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Landscapes, tourism, and conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One key aspect of global change is a decrease in ecological integrity as more and more landscapes are developed, leaving a mosaic of intact refuges and degraded patches that may not be sufficient for conserving biodiversity. While increases in human population and shifts in the distribution of people affect land use, the temporary movement of people can have major implications for conservation and biodiversity. Three examples are presented where recreation/tourism can enhance the conservation of land on a landscape scale, leading to habitat protection and biodiversity preservation: (1) Shorebirds often require a matrix of different habitat types during migratory stopovers, and ecotourism can serve as a catalyst for landscape scale protection of habitat. (2) Riparian habitats can serve as corridors to link diverse habitat patches, as well as serving as biodiversity hotspots. (3) Remediation and rehabilitation of contaminated lands, such as those of the US Department of Energy, aimed at developing recreational activities on the uncontaminated portions, can be the most economical form of re-development with no increase in human or ecological risk. Since large areas on many DOE sites have been undisturbed since the Second World War, when they were acquired, they contain unique or valuable ecosystems that serve an important role within their regional landscapes. In all three cases the judicious development of recreational/tourist interests can encourage both the conservation of habitats and the wise management of habitats on a landscape scale. While some species or habitats are too fragile for sustained tourism, many can be managed so that species, ecosystems and ecotourists flourish. By contributing to the economic base of regions, ecotourists/recreationists can influence the protection of land and biodiversity on a landscape scale, contributing to ecosystem management. The human dimensions of land preservation and biodiversity protection are key to long-term sustainability, and ecotourists/recreationists can be one management option.  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that flood disturbance has important consequences for the biodiversity of riparian zones and that inundation allows nutrients and organic matter to be exchanged and recycled between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Previous research has focused on the impacts of dams on riparian biodiversity, with little consideration given to the impacts of flood defences. The current study investigated the extent to which the presence and age of flood defences controls riparian plant richness and abundance. Sites without flood defences were found to have significantly higher species richness and abundance. In contrast, flood defence age was found to have little impact although turnover was high between sites with old and new defences. Flood management should therefore focus on more sustainable options that work with natural processes where possible, such as washlands.  相似文献   

Residents in western American states are expressing a growing interest in wildlife-oriented recreation in the urbanized environment. Unfortunately, present development practices which convert rural land to urban use, often under the guidance of landscape architects and planners, have caused the displacement of many wildlife species. Vegetation management in urban areas has produced equally detrimental effects on urban wildlife. The net result has been a decline in overall urban wildlife species diversity.Landscape architects, planners, urban foresters and others involved in land conversion and vegetation management have a tremendous opportunity to improve the quality of urban wildlife habitat and to benefit the growing number of urban wildlife enthusiasts. However, to do so the planning and design pofessions must appreciate the value of urban wildlife, become aware of wildlife welfare needs and incorporate wildlife as a significant factor in the design process.General wildlife welfare needs are discussed and recommendations regarding ways to integrate wildlife as a factor in traditional planning and management decision making processes are presented. Specific recommendations for wildlife habitat preservation, enhancement and rehabilitation are provided.  相似文献   

在全球生物多样性保护面临挑战的今天,城市公园绿地作为城市栖息地的重要载体,其生物多样性保护功能越来越受到关注。以2019北京世界园艺博览会自然生态展示区景观工程的设计与实践经验为例,基于国内外城市栖息地研究成果与实践方法,总结提出了以城市公园绿地为主的城市栖息地的营建路径,并针对该项目开展过程中影响绿地提升生物多样性功能的4个环节进行重点阐述,包括生态本底与景观功能评估、空间布局设计、分区生境优化、施工与养护管理等,以期为同类型项目的设计工作提供参考。  相似文献   

小有天园选址于西子湖畔之南屏山麓,其园林营建与造园基址和外部环境有着极大的关联性。以小有天园的布局结构为研究切入点,结合文献、界画及已有复原成果,深入理解园林布局和视景营造,并探析基于此空间环境的景境氛围特征,得出以下结论:园林布局依山就势,园林和外部环境之间具有较高的流动性;景观视线组织以借景为目的,极大程度扩展了园林的视觉空间;景致营造利用基址现状,稍做经营,使景观富有层次;景境氛围体现出山林环境的影响。通过对小有天园的营造研究,以期完善自然山水园的营建理论,凸显杭州私家园林营造的地域特色,并为现代园林设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

人类的福祉有赖于自然生态系统所提供的大量的生态系统服务。为此欧盟已经建立了一个名为"自然2000"的大型生态保护区网络;然而,在经历了一段时期的城市扩张和土地使用的集约化后,欧洲的生物多样性已经迅速减少,大多数物种和栖息地的利益仍未处于一个良好的保护状态。在过去的几十年里,可持续旅游概念的提出和以自然为取向的自然型旅游业的出现,作为一项重要的生态系统服务,为保护自然环境和发展当地经济提供了大量的支持。并且这些支持的大部分已经集中投入在了保护区域,但是要看到,在这里我们是假设以自然为取向的旅游业对于尚未被正式保护的荒野环境而言,是一项具有高潜力的保护策略和可持续发展的基础。尤其是在具有多种且相互竞争用途的景观中,它能在自然修复、生物多样性保护和人类活动之间取得一种保证。为了验证这一假设,以位于阿尔加维地区(欧洲西南部)一处与沼泽地带相连的湿地作为研究案例。该案例研究涉及一处重要的但还未处于任何正式保护状态的滨海野生环境,并且20世纪末,在此环境中,几项限制条件促进了创造性的管理模式。描述了在21世纪初,设计并执行一项以自然为取向的旅游设施的过程。这一研究成果以景观生态学的概念框架以及一处涉及修复和保护的环境为支撑。同时文章还探讨了这种基于自然的旅游设施在促进可持续管理和自然保护策略方面的潜在意义。  相似文献   

Utilization of indigenous vegetation as parts of the urban landscape is still a problematic matter in decision making and planning. On one hand, there are many activities in cities and towns aimed at providing more green areas. On the other hand, there is an increasing destruction of indigenous vegetation, not only for building purposes, but also partly by extreme maintenance of urban open spaces and an increasing number of recreation activities. Despite there is a considerable amount of scientific knowledge on indigenous plants in urban and sub-urban areas, the use of this knowledge is still low. The socio-economic knowledge about such vegetation (acceptance, utilization, economic value, etc.) is mostly non-existent in many regions.The indigenous vegetation has to become an important aspect of urban biodiversity as well as part of the living space of the urban dwellers. This links two important subjects: the specific nature of the original biomes in which the urban region is situated, and the cultural aspect of acceptance of various kinds of nature. The nature preservation strategies, especially of Central European cities, show a lack of willingness to preserve indigenous vegetation sites. But there are instruments of planning and methods which allow better preservation of these areas.Furthermore, it must be determined whether it is possible to reduce the human impact on open spaces by reintroducing indigenous vegetation, and under what circumstances this works. The cost reduction of maintenance of urban green areas is seen as one major factor linking to this target. Human acceptance is still an uncertam factor which has to be investigated and will, in the long term, be improved by education and evaluated under different cultural and social aspects.The management of the classical conflict between pure species or habitat preservation in open urban spaces of untouched nature and the high pressure of recreation on the same sites, is explained by example. An important question follows: will it be possible to establish “new” indigenous nature in the urban and sub-urban spaces?  相似文献   

城市化对生物多样性的影响与调控对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性是生态系统服务的基础,是人类社会赖以生存的保障。城市化过程带来了一系列城市人口、资源和生态环境问题,对城市生物多样性造成了巨大的冲击,已严重制约了城市的可持续发展。加强城市生物多样性研究,对于维护城市生态健康和区域生态安全、促进城市可持续发展具有重大意义。分析了城市生物多样性当前主要存在生物数量减少、物种特化、结构简化、功能退化等几方面问题。其原因主要有城市化导致的景观破碎、城市生态环境的恶化、人类活动对城市生物的干扰、不当的管理措施等。在此基础上,从基础研究、规划、设计、修复和管理等方面提出了城市生物多样性保护和调控对策,可为今后城市生物多样性保护和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

频繁发生的自然灾害和对生态系统的人为破坏正在引发不可逆转的动植物灭绝危机,保护和提升城市生物多样性被认为是当下城市规划设计,尤其是景观设计重要且紧迫的工作。如何在具体的景观设计项目中实现城市生物多样性保护仍缺乏一个可操作的整体思路与设计模式。为此,通过对景观设计经典框架的综述与优化,将设计主导、跨学科分工合作、生物多样性保护实施,以及评估与监测的全过程融入景观设计框架之中,综合形成城市生物多样性保护型设计的五大原则,并通过剖析经典案例印证了此框架的合理性与实操性,以期为保护并提升城市景观中的生物多样性提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Natural links: naturalistic golf courses as wildlife habitat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Worldwide, there are over 25,000 golf courses. In the United States, there are approximately 15,000, with developers building about 350 new courses each year. Japan, Taiwan, China, and other countries are experiencing a similar golf boom. Some developers regard golf course development as one of the fastest growing types of land development in the world. Typically considered by ecologists to be an environmental problem, scientists are now reexamining golf courses to assess their potential to be wildlife habitat. Can naturalistic courses (those with substantial amounts of native wildlife habitat) actually benefit wildlife populations, especially birds, and still be attractive to golfers? My ecological research with a well-known naturalized links-style golf course in Kansas suggests that a naturalistic golf course can support significant numbers of birds, including many threatened species. When compared to a nearby natural area, the golf course equaled the natural area in total bird species richness but not in the relative abundance of specific kinds of birds. Naturalistic golf courses, while not natural areas, can complement biological reserves, military reservations, greenbelts, parks, farms, backyards and other units of the regional habitat mosaic. The large amount of habitat on naturalistic courses also reduces water runoff, irrigation, and chemical inputs. Furthermore, raising the profile of naturally landscaped golf courses can engage thousands of additional people in wildlife habitat preservation issues. Naturalistic courses are growing in popularity and the golfing community is responsive to aesthetic and environmental concerns. With the involvement of ecologists, this burgeoning interest in natural habitats on golf courses may significantly increase the amount of wildlife habitat, especially if designers build these kinds of courses in urban areas and on degraded landscapes such as landfills, quarries, and eroded lands.  相似文献   

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