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在对分离三组分混合物的隔壁塔结构进行分析的基础上,为隔壁塔的设计建立简捷计算的四塔模型,以最佳中间组分分配比为基础,以汽相分配比和液相分配比为设计变量,对汽相、液相流量进行平衡,将其作为设计计算的模型约束条件,计算此时全塔的最小汽相流率;基于Underwood-Fenske-Gilliland-Kirkbride计算方法,确定塔的最小回流比、理论塔板数、实际塔板数以及进料和采出位置。以分离正己烷、正庚烷和正辛烷的混合物为例,对隔壁塔进行简捷计算,得到汽、液相分配比的初值;再进行严格计算,对汽、液相分配比进行优化分析,得到最优的设计参数。  相似文献   

叶青  钱春键  裘兆蓉 《石油化工》2007,36(11):1134-1138
采用隔壁精馏塔分离苯-甲苯-对二甲苯物系,用Aspen Plus软件模拟了隔壁精馏塔内温度分布及液相组成分布,考察了汽相和液相分配比对产品纯度的影响。对隔壁精馏塔模拟得到的优化操作条件为:隔壁精馏塔的理论板数为30块,侧线采出在第14块理论板,进料段为15块理论板,在进料段的第7块理论板进料,进料组成n(苯)∶n(甲苯)∶n(对二甲苯)为1∶3∶1,回流比为8.8,液相分配比为2.96,汽相分配比为0.83。在此条件下,各组分的摩尔分数大于98.5%,与实验结果基本吻合。当进料组成n(苯)∶n(甲苯)∶n(对二甲苯)为1∶3∶1时,采用隔壁精馏塔可比常规两塔流程节能27.18%。  相似文献   

Through separation of the hexane-heptane–octane system in a cross-wall adiabatic dividing wall column, the effects of feed position, side-draw position, liquid split ratio, vapor split ratio and their interactions on the energy consumption were analyzed by Aspen Plus under the constant product purity, and the response surface model for the energy consumption was regressed. Based on the restriction on the optimal operating zone, the comparison of different combinations of surrogate models and optimization methods showed that, the combination of the Kriging model and multi-island genetic algorithm(Kriging-MIGA) had better prediction ability than the combination of the response surface model and partial derivative method(RSM-PD), and RSM-PD had better optimization effect than Kriging-MIGA. With a self-made cross-wall adiabatic dividing wall column, the temperature at measuring points and the energy consumption were measured during experiments, the comparison between measured values and simulated ones demonstrated that the optimized values of variables searched by RSM-PD and Kriging-MIGA could be both used as the optimum technological conditions since the experimental reliability was ensured, with the optimum technological conditions shown below: The feed position is 6, the side-draw position is 7, the combinations of liquid split ratio and vapor split ratio are [0.14, 0.5] and [0.16, 0.52], respectively. RSM-PD and Kriging-MIGA can provide the appropriate optimization methods for the dividing wall column.  相似文献   

针对工业实例分离叔丁醇-乙醇-水三元共沸物,设计了常规三塔萃取精馏(CTCED)及节能型多侧线塔萃取精馏(EDCMR)分离流程.通过稳态优化对2种流程进行对比,基于以年度总费用(TAC)最低为目标的稳态优化后可以得出,多侧线塔萃取精馏流程的TAC比常规三塔萃取精馏流程降低了16.16%.在此基础上,对于多侧线塔萃取精馏...  相似文献   

中国石油化工股份有限公司洛阳分公司Ⅱ套催化裂化装置存在能耗较大的问题。从蒸汽网络改造、换热网络改造及解吸塔重沸器维护等方面,对检修前后装置运行状态进行了分析,并对节能降耗效果进行了计算。蒸汽网络改造后,过热蒸汽量除满足气压机使用外,还有38 t/h过剩蒸汽可并到管网使用;换热网络中原料油—轻柴油优化改造后,原料预热温度增加8℃,节省3.5 MPa蒸汽达10 t/h;而投用解吸塔重沸器有效控制了分馏塔中部温度,轻柴油产品收率提高2.36百分点。装置的节能维护改造达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

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