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纳米技术在国内油气田开发中的应用成效及再创新对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国拥有研究和生产纳米材料的技术实力。纳米技术展示出高新技术特色,具有高效功能的纳米材料正在逐步得到推广应用。油气田开发中的封堵调剖、降压增注、层内驱油、油水净化等领域也开始逐步引入纳米技术。为开发纳米技术的巨大市场潜能,在分析纳米技术研究及应用新进展的基础上,提出加快科技创新步伐的对策:寻求更广泛的技术合作途径,提升推广应用技术水平,重视石油行业纳米标准的研究,纳米技术创新选向。为决策提供科学依据,有助于纳米技术的全面推广应用。  相似文献   

作者最佳值油气田开发对新技术、新产品的需求出发、从钻探、采注、调剖、钻井液、污水处理、防腐、润滑七个方面探讨了油气田开发领域存在的技术问题和应用纳米技术和材料的可能性和优势性,为今后纳米技术在油气田开发中的应用提供了新思路。[编者按]  相似文献   

纳米科技的发展已引发一场新的工业革命,纳米技术在油气田勘探开发中的应用正在兴起。介绍了纳米技术及其研究应用领域,重点考查了油气工业上游领域进行的富有成效的探索及取得的进展,具体包括智能流体(纳米传感器)、油田化学添加剂、勘探开发设备材料、管道涂层、油气田污染区和场地修复重建、意外事故处理和环境灾害治理等方面,展现了纳米技术巨大的应用潜力。该技术与石油开采技术紧密结合,必将在油气生产中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

纳米材料及其技术的应用研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了利用纳米技术形成的纳米材料所具有的特殊性能及其在塑料加工、橡胶改性、涂料、催化剂、医药、军工等领域的应用进展。并针对我国在纳米材料的开发和推广应用方面都与发达国家有较大差距 ,提出了自己的建议  相似文献   

纳米结构镁合金的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在镁合金中运用纳米技术可以提高合金的力学性能、储氢性能及其他性能。概述了纳米材料定义与分类、纳米材料的结构、表面纳米化的制备方法、镁及镁合金表面纳米化;综述了纳米材料研究现状与应用进展,重点介绍了纳米技术在镁基结构材料、储氢材料、防火涂料中的应用,在碳纳米管镁基复合材料中的应用,以及在梯度纳米结构镁合金中的研究与应用。  相似文献   

纳米材料在石油天然气田开发中的应用进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了纳米材料在油气田开发的各个领域的应用,涉及原理、制备、性能、应用工艺、现场应用效果.①钻井完井液处理剂:具层状结构的水滑石LDHs及正电胶MMH,蒙脱石、水滑石插层聚合纳米复合材料,AM共聚物-SiO2纳米复合材料,PAM反相乳液,蒙脱石与AM、AA共聚交联纳米复合材料PLS.②注水井增注用纳米材料:主要为纳米聚硅,即γ射线激活化学改性SiO2.③调剖堵水用纳米材料:PLS,纳米有机金属活性复合物,类水滑石纳米材料,聚合物微球.④驱油用纳米材料:非gemini小分子双季铵盐,可通过分子自组装在固体表面形成分子沉积膜.⑤其他:纳米相破乳剂,纳米聚合铝硅絮凝剂,纳米防腐涂料.提出了这类材料的"纳米效应"的概念,指出在油气田开发中纳米材料及其应用环境条件都应严格选择.参18.  相似文献   

正纳米技术、信息技术、生物技术是21世纪社会发展的三大支柱。纳米技术包括纳米材料设计、制造,纳米测量等技术,已在电子、生物、医疗、航空、军事以及能源领域得到了广泛应用,而纳米材料因尺度效应具有的独特的光、电、热、磁性能已成为学术界和工业界的研究热点。近些年来,纳米材料与表征技术逐渐渗透进入传统化石能源及新能源领域。为了更多地了解现有纳米技术在石油勘探开发领域的研究情况,我特意采访了中国工程院院士、中国石油勘探开发研究院总工程师刘合教授。  相似文献   

结合测井技术的实际需求及传统测井方法的局限性,论述纳米技术在测井领域的研究进展和应用现状,展望未来纳米技术与测井的结合领域与运用前景。纳米技术在表面效应、润湿特性、微粒运移、热传递性、剪切黏度等方面具有常规材料所不具备的特殊性能。引入纳米粒子及悬浊液在提升流体流变性、稳定性、携岩能力、界面张力,控制流体导电性、亲水亲油性、油水渗透率、剪切黏度,保护油层、地层,减少滤失量等方面具有广泛应用。根据纳米材料的特殊性能及前人研究成果,分析纳米技术在识别油水层、控制钻井液性能,储层测井参数表征等方面的应用前景。纳米粒子、流体的性能受控于多种影响因素,指出在油田开发应用中纳米材料的应用环境及相关影响参数在实际应用中的关键作用。  相似文献   

纳米技术在钻井液中的应用探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
纳米技术是指在纳米尺度范围内,研究电子、原子和分子的内在规律和特征,并用于制造各种物质的一门崭新的综合性科学技术;纳米材料是指晶粒或颗粒尺寸在1~100nm范围的超细材料,纳米材料是纳米技术发展的重要基础和重要研究对象.介绍了纳米材料的特性,分析了纳米技术与胶体科技的区别.从胶体科技在钻井液中应用的角度,分析探讨了纳米技术在钻井液应用中存在的问题:不能简单地将粒径在纳米尺度范围的颗粒称作纳米材料,否则就会得出最原始的细分散钻井液就是纳米钻井液的荒唐结论;向钻井液中加入纳米级颗粒不仅会影响钻井液的流变性(尤其是塑性粘度),而且由于加入材料的高的比表面积,必然吸附一部分钻井液处理剂,减少了处理剂的有效含量,另外增大了细颗粒损害油气层的机会;纳米颗粒使用性能不稳定.对纳米技术在钻井液领域应用提出了建议.  相似文献   

随着纳米科技的不断发展和纳米材料的出现,纳米技术正在向备个领域渗透,并且已经逐步进入提高原油采收率领域。但是,有关纳米技术在油田开发提高原油采收率方面的应用报道则相对较少.系统综述性文章也较少,本文通过辽河油田两个区块开展纳米深度调剖剂进行驱油效果等方面试验研究,介绍了纳米调剖剂改善驱油效果以增进对纳米技术应用新认识。  相似文献   

纳米材料具有粒度小、分散性高、稳定性好的特点,能够解决钻井过程中地层漏失和井壁不稳定等问题。通过研究反应溶剂、反应物物质的量比、反应温度、表面活性剂种类等有关因素,结合水热法与溶剂热法制备出一种适用于钻井液的纳米封堵材料。实验研究发现,将SnCl4·5H2O和苯并咪唑按4:0.1的物质的量比加入到无水乙醇和去离子水混合液中,再加入一定量的十二烷基苯磺酸钠,在100~120℃下反应,可以制得粒度达到91.4 nm的一维无机纳米封堵材料NF-1。封堵评价实验结果表明,在3%钻井液基浆中加入5%的NF-1,在105℃、3.5 MPa、30 min条件下测得滤失量为12.8 mL,钻井液泥饼渗透率由8.166×10-7 μm2下降为2.225×10-7 μm2,说明该纳米封堵材料性能优异、封堵效果好。   相似文献   

Environmental friendly fuels have increasing demand in the field of automotive industry. Hybridizing with biodiesel and addition of nanoparticles are two evident techniques to improve the performance and to control the hazardous emissions. Combination of appropriate weight fractions of nanoparticles, biodiesel, and diesel further optimize the engine outcomes. The present work aims at investigating the effect of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles suspensions in diesel and Mahua biodiesel blended fuel on single cylinder diesel engine performance characteristics. Experimental tests are performed with neat diesel fuel, biodiesel blends and ZnO added biodiesel blends. The results indicate that ZnO particulate addition yields favorable performance and emission control of the engine. A generalized regression neural network (GRNN) is implemented for predicting the performance and emissions of the engine at various operating conditions based on the experimental results. The neural network predictions are corroborated with the experimental results and are found in good agreement. A classical differential evolution algorithm (DEA) is further used on the network model to find out optimal combination of nanoparticles, biodiesel and diesel and proven through experimental validation.  相似文献   

纳米蒙脱土/SBS复合改性沥青及其改性机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用纳米蒙脱土/SBS复合材料对沥青改性,通过示差扫描量热(DSC)法测试了改性沥青的热稳定性.利用红外光谱(FT-IR)法研究了其改性机理。结果表明,经纳米蒙脱土/SBS复合改性后,沥青的综合性能显著提高。纳米蒙脱土/SBS复合材料加入沥青中,形成稳定、均匀的网络结构,使沥青在韧性、强度与热稳定性方面具有明显改善。由于没有形成新的官能团,因此纳米蒙脱土/SBS复合材料对沥青的改性是一种物理共混过程。  相似文献   

为满足当前深井、超深井逐步向深层次开发的需要,在分析评价各种抗高温钻井液处理剂的基础上,研制出一种以CX-189、JC-J003为主要降滤失剂的抗220℃高温微粒子钻井液,对其性能进行了评价。实验结果表明,该钻井液经220℃、16 h高温老化后,仍具有良好的流变性,高温高压滤失量仅为13.6 mL,形成的泥饼薄而韧;同时,该钻井液还表现出较强的抑制性能和抗盐(15%NaCl)、抗钙(2.5%)能力。  相似文献   

In the present study, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were prepared in good quality and quantity, MWCNT were produced using the catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) technique and the carbon source was acetylene. Different catalysts were synthesized based on iron and a mixture of iron and cobalt metal supported on SiO2, Al2O3 or MgO. The effect of parameters such as iron concentration, support type, bimetallic catalyst and the method of catalyst preparation has been investigated in the production of MWCNT. The quality of as-made nanotubes was investigated by the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The best yield of MWCNT was 30 times of the amount of the used catalyst. The high yield of MWCNT was gained by 40 wt.% Fe on alumina support which was prepared by the sol–gel method. TEM analysis was done for the carbon deposit, which revealed that the walls of the MWCNT were graphitized, with regular inner channel and uniform diameter. It reflected a reasonable degree of purity. The TGA showed that MWCNT was decomposed at 635 °C by a small rate indicating a high thermal stability and well crystalline formation of the produced MWCNT.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution by heavy metal is arising as the most endangering tasks to both water sources and atmosphere quality today. The treatment of heavy metals is of special concern due to their recalcitrance and persistence in the environment. To limit the spread of the heavy metals within water sources, nickel oxide nanoparticles adsorbents were synthesized and characterized with the aim of removal of one of the aggressive heavy elements, namely; lead ions. Nano nickel oxide adsorbents were prepared using NaOH and oxalic acid dissolved in ethanol as precursors. The results indicated that adsorption capacity of Pb(II) ion by NiO-org catalyst is favored than that prepared using NaOH as a precipitant. Nickel oxide nanoparticles prepared by the two methods were characterized structurally and chemically through XRD, DTA, TGA, BET and FT-IR. Affinity and efficiency sorption parameters of the solid nano NiO particles, such as; contact time, initial concentration of lead ions and the dosage of NiO nano catalyst and competitive adsorption behaviors were studied. The results showed that the first-order reaction law fit the reduction of lead ion, also showed good linear relationship with a correlation coefficient (R2) larger than 0.9.  相似文献   

介绍了纳米二氧化钛光催化剂的制备方法,特性特征及其光催化氧化性能、条件和影响因素。阐述了纳米二氧化钛光催化氧化在环境领域中的应用研究及前景。  相似文献   

李振彬  王明 《新疆石油天然气》2020,(1):61-64,I0004,I0005
温米油田温西三区块已进入高含水期开发阶段,主力油砂体水淹严重,层间、层内、平面矛盾突出。通过实施加密调整、精细注水、调剖等技术,取得了一定效果,但持续时间短,开发矛盾未根本扭转,因此有效恢复主力层系储量动用成为油田稳产的关键。本文在深入研究水驱机理的基础上,利用纳米微球特性,开展了逐级深部调驱试验,明确了调驱增油机理,有效改善井组开发效果,为老油田开发调整提供了思路及对策。  相似文献   

纳米碳酸钙改性沥青及混合料性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对纳米碳酸钙改性沥青及沥青混合料进行了沥青的技术性能试验、沥青混合料的马歇尔试验、高温车辙试验、低温弯曲试验和残留稳定度试验等,结果表明:在沥青中掺入8%的纳米碳酸钙,可使沥青及沥青混合料的高温性能得到明显的改善,且掺加工艺简单方便、价格低廉,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

The role of nanoparticles in enhancing oil recovery from oil reservoirs is an increasingly important topic of research. Nanoparticles have the properties that are potentially useful for enhanced oil recovery processes, as they are solid and two orders of magnitude smaller than colloidal particles. This paper presents a comparison between the efficiency of modified silica nanoparticles in enhancing oil recovery from two different Iranian light and intermediate oil reservoirs. The mechanisms used to recover additional oil would be oil–water interfacial tension reduction and wettability alteration. Oil phase contact angles and oil–water interfacial tensions were measured in the absence and the presence of nano fluids’ different concentrations (1–4 g/L). Results showed that the interfacial tension reduces dramatically in the presence of nanoparticles for both light and intermediate oil. In addition oil phase contact angle results showed a transformation of rock wettability from water-wet toward oil-wet condition. However, these nanoparticles are more capable in the reduction of the interfacial tension and the alteration of wettability in the case of light oil reservoir. A comparison between recovery results indicated that these nanoparticles are more efficient in light oil reservoirs and produce more incremental amount of oil after primary and secondary processes.  相似文献   

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