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The non-marine Lower Triassic Rewan Group in the Bowen Basin, Australia, is mainly composed of lithic arenites containing high proportions of volcanic rock fragments. Sublitharenites are also present. The arenites are cemented by abundant authigenic quartz, carbonates and clay minerals. Three separate lithostratigraphic intervals can be identified: a conglomeratic unit at the base; a sequence dominated by lithic arenites in the middle; and a section dominated by sub-litharenites at the top. Petrographically, the sandstones can be divided into a facies whose quartz content is greater than 75% on a QFR diagram; and a labile or lithic facies which contains less than 75% quartz. There is a progressive change in clay mineral assemblage from one petrofacies to the other.
The volcanic fragments have undergone rapid diagenetic alteration under low temperatures andpressures. Alteration started with pore-space reduction by compaction and was followed by pore-fill cementation. Solution at depth, however, has caused secondary porosity to develop. Differences in clay mineralogy and in the overall proportion of clay within the Rewan Group can be explained by differences in permeability and fluid flux, with high permeabilities occurring in the conglomeratic and sublitharenitic intervals. Porosity is best developed where early silicification has enhanced grain support and has minimised the effects of later compaction, and where clay minerals have been leached.  相似文献   

通过岩心分析、显微镜下观察(常规、铸体薄片和扫描电镜)、岩石地球化学分析测试等技术手段,以准噶尔盆地西北缘下二叠统油气储层为实例,研究了火山岩、火山碎屑岩和火山岩屑质砂砾岩中的火山玻璃、火山碎屑、长石以及辉石、角闪石等火山物质的低温-埋藏蚀变作用。镜下观察发现,在含火山物质油气储层中,常见对储集空间具有重要影响的自生矿物主要有绿泥石、沸石(包括方沸石、片沸石和浊沸石)、方解石、钠长石和自生的石英。结合共生关系、元素组成和元素迁移,分析了自生矿物的微观特征和成因,建立了火山物质蚀变的成岩演化序列,可以概括为:①火山玻璃水化—蒙脱石化—沸石化及各种沸石的转化——钠长石化;②铁镁矿物影响的绿泥石化;③长石蚀变向绿泥石和方解石转化,后期发生钠长石化。在研究区,火山物质的蚀变和自生矿物的析出与中-基性的母岩物质组成密切相关,并受地层温度、压力、孔隙水的化学性质控制。研究火山物质蚀变的产物、蚀变过程及控制因素,能够明确含火山物质的油气储层质量差异机理,为优质储层预测提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

垦利10-1构造沙河街组发育多套含油砂岩储集体,这些砂岩储层内的成岩现象十分丰富。应用扫描电镜、岩石薄片、粘土矿物及物性资料,对该储层成岩矿物成分、结构和产状进行了分类及特征分析。研究发现:垦利10-1南区沙河街组油层中自生粘土矿物含量高,它们以孔隙充填形式或薄膜包裹颗粒形式堵塞粒间孔隙和喉道,使储层渗透率降低;油层中自生石英加大发育,颗粒表面及粒间孔隙被较完整的石英自形晶面所充填,使储层渗透率降低;油层中碳酸盐胶结-交代现象明显,这种矿物以菱面晶体产状充填粒间孔隙,对油层物性影响较大。而该储层中长石的强烈溶蚀又改善了油层的储集性能,使这一探区具有上亿吨级的储量规模。  相似文献   

内蒙乌兰格尔地区上古生界砂岩的成岩作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
内蒙乌兰格尔地区的上古生界厚逾400m,大部分砂岩属于致密型低孔渗性的岩体。本文主要论述这些砂岩的成岩作用及其对储层孔渗性的影响。记砂岩具有四个成岩阶段:1.机械压实作用和早期胶结作用;2.碳酸盆的胶结作用和交代作用;3.溶蚀作用;4.晚期自生粘土矿物的形成和早期粘土矿物的重结晶作用。其中强烈的机械压实作用减少砂岩的孔隙,碳酸盆矿物的胶结作用尤其显著地减少了孔隙度和渗透率。但是,胶结物和部分颗粒的后期溶蚀作用是改善某些层段储集性能的有利因素。   相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东部下奥陶统碳酸盐岩埋藏成岩事件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯盆地东部下奥陶统碳酸盐岩埋藏成岩事件主要有埋藏白云岩化、埋藏溶解作用、埋藏胶结作用、埋藏去白云岩化、有机质成岩作用和粘土矿物转化作用等.不同类型的埋藏成岩事件的产物和岩石学及地球化学特征各异,对油气藏的最终形成起着不同的作用.有机质成岩作用和埋藏溶解作用产生的埋藏溶蚀孔洞缝构成区内主要的油气储集场所;埋藏胶结作用及成岩自生粘土矿物的形成作用是区内成岩圈闭和复合圈闭形成的必要条件;埋藏白云岩化和埋藏去白云岩化可提供部分油气储集空间.上述诸埋藏成岩事件的相互叠加对油气的形成、运移、聚集、圈闭和保存具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Sandstones in the Lower Cretaceous Lower Goru Formation in the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan, are important reservoir rocks for oil, gas and gas‐condensates. For this study, nine metres of core from depths of more than 3400m from well X‐1 in the north‐central part of the basin were analysed for major variations in porosity and permeability in two Lower Goru sandstone units referred to as the Basal and Massive Sands. The Lower Goru Basal Sand was deposited in lower shoreface to inner shelf settings at the well location, while the Massive Sand was deposited in a middle to lower shoreface setting. In both units, intervals with moderate to good (> 15%) porosities alternate with intervals with very low porosity (<5%), and similar variations in core permeability were observed. In this paper, the reasons for this reservoir quality variation at well X‐1 are investigated. Specifically, the study addresses the influence of different clay types on reservoir porosity and permeability within the Lower Goru sands and the distribution and impact of hard cements such as calcite and quartz. A range of petrographical data is integrated including thin sections, whole rock and clay XRD results and SEM images, which together provide some insights into the causes of reservoir quality variation and into the paragenetic relationships between the authigenic minerals. Chlorite grain coats are present in the higher‐porosity sandstones and are interpreted to have inhibited the formation of quartz overgrowths. Dissolution of feldspar and volcanic rock fragments in both the Basal and Massive Sands has contributed to an increase in overall porosity at well X‐1. Relatively low porosity intervals in the Massive Sand are associated with the absence of chlorite grain coats and the presence of abundant quartz overgrowths. By contrast, low porosity intervals in the Basal Sand have undergone early poikilotopic calcite cementation. The formation of authigenic illite resulted in a significant decrease in permeability in both the Basal and Massive Sands. Chlorite and kaolinite also reduced the permeability. The chlorite originated mainly from the dissolution of volcanic rock fragments or from precursor depositional berthierine clay. The transformation of K‐feldspar to illite is suggested to be the main reaction responsible for the formation of both authigenic illite and quartz overgrowths in the two reservoir units; the observed pressure solution will also have contributed to development of quartz overgrowths.  相似文献   

以松辽盆地北部徐家围子地区深层火山岩储层为研究对象,通过对徐深气田 50 多口井深层火山岩岩心观察得出,该区岩石类型从基性、中性到酸性岩均有分布,以酸性岩为主。火山熔岩有玄武岩、安山岩、粗面岩和流纹岩等;火山碎屑岩包括凝灰岩、流纹质熔结凝灰岩、火山角砾岩和集块岩。 通过岩石薄片显微镜下鉴定发现,各种火山岩均见不同程度的交代作用,如绿泥石化、碳酸岩化、高岭土化及硅化等。交代作用形成的次生矿物如石英、长石、绿泥石、浊沸石、碳酸盐矿物及黏土矿物,多充填在气孔和裂缝中。对以上几种次生矿物特征作了详细描述,并根据热力学第三定律对石英、绿泥石和浊沸石的形成进行了热力学模拟。根据石英、绿泥石和浊沸石 3 种矿物形成的反应方程式,并结合地层水资料中 K+,Ca+,Na+,H+,(Fe,Mg)2+ 和(Fe,Al)3+ 等离子的浓度,分别计算出它们各自形成的平衡常数K,再根据热力学公式ΔG0T)= -R·T·lnK计算出它们各自在不同温压条件下的吉布斯自由能变量ΔG(P,T)。 通过比较ΔG(P,T)的大小判断出 3 种矿物沉淀的先后顺序为绿泥石→石英→浊沸石,与镜下观察到的成岩顺序一致,为研究火山岩储层次生矿物的成岩演化提供了热力学依据。  相似文献   

中国含油气盆地砂泥岩黏土矿物的组合类型   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
通过对国内15个含油气盆地10余万块砂,泥岩样品黏土X射线衍射分析资料和地质特征的分析,将我国含油气盆地的黏土矿物组合划分为两大类共12种,分别代表不同的沉积和成岩环境,常见黏土矿物组合类型中,组合1~5分别代表早成岩A、B及晚成岩A、B、C等5种不同的成岩环境,组合6常见于高渗透储集层或煤系地层,组合7多见于生油凹陷中的低渗透储集层;特殊黏土矿物组合类型中,组合8反映膨润土夹层,组合9层映造山带深部地层不断剥蚀的快速堆积环境,组合10反映基性火山岩物源,组合11反映快速剥蚀堆积或富钾的沉积环境,组合12反映于旱富镁的沉积环境。  相似文献   

近地表碳酸盐化和浅埋藏水化水解,使火山砂岩在压实前固结,其中的粒间孔隙被以蒙脱石为主的自生粘土矿物充填或分割。决定孔隙水性质和形成自生粘土矿物及沸石等离子,来自火山砂岩本身。火山砂岩的典型成岩反应是水化水解和脱水反应,决定了孔隙水的性质、成岩矿物组合和储层的物性。  相似文献   

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