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China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) firmly consolidated its dominant position in the country's oil and gas production sector in 2008. The largest oil producer in China sees an increase of 466,700 tons in its domestic crude output in the first half over the same period a year earlier. CNPC, the parent of PetroChina, said its production had met 50.03 percent of the full-year target despite the worst snowstorm in more than five decades from January to February and the massive Sichuan earthquake on May 12.  相似文献   

WangKeyu 《中国油气》2002,9(1):14-16
CNPC rapidly expanded its overseas oil and gas operation in 2001. The annual crude and natural gas outputs from the overseas projects were 16.23 million tons and 926 million cubic meters respectively while the crude processing volume was 2.3 million tons. Based on those oil and gas output, CNPC shared 8.31 million tons of equity crude and 577 million cubic meters of equity natural gas last year, up 20.96 percent and 29.66 percent respectively from the previous year, with an annual oil and ga…  相似文献   

Facing increasingly strict environmental regulations on transportation fuels,China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC),the second largest supplier of petroleum products in China,needs to upgrade its transportation fuels.Using the scenario-based analysis method,this paper analyzes how the output and emission related properties,including cetane number,and sulfur and aromatics contents of diesel produced by CNPC,will vary with changes in the configuration of diesel production units in the next 5-10 years.The results showed that,to upgrade its diesel,CNPC needs to adjust its diesel pool by decreasing the share of fluid catalytic cracking(FCC) diesel and increasing the shares of hydrocracking(HDC) and hydrotreating(HDT) diesel.Furthermore,to produce ultra-low-sulfur diesel,straight-run diesel as well as poor diesel blendstocks such as FCC diesel and coker diesel should be hydrotreated before being blended into finished diesel.Developing highly efficient HDC and HDT catalysts and corresponding processes is the key to CNPC economically producing more and cleaner diesel.  相似文献   

油中的水有两种存在方式,一种是以分子的状态溶解于油中,另一种以乳化状态存在于油中。利用高频信号在产生电场的同时施加一个旋转磁场,既能够对原油产生极化作用和电热效应,又能够使其具备磁化效应,因而有较好的降粘效果。原油高频降粘装置由产生高频电能的主机和对原油进行不间断高频处理的副机构成。主机和副机通过高频电缆连接,双路可同时输出。原油高频降粘技术应用于大庆喇嘛甸油田,经中国石油天然气集团公司油气评价中心测试,高频处理后的原油可降低输送温度 3℃。喇嘛甸油田日产液 24.8 x104_t艺,每升温 1℃就需耗天然气1.4 x104_m_3l/d,因此全年可节省天然气 153.3 x 10_5m_3。又因原油的运动粘度降低 5.6~ 6.2mPa· s,摩阻降低10%,故使大庆油田采油六厂增加不加热集输井62口。  相似文献   

拟三维酸压设计软件研究与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该软件建立了酸压相应的拟三维动态裂缝扩展、酸岩反应、井筒及缝中温度场等数学模型,可计算其动态裂缝扩展变化、酸蚀缝长及导流能力、增产倍比等参数,并可以根据需要输出各种设计计算参数随注液时间变化的各种相关变化数据及图形。该软件可用于施工设计、模拟计算及参数敏感性分析研究,对酸压中的缝高扩展、酸岩反应机理等方面的理论性研究也有重要指导意义。该软件已获总公司开发局采油工程优秀软件开发奖;石油研究院科技进步二等奖。  相似文献   

CNPC has made remarkable achievements in its effort to implement the international operational strategy in recent years with the overseas project under progressive development. Currently, CNPC has been executing 44 oil investment projects scattering in 44 countries worldwide. The overseas annual production capacity is 27 million tons for crude oil, and 2 billion cubic meters for natural gas while the annual oil processing capacity is 2.5 million tons and the annual productivity is 15,000 tons for polypropylene.  相似文献   

On Dec, 16, 2005, annual output of Tarim Oilfield, owned by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), surpassed 10 million tons oil equivalent and became the 5th top super giant oil and gas field of CNPC, with production capacity of 10-million-ton. A series of significant achievements have been made in exploration and development since the launching of exploration campaign in Tarim 16 years ago.  相似文献   

为推进中国石油天然气行业发展、维护国家能源战略安全,中国石油天然气集团公司提出努力建成具有国际竞争力的跨国经营企业--综合性国际能源公司。规划到2015年形成综合性国际能源公司的总体架构,年营业总收入达到2万亿元人民币,国内外油气总产量当量达到4×108 t,国内外原油加工量超过2×108 t。到2020年,建成世界一流的综合性国际能源公司。今后一个时期该集团公司将:①继续加强国内油气勘探开发,提高油气生产能力;②有序高效发展炼油化工业务,努力保障市场稳定供应;③扩大海外勘探开发规模,建立长期稳定的油气合作区;④加快转变经济发展方式,实现安全发展、清洁发展、节约发展。  相似文献   

中国石油天然气集团有限公司(简称中国石油)非常规油气已经初步实现了规模化动用,但相比于其丰富的资源量,其产量仍具有极大的提升潜力.文章系统梳理了中国石油非常规油气"十三五"勘探开发进展,展望"十四五"发展趋势,分析了非常规油气效益开发所面临的主要挑战及关键问题,并在此基础上提出推动中国石油非常规油气高效开发的对策.研究...  相似文献   

“35kV直配供电技术”是中国石油天然气总公司重点推广的节能技术项目。河南油田在运行中发现该配电方式存在局部故障,造成变电所母线残压过低,大量抽油机因交流接触器释放停抽。同时还发现在继电保护方面也存在较严重的问题,影响了配电网供电的稳定性和原油产量。针对上述问题,采取了加装限流电抗器等措施,取得了明显的效果。  相似文献   

ShiWei 《中国油气》2002,9(1):47-47
CNPC will focus on a number of key technologies relating to the company 's development and economic performance in 2002, including 12 technical projectsat the State level and other 59 projects identified by CNPC itself. The oil giant will concentrate the efforts on the exploration and development technologies, such as "preliminary exploration study and target evaluation in major oil and gas exploration fields," "systematic techniques for improvement of water flooding and tertiary oil recover…  相似文献   

2005 objectives of CNPC China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the parent company of PetroChina, has set the 2005 business objectives to bring up the annual additional oil and gas recoverable reserves to 220 million tons of oil equivalent,pump 161 million tons ofoil and gas in total, and raise the domestic crude processing volume to 120 million tons in the year ahead. At the five-day annual work conference closing on January 19 in Beijing, CNPC further clarified its goal to build itself into a powerful multinational integrated energy enterprise with the international competitiveness.  相似文献   

Yumen Oilfield having been developed for 67 years since 1939,was the first natural petroleum base of CNPC. The cumulative production of crude oil was 520 thousand tons in the first ten years after new Cbina's foundation, taking up 95% of the overall production of the whole country in those days. In 1959, the crude oil production reached 1.4 million tons, which was 51% of China's crude oil in total. Since the 1960s, Yumen Oilfield has taken on the important mission of establishing big schools, big trial fields and big institutes, as well as producing new products and developing new techniques, accumulating knowledge and training special personnel and engineers. The Yumen experts in oil/ gas exploration and staff members have successively participated in great battles for oil exploration in Daqing Oilfield, Sichuan Basin in Sichuan Province, western China, Changqing OilfieId, Qaidam Basin, the Turpan Depression and have provided other oilfields in China with nearly 100,000 engineers and over 4000 sets of various equipments, which made Yumen Oilfield best known as the cradle of China' s petroleum industry. The Laojunmiao, Ya'erxia, Shiyougou, Baiyanghe, Shanbei and Qingxi oil pools in Yumen Oilfield have been put into production one after another, and the crude oil production reached 780,000 tons in 2005.  相似文献   

中国石油煤层气开发利用示范工程项目--沁水盆地樊庄区块煤层气开发试验项目,目前已经生产了1年,各井生产动态表现出很大的不同,通过对先期20口井试验井生产动态的跟踪研究,对该区煤层气井的生产特征和规律有了一定的认识,并在综合考虑气井的解吸产气时间早晚、产气量大小、井口套压等因素的基础上对20口井进行了产能分类评价,分析了不同产能级别的气井产量的主要影响因素,为樊庄区块煤层气田的开发管理提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   

On June 15th 2005, Russian crude oil unloading reconstruction project of Nansan oil store, which has drawn much attention of the state, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and Daqing Oilfield, was successfully accomplished and put into operation, marking the start of large scale import of Russian crude and opening up a new era for Daqing Oilfield to involve in foreing crude trade.  相似文献   

随着油田的不断开发,全油田综合含水持续上升,要维持一定的原油产量,势必造成油田产液量持续上升。由于油田开发常常存在"重油轻水"的现象,对注水工程调整改造的投资不足,多数油田注水系统设备及管网的腐蚀、老化等问题严重制约了油田的后期生产。通过对油田注水系统存在的主要问题进行分析,提出要维持油田的原油产量,必须维持一定的油田污水处理、污水回注的增长,使之与油田产液量的增长相适应的观点。从精准计量入手,加大注水井调整和作业力度,增加污水回注的注水井点,提高污水回注的应急能力,采用新式计量技术,降低计量误差,真正实现"注好水、注够水",最大限度地挖掘自身潜力,提高地面采注系统的适应能力,为油田可持续发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

管道是原油运输的主要运输方式,是保证国家能源和战略安全的有效手段。世界原油管道主要分布在北美、俄罗斯和中东地区。目前,我国原油管道长约1.3×104km,主要由中国石油和中国石化两家公司运营管理,部分管道运行时间较长,存在一定安全隐患,个别管道长期处于低输量运行。2011年我国原油对外依存度为54.3%,首次超过美国。随着我国原油对外依存度的增加,西北、东北、西南、海上四大原油进口通道将进一步拓宽,国内配套管道将进一步完善,连接沿海港口和内陆炼油厂的原油管道将陆续建成。  相似文献   

Environmental Protection takes precedence during the production and operation
The idea of "humanistic, safety first and environmental protection prior" is the basic principle of environmental protection of CNPC. It is pointed out in the work report of CNPC that, "To strengthen the safety production, protect the environment and save energy resources is the inevitable requirement to thoroughly implement the scientific approach on development as well as an important aspect to transform the pattern of economic growth". To carry out environmental protection priority, the whole process of oil and gas production and the guarantee of national oil and gas supply as well as the sustainable development should be permeated with the work of environmental protection. Specifically speaking, CNPC guarantees the priority of environmental protection with "Six Priorities" in the process of production and operation.  相似文献   

加工含硫原油装置腐蚀与控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章对中国石油天然气股份有限公司独山子石化分公司加工哈萨克斯坦原油、俄罗斯原油的炼油装置的腐蚀情况进行了分析,并研究了哈萨克斯坦原油中硫、酸分布状态,并提出了合理的防护措施。  相似文献   

塔里木油田公司是中国石油天然气股份有限公司的地区公司。目前拥有资产总量255亿元,员工12400人.是一家在塔里木盆地进行油气勘探、开发、炼油、化工,销售为一体的大型石油公司。实行市场化运行.合同化管理。专业化服务.社会化依托管理摸式。形成了适合塔里木前陆盆地、海相克拉通盆地油气勘探开发理论和具有国内外领先水平的沙漠和山地勘探技术、深井及超深井钻井试油技术、深层高压油气田开发等技术系列。目前已探明油气储量当量达到1098亿t。原油产量由1989年的338万t发展到2005年的600万t,天然气产量已达到57亿m^3,油气当量突破1100万t,成为中国石油第五个千万吨级大油气田。目前塔里木油田已探明的天然气地质储量可以确保西气东输工程每年供气200亿m^3稳定供气30年以上。  相似文献   

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