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绿道在中国的发展源远流长,源予西周时的“周道”,对中国城市建设起到重要作用。近年来珠三角、长三角地区在城市绿道、省内绿道及区域绿道三个不同层面的绿道建设实践成果明娃。审视了绿道的社会意义,通过对绿道建设带来的社会价值观、生活观、幸福感和安全感转变的研究,从而提出了绿道在中国的7大发展策略:文化为基础、生态为条件、人性为根本、总体布线、多点启动、并网贯通、立法保护。  相似文献   

The use of the concept of greenway can be identified in Portugal throughout the 20th century as a planning and design tool. Several examples, such as the ‘Improvement Plans for Lisbon’ by Ressano Garcia (1901), the continuum naturale concept [Cabral, F.C., 1980. O Continuum Naturale e a Conservação da Natureza. Conservação da Natureza. Serviço de Estudos do Ambiente, Lisbon; Andresen, T., 2001. Francisco Caldeira Cabral. Landscape Design Trust, Surrey, UK, 213 pp.], the Green Plan for Lisbon [Telles, G.R., et al., 1997. Plano Verde de Lisboa. Ed. Colibri, Lisboa, 197 pp.], deal with the subjects of implementing vegetation corridors, pedestrian networks and landscape quality. These examples establish Portuguese planning and design tradition within the international greenway movement first identified by Fabos [Fabos, J.Gy., 1991. From Park to Greenways into the 21st Century. In: Proceedings from Selected Educational Sessions, ASLA Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri]. Though several projects have been developed at the planning level, there is a need to analyze the applicability of such a concept at the regional, municipal and local level. We must consider the characteristics of Portugal's cultural landscape, recognition by other professions dealing with planning and involvement by politicians. By analyzing five case studies, this paper shows the significance of the greenway as a planning and design strategy, which coincides, with the current objectives of political and planning authorities at the municipal level. It also proves that it is possible to reconcile political objectives and urban development while safeguarding landscape quality and providing new opportunities for public recreation and education. Greenway planning and design is now undoubtedly a subject of growing significance in Portugal.  相似文献   

通过对绿道发展历史的研究,可以看出绿道内涵的拓展和功能的多样性对其蓬勃发展的重要性。对广东绿道兴起原因的深入分析,揭示出广东绿道具有“多目标,多功能和多样性”的三个特点。这三个特点使得广东绿道的功能和形式都多姿多彩,从而受到社会各界的欢迎。最后,文章通过对绿道给城市发展理念,宜居建设和生态保护带来的变化来分析绿道创新对广东城市发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

绿道是一种具有生态、娱乐、文化、审美等多种功能,可持续发展的绿色线性开敞公共活动空间网络。结合城市发展目标,本文研究了上海市绿道的功能定位,以游憩、交通、生态等功能为主,兼具文化保护功能。绿道网络规划思路依据分区特点采用差异化规划策略,以资源布局为引导要素进行路径识别,利用“反规划”途径选择绿道线路。根据功能定位、资源布局特点以及需求特征,绿道分为区域、市级、社区三级和生态型、滨水型、保护型和交通型4类,并且结合不同的分区特点,研究各分区内绿道适宜的网络模式。  相似文献   

Greenways planning in Italy: the Lambro River Valley Greenways System   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The greenways movement in Europe developed differently to its counterpart in the USA, influenced by geographical, economic and cultural differences as well as differences in social and urban development.Europe has seen a discontinuous and fragmented process, diversified in the various countries. The explosion of the greenway concept in Europe is a very recent phenomenon: the European Greenways Association and the Italian Greenways Association both date back only as far as 1998. Clearly, before this date the European countries did see a degree of activity both cultural and operational, but it is equally clear that there was a lack of commonality. Specifically, greenway planning in Italy while on the one hand work has been underway on green trails for many years, on the other there is a clear lack of methodology that allows for the planning of a broader network.This paper has two objectives; firstly to define a methodology useful for greenways planning in Italy at regional level, and secondly, to demonstrate the application of this methodology to a case study.The methodology adopted derives from an approach to planning inspired principally by the work of Ian McHarg and Julius Fabos and already applied by the authors to protected areas in Italy. The methodology is structured in four phases: analysis of the landscape resources, the existing green trail and historical route networks; assessment of each element; composite assessment; and definition of the Greenways Plan.A case study for the Lambro River Valley Park is used to illustrate the methodology proposed. The park comprises the municipalities situated along the Lambro River to the north of Milan. This is densely inhabited land and features multiple human activities located within a context conserving residual elements of naturalistic, landscape and historical–cultural interest. The application of the methodology to the Lambro River Valley Park allowed the development of a greenways network incorporating the existing network of green trails: 80% of the network is, in fact, already in place. The methodology also proved to be useful in the definition of a network dedicated to non-motorized traffic capable of connecting the numerous urban centres with the many resources present in the area.  相似文献   

欧洲绿道建设的理论与实践   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
与北美相比,欧洲的绿道建设具有很多自身的特点。总结了欧洲绿道的理念缘起、内涵以及理论与实践的发展历程,着重分析了其绿道规划的生态稳定性原则。欧洲在大型的区域性绿道生态网络与中小型城市和社区层面的综合性绿道建设方面均有相当多的探索性实践,列出了欧洲主要的大型绿道网络项目的情况,而对于中小型综合性绿道,则以伦敦东南绿链为例作了重点介绍。最后对欧洲绿道的发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

Greenways and the making of urban form   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One aspect of greenways which is exciting popular interest in the US is the durability of nineteenth-century parkways and park systems to stitch together fragmenting cities and urbanizing areas. What the Olmsteds, Cleveland, Eliot and Kessler achieved in their regional open-space plans can be the model for a new version of Howard's ‘town/country’ in which greenways/ greenbelts/greenspaces together make a comprehensive ‘green’ infrastructure.Some of the literature and the highlights of historic greenway planning and design in the US are reviewed. Their adaptation to current projects is illustrated through a series of case studies of gradually increasing scale—villages, towns, cities and regions. Such common strategies as ‘green’ streets, parks and playgrounds structuring walkable neighborhoods, intra-neighborhood parkways connecting town/city districts, and regional park systems protecting natural areas for recreation/conservation still confer similar social, economic and environmental benefits. Whether Pedestrian Pockets or Co-housing, expanding historic settlements or preserving the countryside, planning new ‘urban villages’ or neo-traditional towns, greenways can be powerful makers and shapers of urban form at both macro- and micro-scales.  相似文献   

基于绿道理念的合肥环城公园规划浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱慧 《建筑与文化》2016,(3):166-167
从绿道产生至今,其含义已从单纯意义上的林荫大道演变成多功能、多价值的绿地系统。而基于绿道理念的环城公园体系对于城市的持续健康发展有着更为深远的意义。本文首先对绿道及环城公园的相关理论研究进行归纳梳理,并选取伦敦绿链、珠三角绿道等具有代表性的国内外绿道实践案例进行分析,总结绿道理念对环城公园规划的影响,指出将绿道与环城公园进行有机结合的意义。通过对合肥环城公园实地调研,分析其中发展现状、优势景观资源以及存在的问题。最后,在绿道理念的指导下,提出合肥环城绿道改进和完善的可行性建议。  相似文献   

在规划绿道之前,设计师需要从优秀的规划师前辈学习成功经验并吸取失败的教训,并需要制定明确的策略、采取适宜的手法,思考联系人与绿色空间的创新方法。绿道通过演绎重要文化特征、保护和改善生态功能以及为社区居民提供休闲娱乐,来体现场所的本质。回顾早期绿道规划者的一些重要经验,概述绿道规划的4个关键策略原则,强调新荚格兰绿道网络规划中提出的多功能规划方法,着眼于一些在美圈逐渐发展成熟的创新型绿道。一个稳固的绿道是多用途的,使人愉悦并结合生态功能。  相似文献   

绿色通道及其规划原则   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
孟亚凡 《中国园林》2004,20(5):14-18
绿色通道作为一个重要的概念,在保护生态学、城市规划及景观设计学等诸多领域广泛应用.明确了绿色通道的定义、分类、功能及其理论背景,从人-自然关系的视角回顾了绿色通道规划的发展历史,从尺度、目标、构成、网络结构及横向协调等5个方面对绿色通道的规划提出了比较详细的一般性指导原则,将生态、休闲、文化等诸多功能的要求都包含其中,反映了绿色通道研究的最新趋势.  相似文献   

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