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由于民用建筑空调用电量峰谷差很大,小型冰蓄冷系统的研究使用取得了很大进展,但是仍存在一个严重的缺点影响它的广泛应用.提出了一种新型的冰蓄冷系统即户式盘管直接蒸发动态冰蓄冷系统,在盘管上加纵向肋片.对蓄冰、脱冰、储冰及融冰取冷工况进行实验研究,对各部分特性的实验数据进行分析并得出重要结论:周期性的蓄冰、脱冰避免了热阻的逐渐增加,致使蒸发温度降低;片状冰具有较大的表面积,热交换性能好,释冷速率高且稳定.本蓄冷系统占地面积小、结构简单紧凑、蓄冷取冷方便,在盘管上加纵向肋片的方法解决了盘管无法脱冰的难题,提高了制冷机组的性能系数和蓄冰率.  相似文献   

结合某办公楼的冰蓄冷系统设计,根据冰蓄冷系统蓄冷和释冷的特点,分析了选用冰蓄冷系统作为空调冷源时,在计算空调负荷时需要关注的几个关键问题和确定设备容量的主要计算方法。为保证冰蓄冷系统的合理运行,分析了系统在不同空调负荷率下的逐时运行策略,由此确定了系统的自动控制模式。采用追加投资回收期的静态法对冰蓄冷系统进行了经济分析。  相似文献   

冰球式冰蓄冷系统是将溶液注入塑胶球内但不充满,预留膨胀空间。将塑料球放入蓄冰罐内,再注入冷水机组制出的低温乙二醇水溶液,使冰球内的溶液冻结起来。融冰时,让从空调负荷端流回的温度较高的乙二醇水溶液通过冰罐内塑胶球将冰球内的冰融化而释冷。结合冰球式蓄冷系统施工案例,详细介绍冰球式蓄冷系统设计与施工。  相似文献   

诸暨百货大楼冰蓄冷空调设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶水泉  麻延 《暖通空调》1998,28(2):65-68
介绍了某百货大楼冰蓄冷空调设计。该大楼为国内首例采用国产蓄冰设备的工程,其所用冰球内有双金属蕊芯,且有融冰速度快,释冷强度大等特点。经实测,冰蓄冷空调系统达到设计要求,系统运行三年来,节约电费约28万元,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

王宏 《建筑科学》2005,21(6):89-94
简述了冰蓄冷空调与常规空调相比的优越性及其运行策略.冰蓄冷空调技术的原理并不复杂,从结构上讲,冰蓄冷空调系统的主要特征是比传统空调多了一套蓄冷设备,而制冷系统及空调箱循环风系统基本上与传统的空调系统是一样的.它主要是利用水的显热或水、冰相变过程的潜热迁移等特性,充分利用电网低谷电开机蓄冷,在电网用电高峰时段释放冷量,以缓和电网峰段电力供需矛盾,达到“移峰填谷”的目的.本文通过对某办公楼冰蓄冷方案与常规空调制冷方案的经济效益比较,阐述冰蓄冷在建筑工程中运用的可行性.  相似文献   

本文研究了直接接触式蓄冷器的蓄冷特性,并建立直接接触式蓄冷器的物理及数学模型,采用热平衡法建立能量守恒方程,利用相变温度为6℃~8℃的有机相变蓄冷介质,利用水为载冷剂,使两者在蓄冷器内直接接触换热进行蓄冷。研究直接接触式蓄冷器的蓄冷剂进口温度与流量、载冷剂进口温度与流量的变化对蓄冷特性影响。结果表明:蓄冷时蓄冷器的总蓄冷量随着蓄冷剂的进口温度的增加而增加,随着载冷剂进口温度的降低而增加,载冷剂的出口温度随着蓄冷剂和载冷剂进口流量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

亚洲基础设施投资银行冰蓄冷系统采用部分负荷冰蓄冷系统,主机采用双工况机组、上游串联的内融冰形式。日间空调工况运行与蓄冰槽联合供冷;蓄冰时段制冰工况运行向蓄冰槽制冰。施工前通过对冰蓄冷系统的校核与优化,向业主提出建议并得到采纳,修改了施工图,圆满地完成了冰蓄冷系统建设。  相似文献   

冰蓄冷空调蓄冰罐特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴喜平 《暖通空调》2001,31(5):55-57
通过对某大厦冰蓄冷空调系统运行情况的测试,详细研究和分析了蓄冰罐在不同流量下的蓄冰和放冷特性以及在放冷工况时,蓄冰罐进口温度对出口温度和放冷量的影响。  相似文献   

工程简介 国家电力调度中心空调工程冷源采用冰蓄冷供冷与制冷机直接供冷冻水相结合方式,制冷制冰主机采用约克公司双工况螺杆式冷水机组,蓄冰设备采用BAC公司钢盘管式整装蓄冰槽,蓄冰量7120冷吨。 该工程是集低温送风、冰蓄冷、变风量等新技术为一体的高新空调技术的范例工程。它标志着我国空调行业在新技术应用方面已有了长足的进步。 冰蓄冷系统运行结果分析:蓄冰率达到97%(实际6594RTh/设计6800RTh=97%);融冰情况:实际达到93%以上(实测数据显示最小余冰量为428RTh,融冰率93.7%)。  相似文献   

马昌 《暖通空调》1996,26(3):9-12
指出影响冰蓄冷经济性的主要因素包括蓄冷量比例、蓄冰装置的形式、供水和送风温度等,提供了几个经济性比较方案,认为在冰蓄冷空调系统设计中应注意合理确定蓄冷比例,尽量采用低温送风,保证合理和高精度的控制管理。建议加强宣传和政策引导,通过工程实例和产品开发等手段促进冰蓄冷空调的应用。  相似文献   

介绍了该工程的基本情况。为降低运行费用、提高空调舒适度,工程采用冰蓄冷、大温差供水的低温变风量系统加独立的新风系统。采用冰蓄冷系统充分利用峰谷电价差,可节省系统的运行费用;采用低温变风量系统可以减少末端设备的送风量,减小管道尺寸,降低输送能耗,同时由于低温送风降低了室内空气相对湿度,使环境舒适度得以改善。  相似文献   

冰浆生成技术研究进展及实验初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冰浆蓄冷技术能有效地对电力“移峰填谷”及平衡电网负荷,是目前蓄冷和动态制冰领域的最新发展方向。冰浆制取方式是冰浆蓄冷技术研究的关键课题,研究目的在于实现冰浆作为通用的低温冷媒,获得高效的间接制冷方式。本文分析了冰浆生成技术的发展现状,并建立了基于过冷法的冰浆实验制取装置,其中过冷却器采取低温冷媒间接冷却方式,用电加热器处理冰堵问题。  相似文献   

Ice storage system can be used to shift electrical load from on-peak hours to off-peak hours, which can bring mutual benefits to power supplier and consumers. But if it does not operate properly the economic benefit will not be achieved. There is an ice storage system with flake ice maker that have been installed in Donghua University. In this paper, the characteristics of phase-change heat transfer of flake ice maker is studied. According to the different temperature of water washing the plate of evaporator and air conditioning load characteristic, the operation parameters are optimized. The optimized operation strategy of this ice storage system is presented according to its heat transfer characteristic.  相似文献   

直接接触式冰蓄冷试验台的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章学来  李瑞阳  郁鸿凌  卢家才 《暖通空调》2002,32(4):113-115,121
研制了一个直接接触式冰蓄冷试验台,介绍了试验台的结构,控制和数据采集系统。试验表明,该试验台测试系统精度高,达到了试验要求,水分离装置操作简单,分离效果好;喷头结构合理,不会产生堵塞。  相似文献   

This paper treats energy and cost performance of a cooling source system with indirect seawater utilization for air conditioning in a commercial complex. Seawater utilization has merits as a cooling source, because seawater temperature is lower than outdoor air in summer and it is cost effective because there is no water monetary cost. Actual operating data has been measured for about 2 years and the chiller and system co-efficient of performance (COP) have indicated about 4.77 and 2.93, respectively, even in summer season and the mean efficiency of the thermal storage system was about 89.9% taking into account heat loss of pumps. In addition, we have constructed simulation models for cooling tower systems, air cooling chiller systems and direct seawater utilization systems then compared them to this system. The electric power consumption of the indirect seawater utilization system was almost the same as the other systems except the air cooling chiller system, because using lower seawater temperature made the chiller efficiency higher. In conclusion, our results showed the indirect seawater utilization system was able to improve the system COP compared to air cooling chiller system, and cancel water consumption compared with the cooling tower system, and cut down an initial and maintenance costs compared with the direct seawater utilization system.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary methodology is proposed for analyzing opportunities to use existing boreholes and an open-loop groundwater heat pump to provide summer cooling needs for large university buildings in Turin (NW Italy). The approach starts from a model of the buildings to determine the time profile of the cooling load. This curve is then coupled with a model of the off-design behaviour of the heat pump, which allows calculation of its energy performance (coefficient of performance, electricity consumption, etc.) as well as profiles of water discharge to the aquifer in terms of mass flow rate and temperature.Covering the peak energy needs of the buildings requires a variable amount of groundwater during the day. This could be provided varying the withdrawals from the aquifer but, as possible alternatives, two storage system solutions are examined: (1) chilled water storage and (2) groundwater storage. Simulations show that in both cases the use of storage systems produces environmental advantages, as the extent of the thermal plume reduces significantly. Moreover, chilled water storage presents a benefit in terms of reduced total primary energy consumption. The additional costs incurred by storage systems could necessitate public funding as well as system optimization.  相似文献   

空调用纳米复合材料相变蓄冷特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对比和分析了水蓄冷、冰蓄冷、共晶盐蓄冷及气体水合物蓄冷技术的优缺点,提出在常规空调中采用纳米复合材料相变蓄冷技术,并对其相变温度和过冷度进行了实验研究。结果表明添加纳米TiO2可减少相变蓄冷介质的过冷度。  相似文献   

Four existing cool storage systems for air conditioning, chilled water storage, ice storage, phase change material cool storage and high temperature water cool storage, are evaluated and compared in multi-criteria. Due to the availability and uncertainty of qualitative criteria, this paper presents a fuzzy multi-criteria model to select the optimal cool storage system. In the evaluation process, the optimal weighting method combines the subjectivity of decision-maker and the objectivity of numerical data to obtain the comprehensive weights of criteria and avoids the subjective one-sidedness of weights. The fuzzy multi-criteria model applied to select the best cool storage system in detail demonstrates the evaluation process and its applicability in selecting an optimal system. The evaluation results indicate that ratio of cooling density and ratio of cooling capacity are the most important factors in cool storage systems, and ice cool storage system is the optimal option.  相似文献   

The effects of cooling water discharge from one small thermal power plant on the physical and chemical properties of the water in a natural closed pond in central Finland were studied over a 2 year period. The principal changes in the pond caused by the warm water discharge into the surface water layer were (1) a shortened duration of winter ice cover (ice cover only during short periods from December to March) and (2) the early and prolonged chemical and thermal stratification of the pond water (April–October). This prolonged stratification resulted in a strong hypolimnetic oxygen depletion along with other consequences associated with anoxic bottom waters. Increased phytoplankton growth was evident in February causing a rapid decrease in silica, phosphate and total phosphorus concentrations. The depth of euphotic layer decreased rapidly from 4 to 1 m following early ice-out as the phytoplankton and rotifer densities increased.  相似文献   

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