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每当太阳从东方升起,在地球上生存的每一个人,又都会开始新一天的生活。“眼睛一闭一睁,一天过去了;眼睛一闭不睁,一辈子过去了”,噢,人生真是苦短啊! 说起人生之苦和世道之难,感叹不已。今年不知怎么搞的,苦和难好像一个个排着队涌来。核弹竞赛真来了,恐怖袭击加剧了,飞机空难重演了,地震频率加快了,山体滑坡厉害了。暴风骤雨更猛了,能源争夺空前了,空气污染天昏了,股市行情难猜了,房价居高不下了,今年夏天热坏了,就连酒后驾车的人也多多了。嘿,怎一个“了”字能了得?  相似文献   

抽油杆修复技术的改进与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决原有抽油杆修复技术存在的弊端,提出了抽油杆修复技术的改进方法。改进后的修复线可以拆除扶正器,提高了修复率,增加了抽油杆材质分选工序,降低了修复成本;可以安装扶正器,杜绝了抽油杆偏磨;采用常温低压清水清洗技术,增加了表面除锈工序和淬火前的探伤工序;采用机械化的拧扣工序,提高了抽油杆的淬火综合性能,实现了杆头过渡段自动探伤和抽油杆防腐的自动化,降低了工人劳动强度,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

通过分析油罐内油品液位对油品质量和安全的影响,介绍了一种新型液位自动控制系统及其工作原理,建立了系统的数学模型,绘制了系统的结构图,对系统状态进行了选择,对系统性能进行了分析,通过PID控制器对系统进行校正,改进了系统的稳态和动态性能.  相似文献   

介绍了静密封技术的基本知识,对泄漏量进行了计算与分析,总结了提高管道、阀门、设备密封水平的不少经验,提出了一些合理化建议,编制了管道设备静密封无泄漏管理文件,分析了典型密封案例,静密封与无泄漏管理技术与经验值得天然气企业借鉴与推广.  相似文献   

介绍了中国石油四川石化公司2.5 Mt/a重油催化裂化装置回炼渣油加氢柴油以增产高辛烷值汽油的工业应用。应用结果表明:50.39%的柴油转化为高辛烷值汽油;回炼渣油柴油后,汽油收率增加了1.39个百分点,柴油收率增加了1.32个百分点,液化气收率增加了1.02个百分点,回炼油收率减少了1.34个百分点,油浆收率减少了0.92个百分点,焦炭收率减少了1.57个百分点,总液体收率增加了2.39个百分点,汽油辛烷值增加了0.9个单位,柴油十六烷值降低了2.0个单位。  相似文献   

针对成品油储罐的腐蚀情况,进行了现场检测,并分析了原因,提出了预防措施及建议,延长了储罐的检修周期,防止了泄漏事故的发生。  相似文献   

大庆油田化工集团一期工程醋酸项目的1台10000m^3直升式湿式气柜若按通常的逐层正装法施工,存在高空作业量大、焊缝质量不易保证,吊装及脚手架费用高,特别是焊接变形难以控制等问题.为解决上述问题,在本工程中采用了大拼板施工技术,不但有效地控制了焊接变形,而且还提高了焊缝质量,减轻了劳动强度,减少了高空作业量,确保了施工安全,降低了施工成本.工程质量评定优良,取得了良好的社会和经济效益.  相似文献   

介绍了一种高温、高压多试件垫片加速寿命试验装置设计。针对试验装置检测段结构,应用有限元软件进行了法兰盘研究和加热炉研究。建立了法兰盘和垫片几何模型,获得了模型在高温、高压工况下的应力、应变云图,计算了法兰盘密封面位移偏差和垫片密封面位移偏差,讨论密封面偏差与法兰盘厚度的关系。建立了加热炉几何模型和数学计算模型,提出了2种加热方案,设置了试件内部监测线,模拟了2种方案下试件总体温度分布,提取了监测线温度特征数据,讨论了加热方案的优劣。研究结果表明,在300 k N、 900℃工况下,法兰盘最小厚度取为50 mm,加热炉加热功率分5段配置,方可确保试验装置检测段的安全运行和性能达标。  相似文献   

可用于射孔弹的冲击片雷管及其性能分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对现有射孔弹中敏感电雷管存在的安全性问题,指出了将冲击片雷管用于射孔弹的一系列优点.从该雷管的结构出发,分析了起爆机理,建立了金属箔起爆模型,针对具体的桥箔材料、尺寸和起爆电路参数,计算了起爆时间和起爆电流.在此基础上,研制了起爆电路,对起爆电流进行了测试,给出了消除测量噪声的相关措施.根据理论计算与实测结果,分析了该雷管的安全性及其用于射孔弹中的优越性.  相似文献   

对引进的工程软件进行了完善与改造,使化学驱模型(UTCHEM)突破了25口井的限定,增加了场数据修改插值模块和单井压力、产量、含水报表。给化学驱模型配接前后处理,增加了表格、图形功能;实现了文件的项目管理,增强了模型功能,拓宽了应用范围;实现了任意时刻提交VIP作业和批处理作业;解决了模型和计算机忙闲不均的问题,提高了模型和计算机的使用效率。  相似文献   

Clothianidin, a new neonicotinoid insecticide, was systematically evaluated. An analytical method using gas chromatography with electron capture detection was developed. Recoveries were between 92% and 102%, with relative standard deviations from 3% to 5% at three fortified levels. The decrease of clothianidin in tomato and soil samples under field conditions at Beijing, Shandong, and Anhui were determined. The dissipation rates of clothianidin fit first-order kinetics. Its half-lives ranged from 6.7 to 12.7 days in soil, and 7.0 to 11.9 days in tomato. On the suggested pre-harvest interval of 7 days, the distribution of clothianidin in tomato peel and flesh was studied. Most residues were found on the peel. Hence, removing the tomato peel before consumption is advisable. The stability of clothianidin fortified at 0.3 or 3 mg/kg in frozen green and red ripe tomatoes was also determined. The half-life mainly depended on the spiked levels of this pesticide.  相似文献   

中国致密砂岩气及在勘探开发上的重要意义   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
致密砂岩气藏系指聚集工业天然气的致密砂岩场晕或圈闭,根据其储集层特征、储量大小及所处区域构造位置高低,可将致密砂岩气藏分为两类:"连续型"致密砂岩气藏和"圈闭型"致密砂岩气藏,前者通常位于构造低部位,圈闭界限模糊,无统一气水界面,往往气水倒置,储源一体或近源;后者位于圈闭高处,上气下水,储量规模较小但产量相对较高。中国致密砂岩气都是煤成气,组分以烷烃气(C1 4)为主,甲烷含量最高,烷烃气具正碳同位素系列;非烃气(主要是CO2和N2)含量低。截至2010年底,中国致密砂岩气的储量和年产量分别占全国天然气储量和产量的39.2%和24.6%,预计将来比例还会提高。与页岩气、煤层气等非常规气相比,中国近期在非常规气勘探开发中应以致密砂岩气为先。  相似文献   

Mycotoxins in food are increasingly a food safety hazard concern in particular in developing countries. This study was performed to determine the occurrence and determinants of aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in rice and maize and to assess health risks through dietary intake exposure among ethnic minority groups in northern Vietnam. A total of 111 rice and 102 maize samples, were tested for occurrence of fungi and mycotoxins, i.e. aflatoxins (AF’s) and fuminisin B (FB). Results showed that 107 (96.4%) rice and 84 (82.4%) maize samples were contaminated by fungi. Aspergillus flavus was found in 68 (61.3%) rice and 30 (29.4%) maize samples, Aspergilus parasiticus in 40 (36.0%) rice and 27 (26.7%) maize samples. AF’s - were detected in 27 rice (24.3%) and 27 maize samples (26.4%) at minimum and maximum levels in rice of 2.06 and 77.8 ng/g and 20.5 and 110 ng/g in maize, respectively. Nine (8.1%) rice and 24 (23.5%) maize samples contained FB at ranges of 2.3–624 ng/g in rice and 5.6–89.8 ng/g in maize. Data collected through interviews and observations in households showed that type of crop, storage duration and presence of fungi, particularly mycotoxigenic fungi were important risk factors for AF’s and FB contamination. Based on daily food consumption data, the estimated average exposure dose of aflatoxin B1(AFB1) from rice was 21.7 ng/kg bw/day for adults and 33.7 ng/kg bw/day for children. For FB, the rice based average exposure amounted to 536 ng/kg bw/day for adults and 1019 ng/kg bw/day for children. The calculated excess risk of liver cancer incidence by ingestion of cereals containing AFB1 was 1.5 per 100,000 adults and 2.3 per 100,000 children per year. The average intake of FB was calculated to be lower than the tolerable diet intake (TDI). Our findings highlight that rice and maize are contaminated with mycotoxins at levels representing actual health hazards for the ethnic minority groups consuming these stable cereals. Proper drying and storage conditions in households are likely to reduce the mycotoxin contamination.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,企业思想政治工作随着形势的不断变化,曾经面临着诸多新问题。企业思想政治工作正是在解决这些问题的实践中不断探索,创新思路和方法,提升效果和水平,成为企业改革、发展、进步的动力源泉。  相似文献   

Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) concentrations were determined in raw and UHT cow milk samples collected in different regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia during the autumn months of 2014. The mean AFM1 levels in the raw milk samples were (ng/kg): 6.22 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5.65 in Croatia. In all except one milk sample, AMF1 levels were below the LOQ value of 34.2 ng/kg (ELISA method). In four milk samples, AFM1 concentrations exceeded the EU MRL of 50 ng/kg. Samples were subjected to LC-MS/MS analysis which confirmed elevated values determined by ELISA. Elevated levels were in the range 56.6–132.6 ng/kg. Two positive milk samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina originated from Una Sana Canton, two from Croatia from eastern Croatia. The highest AFM1 levels of 132.6 ng/kg was measured in milk from eastern Croatia. In 214 samples of processed UHT milk from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, AFM1 ranged from 2.29 ng/kg to 21.4 ng/kg, all below the LOQ value. AFM1 exceeded the EU MRL value in only 0.62% of milk samples, indicating the sporadic use of contaminated feedstuff at farms in both countries.  相似文献   

<正>Daqing Oilfield is the largest oilfield in China.Its current troubles reflect a greater reality in the country:once a major oil exporter,China is now one of the world's largest net oil importers.The development costs of aging oilfields within China,including the Daqing Oilfield,are on the rise.Thus,it is often more cost-effective to purchase oil from other places of the world to meet the rising demand for oil within  相似文献   

The occurrence of aflatoxins in national and imported pistachios available in Aragón (NE Spain), purchased from commercial outlets during 2007, was surveyed. Thirty-two samples of roasted pistachios were analyzed for aflatoxins by immunoaffinity cleanup with liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection using post-column photochemical derivatization. Results showed that the incidence of aflatoxin B1 and B2 in pre-packed pistachios was 19% and 6%, while in bulk pistachios was 50% and 12.5%, respectively. All positive samples originated from Iran, while pistachios from USA, Turkey and Spain tested negative for aflatoxins. The low degree of contamination ranged from 0.12 to 0.29 μg/kg, and no sample exceeded the maximum permitted level for aflatoxins in pistachio nuts. Naturally occurring aflatoxin B1 was not noticeably reduced by commercial roasting at 120 °C for 20 min.  相似文献   

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