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本文对球床氟盐冷却高温堆堆芯热工流体现象进行了研究。采用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法进行了三维建模和计算,得到了燃料元件球表面温度分布和堆芯冷却剂速度场、温度场和压力的分布,验证了稳态工况下氟盐对堆芯的冷却能力,分析了氟盐的特殊热工流体力学性质对堆芯安全的影响,结果可用于球床氟盐冷却高温堆的初步设计。  相似文献   

以计算流体力学(CFD)为基础,对球床式水冷堆堆芯燃料元件进行三维建模、网格划分和数值计算,采用Fortran 90编制了用于球床式水冷堆堆芯热工水力计算和安全分析微机型仿真程序STAP和TSAP,并对球床式水冷堆堆芯稳态、瞬态工况进行热工水力计算。计算结果表明:燃料元件温度的最大值出现在微小间隙区域位置,速度最大值出现在与该元件接触的燃料元件微小间隙区域的中间位置;燃料元件的表面温度远小于该堆型的设计极限温度,满足安全准则;引入反应性扰动的瞬态工况下,冷却剂的温度突然增加,随后逐步下降,达到稳定。燃料元件表面温度逐步增加,然后逐步降低至稳定状态。  相似文献   

基于计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)通用计算程序Fluent,研究了模块化熔盐冷却球床堆(Pebble Bed Advanced High Temperature Reactor,PB-AHTR)中心热通道稳态热工水力行为。利用已开发的多孔介质流固两相局域非热平衡模型计算了球床堆中的压降、冷却剂的温场分布以及固相球床的温场分布,计算并比较了不同的多孔介质阻力因子(Ergun与KTA)对通道内的冷却剂流动以及温场分布的影响,并对丧失部分冷却剂情况下通道内的冷却剂及燃料温度进行了计算分析。结果表明使用不同的阻力因子对堆芯压降计算结果和流场的分布影响较大;而冷却剂温场及固相球床温场和球心的温度分布在不同的阻力因子下的差别较小,在PB-AHTR的设计参数下堆芯产生的热量能够被有效的输出,设计具有较大的安全裕度。计算结果对于球床堆的优化设计提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于确定论的中子学分析程序在计算氟盐冷却球床高温堆(PB-FHR)时需解决双重非均匀性的燃料球均匀化、燃料球均匀化时出现的泄漏效应及燃料球在堆芯内连续移动与多次通过堆芯的燃料循环模式问题。本文基于DRAGON5与DONJON5程序开发了PB-FHR的燃料管理程序PBMSR,并进行了验证。使用PBMSR对PB-FHR在不同燃料循环模式下进行计算与初步分析,结果显示在多次通过的燃料管理模式下,燃料球的通过次数对最深卸料燃耗影响较小,但对轴向功率分布影响较大。  相似文献   

球床氟盐冷却高温堆的控制棒位于侧反应射层内,存在无裂变中子源且受堆芯泄漏谱强烈影响的强吸收体区域扩散计算难题。超级均匀化方法(Super Homogenization,SPH)被用于对氟盐球冷却床堆侧反射层中控制棒区域的强吸收体进行等效均匀化处理,同时堆芯除控制棒区域外采用谱修正方法(Spectra Modification,SM),将输运计算的结果作为基准进行验算。结果表明,SM-SPH模型能有效地计算球床氟盐冷却高温堆反射层控制棒价值及通量分布,并且较常规的SPH方法能更好地处理棒间干涉效应。  相似文献   

为分析球床型氟盐冷却高温堆(PB-FHR)堆芯的关键中子学参数,建立了显式随机模型,基于随机填充方法计算了燃料球石墨基质内所有三层各向同性包覆颗粒(TRISO)颗粒的空间坐标,并采用离散元方法计算出堆芯活性区内全部燃料球的空间坐标。最后采用蒙特卡罗程序开展中子输运计算,分析燃料颗粒随机分布对堆芯中子学参数的影响。研究结果表明,TRISO颗粒的随机分布对栅元增殖系数、栅元群截面、活性区燃料球功率的影响较小,本文研究可为简化PB-FHR设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

氟盐冷却高温堆(FHR)采用氟盐冷却球形燃料元件,其中子物理计算面临双重不均匀性问题:燃料球在堆芯内的随机排布和包覆燃料颗粒在燃料球中的随机排布。此问题是该堆型设计中面临的主要挑战之一。本文基于MCNP程序和固态燃料钍基熔盐堆(TMSR-SF1)模型完成了不同燃料球床与燃料球描述对关键中子学参数(如keff、堆芯能谱、控制棒价值和温度系数等)的影响分析。燃料球床描述使用随机序列添加(RSA)方法建立了随机球床模型与体心立方(BCC)结构的等效规则模型。包覆燃料颗粒描述则基于简立方(SC)等效模型利用MCNP程序中的URAN卡实现随机扰动。结果表明,包覆燃料颗粒随机分布的影响远小于燃料球随机分布的影响;尽管具有相同的总堆积密度,等效规则模型相比于随机球床模型会增加堆芯中子的泄漏,低估冷态满装载反应性约0.5%,高估控制棒价值约5%。  相似文献   

氟盐冷却球床堆是当前国际上一种新的研究堆型,尚无已经建造完成的反应堆,因此,选择相似且具有运行经验的反应堆作为基准题有助于堆芯核设计软件适用性分析。利用国际上常采用的相似性分析软件,可对熔盐实验堆(Molten Salt Reactor Experiment,MSRE)及10 MW高温气冷堆(10 MW high-temperature gas-cooled test reactor,HTR-10)与氟盐冷却球床堆的相似性进行分析,定量判断它们作为基准题的合理性。分析结果表明,MSRE和氟盐冷却球床堆的能谱峰位能量接近且堆内元素种类相近,二者相似程度较高;常温临界HTR-10和氟盐冷却球床堆冷却剂不同,且能谱峰位能量差异较大,二者相似程度较低。因此,MSRE是氟盐冷却球床堆中子物理设计软件较理想的基准题。  相似文献   

核热泉(NHS)堆是一种新型熔盐球床概念设计堆,其冷却剂径向流过堆芯,具有满功率自然循环特性。基于多孔介质局部非热平衡模型,利用计算流体力学(CFD)通用软件Fluent计算核热泉堆径向流堆芯的热工水力特性,并比较了不同的内、外孔板开孔率的影响。结果表明,内孔板开孔率对冷却剂流量分布影响较大;燃料中心温度具有相当的安全裕量,冷却剂横向流过堆芯的阻力远低于浮升力,能够实现全回路的自然循环。  相似文献   

为研究热管冷却双模式空间堆(HP-BSNR)堆芯稳态热工水力安全特性,基于改进后的双模式反应堆初步概念设计方案建立了其堆芯热工水力模型,包括推进模式和电源模式下的燃料元件单通道模型、换热模型、压降计算模型以及热管模型等,开发了堆芯稳态热工水力分析程序STHA_HPBSNR。采用文献的实验数据以及程序ELM的计算结果与程序STHA_HPBSNR的氢气物性计算模块和热力学参数计算模块进行对比,初步验证了程序STHA_HPBSNR用于双模式空间堆系统热力学稳态计算分析的可靠性。此外分析了不同换热关系式和摩擦阻力关系式对通道壁面温度的影响,为后续将STHA_HPBSNR程序应用于双模式空间堆堆芯瞬态安全分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

An advanced thermal hydraulic code is established on the basis of RELAP5/MOD3.3 code for the investigation of the thermal hydraulic behavior of nuclear power systems. The RELAP5 code is modified by adding a module calculating the effect of rolling motion and introducing new flow and heat transfer models. The experimental data are used to validate the theoretical models and calculation results. It is shown that the advanced flow and heat transfer models could correctly predict the frictional resistance and heat transfer coefficients in rolling motion. The thermal hydraulic code is used to simulate the operation of a natural circulation system in rolling motion. The calculation results are in good agreement with experimental data. The relative discrepancies between calculation results and experimental data are less than 5%.  相似文献   

The Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) can meet the demand of transmutation and breeding. In this study, theoretical calculation of steady thermal hydraulic characteristics of a graphite-moderated channel type MSR is conducted. The DRAGON code is adopted to calculate the axial and radial power factor firstly. The flow and heat transfer model in the fuel salt and graphite are developed on basis of the fundamental mass, momentum and energy equations. The results show the detailed flow distribution in the core, and the temperature profiles of the fuel salt, inner and outer wall in the nine typical elements along the axial flow direction are also obtained.  相似文献   

在球床式高温气冷堆堆芯内,影响石墨球摩擦磨损率的关键条件为载荷与温度。此前,中国辐射防护研究院研究了载荷对石墨球摩擦磨损性能的影响,得到了石墨球磨损率与载荷的关系。本文在此基础上进一步研究了温度对石墨球磨损率的影响,通过拟合得到了石墨球磨损率与石墨球所受载荷、温度之间的关系式,结合HTR-PM高温气冷示范堆内燃料元件所受载荷和温度的分布情况,计算得出石墨球之间摩擦产生的石墨粉尘量约为14.01 g/d(5.1 kg/a)。  相似文献   

This control rod drive is developed for HTR-10 high temperature gas cooled test reactor.The stepmotor is prefered to improve positioning of the control rod and the scram behavior.The preliminary test in 1600170 ambient temperature shows that the selected stepmotor and transmission system can meet the main operation function requirements of HTR-10.  相似文献   

高温气冷实验堆燃料元件双向探测器的研制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了高温气冷实验堆燃料元件双向探测器的基本原理和实现方法。它以两个并联的感应线圈为敏感元件,通过双通道法采集信号,以89C51单片机为处理核心,系统软件采用循环扫描输入端口的方式获取过球信号,经智能分析、判断,实现了燃料元件的双向检测。  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》1999,26(6):489-508
A new code system for the overall neutronic calculation of a thermal reactor by a simple and effective way is presented. The code covers microscopic library compilation, macroscopic constant generation, cell calculations by multi-group treatment for neutron transport equation and core calculations over three zones for fuel and one zone for moderator. The Dancoff correction factor required in the interpolation of the self-shielding factors of resonance nuclides is automatically calculated by the installed collision probability routines. The burn-up calculation and Garrison and Ross model of fission product have been included. Also the effect of control rod on the reactivity of the reactor with special treatment for the control rod based on the homogenization technique has been included. Making a comparison with SRAC95 code system has checked the adopted code.  相似文献   

To investigate the steady thermal hydraulic characteristics of U-tube steam generator(SG), a 1D simulation code based on the four-equation drift flux model is developed. The U-tube channels presumably consist mainly of the primary channel, secondary channel, and tube wall. In the sub-cooling regions of the primary and secondary channels, flow is simulated using the single-phase flow model, whereas that in the boiling regions of the secondary channels is simulated using the four-equation drift flux model. The first-order equations of upwind difference are derived based on the staggered grid. Steady-state thermal hydraulic parameters are obtained with a cross-iteration scheme of heat balance and natural circulation requirement. The developed code is applied to analyze the SG behavior of the Qinshan I Nuclear Power Plant under 100%, 75%, 50%, 30%, and 15% power conditions. Analysis results are then compared with the simulation results obtained using RELAP5.  相似文献   

The Fluoride Salt Cooled High Temperature Reactor (FHR) is an innovative concept reactor that inherits the technical foundation and advantages of the six optional generation-IV reactors and pressurized water reactors, which is mainly in process in both China and the United States. In this paper, the porous and realistic modeling approaches are adopted to analyze the thermal hydraulic characteristics of a FHR core and a unit segment of pebbles in the core respectively. The distributions of temperature and pressure of the fluoride salt, as well as the reflector temperature profile, are obtained using the porous model. The detailed local flow and heat transfer are investigated by the realistic modeling method for the locations which may have the maximum coolant temperature based on the results of the porous model. The profiles of temperature, velocity, pressure and Nusselt number (Nu) of the coolant on the surface of the pebble are also obtained and analyzed. Numerical results showed that the flow field between the fuel pebbles is complex including secondary flow and back-flow phenomenon, which are hard to measure by experiments. This work can provide useful information for the experimental and mechanism research of FHRs.  相似文献   

Gas-cooled reactors have been highlighted as a promising option for next generation reactor technology. A thermal hydraulic analysis code for gas-cooled reactors has been developed with a heat transfer model of a block element, which is solved implicitly with the helium energy equation. Validation was carried out through comparison with both experimental and analytical results. A computation module for annular fuel rods has been coupled to the code for comparative analyses of an annular fuel-based block element. At normal operation, the annular fuel shows 80 °C lower peak temperature than the solid fuel for the same power in Japan's high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR), even though the pressure drop is higher in the annular fuel.  相似文献   

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