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创新环境是衡量大学科技园创新能力和发展水平的重要维度。大学科技园创新环境的主要构成因素包括区域基础环境、区域制度环境、区域文化环境、园区创新环境、园区依托环境。运用层次分析法对大学科技园创新环境评价体系进行了初步构建并运用该指标体系对以北京地区的国家大学科技园进行了评价,评价结果显示,北京地区大学科技园创新环境的总体情况还存在较大的改善空间,需要通过政府、大学、园区以及园区企业的共同努力,从根本上改善大学科技园的创新环境。  相似文献   

创新型企业创新项目的重大环境风险具备"机遇性"的特征,能否有效识别、评估、利用创新项目重大环境风险的机遇,是创新项目能否成功、企业持续创新能否实现的关键。提出了创新型企业创新项目重大环境风险的机遇决策分析模式,对XX生物科技公司某创新型项目重大环境风险的机遇要素进行了分析,为企业有效利用该创新项目重大环境风险的机遇给出了建议。  相似文献   

创新能力培养与大学教育环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何单一的因素都不足以造就一个科学上的创新。创新除了与创新自身的天赋素质有关外,创新其身心所处的环境无疑对创新的创新活动起着至关重要的作用。影响科学创造的环境可分为两类:一是宏观环境即大环境包括历史时代(纵向),国家或地区的政治、经济、科学、化条件(横向)等;二是微观环境即小环境包括家族背景、受教育的环境、工作环境等。  相似文献   

在环境问题日益严峻的背景下,绿色创新是关系国家产业核心竞争力以及可持续发展能力提升的关键。本文从宏观层面研究环境规制与绿色创新的关系,以我国的30个省级地区为研究对象,运用2005-2014年的省级面板数据,分别从全国与地区层面(东中西部)探索我国环境规制和绿色创新的关系以及认识东、中、西三大区域环境规制对绿色创新影响的差异性。结果表明:整体来看,环境规制正向显著影响绿色创新,金融发展对绿色创新的作用不显著,人力资本对绿色创新表现出显著的正向影响;分地区来看,东部和中部地区,环境规制正向显著影响绿色创新,而西部地区,环境规制与绿色创新不存在显著的相关关系。东部和中部地区的金融发展对绿色创新具有显著正向影响,而西部地区的金融发展对绿色创新的作用不显著。人力资本对绿色创新表现出显著的正向影响。最后,从环境规制、金融发展与人力资本三方面向政府宏观管理部门提出了政策建议,驱动区域实现绿色转型发展。  相似文献   

该文以创新环境为出发点,探讨了创新环境设计中的多重交流空间,异质化工作空间、空间的可适应性及适度的绿色低碳技术运用的特征表现。并以上海物联网中心创作为例,分别从创新环境设计的四个方面分析介绍了各种创新环境设计的技术策略。  相似文献   

居住小区在规划建设期间应该注意环境问题,需拓展小区规划设计思路,采取环境创新手法来实施小区规划与建设,为社区居民营造一个良好的居住环境。本文对我国居住小区规划建设中出现的问题进行分析,指出环境创新是居住小区规划建设的必要考虑因素,只有做好了环境创新,小区规划建设质量才能得到有效提高。  相似文献   

在全球竞争日益激烈的新形势下,科技创新成为推动地区经济发展和竞争力的重要助力。本文深入剖了湖南省在科技创新战略、创新基础、创新成果、创新环境、科技对经济发展作用等方面的成效的。最后从湖南科技创新现状出发,提出了加大科技创新投入、完善人才培养和引进机制、优化科技创新环境等提升区域科技创新的对策建议。  相似文献   

在信息化环境下,人才的信息素质是人才创新素质培养的前提和基础。而信息意识淡薄、信息能力低下和信息道德缺失影响了人才的创新素质培养。因此,我们必须以信息意识培养为导向,更新教育观念;以信息品德培养为前提,塑造创新品德;以信息能力培养为目标,培育创新环境;以信息技术为手段,丰富创新实践内容。通过人才信息素质的培养,实现信息化环境下人才创新素质的提高。  相似文献   

论高校财务管理的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄英  郑艳 《高等建筑教育》2007,16(3):163-165
文章从高校财务管理环境变化对学校财务管理产生的影响着手,分析了新形势新环境下高校财务管理创新的必要性和可行性,指出在新情况下高校财务管理应理念创新、内容创新、制度创新、技术创新和队伍创新.  相似文献   

该文分析了目前环境设计专业课程体系的现状和存在的问题,阐述了环境设计专业构建创新课程体系的意义和价值,研究环境设计专业构建创新课程体系的方法和思路。  相似文献   

The Rhine Bridge at Breisach – Alteration and maintenance work at a 45‐years‐old steel structure across the river Rhine. The Breisach Rhine Bridge between Breisach in Baden‐Württemberg, Germany, and Neuf‐Brisach in Alsace, France, is next to the Europe Bridge Kehl–Strasbourg the most important road connection between the two countries. The three‐pillar road bridge was built in 1962 using the foundation of an old railway bridge. The box girder of the bridge is welded as well as riveted and bolted. Both the design of the curb with its underseepage – a feature that was often used at that time but is now out of favour – and damages at the drain pipes in the girder box led to significant corrosion damage. In the future a bicycle lane will run over the bridge. For this an enlargement of the southern footpath is required. Bridge repair and maintenance work began in the spring of 2008. In this paper not only the details of the projects will be considered, but also the solutions to the problems discovered during repair work. An additional special feature of the bridge is the fact that two road construction agencies, one French, one German, are in charge of maintenance.  相似文献   

The new railway bridge across the Donaukanal and the Winterhafen in Vienna. The load tests for the new Winterhafenbrücke performed on September 1, 2008 were the last steps in reconstruction of the railway connection between Donaulände und Donauuferbahn, which was destroyed in April 1945. With a length of 168 m this new single‐line railway bridge, which is designed as a two‐field continuous girder bridge, is the central link and the heart of the project. The bridge spans were realised by triangular trussed girder across the Donaukanal on the one hand and a trough bridge across the Winterhafen on the other. Design, manufacture and assembly of the steel bridge was carried out in different stages and constituted a great technical challenge. The completion of the entire project in September 2009 will be an essential contribution towards shifting commercial transport from the road to the environmentally friendly rail.  相似文献   

Landscape planning in the UK tends to concentrate on the site and the landscape scales. Concepts of sustainable development and the re-discovered importance of regional-level planning suggest, however, that there is a growing case for the landscape community to develop a regional planning perspective and to engage in wider areas of decision making in order to assist landscape planning goals. These challenges are explored with particular reference to the North West of England which, through the work of an organization called Sustainability North West and the production of a Regional Landscape Strategy, has been at the forefront of regional-level landscape planning in the UK. A brief account is provided of the production of the Regional Landscape Strategy with some reflections on the experience, highlighting some of the problems and potential of the approach. An exploration of the scope for the wider integration of landscape planning within the new regional arrangements is given.  相似文献   

Marco Pogacnik 《Bautechnik》2009,86(6):342-356
Two domes in Munich: The Armeemuseum and the Department of Anatomy (1903–1905) – The first concrete shells in Europe. In 1903 Wayss & Freytag merged with the Heilmann & Littmann studio establishing the Eisenbeton‐Gesellschaft, a manufacturer of reinforced concrete structures operating in Munich and the surrounding area. In the following two years the company – directed by Ludwig Zöllner – realized the most innovative works of the time: the Isarbrücke near Grünwald and the domes of the Armeemuseum and the Department of Anatomy of the University of Munich. This paper focuses on these two shell structures calculated by the young engineer Emil Mörsch. The innovative realizations – 7 cm thick and with a span of 16 and 22 m – were built at the same time as the Law Court (1891) and the Ministry of Transport (1904) and presented a high level of engineering that marked the final transition from 19th century steel constructions to 20th century reinforced concrete ribbed domes. The Armeemuseum was formally reminiscent of a historicist language, while the Department of Anatomy – designed by Max Littmann and built in exposed reinforced concrete – resulted in an organic unity of form, construction and material, the first such example in Munich and perhaps in Germany.  相似文献   

通过对现代电影院设计的分析,强调了银幕工艺设计的重要性,重点研究了银幕宽度和高度的设计,探讨了各地电影院采用的等高法、等宽法、等面积法等银幕处理方法,从而给观众创造出能感受现代电影艺术的良好环境。  相似文献   

对建筑自治的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢晓莉 《建筑师》2008,(2):31-36
20世纪70年代的西方,正当学科陷入特别的危机之时,建筑自治的论点重新出现,引起建筑理论家、建筑师的激烈争论。学科内在自身的观念体系、学术逻辑的演变和外在的社会学、经济、政治、科学技术等对建筑的影响以及学科的边界和领域问题成为争论的焦点。本文从“自治”概念的起源切入,在回顾历史的前提下对建筑自治研究的内容进行了归纳,对自治的原因进行了总结。着重论述建筑“内”与“外”的关系,在此基础上进行了反思,对自治的可能、自治的度及学科的边界进行了探析。  相似文献   

石强  石绍功 《山西建筑》2010,36(4):184-185
从产品设计创新、技术设计创新、材料工艺创新及质量管理创新方面介绍了CL建筑体系,重点对CL建筑体系的质量控制措施进行了探讨,以推广CL建筑体系的应用,更好地满足墙改节能、建筑工厂化和住宅产业化的要求。  相似文献   

Cable‐stayed bridge for tramway, pedestrians, and bike traffic. For the development of the new quarter “Parkstadt Schwabing” in den North of Munich, the transport connection is established by a new tramway, the line 23. Thereby, a new bridge construction became necessary for the crossing of the main circular roadway “Mittlerer Ring” at the Schenkendorfstraße. The extraordinary bridge structure in direct conjunction with the glass enclosure of the Petuel‐tunnel belongs to the most spectacular metropolitan crossing locations of Munich.  相似文献   

探求历史建筑保护的原则和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶海燕 《建筑师》2008,(3):95-98
目前在历史建筑保护具体实施过程中存在不同程度的破坏历史建筑的文化遗产价值的做法。本文辨析了重建、复原、维护等不同保护观念的本质区别,提出了在实际操作中决定历史建筑保护方式应该遵循”可维护不修缮,可修缮不修复,可修复不复原,小心审慎地对待任何重建”的方针:强调保护维修实施的规范化操作管理.特别提出了培养建立一批保护和维修的科学规范、专业化队伍的急迫性。  相似文献   

议公路施工中的成本管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯建通 《山西建筑》2011,37(35):221-222
通过对公路项目施工成本管理中影响工程成本因素的分析,提出了从影响工程成本的资源调配、质量、进度等方面加强成本管理,为公路施工的成本管理工作提供具体的思路,以图更好地进行成本管理,提高项目效益。  相似文献   

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