剧场,要求的指标也不相同。其次,在建筑空间设计中,要根据观众厅的规模选择合适的剧场空间形式,才能保证混响时间,减少二次反射声空白区域。室内设计对音质效果起最后把控作用,造型设计和材料选择在强调艺术性的同时,要保证建筑声学的功能性发挥,避免声学缺陷产生。  相似文献   

张燕 《建筑技术》2023,(3):316-319
室内声环境作为剧场室内环境质量的重要指标之一,对剧场的实际使用效果和品质起到了关键性作用,受到了越来越多的关注。以具体项目为例,通过对剧场平面、立面及侧墙进行二维声线分析及体形优化设计,分析建筑的声学缺陷来源,提出改善措施,并通过声学仿真模拟验证体形优化设计的效果。可为形体规则的室内剧场提供音质设计方法,并为类似音质问题提供解决思路。  相似文献   

(一) 随着现代建筑的飞跃发展,大批公共建筑的出现,特别是会堂,剧院、影院的兴建,都对建筑声学提出了很多要求,这些建筑物的观众厅内都希望有良好的音响效果。以往在音质设计中,多半是根据—些理论和经验公式进行计算。 由于计算公式和实际房屋中的边界条件在某种程度上存在一定的距离,因此与建成后的观众厅音质状况还不会完全符合。很早以前一些声学家曾利用模型试验来进行音质研究,一般采用光波和水波在模型中的反射和所产生的干涉图形来分析室内声场,这种试验方法只局限在一个平面上。近年来由于超声学和电子学的发展,一些国家利用脉冲  相似文献   

张燕 《建筑技术》2023,(4):398-401
随着流线型多功能厅的体量增加,其室内音质效果越来越受到关注。以具体项目为例,在建筑体形流线已经固定的情况下,通过对多功能厅内装饰界面进行二维声线分析及界面优化设计,分析建筑的声学缺陷来源,提出改善措施,并通过声学仿真模拟验证装饰界面优化设计的效果。通过研究,可为流线型多功能厅的室内音质设计提供方法。  相似文献   

This study compares the acoustical measurements and simulation results of five atria with different designs. In each, atrium reverberation times and sound distribution patterns were obtained via measurements. Independently, we modelled these spaces using a room acoustics simulation application. The comparison of measurements and simulation results support the formulation of recommendations toward a more reliable use of modelling tools for proper acoustical design and analysis of atria.  相似文献   

舞台是厅堂的重要组成部分。早期的舞台声学设计侧重考虑改善观众席的声学环境,事实上,合理的舞台声学设计不仅可以改善观众厅的听闻环境,更可改善舞台本身的声学环境,创造出有利于演奏者的声学条件,演的高质量才可达到听闻的高质量。本文通过回顾厅堂舞台声学的实践与理论研究成果,解读有利于演奏者声学条件的舞台声学设计方法。  相似文献   

Refurbishing of the Royal Albert Hall – Analytical and model test exploration for acoustics and building physics. The auditorium of the Royal Albert Hall is being refurbished and reconstructed since 1998 in order to match the standards of nowadays event locations. The measures of the reconstruction were supervised intensively in acoustics and building physics. The task included e.g. a broad examination within a room acoustical model. Using this model of the auditorium (scale 1:12) analysis were made, which acoustical measures had to be taken to optimize the use of the auditorium as a concert hall and state‐of‐the‐art event‐location. The measures found during the model experiments were proved by calculations in a computer model simulation and by validation measurements on location. The building physical advice included inquiries dealing with the ventilation and climatic comfort and were done by modeling the air streams in a CFD simulation. Hereby statements had to be done concerning appropriate air velocities, air temperatures, CO2 concentration in the air and their distributions. The boundary conditions needed in the simulation calculations were determined in a separate computer model based upon Finite Element Methods. A validation of the simulation results of the existing hall before renovation was performed by practical measurements on location.  相似文献   

陆凤华  高俊宏 《山西建筑》2008,34(17):32-33
对建筑声学进行了介绍,对中国古代音质设计和中国古代的隔声进行了探讨,以提高人们对古代声学的认识和研究,从而促进现代建筑声学的发展,使声学技术更好地为建筑服务。  相似文献   

Computer simulations to predict acoustical parameters have been attracting renewed interest in recent years. This paper reports the results of computer simulations of the acoustics of box-shaped churches. Twenty-five buildings have been considered by varying the dimensional ratios between length, width and height. The study focuses on the values assumed by three acoustical parameters, the clarity, the early lateral energy fraction and the centre time, in each of the simulated buildings. The parameters of analysis allowed to evaluate the dependence between the shape of the building and its acoustics. Moreover, in each church, simulations were realized by moving the sound source in five different positions in order to investigate how the acoustics changes. Considering the trade-off among dimensional ratios of the room, volume and source position, formulae which predict acoustical parameters in box-shaped churches are presented. A first validation of these formulae has been made using measured acoustical parameters in five Italian churches.  相似文献   

介绍了国家大剧院建筑声学设计中的一些创新应用,包括"蛋壳"底层喷涂纤维素防止雨噪声、戏剧场的MLS声扩散墙面、音乐厅GRC声扩散装饰板、歌剧院金属透声装饰网、歌剧院木装饰板顶棚的混凝土覆层、舒适的观众厅声学软座椅、座椅下送风静音均流风口、录音室"房中房"弹簧减振隔声结构、Z型轻钢减振龙骨轻质隔声墙、音乐厅的单侧透明隔声玻璃等.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a number of case studies concerning measurement and simulation of room acoustical parameters in both historical and contemporary instances of bath spaces. Historical instances of such spaces are, in our study, traditional hammam (bath) buildings in Mediterranean and north-African countries (Algeria, Morocco, Syria). Modern instances include a modern hammam, a spa, and an indoor swimming pool in central Europe (Austria). The analysis is based on data obtained from measurements and simulations of pertinent indicators of room acoustic quality in such spaces. The results of the analysis permit the identification of certain salient features of room acoustics in highly humid spaces and corresponding technical challenges (e.g., excessive reverberation and high noise exposure). Moreover, the results allow for the statistically grounded estimation of uncertainties in simulation of room acoustics in architectural spaces.  相似文献   

The room acoustics in atria This article describes the room acoustic features of atria. The work was forced by several inquiries of designers and architects concerning simplified methods to design the room acoustic in lobbies and atria in response to advanced acoustical requirements of atrium users. The described results of measurements in several atria proved that in most cases the room acoustical properties were not satisfied. Starting with acoustical features of concert halls, typical room acoustical behaviours of atria as well as limits in the acoustical properties were developed. Up to now the acoustic perception of speaking and music performances is strongly constricted in most atria.  相似文献   

以旧有体育建筑改造成音乐厅为例,本文通过分析原建筑的声学缺陷,初步设定可行的声学改造方向,然后应用Ecotect软件进行计算机辅助设计。通过模型的建立及各种声学环境的模拟之后,对所得数据进行比较分析,最终得到声学效果最为理想的改造方案。本文是一次对建筑设计新技术应用的探索,也为音乐建筑的前期设计提供切实的理论和数据依据。  相似文献   

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