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在企业的外部环境知识化、网络化、全球化发展的推动下,企业的组织结构正朝着扁平化、分权化发展。针对这一发展趋势,提出企业应该不同程度地实行分权化管理;定义了分权化管理的三个阶段,并重点分析了影响分权的各类因素。  相似文献   

近年来,西方各国高等教育管理模式改革中出现了均权化的趋势,分权制国家逐步加强了中央的权限,集权制国家逐步加强民主,给地方高等学校更多的自主权。高等教育管理均权化使中央、地方、高等学校都有适当的权限,既能发挥中央的宏观管理作用,又能发挥地方及高等学校办学的积极性和创造性。但是,问题的关键是如何实现中央集权、地方适当分权中央应集哪些权,地方应分哪些权怎样才能做到科学的均权高等教育管理均权化是否就是二者平分秋色。  相似文献   

在企业的外部环境知识化,网络化,全球化发展的推动下,企业的组织结构正朝着扁平化,分权化发展。针对这一发展趋势,提出企业应该不同程度地实行分权化管理;定义了分权化管理的三个阶段,并重点分析了影响分权的各类因素。  相似文献   

杨月坤 《中国建材》2006,(11):95-98
授权与分权是现代组织中权力分散的两条基本途径,两者既相互区别又相互联系。分权是一条组织工作原则,授权是一门领导艺术。在新的历史时期,面对复杂多变、竞争激励的外部环境,组织内部决策的复杂性和时效性已空前提高,此时,作为管理组织的领导者,已不可能事必躬亲、事无巨细,必须正确地认识授权的重要性、掌握授权的艺术。敢于授权又善于授权已成为现代领导活动的重要特征及目标追求。在现代组织中,权力的分散一般可以通过两条基本途径来实现:一是组织层级化设计中的分权(即制度分权);二是作为管理组织的领导者在工作过程中的授权。尽管授…  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体系的建立和发展,我国基本建设管理模式发生了很大变化。从投资渠道的多源化、投资主体的多元化、投资方式的多样化、投资决策的分权化到实行项目招投标制、项目法施工、项目法人责任制、建设监理制、工程合同管理制等,这些都有力地促进了建筑市场的健康发展。本文分析了我国建筑工程造价管理中存在的问题,并提出加强建筑工程造价管理的措施。  相似文献   

中国都市区发展及治理的实践中,政府间分权和市场性分权是两种主流的模式,前者是内部各级政府间的权力变动及其对空间关系的改变与重置,后者是公司与社会力量的介入对都市区治理结构与模式的改变。以新乡和汕头两市为两种模式典型案例,分析分权化过程及阶段性特征对于城市空间规划与治理的主体、动力、功能、结构和趋向所产生的影响,并尝试探寻分权化和都市区空间规划与治理之间的作用机制与关系。  相似文献   

中国当前的行政区划改革及其机制   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
罗震东 《城市规划》2005,29(8):29-35
分权化改革推动了中国地方行政区划的变革,撤县(市)设区与扩权强县成为当前中国行政区划实践的两个主要方向。在分析这两种实践方向的特征与理论依据的基础上,对其在中国当前政治经济背景下的演化机制进行了深入探究。  相似文献   

学术分权和学术集权是大学学术管理中一个矛盾的对立统一体,二之间的适度状态最有利于大学学术的发展,但如何做到适度?这需要在二之间建立适当的调节机制,由于受多种因素的影响,因而不存在普遍适用的调节机制。本主要对法德两国,英国,美国,日本等几种学术分权与学术集权的调节机制进行了比较分析,并得出一些对我国大学学术管理改革有益的启示。  相似文献   

财政分权机制下公共产品和服务的提供必然导致地方政府债务风险形成,本文通过建立四维度12个指标的政府债务风险评估体系,对浙江省X市政府债务风险进行了评估,进一步从举债权限、规模控制、风险预警和监管角度探析构建地方政府债务管理框架,提出优化政府机构,考核机制;深化财税改革,完善投融资机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

薛晓东 《绿色环保建材》2020,(2):198-198,201
随着社会的发展,科技的进步,我国加快推行"代建制"成为政府投资工程实施的方式。政府采用"代建制"的投资工程方式能够提升和加强政府投资工程的管理水平,保证政府投资的使用效益。本文针对"代建制"在改革实践引发争论的基础之上将分权论和授权论两种不同的代建制理论进行了讨论。根据政府投资工程传统实施方式的问题进行分析,阐述了传统实施方式的改革实际上是解决专业化和多重委托代理这两大困难。基于此,以下针对我国上海、北京、深圳、厦门改革实例做出了评论分析,通过分析工程总承包项目管理和代建制之间的相同和不同之处。以国际建筑市场的视角出发,对我国代建制进行深入的研究。  相似文献   

现代意义的建筑遗产保护已经跨越了一个多世纪的历史,这期间,建筑遗产的概念、价值认知和保护理论都有很大发展。本文梳理和归纳了建筑遗产各方面的价值表现,着重论述了建筑遗产保护的十项重要原则以及由它们构成的原则体系。  相似文献   

该文简述了世界遗产保护从欧美启蒙,到遗产保护国际化,最后到世界遗产保护体制的建立和发展历程。对世界遗产保护在保护组织与登录流程、保护理念与保护方法、保护内容与遗产类型、文化旅游与展示利用等方面的发展和成果做了全面的梳理总结,并对世界遗产保护组织体系、世界遗产登录流程和现行世界遗产保护类型体系进行了初步构建。  相似文献   

Economists have opined that decentralization of governance promotes growth and development. The governance and development discourse continues to embrace citizen participation as a fundamental mechanism for building local capacity towards poverty reduction and socio-economic interface. The decentralization process – as well as the process of planning, in particular – has brought about dramatic changes in the context of central and local-level relationships, which in turn have generated a tremendous impact on local-level planning and development. The planning process has been continuously changing over different period of time since the independence of India. This paper attempts to analyse the planning decentralization and change in planning processes. The decentralization of planning results in the grass-root-level development with active as well as democratic participation of people in the planning process of local governments. The paper provides a generalized model for achieving development from grass-root level through an integrated plan which in combination will result in development at bigger spatial unit, popularly known as bottom-up planning.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the effects of national development and decentralization policies on the regional income disparity in Korea. It also attempted to test whether there was a structural change in the causal relationship between income inequality and its determinant factors. This study found that the degree of variation in regional incomes was positively correlated with the spatial distribution of decentralization instruments such as educational services, employment, infrastructure facilities, and information network variables. The effects of some decentralization policies on regional income inequality were fully realized within a period of three years. Finally, the impacts of the spatial decentralization of public goods on regional inequality fluctuated until the early 1980s but were stabilized as industrial restructuring and spatial reorganization progressed during the 1990s. Received: December 2001/Accepted: June 2002  相似文献   

Over time roads and their surroundings gained historic and cultural significance. This significance is oftentimes acknowledged and numerous roads and road infrastructure objects with their surrounding environment are listed and protected. Notwithstanding this, it is necessary to note that the ways in which roads, their surrounding environment, and adjacent objects can manifest heritage values, can be complex, and are not limited to historic roads or historic road landscapes. Different categories of these ways can be distinguished: road landscape can be recognized as cultural heritage, cultural heritage objects functionally related or unrelated to the road can exist in its surrounding environment, and roads can also be treated as cultural heritage objects in landscape. Understanding the dimensions of the cultural heritage of roads and road landscapes and analysing its values can be important not only to the environmental, technological, and cultural history, but also to the future-oriented heritage management and territorial planning fields. The article is aimed to present a framework for analysing the cultural heritage of the automobile roads and road landscapes consisting of the system for its classification and of identification of factors determining its cultural value and the categories of economic value it can provide. Assessment possibilities of these values are also shortly discussed.  相似文献   

杨静  成玉宁   《风景园林》2019,26(10):113-118
遗址公园作为遗址保护、展示教育与考古研究的有效途径,在世界范围内得以广泛推广与发展。意大利在文化遗产保护领域走在世界前列,其完备的法律保护制度、成熟的遗产保护理念和文物保护技术都有一定的借鉴意义。以罗马图拉真遗址公园为例,通过对其历史沿革的梳理,从遗址的空间结构和历史时序性上解读遗址时空特性,探讨其在坚持遗址原真性的基础上,如何从遗址保护理念、规划设计策略和实施技术路径3个层面对遗址进行保护与阐释,旨在解析意大利在遗址公园规划设计中的理念与方法,探讨其对于遗址公园建设实践的价值。  相似文献   

北京传统中轴线遗产区园林绿地是中轴线的重要组 成,与城市空间和建筑空间共同构成中轴线的遗产本体。中轴线 园林绿地是北京老城历史累积叠加形成的具有生命的历史文化遗 产,对北京传统中轴线申遗具有重要价值。通过研究传统中轴线 遗产区园林绿地的发展历程,厘清了不同时期园林绿地在有形要 素“位置与格局”“建筑与景观”和无形要素“功能与传统”三 方面的发展情况,进而分析得出中轴线园林绿地的五大历史遗产 价值。结合中轴园林绿地的历史遗产价值和保护现状,提出传统 中轴线遗产区园林绿地保护和管理的相关建议。  相似文献   

This article investigates the discursive powers that authorise and legitimise heritage practices in Ystad, which has a reputation as one of the best preserved medieval towns in Scandinavia. To maintain this reputation, the discursive and material heritage of certain groups and periods of history are projected at the expense of others, albeit in a legitimised manner. Methods of discursive analysis, supported by Smith’s ‘authorised heritage discourse’ and Harvey’s ‘heritageisation’, show that a static approach to heritage, assimilative and exclusionary in nature, has protected Ystad’s material heritage. This approach has never been challenged but is perpetually adjusted within frameworks of dominant and subversive ideologies, producing adverse and overlooked social and spatial consequences. Heritage practices need new perspectives on entrenched habits of thought and new trajectories within the political dynamics of planning strategies, both of which are often unrecognised by the means commonly used to measure the legitimation of intervention in heritage.  相似文献   

遗产保护的概念在法国雷恩市的发展实践中得到了两方面的扩展,一方面以宏观的视角将城市区域作为整体的空间遗产,另一方面以历史的视角融合了传统遗产与当代的建设。在此基础上,遗产保护政策与交通、住房、公共设施和公共空间等城市空间政策有效融合,促进了雷恩城市的快速发展。当前,遗产保护更进一步在城市可持续发展的四项战略对策中,即城市发展的公共控制、城市发展的平衡控制、城市中心的崭新形象和城市公民的信息沟通方面,都发挥了深远的影响。总体上,遗产保护成为了平衡各项城市空间政策、实现城市可持续发展战略框架的核心工具。  相似文献   

In discussions on how to handle local heritage values, local values or insider-ness are often seen as synonymous with intangible aspects of heritage. At the same time, expert knowledge is usually associated with material objects, whereby experts have had the power to define what to preserve. In this study of three Norwegian towns, complementary and interdisciplinary methods have been used to address the relationship between personal and official perspectives on cultural heritage values and their tangible and intangible aspects. Results from interviews asking people to describe places they value in the area in which they live have been compared with results from a study of the official heritage plans in three selected towns. The study shows that a gap has unintentionally been constructed in the understanding of cultural heritage. To bridge the gap additional methods for documentation of cultural heritage and their contexts have to be developed. Experiments with various forms of active user participation are one way to introduce new additional approaches and thereby create local engagement and awareness of the role cultural heritage can play.  相似文献   

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