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叶剑秋 《园林》2005,(4):56-56
美女樱Verbena x hybrida,马鞭草科,美女樱属,分布于美洲热带,多年生草本,作一,二年生栽培,全株被毛,株高20-30厘米,茎直立性不强,外倾性,常有4棱,木质化。叶对生,长圆形至长圆状卵形,边缘有不整齐的锯齿。穗状花序,小花高脚碟型,花色丰富,红,粉红,白色,紫及各种双色种。  相似文献   

袁翠陵 《园林》2004,(12):36-36
蓬莱松(Asparagus myriocladus),别名乡球松,水松,松叶文竹,松叶天门冬等,百合科,天门冬属多年生灌木状草本。株高1.5米左右,茎直立或稍铺散,木质化呈灌木状,具白色,肥大的肉质根,小枝纤细,叶呈短松针状,簇生成团,极似五针松叶,新叶翠绿色,老叶深绿色,花白色,浆果黑色。  相似文献   

唐山的墙材革新,建筑节能和粉煤灰综合利用工作从1996年正式起步,几年来,在市委,市政府,省建设厅和唐山市建设局的正确领导下,按照实践“三个代表”的要求,认真贯彻落实国家,省,市有关法律,法规和文件精神,  相似文献   

阳光对于我们来说是美丽的,照亮生活,给我们温暖,但是对于夏热地区来说,要想夏日的阳光更加美丽,遮阳必不可少,因为遮阳能够有效阻挡大量的日光辐射热,起到隔热的作用,降低空调使用量,从而降低建筑能耗,为建筑可持续发展做出贡献;另外,遮阳还可以明显改善室内光线的柔和度,避免眩光,提高室内舒适度。  相似文献   

2008年度,平顶山公用事业系统的广大干部职工围绕全市工作大局,认真学习贯彻党的十七大精神,以科学发展观为统领,按照年初工作目标,结合公用事业自身特点,进一步解放思想,突出发展主题,深化改革创新,提高监管水平,强化服务功能,落实保障措施,各项工作稳步推进。全行业基础设施建设成效明显,行业改革不断深化,市场秩序不断规范,精细化管理水平明显提升,围绕和谐鹰城、平安鹰城和双创活动深入开展“为您服务,让您满意”活动,安全生产平稳和谐,队伍建设进一步加强。  相似文献   

老年公寓套型的设计,应结合当地地形,地状,环境,医疗等种种方面进行综合考虑,我国人口众多,老龄化普遍,在设计发展过程中会有许多不同于国外之处,我们应该借鉴参考,提取适合我国老年公寓的元素,满足老有所乐,老有所养,老有所医,老有所为。  相似文献   

李理  莫银鹰 《建筑》2014,(6):42-44
“目照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三干尺,疑是银河落九天。”诗仙李白远观庐山风景秀丽,香炉峰的瀑布尤为壮观,情不自禁,挥笔写下了这首脍炙人口的绝句。“飞流直下三干尺”,水流飞腾之势,高下曲直,畅流自如,“疑是银河落九天”,万水奔江之势,奋然而趋,浩浩荡荡,其态来不可遏,去不可止,开合来去之间,优游不迫,万化皆流。  相似文献   

阿尔山并不是山,而是水——蒙语全称哈伦·阿尔山,意为“热的圣泉”。在阿尔山,草原和林海相连,雪山和温泉共存,到了夏季,草天相连,花红、树绿、天蓝、水清,鲜艳的金莲花漫山遍野;到了冬季,白雪皑皑,千里冰封,万里雪飘,仿佛置身于童话的王国、人间的仙境。  相似文献   

还淮河以健康生命——淮河洪涝灾害频繁的成因及应对   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“走千走万,不如淮河两岸”。自洪荒开始,淮河就用自己的乳汁哺育着中华民族的祖先,淮河两岸,物草丰美,人丁兴旺,沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳,流传在淮河两岸这一描廓,犹如大自然的英雄史诗,铸刻在淮河两岸人民的心中。  相似文献   

最尖锐的矛盾与最优越的机遇 进入新世纪,中国经济社会快速稳步发展,城市化已进入加速时期,无论沿海内地建筑事业都欣欣向荣,规模大,发展速,进步快,可以说我们有着空前的大好机遇,我们在进步,我们有理由相信,一定会出精品,出学术,出人才。但是,也应当清醒地  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, we describe an estimation procedure that should be useful for spatial models which contain interactions between the dependent variables and autocorrelated error terms. Second, we apply that procedure to a spatial model relating to county police expenditures. Our estimation procedure does not require the specification of the error distribution, and its computational burden is modest. Large sample results are given.  相似文献   

The present design procedure for the shear capacity of steel girders with large web openings is based on the shear buckling capacity of webs, as given by Eurocode 3, modified to account for the effect of the openings by means of reduction factors determined on the basis of numerical simulations. Guidelines are given for the use of the design procedure in practical design. Equations for determination of the secondary effects are presented, as well as some cut-off factors which limit the shear capacity for certain opening configurations. Requirements for design of welds are also given. Further, the paper presents equations for shear and primary moment interaction. Finally, two design examples illustrate the features of the guidelines in practical design of girders with openings.  相似文献   

Full-scale room fire economics necessitate a screening test procedure requiring only a small amount of material to quantitatively assess heat release rate. This test could determine which materials may justify full-scale testing and those which fail early. Such a procedure is described, sample results are given, and it is suggested that correlation of screening test results with full-room and bench-scale test methods could improve the evaluation of the pre-flashover fire spread characteristics of materials.  相似文献   

液化势的概率估计和判别标准   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用人工神经元网络模型和可靠度理论,对大量的液化和未液化场地标准贯入试验基本数据进行了分析,给出了地震时饱和砂土的极限状态函数和失效概率函数。对于重大工程可以利用这两个函数来确定场地的液化概率,并进行液化风险设计决策。但对于一般工程,通常是根据液化判别标准来估计其液化势。本文将提出一个新的建立液化判别标准的方法,根据这个途径并考虑我国建筑抗震规范中设计地震分组的有关规定,就一般工程场址给出具有明确概率的液化判别标准。这个途径与通常的方法相比,其优点是非常明显的。  相似文献   

基于非线性静力分析的地震强度直接计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据给定延性系数下地震强度和伪加速度响应之间的正比规律,提出了根据非线性静力分析得到的结构响应求解特定地震波形下相应地震强度的直接计算方法。建议的直接计算方法基于非线性静力分析得到的能力曲线,通过建立弹塑性体系伪加速度动力放大系数与延性系数之间的函数关系,快速求解曲线上各点对应的地震强度,建立可用于新一代基于性态抗震能力分析的结构响应函数。与已有寻求特定地震强度下结构响应性态点的计算方法不同,所提出的计算方法从能力曲线上的任一点出发,求解过程中仅有一个未知量,避免了迭代或试算。它既适用于平滑的设计谱,也适用于针对特定地震波的实际反应谱。在求得的结构响应曲线上,根据特定的地震强度,可以准确地反求性态点。针对实际反应谱和设计谱,通过算例分别与采用非线性时程分析和Chopra的算例进行对照。结果表明:建议的计算方法不仅准确,而且过程直接、计算快捷。  相似文献   

An analysis procedure is presented which allows to calculate pure distortional elastic buckling loads by means of the finite element method (FEM). The calculation is carried out using finite element models constrained according to uncoupled buckling deformation modes. The procedure consists of two steps: the first one is a generalised beam theory (GBT) analysis of the member cross-section, from which the constraints to apply to the finite element model are deduced; in the second step, a linear buckling analysis of the constrained FEM model is performed to determine the pure distortional loads. The proposed procedure is applied to thin-walled members with open cross-section, similar to those produced by cold-forming. The distortional loads obtained are rather accurate. They are in agreement with the loads given by GBT and the constrained finite strip method (cFSM).  相似文献   

In several design codes and specifications, simplified formulae and diagrams are given for determining the buckling lengths of frame columns. It is shown that these formulae may yield rather erroneous results, especially for irregular frames. This is due to the fact that the code formulae utilise only local stiffness distributions. In this paper, a simplified procedure for determining approximate values for the buckling loads of both regular and irregular frames is developed. The procedure utilises lateral load analysis of frames and yields errors on the order of 5%, which may be considered suitable for design purposes. The proposed procedure is applied to several numerical examples and it is shown that all the errors are in the acceptable range and on the safe side.  相似文献   

由于无限地基的动力效应较难确定,结构-地基的动力相互作用主要局限于频域分析,从而限制了非线性分析应用。阻尼抽取法(DSEM)通过在有限域内施以附加人工阻尼再移频抽取的办法可以有效地模拟非均匀无限粘弹性介质的动力特性,在结构-无限地基动力相互作用分析中有较好的应用前景。在此基础上,本文提出了DSEM进行结构-地基交界面相互作用力-位移时域分析的有限元逐步积分形式算法,并给出了具体实现公式,可以更好地适应工程有限元计算及与结构-地基相互作用程序结合的需要。最后,以实例形式论述了该方法良好的精度及实现中各个关键因素的影响。  相似文献   

应用图论将堆积体滑坡稳定性分析中最危险滑动面搜索及安全系数计算问题转化为数学领域求最短路径问题。对动态规划算法进行改进,建立基于改进动态规划算法的极限平衡有限元方法,给出该方法的基本方程和路径上应力计算过程,避免引入辅助函数需给定初始安全系数进行迭代计算的缺陷。将该方法应用于溪洛渡左岸谷肩堆积体的稳定性分析,基于滑坡产生、发展、蠕变条件对其稳定性进行判断,对该堆积体的变形破坏机制进行分析和滑面形成条件探讨;借助监测资料揭示的滑面分布,验证改进动态规划算法搜索滑面位置与计算安全系数的准确性;在此基础上提出基于滑坡征兆的堆积体滑坡稳定性分析技术路线,可用于复杂滑坡堆积体边坡的稳定性分析。  相似文献   

The study presented in this paper is focused on an analytical method for constructing fragility curves of a given class of existing structures, based on a stochastic approach and which makes use of the Hazus database. The analysed structure is a non-linear one degree of freedom (SDoF) system: its constitutive law is described by means of a hysteretic model, whose parameters are obtained by an identification procedure starting from the Hazus data. A particular class of structures, the essential facilities, are analyzed.The system’s response to seismic action, here modelled by means of the modulated Clough and Penzien filtered stochastic process, is obtained by using the stochastic linearization technique and the covariance analysis. In order to develop the fragility curves, a displacement based damage index is adopted and, finally, fragility curves are obtained in terms of the probability of exceeding a given damage level, by using an approximate theory of stochastic processes. The main innovation of the proposed approach is that it can be directly extended to other kinds of structures which are not included in the Hazus database, since the procedure requires only the knowledge of the capacity curve, which can be obtained by standard procedures.  相似文献   

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