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延长油田经过多年的勘探开发,部分联合站采出水处理系统工艺落后,滤料更换频繁、加药效果差,滤后水质不达标,难以满足低渗透油藏注水水质要求。为实现采出水水质达标,延长油田将韩渠联合站作为试点进行工艺优化改造和药剂筛选。研究表明,改造后的一级重力除油+一级气浮+双滤料过滤+多介质过滤+烧结管工艺流程配合絮凝剂40 mg/L、助凝剂2 mg/L、阻垢剂60 mg/L、杀菌剂60 mg/L、缓蚀剂60 mg/L,以及合理的加药点,能够适应目前来水工况,且滤料更换周期由8~14个月延长至30个月,每年减少更换滤料费用65万元,水处理药剂费减少1.86元/m~3。  相似文献   

为解决渤海油田生产水处理面临的难题,开展了涡流三相混合气浮水处理小型试验研究,以节约海上平台占地面积和减少质量.分析了涡流三相混合气浮工艺原理及设备结构,针对某渤海油田海上平台进行现场调研,提出试验设备连接方案和试验方案,开展了海上平台现场小型试验.试验结果表明,试验装置在添加药剂2后除油效果显著,处理指标能够满足该平台生产水处理需求.根据试验结果结合渤海海上平台生产水处理需求,提出了优化改进措施.  相似文献   

海上某些油田油层渗透率低,注水水质指标较高,常规水处理流程无法满足该类型油田注水指标要求。新开发的一套高精度水处理工艺首次应用于海洋平台,可将常规处理后的B3级生产污水进一步处理到A2级,满足油田注水要求。  相似文献   

海水淡化处理装置在海上油田热采中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上油田热采对水质要求严格,海水不能直接作为热采用水;海水资源丰富,取材方便,但常规水处理设备无法处理,陆地用海水淡化装置又由于体积大无法安装在海洋平台上。文章介绍了中海油田服务股份有限公司专门研制的海水淡化处理装置的主要设备、工艺流程、运行参数及处理效果,并对其经济效益进行了对比分析。该装置结构紧凑,占地面积小,适合在海洋平台上安装使用;产水量达到20 m3/h;处理后的产出水总硬度为0.2 mg/L,总碱度为20.80 mg/L,悬浮物含量小于1 mg/L,产出水水质满足多元热流体热采对水质的要求。  相似文献   

某海上油田注水层渗透率10×10~(-3)~50×10~(-3)μm~2,属低渗透地层,对注水水质要求高,油田总体开发方案推荐注入水含油量低于8. 0 mg/L、悬浮物颗粒粒径中值小于2μm。经传统的水力旋流器、板式聚结器、气浮选、纤维球精细过滤器、改性纤维球过滤器、超声波精细过滤器等设备处理过的生产水水质无法满足注水要求。为验证经陶瓷膜滤器深度处理的生产水能否满足某海上油田回注水的水质要求,在某海上油田所依托的老设施上进行了现场试验。试验结果表明,经陶瓷膜滤器深度处理后,生产水含油量均值由31. 18 mg/L降低到3. 6 mg/L,粒径中值均值由4. 40μm降低到1. 42μm,满足油田总体开发方案推荐及相关规范要求,证明陶瓷膜滤器在某海上油田应用的可行性。现场试验为下一步的设备采办奠定了坚实基础,可为类似油气田提供参考。  相似文献   

针对北三台油田清水中溶解氧、腐蚀率、总铁等超标项目,在室内进行了其水处理剂的筛选研究并将研究确定的水处理剂进行了现场试验,结果表明,清水经工艺及缓蚀剂M-150mg/L、阻垢剂ATMP10mg/L、除氧剂Na2SO310mg/L处理后,其水质可完全达到该油田注水标准。  相似文献   

油田回注污水水质与污水处理的工艺、药剂紧密相关,水处理药剂的效果直接影响污水处理后的水质指标和经济效益.通过水质改性技术改造纯梁首站污水处理工艺,对与处理工艺配套的各种药剂配比、加量进行优化,研究了不同配比的复合碱、不同加量的助凝剂对处理水质的影响,从絮凝效果、污水澄清时间、产生污泥量、水质等方面进行了全面评价.研究结果表明,对首站污水处理用的各种药剂为:复合碱NS-1中NaOH和Ca(OH)2的质量比为1:1~1:3,加量406~442 mg/L;助凝剂HY-2加量2~4 mg/L;处理污水的pH值控制在7.8~8.0范围内,污水腐蚀率<0.076 mm/a,产生的污泥量为9~11 cm3/L污水.现场处理后的水质全面达到注水标准,腐蚀率大大下降.  相似文献   

纤维球过滤器是压力过滤器中较为新型的水质精密处理设备。为满足英东油田对采出水处理的达标要求(悬浮物固体质量浓度≤5.0 mg/L),选择纤维球过滤技术对油田水进行处理,改进过滤器设计,在注水罐进口并联一套自动高效快速纤维球过滤器,开展水质悬浮物固体过滤试验。结果表明,采用该技术对采出水进行后,源头水质悬浮物固体质量浓度由8.6 mg/L降至2.4 mg/L,不但满足了英东油田注水需求,而且还具有注水水质稳定、井口油压平稳等优势。  相似文献   

清水、生产污水混合回注是海上油田早期普遍采用的注水开发方式。渤中28-2南油田清水产自馆陶组,矿化度8514.7 mg/L、水型为CaCl2;污水为产自明化镇组的地层水,矿化度6605.7 mg/L、水型为NaHCO3。本文以该油田为例,利用储层敏感性矿物分析、敏感性实验、清污配伍性实验、室内岩心驱替、平台水质调研等参数综合分析了油田注水过程中的储层损害机理;并针对海上油田注水的特点,建立了一套评价油田注水过程中储层损害机理研究的方法。渤中28-2南油田注入强度大,造成速敏性损害是影响注水效果的重要原因。静态配伍性评价结果表明,80℃时单一清水的总垢量为27.0~70.5 mg/L;当温度从80℃降至60℃,平均总垢量从70.5 mg/L降至18.3 mg/L,清水自身结垢能力较强。当清水和地层水以不同体积比混合后,悬浮垢、沉降垢及总垢含量均随地层水比例的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,在1:1时出现峰值。悬浮垢、沉降垢主要为CaCO3。动态配伍性评价结果表明,清水对岩心的渗透率损害率为41.11%~89.36%。清水在注入地层后会与地层流体发生不配伍现象,产生钙质垢,堵塞渗流通道,导致注水困难。同时由于平台污水处理时间短,处理量大,导致目前的水处理系统含油率不达标等是注水达不到配注量的关键因素。针对性提出预防储层损害的措施和手段,以提高注水井的吸水能力,保证油田注采平衡。  相似文献   

靖边油田十号联合站改造前的水处理工艺流程为两级重力除油+喷射诱导气浮+核桃壳过滤+纤维球过滤,含油污水处理以后注入水的水质达不到延长油田注入水的水质标准,通过对处理工艺优化和设备选型,将工艺流程优化为两级重力除油+ADAF高效气浮装置+双滤料过滤器+多介质过滤器。改造后主要水质指标中含油量≤3 mg/L,悬浮物含量≤2 mg/L,粒径中值≤2 mg/L,达到了延长油田长2层注入水水质标准,保持了注水井具有长期稳定的吸水能力。  相似文献   


Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) contaminated water samples, prepared in laboratory, were analyzed using infrared spectroscopy to compare PHC extraction efficiency of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and trichlorotrifluoroethane (C2Cl3F3) solvents. The comparison of the results illustrated that PHC extraction efficiency of CCl4 was greater than C2Cl3F3. The higher extraction efficiency of CCl4 was ascribed to its more non-polar nature and higher polarity index. This study supported the selection and use of CCl4 for extraction and quantification of PHC of groundwater samples of the projects carried out in the department.  相似文献   

以MCM-48为载体,通过浸渍法制备了H6P2W18O62/MCM-48催化剂,并采用FT-IR、XRD、SEM、EDS对催化剂进行表征。以微波促进30%(质量分数)H2O2氧化环己酮合成己二酸反应为探针,考察了H6P2W18O62/MCM-48的催化性能,并通过正交实验确定了优化的工艺条件。结果表明,采用H6P2W18O62负载量40%的H6P2W18O62/MCM-48催化剂,在优化的合成己二酸的工艺条件下,即催化剂质量分数(以环己酮质量计)5.1%、n(C6H10O)∶n(H2O2)∶n(H2C2O4.2H2O)=100∶450∶1.88、反应温度95℃、微波功率300 W、反应时间3.5h,己二酸收率可达81.3%;催化剂重复使用5次,己二酸收率仍可达到64.6%。  相似文献   

The influence of various amounts of phosphorus addition on performance of NiMoP/Al2O3 and CoMoP/Al2O3 nanocatalysts was examined in hydrodesulfurization of thiophene. The nanocatalysts were synthesized via sonochemical technique. The prepared samples were characterized by XRD, FESEM, BET, and FTIR analysis. The catalytic activity in hydrodesulfurization reaction was investigated in a batch stirred slurry reactor at 160°C and atmospheric pressure. The characterizations confirmed highly dispersion of active phase and formation of amorphous AlPO4 species on the support surface. The results obtained from thiophene hydrodesulfurization showed the nanocatalysts contained 1 wt% of phosphorus had the highest activity. The CoMoP/Al2O3 and NiMoP/Al2O3 nanocatalysts with optimum phosphorus loading nearly gave 100% conversion of thiophene, so that the sulfur compound concentration in final solution was less than 50 ppm.  相似文献   


A series of nanosized platinum-containing catalysts was successfully loaded on/in zeolite H-ZSM-5 via exchanging the zeolitic proton with platinum from Pt tetramine dichloride complex. Another series of Pt/H-ZSM-5 catalysts was prepared via wet impregnation of H2PtCl6 solution for comparison. The latter series was found to produce lower Pt dispersion. Pt dispersion was determined by H2 chemisorption. Catalyst characterization via ammonia temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was examined for all catalysts and showed large differences in particle sizes. The data on n-hexane reactions of the catalysts of both series confirmed the formation of Pt nanoparticles in the exchanged catalysts. The relatively lower density and strength of acid sites acquired by Pt-exchanged catalysts contributed to this difference; stronger acid sites in the impregnated catalysts are in favor of hydrocracking reactions, which inhibit isomerization selectivity.  相似文献   


A series of molybdenum catalysts supported on Al2O3–ZrO2 mixed oxide containing 50% ZrO2 and 50% Al2O3 were prepared by incipient wetness technique and characterized by BET surface area, X-ray diffraction, temperature programmed reduction and oxygen chemisorption. The catalytic activities for hydrodesulphurization (HDS), hydrogenation (HYD), and hydrocracking (HYC) were determined using thiophene, cyclohexene, and cumene as model compounds, respectively. Results indicate that up to 8 wt% Mo loading, the catalyst is well dispersed and crystallite growth occurred beyond this loading. Also both oxygen uptake and catalytic activities increase with Mo loading up to 8 wt% and then decreases at higher loading. A linear correlation was obtained between oxygen uptake and all catalytic activities and the correlation coefficients obtained suggest that the order of catalytic activities for HDS, HYD, and HYC is: HDS > HYD > HYC. Furthermore, the catalytic activities of the mixed oxide supported catalyst for HDS, HYD, and HYC were higher than those supported on pure alumina and pure zirconia. The incorporation of 3% Co on 8% Mo catalyst was determined to result in enhanced activity for HDS, HYD, and HYC.  相似文献   

复合SiO2-WO3催化剂的制备、表征及氧化脱除苯并噻吩性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了SiO2-WO3催化剂,并采用XRD、FT-IR、BET、TG-DTA等方法对催化剂进行表征。以苯并噻吩(BT)为模型化合物,H2O2为氧化剂,考察了催化剂的活性元素、制备方法、n(W)/n(Si)和焙烧温度对其催化氧化脱硫活性的影响。结果表明,W的引入降低了SiO2的比表面积,SiO2-WO3催化剂中W的主物相为WO3。在以W为活性组元,且n(W)/n(Si)为0.1时,500℃焙烧得到的SiO2-0.1WO3催化剂具有最好的催化脱硫活性。在模拟油20 mL、催化剂SiO2-0.1WO3用量0.04 g、n(H2O2)/n(S)为15.9、乙腈/模拟油体积比0.3、65℃反应60 min的条件下,苯并噻吩模拟油脱硫率可达99.3%。  相似文献   

The most important products that can be produced from syngas are methanol, dimethyl ether and light olefins (ethylene and propylene). The light olefins are the most important syngas products, because many of the chemicals are produced from them. The aim of this work was to study the olefins production from syngas over Al2O3-supported Ni-Cu nano-catalysts. In addition, the effect of various factors such as catalyst on olefin production and CO conversion has been investigated. The concentration of heavier olefins (C5) was greater than the remaining olefins, since the rate of reactions must be increased to form C1 to C4. In the case of a Ni/Al2O3 catalyst, C1 and C4 was initially increased and then decreased with an increase in Ni loading from 0% to 15%.  相似文献   


Alumina-silica (Al2O3-SiO2) composite supports were examined to find the optimum state of support (i.e., composition and morphology). SiO2 content in the Al2O3-SiO2 support induced a shift of the main peak to higher frequency ascribed to an increased amount of Mo8O26 4?. A 75 wt% Al2O3-25 wt% SiO2 support had homogeneously dispersed alumina particles of smaller size with high crystallinity. Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of straight-run gas oil and its conventionally hydrotreated straight-run gas oil was performed over NiMo sulfides supported on Al2O3-SiO2 composites. The high crystallinity of NMASA2-27 may be related to the high HDS and hydrogenation activity of NiMo sulfides due to its moderate interaction with the alumina surface.  相似文献   

合成了粒径在1~2 μm的廉价微米TS-1,并经MgO改性,杀灭其上少量的酸中心;采用SEM、XRD、BET对MgO改性前后的TS-1进行了表征,并考察了其在甲醇溶剂体系丙烯环氧化的催化性能。结果表明,TS-1催化剂经MgO改性后,可以显著提高其催化丙烯环氧化反应的环氧丙烷(PO)选择性,减少副反应的发生;在最优化反应条件CH2O2 =1.0 mol/L, θ = 60℃, t = 60 min, pC3↓H6↓ = 0.6 MPa,以及按每1 gTS-1需80 mL CH3OH的比例下,H2O2转化率达到99.5%,环氧丙烷选择性达到96.7%,环氧丙烷收率比未改性的微米TS-1也有明显提高。  相似文献   


Seven representative oil show samples from wells in the north and north central Sinai have been characterized by means of a variety of organic geochemical techniques (C7 hydrocarbon and biomarker analyses), to illustrate origin, differences, and similarity among oils. These oils were obtained from Cretaceous and Jurassic reservoirs. The C7 oil correlation star diagram (OCSD) suggests closely related oils, derived mainly from similar source rocks, while the C7 oil transformation star diagram (OTSD) and C7 light hydrocarbon analyses indicate a minor degree of transformation of some oils, as Misri-1, Halal-1, and Nakhl-1 oils were subjected to evaporative fractionation. Moreover, the studied oils show no sign of water washing and biodegradation. Molecular characteristics suggest pre-Tertiary shales and carbonate source rocks, deposited under a saline oxic environment, rich in terrigeneous organic sources with significant bacterial and algal input. Since the studied oils are of mixed marine and terrestrial origin, C7 signature of these oils is not representative of their origin and should be supported by other geochemical evidence (e.g., biomarkers) to predict their origin.  相似文献   

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