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近年来,模块化钢结构建筑以其施工高效、绿色环保等优点,逐渐成为国家大力推广的新型装配式建筑体系,国内外学者针对模块化钢结构建筑受力性能做了大量研究。从模块连接节点、模块单元抗侧力体系、模块柱受力性能、结构整体性能分析等方面,系统综述了近年来模块化钢结构建筑体系的应用与研究成果。结合现有模块化钢结构建筑相关规程和标准,给出该领域的研究方向及未来发展趋势,为工程实践和科学研究提供一定参考。  相似文献   

近年来轻钢模块化箱式房屋结构体系在我国建筑装配化领域应用越来越多,模块间连接节点是结构传力的关键部位,其节点连接构造及受力复杂,节点的连接形式和受力性能直接影响着模块化结构的整体受力性能。本文总结了国内外近年来对轻钢模块化箱式房屋连接节点的构造形式及受力性能研究成果,并在此基础上提出了两类构造形式简单、适用于轻钢模块化箱式房屋的新型连接节点,并简要介绍了此两类节点的构造形式和传力机制。  相似文献   

模块化钢结构建筑符合绿色建筑和建筑工业发展的需求,尤其适用于应急救灾建筑。系统地阐述分析了模块化建筑结构的国内外进展,包括结构体系、模块单元类型、模块单元间连接等方面,为其应用提供设计参考。对国内外研究的模块单元间连接的节点形式进行了分析汇总,包括焊接、连接板或连接件螺栓连接、外套筒螺栓连接、十字板螺栓连接、自锁式连接、预应力连接及其他形式连接节点,可根据建筑设计、生产、安装等阶段的不同需求选择节点形式。  相似文献   

装配式多高层钢结构构件或者模块宜工厂内焊接连接,工地全螺栓连接。通过对国内外装配式钢结构建筑的研究和工程应用进行综述,总结了装配式钢结构中柱与柱连接节点、梁与柱连接节点、支撑与框架连接节点、楼板与楼板连接、楼板与梁连接、围护墙体与主体结构连接,以及装配式钢结构整体结构受力与抗震性能的研究成果和研究方法。对国内外研究的问题和发展方向提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

方钢管混凝土柱-钢梁节点的力学性能直接影响方钢管混凝土结构在建筑住宅工程中的推广和应用。为全面促进钢结构设计人员对方钢管混凝土柱-钢梁节点的理解,对目前国内外研究与应用较多的4种节点构造形式、受力特点及研究现状进行了综述。在此基础上,对方钢管混凝土柱-钢梁节点的研究与分析方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

正钢结构梁柱连接节点是保证梁和柱连接的关键部件,也是结构的关键部位,关系到结构的安全,其性能直接影响结构的刚度、稳定性和承载能力。对近年来节点抗震构造措施的进行研究,分析研究钢柱和钢梁节点抗震改进措施,对钢结构抗震性能具有重要的理论和工程意义。随着国家建设发展速度的快速发展,钢结构体系在建筑工程中的应用越来越广泛。钢结构建筑平面布置灵活、抗震性能好、计算理论相对成熟。钢结构建筑是由钢梁、钢柱构件通过节点连接构成,连接  相似文献   

基于近10年来钢管结构的研究文献和工程应用状况,从构件、节点和结构3个方面综述了管结构主要的理论发展和技术成果。新材料应用、截面形式拓展、构件受力方式改变和计算精准化,推动了钢管构件受力性能和设计方法研究的深入,也推动了其他金属管和组合结构管的研究。为适应建筑表现、结构受力以及制造和施工工艺的需求,管节点构造形式丰富,同时,钢管材料的变化和独立的节点元件如铸钢节点的产生,需要持续进行不同类型节点的基本静力性能研究;而对节点变形性能、滞回性能、疲劳性能、抗断裂性能的更加精细化研究,成为节点研究的焦点。钢管结构体系虽然具有杆系结构的共性,但当其应用于装配化结构场合时,适应闭口截面特征的高效连接方式是需要重点研究的课题。  相似文献   

建筑业"十四五"规划出台和"双碳"相关政策推动建筑工业化、大力发展装配式建筑.新建游客服务中心采用模块化装配式钢结构建筑形式,从模数组合选取、构造措施、节点防水、信息化控制技术等方面进行研究和技术攻关.采用工厂装配与现场基础施工信息共享,同步进行,缩短了工期.基于BIM技术和信息共享,模块化钢结构采用工厂化定制和预组装...  相似文献   

对装配式钢结构方钢管柱与梁采用套筒式连接、模块化柱与梁连接、梁柱端板连接、柱与悬臂短梁连接、梁贯通式等连接节点类型的研究进展进行综述,并对上述装配式连接节点的构造特点、连接形式、传力机制、抗震性能和耗能能力等进行了总结。  相似文献   

结合华电土右电厂钢结构间接空冷塔实际工程,对结构体系选择、荷载分析、抗震设计、装配式节点设计方法等进行研究,并通过风洞试验和风致响应分析优化了结构整体性能,通过围护系统子结构的可靠性试验研究解决了铝合金面板及其连接的耐久性问题。提出了针对电厂钢结构间接空冷塔的一种合理的结构体系,并解决了相关的连接构造问题,较好体现了钢结构空冷塔自重轻、抗震性能好、装配速度快及环保节能的特点,工程所采用的结构体系、设计方法及节点连接构造对于类似工程具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Steel‐framed modular buildings afford certain advantages, such as rapid and high‐quality construction. However, although steel‐framed modules have been adopted in several countries, most of them are limited to low‐to‐medium‐rise structures; modular high‐rise buildings are rare. This study proposes a feasible structural design solution for high‐rise buildings using a steel‐framed modular system. A 31‐story student hostel building in Hong Kong is redesigned as a steel‐framed modular building and used as a case study. The finite element models of the building are formulated, and the structural behaviors under wind and earthquake load scenarios are compared. Moreover, the structural design process used for the 31‐story building is applied to design a hypothetical 40‐story modular building to further examine the proposed design solution. The numerical analysis results indicate that the roof lateral displacements and interstory drift ratios of the redesigned modular building are within the allowable limits of design codes; moreover, the modular connections behave elastically under the most adverse loading scenarios. Accordingly, the proposed solution can be used to design steel‐framed modular buildings of up to 40 stories, while complying with relevant wind and seismic codes.  相似文献   

钢梁与SRC柱之梁柱接头耐震试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相对于传统SRC梁接SRC柱的梁柱接头而言,本研究采用钢梁接SRC柱之接头型式,尝试利用SRC柱在劲度与抗压强度之优点,并避开SRC梁在施工上的不便,初步进行了两组大尺寸试体之反复载重试验,以探讨此种型式接头之耐震行为。实验结果显示,由于两组试体之钢梁与钢柱之弯矩强度比并未满足强柱弱梁的规定(但SRC柱整体之抗弯强度仍大于钢梁之强度),因此其反复载重位移曲线并不如满足强柱弱梁的纯钢构接头饱满,而在非弹性阶段出现较明显劲度衰减的现象;但由于SRC柱接头区的混凝土对钢柱提供了良好的围束,使得试体极限强度仍可稳定发展,且两支试体之最大层间变位角均超过5%弧度  相似文献   

In previous studies, the authors have shown that successful modular construction depends on using the correct types of joint connections. In this experimental study, steel beam–column joint connections were shown to be very efficient in facilitating the construction of modular frames while ensuring sufficient flexural moment capacity at the joints to resist lateral loads. This research also included an investigation of the behavior, the crack pattern, and the flexural moment capacity of concrete columns with hybrid composite joints by means of structural experiments on three specimens. Three column specimens were subjected to cyclic loading under displacement control using an oil jack. The influence of including steel sections at the beam–column joint upon the flexural moment capacity of the column was studied, and the use of concrete–steel hybrid composite joints was found to increase the flexural structural performance of the concrete columns. The flexural moment capacity in the maximum load limit state of a concrete column with steel joints was 43.2% greater than that of a conventional reinforced concrete column without steel joints. The steel section in the joint was found to greatly contribute to the flexural moment capacity and to the modular construction technologies.  相似文献   

Concrete filled steel tubes (CFSTs) are composite members that are commonly used in many countries today. CFST components are used in the United States, but they are more common in Asia, in part because the connections used in Asia are quite labor intensive and there are not standard connections in the U.S. In addition, US design specifications are prepared by separate groups for structural steel and reinforced concrete structures and so composite systems that use CFST components are not overseen by a single group and as such there are several conflicting design standards. In the US, steel tubes used for CFST are more slender (i.e., the diameter-to-thickness, D/t, ratio is larger) than some other countries, and labor practices (structural steel labor is different than reinforcing steel labor) also cause potential conflicts in construction. As a result, CFST has had some use in tall building construction in the US, but very limited use in bridge construction. A research program at the University of Washington has been in progress to address many of these issues with an eye towards universal design expressions, simpler, standardized connections and promotion of accelerated bridge construction (ABC). The research has resulted in recent changes to the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) bridge design specification as well as state departments of transportation (DOTs), which supports the increased use of CFST in bridge piers and pile and drilled-shaft foundations. An experimental research study which included 19 CFST pier-to-footing (or pile-cap) connection tests and 8 CFST pier column-to-precast pier cap tests was performed. These connections provide good performance under both seismic and gravity loads and address the concerns of US construction. These connections, their design rules and requirements, and their impact on composite behavior and system performance are discussed. These results permit rapid and economical construction of CFST bridge piers, piles and drilled shaft foundations. They encourage the use of more slender and economical tubes, while achieving the benefits of composite construction.  相似文献   

在钢框架中梁柱弱轴连接同强轴连接一样普遍,其理论分析和设计更为困难,研究其节点的性能具有重要的理论意义和重大的工程应用价值.狗骨式节点是针对传统刚性节点延性不容易保证、容易发生脆性断裂的缺陷提出的一种新型节点.考虑几何、材料和接触3种非线性的ANYSYS有限元软件,对弱轴连接的梁柱狗骨式节点在单向和循环荷载作用下的受力特点及抗震性能进行研究.结果表明:通过对靠近节点处梁翼缘的适当削弱,可以使得在结构刚度和强度降低较小的情况下,节点的延性显著增加;使地震作用下塑性铰偏离脆弱的节点焊缝,出现在具有较大延性的梁端,以充分发挥钢材的塑性性能.  相似文献   

With the recent development of material science, high strength steel (HSS) has become a practical solution for landmark buildings and major projects. The current codes for design of bearing-type bolted connections of steel constructions were established based on the research of conventional steels. Since the mechanical properties of HSS are different from those of conventional steels, more works should be done to develop the appropriate approach for the design of bearing-type bolted connections in HSS. A review of the research carried out on bearing-type bolted connections fabricated from conventional steel and HSS is presented. The up-to-date tests conducted at Tongji University on four connection types fabricated from three grades of HSS with nominal yield strengths of 550, 690, and 890 MPa are presented. The previous research on failure modes, bearing resistance and the design with consideration of bolt hole elongation are summarized. It is found that the behavior of bolted connections in HSS have no drastic difference compared to that of conventional steel connections. Although the ductility is reduced, plastic deformation capacity of HSS is sufficient to ensure the load redistribution between different bolts with normal construction tolerances. It is also found that behavior of each bolt of multi-bolt connections arranged in perpendicular to load direction is almost identical to that of a single-bolt connection with the same end distance. For connections with bolts arranged in parallel to load direction, the deformation capacity of the whole connection depends on the minimum value between the end distance and the spacing distances in load direction. The comparison with existing design codes shows that Eurocode3 and Chinese GB50017-2017 are conservative for the design of bolted connections in HSS while AISC 360-16 may overestimate the bearing resistance of bolted connections.  相似文献   

高韧性钢骨梁柱接头   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钢骨结构一向被认为具有良好的耐震韧性.因此广为使用于世界各地的建筑结构中,高层建筑更是大量采用钢骨结构。但美国北岭(Northridge)地震首次曝露钢骨建筑结构梁柱接头大量破坏之现象,引起各界震惊,甚至造成社会恐慌。日本阪神地震亦发现大量钢骨梁柱接头脆性断裂。由实际发生之地震显示,梁柱接头无论是采用工地焊接或是于工厂内焊接均无法保证其梁端之塑性转角能达到结构抗震之需求,且美式之腹板栓接-翼板焊接之梁柱接头,或日式之工厂焊接-工地栓接之托梁式设计皆已不符现行设计法规之规定。本文除介绍钢骨梁柱接头断裂之原因外.并说明高韧性钢骨梁柱接头的设计原理,此种高韧性接头不仅设计简单施工容易且造价低廉,而其塑性转角更可达4%以上,有助于确保钢骨结构的耐震韧性。  相似文献   

The welded flange-bolted web type moment connections are commonly used in the construction of modern steel buildings. The behavior of this type of connection under service load and seismic load has been studied extensively; however, the knowledge of its performance under fire load is limited. In this paper, the experimental studies of the welded flange-bolted web moment connections under fire loads are presented. Four full-size steel beam-to-column assemblages, with and without fire-proofing materials, were selected to simulate the moment connection commonly used in steel buildings. The fire load was simulated either by a steady state method to reach a fully-developed fire or by a transient state method following the standard temperature-time curve. Parametric studies were also conducted to examine the strength degradation of steel moment connection at elevated temperature. From these studies, it was found that the beam-to-column connection is able to retain its design strength up to 650 °C. However, the stiffness dropped to 25% of the value at ambient temperature. Ductile behaviors were observed on the connections, with necking and tearing at the top flange and local buckling at the bottom flange. It was also found that the stability and integrity of steel connections can be ensured if proper fire-proofing materials were provided.  相似文献   

JGJ 99-98《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》于1998年颁布实施至今已过去10多年,在这期间,人类遭受了多次特大地震灾害,也给土木工程工作者很多启示。这次《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》的修订,参考了国内外研究成果,着重对框架梁柱连接的形式和节点、构件的设计计算方法进行了修订及补充,内容包括:考虑塑性铰外移的加强型连接和骨式连接的构造及计算方法,高强螺栓群连接的设计,梁腹板与箱形柱连接时抗弯设计以及构件连接系数等规定。修订的《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》还补充或修订了高层建筑用钢板、无粘结耗能支撑、钢板剪力墙等抗震技术。参9  相似文献   

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