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In fractured reservoirs, an effective matrix-fracture mass transfer is required for oil recovery. Surfactants have long been considered for oil recovery enhancement, mainly in terms of their ability to reduce oil–water interfacial tension. These surfactants are effective when the fractured formations are water-wet, where capillary imbibition of surfactants from the fracture into the matrix contributes to oil recovery. However, another beneficial aspect of surfactants, namely their ability to alter wettability, remains to be explored and exploited. Surfactants capable of altering wettability can be especially beneficial in oil-wet fractured formations, where the surfactant in the fracture diffuses into the matrix and alters the wettability, enabling imbibition of even more surfactant into the matrix. This sequential process of initial diffusion followed by imbibition continues well into the matrix yielding significant enhancements in oil recovery.In order to test this hypothesis of sequential diffusion–imbibition phenomenon, Dual-Drop Dual-Crystal (DDDC) contact angle experiments have been conducted using fractured Yates dolomite reservoir fluids, two types of surfactants (nonionic and anionic) and dolomite rock substrates. A new experimental procedure was developed in which crude oil equilibrated with reservoir brine has been exposed to surfactant to simulate the matrix-fracture interactions in fractured reservoirs. This procedure enables the measurements of dynamic contact angles and oil–water interfacial tensions, in addition to providing the visual observations of the dynamic behavior of crude oil trapped in the rock matrix as it encounters the diffusing surfactant from the fractures. Both the measurements and visual observations indicate wettability alterations of the matrix surface from oil-wet to less oil-wet or intermediate wet by the surfactants. Thus this study is of practical importance to oil-wet fractured formations where surfactant-induced wettability alterations can result in significant oil recovery enhancements. In addition, this study has also identified the need to include contact angle term in the dimensionless Bond number formulations for better quantitative interpretation of rock–fluids interactions.  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing technology can significantly increase oil production from tight oil formations, but performance data show that production declines rapidly. In the long term, it is necessary to increase the development efficiency of block matrix, surfactant-aided imbibition is a potential way. The current work aimed to explain comprehensively how surfactants can enhance the imbibition rate. Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the effects of wettability, interfacial tension (IFT), and relative permeability as the key parameters underlying surfactant solution imbibition. Two different types of surfactants, sodium dodecyl sulfate and polyethylene glycol octylphenol ether, at varied concentrations were tested on reservoir rocks. Experimental results showed that the oil recovery rate increased with increased wettability alteration and IFT and decreased residual oil saturation. A mechanistic simulator developed in previous studies was used to perform parametric analysis after successful laboratory-scale validation. Results were proven by parametric studies. This study, which examined the mechanism and factors influencing surfactant solution imbibition, can improve understanding of surfactant-aided imbibition and surfactant screening.  相似文献   

Chemical-flooding schemes for recovering residual oil have been in general less than satisfactory due to loss of chemicals by adsorption on reservoir rocks, precipitation, and resultant changes in rock wettability. Adsorption and wettability changes are determined mainly by the chemical structure and mix of the surfactants, surface properties of the rock, composition of the oil and reservoir fluids, nature of the polymers added and solution conditions such as salinity, pH and temperature. The mineralogical composition of reservoir rocks plays an important role in determining interactions between reservoir minerals and externally added reagents (surfactants/polymers) and their effects on solid–liquid interfacial properties such as surface charge and wettability. Some of the reservoir minerals can be sparingly soluble causing precipitation and changes in wettabilty as well as drastic depletion of surfactants/polymers.Most importantly, the effect of surfactants on wettability depends not only how much is adsorbed but also on how they adsorb. A water wetted rock surface that is beneficial for displacement of oil can be obtained by manipulating the orientation of the adsorbed layers. New surfactants capable of tolerating harsh conditions created by extremes of pH, temperature or inorganics and capable of interacting favorably with inorganics and polymers are promising for enhanced oil recovery. In this regard, such surfactants as sugar based ones and pyrrolidones are attracting attention, as they are also biodegradable. In many cases, mixed surfactants perform much better than single surfactants due to synergetic effects and ability to alleviate precipitation. Also, addition of inorganics such as silicates, phosphates and carbonates and polymers such as lignins can be used to control the adsorption and the wettability. In this paper, use of specialty surfactants and their mixtures is discussed along with the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地侏罗系储层含油气性相关岩石物理参数   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过模拟地层压力、温度等特征进行岩心测试,结合多波极子测井资料,对准噶尔盆地腹部侏罗系储层地震预测及含油性相关岩石物理参数进行了研究,认为单一地震属性预测岩性存在一些局限性;利用常规地震属性进行含油气检测是不可行的,阐述了在该地区应用常规纵波波阻抗技术进行储层预测及含油气性检测的难点,指出了含油气检测在利用AVO反演的同时,必须联合弹性波反演方法,才能有效提高地震储层预测和含油气性检测的成功率,对准噶尔盆地腹部合理应用地震技术预测储层和含油气性具有实际意义。  相似文献   

潜山油气藏是济阳坳陷重要的油气藏类型。通过对济阳坳陷地质特征的分析,提出了该坳陷潜山油气藏的成因-形态分类,基于该区构造单元的成带分布,讨论了潜山分布的分带性及潜山油气藏的富集规律。潜山勘探潜力较大,油气富集程度高,是济阳坳陷进一步勘探的重点。  相似文献   

东营凹陷岩性油气藏动态成藏过程   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
利用流体包裹体均一温度,结合埋藏史和古地温资料,对东营凹陷牛35砂体和营11砂体成藏的动态过程进行了研究。通过砂体埋藏史、热史和油气充注史动态模拟,系统分析了烃源岩演化,砂体孔隙度、渗透率演化,油气充注时期及超压的形成时期等。综合分析后认为,砂体在90℃的古温度和17MPa的古压力条件下,利于形成岩性油气藏。在成藏过程中或成藏后,油气的大量充注会导致地层超压的形成。处于不同成藏系统中的砂体,其充满度以及压力系数不一致。在油源充足情况下,深层封闭成藏系统中易形成高充满度、高压力系数的透镜状岩性油气藏;而在半开放成藏系统中会形成充满度中等、压力系数较高的岩性油气藏。  相似文献   

Knowledge of droplet dynamics provides the basis of predicting pressure drops, holdups and corrosion inhibitor distribution in multiphase flow. Droplet size and its distribution also determine the separation efficiency between different phases. Experimental observations were conducted for droplet impingements with different fluids, droplet sizes and velocities, and film thicknesses. The observed transition boundaries were compared with the models developed by different authors. For impingement on a deep pool surface, the Marengo and Tropea correlation for splashing does not agree with the experimental results in this study. The Bai and Gosman critical Weber number for bouncing agrees with the water results but not the oil results. Three new correlations for transition boundaries between bouncing, coalescence, jetting and splashing were proposed and compared with the experimental observations.  相似文献   

流体包裹体在油气成藏研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高勇  牟智全  王永凯  窦红坤  曾建宏 《特种油气藏》2012,19(4):37-41,152,153
通过对滨海断鼻沙三段、歧北斜坡沙二段和滨海斜坡沙一段流体包裹体均一温度分布特征、烃包裹体产出特征、包裹体和沥青的成因特征的分析,划分出研究区油气成藏期次、成藏时间以及油气藏成因的控制因素,认为研究区具有"两期充注、先油后气,差异聚集、高油低气"的油气成藏模式;油藏分布序列受生烃演化、构造发育的配置关系控制;受大面积分布的岩性圈闭控制,多期砂体叠置,差异聚集是油气藏分布倒置的主要原因。  相似文献   

CO_2泡沫压裂液的流变特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用大型多功能泡沫回路(MPFL)装置研究了泡沫压裂液的流动行为特征,获得了不同CO_2泡沫质量压裂液的流变参数,并使用RS75控制应力流变仪研究了CO_2泡沫压裂液的粘弹性能,分析了泡沫质量与表观粘度、粘弹性、微观结构、支撑剂沉降速率的关系。研究结果表明,MPFL是开展泡沫压裂液研究的良好专用装置,FL-36起泡剂具有良好稳泡能力,研究的泡沫压裂液具有低密度、低滤失量、流变性能好、携砂能力强、低伤害等特点。  相似文献   

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