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在三元复合驱室内物理模拟实验中,选取两种相对分子质量(1 200×104和2 000×104)的聚合物以及两种岩心(人造岩心和天然岩心).研究了三元复合体系注入段塞大小和注入前置及后续段塞大小等不同注入方式对驱替效果的影响.实验结果表明,使用不同相对分子质量聚合物配制的三元体系,其高浓度小段塞比低浓度大段塞的驱油效率高,而且高相对分子质量聚合物驱比低相对分子质量聚合物驱效果的差别更明显;在注入方式相同的条件下,人造岩心的驱油效果优于天然岩心;随着化学剂用量的降低,这种差异会更大.  相似文献   

聚合物段塞组合及其对驱油效果影响实验研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
依据矿场生产实际需求,利用现代物理模拟技术方法,对油田目前正在使用的三种聚合物配制聚合物溶液的段塞组合进行了实验研究。研究结果表明,聚合物段塞尺寸和粘度是影响聚合物驱油效果的决定因素。在聚合物段塞尺寸保持不变条件下,段塞粘度决定了聚合物驱油效果。聚合物溶液粘度愈高,聚合物驱采收率增幅愈大;在聚合物段塞粘度保持不变条件下,段塞尺寸决定了聚合物驱油效果,聚合物溶液段塞尺寸愈大,聚合物驱采收率增幅愈大。  相似文献   

一次和二次聚合物驱驱替液与原油黏度比优化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了不同原油黏度原油油藏一次聚合物驱和二次聚合物驱时驱替液与原油黏度比对提高采收率的影响,并对合理黏度比区间进行了优化。研究结果表明:在相同原油黏度条件下,随着黏度比的增大,聚合物驱提高采收率幅度变大,但黏度比大到一定程度后采收率提高幅度的增加不明显;在相同黏度比条件下,二次聚合物驱采收率提高幅度明显低于一次聚合物驱,如果要达到一次聚合物驱时的采收率提高幅度,则需要较高的黏度比;二次聚合物驱时,聚合物注入时机越早越好。绘制了合理黏度比的理论图版,利用该图版可以检验矿场实施单元注入参数的合理性,且为一次聚合物驱及二次聚合物驱的合理注入参数设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

采用分子内交联为主的Cr3+聚合物弱凝胶,通过“分注分采”岩心驱替实验研究调驱剂段塞尺寸、岩石渗透率和原油黏度对储层吸液剖面和产液剖面的影响。针对渤海油田LD10-1区块渐新统东营组进行了“堵/调/驱”实验。研究结果表明:①调驱剂段塞尺寸对注采两端液流转向和剖面返转时机没有影响,但超过0.3 PV后单位体积段塞尺寸Cr3+聚合物弱凝胶提高原油采收率增幅减小,随储层渗透率级差和原油黏度增大,注采两端液流转向时机延后,剖面返转时机提前;②“有机/无机”复合凝胶体系封堵高渗透率层、聚合物微球调控微观非均质性和稠油流度改善剂提高驱油效率等3种措施同时实施,可提高聚合物弱凝胶调驱后的采收率;③“堵/调/驱”组合提高采收率机理为:封堵优势渗流通道扩大非均质储层宏观波及体积、聚合物微球在变径孔隙或喉道处发生桥堵实现微观液流转向、高效驱油剂可进入未波及孔喉区域发挥降黏原油、降低油水界面张力和高效驱替等3种作用。  相似文献   

古城油田B125区块普通稠油油藏储层非均质性严重,原油平均黏度达1 000 mPa·s以上,进一步提高采收率难度大。为此,通过增黏性、流变性和驱油试验,评价了超高分子量聚合物提高普通稠油采收率的技术优势,考察了含硫污水对聚合物溶液性能的影响。试验表明,超高分子量聚合物增黏性优越,相同质量浓度下较常规聚合物溶液黏度高40%以上;黏弹性强,相同黏度下较常规聚合物采收率提高3.4百分点以上;含硫污水会造成聚合物溶液黏度降低10%以上、弹性明显减弱和采收率提高幅度降低3.0百分点。B125区块部署注聚井22口,截至2018年底,累计注入0.22倍孔隙体积的聚合物溶液,注入压力上升3.5 MPa,日产油量增加45.0 t,含水率降低9.0百分点,累计增产油量1.84×104 t,阶段采收率提高1.19百分点。研究与应用表明,超高分子量聚合物驱技术可以大幅提高较高黏度普通稠油油藏的采收率。   相似文献   

Severe viscous fingering during waterflooding of heavy oil leaves a large amount of oil untouched in the reservoir. Improving sweep efficiency is vital for increasing heavy oil recovery. Polymer flooding, a widely recognized mobility control enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology for conventional oil, is generally not recommended for oils with viscosities higher than 200 mPa s according to the traditional EOR screening criteria. However, polymer flooding of heavy oil reservoirs is becoming increasingly feasible with the wide use of horizontal wells and because of relatively high oil price.This study investigated the relationship between the tertiary oil recovery by polymer flooding and the effective viscosity of polymer solution. Twenty-eight sandpack flood tests were conducted using oils with viscosities ranging from 430 mPa s to 5500 mPa s. Results showed that there existed a minimum value and an optimum value of effective viscosity for the injected polymer solution. Rapid increase in oil recovery was observed when the effective viscosity of the polymer solution was increased between these two values. Outside of this range, the increase in the effective viscosity of polymer solution resulted in only small incremental oil recovery. It was also found that both the minimum and optimum effective viscosities of polymer solution increased with increasing oil viscosity.  相似文献   

In recent years, polymer flood of heavy oil has been extensively studied in laboratories and successfully applied in several fields. Polymer flooding is the most successful chemical enhanced oil recovery method. However, still, the need for a large amount of polymer, leading to high operational costs, presents a big challenge in technologies. This challenge can be addressed by considering the newly emerging nanomaterials. In this work, the author focuses on roles of TiO2 nanoparticles on polymer viscosity and improve recovery in heavy oil recovery. He present the results obtained from a coreflood experiment with polymer injection in heavy oil at 1320 mPa.sec viscosity. Nanopolymer exhibits an outstanding flow behavior and enhanced oil recovery performance in coreflood displacement tests compared to base polymers. The results indicate that polymer flooding with higher viscosity can significantly improve oil recovery. Flooding test showed about 4% increase in oil recovery for nanopolymer solution in comparison with polymer solution after one pore volume fluid injection.  相似文献   

通过建立大庆萨尔图油田北二西试验区油藏的化学驱模型,模拟研究了包含主段塞、副段塞、前置段塞和后置段塞的碱、表面活性剂和聚合物三元复合体系化学剂含量、段塞大小及矿场注入速度对驱油效果的影响。主段塞中碱的质量分数和表面活性剂的质量分数对采收率的影响十分显著,而且都存在使采收率达到最大值的合理质量分数。无论是三元主段塞或副段塞,增加聚合物的质量浓度,对提高采收率的贡献都很明显。各段塞的大小对驱油效果都有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

聚合物驱后凝胶与聚合物交替注入参数优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大庆油田经过聚合物驱后已进入特高含水开发阶段,存在水驱控制程度低、层间矛盾大等问题。为进一步挖潜剩余油,提高采收率,改善大庆油田注采开发现状,在室内实验研究的基础上,针对N5试验区开展了聚合物驱后凝胶与聚合物交替注入参数优化研究。研究结果表明,聚驱后凝胶与聚合物交替注入驱油采用小段塞多轮次的段塞提高采收率效果优于大段塞少轮次的段塞;最佳组合的段塞为凝胶(0.02PV)+聚合物(0.03PV),共计注入11轮次,注入总量为0.55PV;经过凝胶与聚合物交替注入驱油后,其阶段采收率可在聚驱基础上提高10%左右,说明凝胶与聚合物交替注入驱油方法具备进一步开发聚合物驱后剩余油的潜力。  相似文献   

泡沫加二元复合体系提高采收率技术试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过物理模拟试验研究了聚合物驱油体系、泡沫复合驱油体系、二元复合驱油体系及泡沫与二元的复合体系提高采收率的能力、驱替过程中产出液含水变化及注采压差变化。试验证明,泡沫加二元复合驱油体系集合了泡沫及二元驱油体系的特点,具有强调及强洗的双重作用,泡沫的高视粘度及选择性封堵提高了驱油体系的波及面积,二元体系的高界面活性提高了驱油效率,减少了油藏的残余油的存在,使泡沫体系更稳定,多种组份相互作用,使驱油效果最大化;注入0.3PV复合段塞,综合采收率提高33.7%,提高采收率效果明显好于单纯的聚合物驱、二元驱及泡沫复合驱,在注入相同段塞条件下能够增加采收率4%~13%。  相似文献   

针对中国石化东部老油田的油藏特点和开发矛盾,介绍了水驱、化学驱、稠油热采、CO2驱等不同开发方式下提高采收率技术的主要进展和矿场应用效果.水驱调整以局部注-采关系完善为主,配套工艺采取智能分注分采技术,特低渗油藏开展了压驱注水试验;化学驱形成了无碱二元复合驱和非均相复合驱技术并已工业化推广应用,研发了耐温、耐盐、抗钙镁...  相似文献   

本文分析了高浓度三元复合驱增油效果的影响因素和经济效益。结果表明,在驱油剂费用相同时,0.12%高分聚合物驱、0.3%非离子表面活性剂/0.25%超高分聚合物二元复合驱、1.2%碱/0.3%磺酸盐/0.25%超高分聚合物三元复合驱的采收率增幅分别为19.6%、15.9%、13.7%。在高浓度三元复合体系黏度相同的条件下,体系界面张力由8.10×10-1降至5.73×10-3 mN/m,采收率增幅由23.4%增至27.7%。当三元复合驱黏度由36.8增至134.4 mPa·s时,采收率增幅由18.5%增至32.9%;当段塞尺寸由0.095增至0.475 PV时,采收率增幅由15.6%增至30.7%,但采收率增幅差值逐渐减小。在药剂费用相同的条件下,“聚合物前置段塞+三元主段塞+三元副段塞+聚合物保护段塞”组合的采收率增幅较大(33.8%)。从技术和经济效益方面考虑,推荐三元复合体系聚合物浓度范围为0.2%~0.25%,段塞尺寸为0.380~0.475 PV。对于非均质比较严重的油藏,与驱油剂洗油作用相比,其扩大波及体积作用对采收率的贡献较大。  相似文献   

高浓度聚合物驱提高采收率方法实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索一种新的提高原油采收率的方法,在外形尺寸为4.5 cm×4.5 cm×30 cm、气测渗透率0.9~1.0μm2、变异系数为0.72的二维纵向非均质人造岩心上,模拟大庆油田油藏流体性质及温度条件,研究了高浓度聚合物(HPAM)驱注入时机、聚合物相对分子质量、聚合物段塞体积及段塞组合对驱油效果的影响。通过注入大分子量、高浓度聚合物,结合合理的注入方式,在化学剂成本与三元复合驱相当的情况下,采收率比水驱提高20个百分点以上,接近或超过三元复合驱的水平。实验表明,采用高浓度聚合物驱油是一种较好的提高原油采收率的方法。  相似文献   

Low gas-liquid ratio foam flooding for conventional heavy oil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recovery of heavy oil by water flooding is 10% lower than that of conventional crude oil,so enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is of great significance for heavy oil.In this paper,foam flooding with a gas-liquid ratio (GLR) of 0.2:1 for the Zhuangxi heavy oil (325 mPa·s at 55 °C) was performed on cores,sand packs and plate model.In sand pack tests,polymer enhanced foam flooding increased oil recovery by 39.8%,which was 11.4% higher than that for alkali/surfactant/polymer (ASP) flooding under the same conditions.Polymer enhanced foam flooding in plate models shows that the low GLR foam flooding increased oil recovery by about 30%,even when the extended water flooding was finished at 90% water cut.Moreover,it was discovered by microscopy that foam was more stable in heavy oil than in light oil.These results confirm that low GLR foam flooding is a promising technology for displacing conventional heavy oil.  相似文献   

罗二辉  胡永乐 《石油地质与工程》2013,27(4):111-114,149,150
首先利用正交实验设计,确定了化学剂最佳注入程序为0.1PV聚合物前置段塞、0.45PV三元复合剂主段塞、0.05PV聚合物后续保护段塞,其次再依据聚驱后区块特点及实际情况,设计了三套井网方案并开展了聚驱后三元复合驱进一步提高采收率数值模拟研究。数模结果表明,三元复合驱与前一阶段聚驱相比平均可提高采收率12.9%,其中,水平井和直井的注采组合方案提高的采收率幅度最大,达到15.97%,所以聚合物驱后应综合考虑水平井的注采调整和三元复合驱的多重优势,以期取得更好的开发效果。  相似文献   

The resources of heavy oil in the world are more than twice those of conventional light crude oil and the technology utilized for the recovery of heavy oil has steadily increased recovery rates. Polymer flooding is the most commonly applied chemical enhanced heavy oil recovery technique. However, still there is a need for a large amount of polymer, leading to high operational costs, presenting a big challenge in technologies. This challenge can be addressed by considering the newly emerging nanomaterials especially those made from silica. In this work, the author focuses on roles of silica nanoparticles on polymer viscosity and improvement of recovery in heavy oil recovery. The author presents the results obtained from a coreflood experiment with polymer injection in heavy oil at 1320 mPa.sec viscosity. The results indicate that polymer flooding with higher viscosity can significantly improve oil recovery. These laboratory results will be helpful for the planning of nano silica polymer flooding for heavy oil reservoirs. Also flooding test showed a 8.3% increase in oil recovery for nanosilica polymer solution in comparison with polymer solution after one pore volume fluid injection.  相似文献   

为了揭示环烷基石油磺酸钠在砾岩油藏聚合物/表面活性剂二元复合驱中对提高采收率的影响,利用激光粒度仪和紫外分光光度仪测定了环烷基石油磺酸钠溶液的胶束尺寸和增溶量,利用微流控模型驱替实验和岩心驱替实验研究了环烷基石油磺酸钠乳化对提高采收率的影响。结果表明,与十二烷基苯磺酸钠、重烷基苯磺酸钠相比,同浓度下环烷基石油磺酸钠胶束增溶原油尺寸最大,增溶原油量最多,1 t环烷基石油磺酸钠溶液可极限增溶350 kg的原油。环烷基石油磺酸钠易与原油发生乳化,乳化后可增加驱油体系黏度,起到控制流度的作用,有利于提高采收率。在克拉玛依油田七中区二元复合驱现场试验中,根据岩心渗透率和含油饱和度的不同,通过改变表面活性剂的加量,调节驱油体系的乳化综合指数可大幅提高驱油效率。  相似文献   


Management of water alternating gas (WAG) injection projects requires making decisions regarding the WAG ratio, half-cycle-slug size, and ultimate solvent slug size. The impact of these decisions affects the capital cost and ultimate incremental oil recovery. Core flooding runs were conducted on 2 and 4 ft core samples. Injection scheme (continuous gas injection [CGI] vs. WAG), WAG ratio, and slug size were investigated. In addition, miscible WAG flooding as a secondary process was investigated and its efficiency was compared to the conventional tertiary miscible gas flooding. Miscible gas flooding at different miscible WAG parameters (WAG ratio and slug size) indicate that 1:2 WAG ratio at 0.2 PV slug size is the best combination yielding the highest recovery and tertiary recovery factors. Miscible WAG flooding as a secondary process indicated a higher ultimate recovery compared to the conventional tertiary WAG flooding. However, a larger amount of gas injection is consumed particularly in the early stages of the injection process. Miscible CGI mode conducted using n-Decane as oleic phase appears to have better performance than miscible WAG injection in term of recovery. When light Arab crude oil was used as oleic phase, higher recovery was obtained for miscible WAG flooding. The reversal trend seen in is believed to be due to the presence of crude oil, which alters the rock wettability toward an oil-wet condition, preventing the water blockage during the WAG process.  相似文献   

在渤海油田室内配方和先导性矿场试验研究基础上,利用化学驱油藏数值模拟软件FAPMS,优化设计了渤海油田J3井区块矿场试验的最佳注入程序及段塞大小,结果表明,通过对注入不同浓度的疏水缔合聚合物的前置段塞及主段塞和梯度式后续段塞的优化,采收率比未优化时明显提高。说明渤海油田应该高度重视聚合物驱的注入方式和段塞优化设计,进一步提高聚合物的技术经济效果。  相似文献   

Research on microscopic flow mechanisms can aid in improving oil recovery after polymer flooding. Based on a two-phase water–oil network model, a simulation model for polymer flooding is proposed that considers various percolation mechanisms of the polymer solution, such as thickening, diffusion, adsorption, entrapment and shear degradation. Thus, the pore structure and the rheological fluid properties can be integrated. This network model can provide an effective tool for the study of residual oil displacement after polymer flooding. The distribution laws for residual oil after polymer flooding were studied using this microscopic simulation. Results show that compared to water flooding, polymer flooding can greatly improve oil recovery. Moreover, the residual oil distribution after polymer flooding tends to be more disperse, complex and variable. At the same time, displacement methods and parameters of the residual oil were investigated. Methods such as increasing the viscosity of the injection fluid can be applied, but the viscosity must be very high. Injection of a slug of displacing liquid with low interfacial tension after polymer flooding can decrease irreducible oil saturation and improve the displacement efficiency, but the interfacial tension needs to be extremely low.  相似文献   

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