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The South Pars gasfield (offshore southern Iran) has been investigated in detail in recent studies in terms of depositional, diagenetic and reservoir properties of the Permian‐Triassic carbonate succession. In the present paper, a variety of flow unit approaches were applied to identify reservoir (flow) and non‐reservoir (baffle or barrier) units within the Permian‐Triassic carbonates. The zonation scheme was based on three approaches; (i) flow units were identified using the stratigraphic modified Lorenz plot (SMLP) method; (ii) hydraulic flow units were identified using a parameter known as the flow zone indicator (FZI); and (iii) petrophysical flow units (PFUs) were determined using the pore throat radius (R35) and water saturation (Sw) parameters. Studies of flow units at both macro‐ and micro‐scales showed that flow properties were controlled by both depositional and diagenetic features. In order to construct a reservoir flow model, the flow units and PFUs were correlated between the four wells studied within a sequence stratigraphic framework. SMLP‐derived flow units appeared to be distributed homogenously within the reservoir succession resulting in a layer‐cake architecture. By contrast, the FZI‐derived hydraulic flow units drew attention to the presence of small‐scale heterogeneities within the reservoir. A comparison between these methods showed that the flow model derived from PFUs included greater vertical and horizontal heterogeneities, especially in the Upper Dalan Member (upper K4 reservoir unit). This was due to depositional/diagenetic heterogeneities in both lateral and vertical directions, and the parameters applied in the PFU method. The PFU‐derived flow model showed a closer relationship to the actual reservoir performance than the flow units derived by the other methods and can therefore be used as the basis for future dynamic flow simulation.  相似文献   

A laterally continuous, 3m thick oolitic grainstone has been studied in cores from two wells from the South Pars field (offshore Iran). This high porosity but low permeability interval occurs at the top of the gas-bearing succession in the Permian Upper Dalan Member, and is equivalent to the informally-defined K4 unit of the Khuff Formation. This interval can easily be traced between the wells and overlies high-energy marine deposits. It is composed of oomouldic, fine-grained azooic grainstones with cm-thick coarser-grained layers. Horizontal to oblique lamination or steep foresets were observed together with pinstripe lamination. Petrographic observations indicate a clean oomouldic grainstone with very thin chitonic rims associated with pedogenetic imprints as first-generation cements. Later cements include early vadose meniscus and pendant cements in coarser-grained layers and pseudophreatic cements in the finer-grained material with a tighter pore network, prior to ooid dissolution. Rhizoliths were observed in cores and thin-sections. The pedogenic imprints and the early vadose cementation, both related to emergence, as well as the presence of pinstripe lamination, suggest an aeolian depositional setting. This interval is the first aeolianite recorded within the Khuff Formation or equivalent units, and the first hydrocarbon-bearing carbonate aeolianite described in a hydrocarbon-producing unit. The discovery of aeolianites has important implications for regional sequence-stratigraphic interpretations and reservoir volume calculations. These deposits do not conform to classic subaqueous sequence stratigraphy and do not record eustatic variations in the associated marine basin. Their recognition is crucial for well-to-well correlations.  相似文献   

Palaeo‐exposure surfaces within and at the top of the carbonate‐dominated Aptian Dariyan Formation have been poorly studied in the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf. This paper presents an integrated sedimentological and geochemical study of the Dariyan Formation at four oil and gas fields located in the western, central and eastern parts of the Gulf. Facies stacking patterns in general indicate shallowing‐upwards trends toward the exposure surfaces, which are interpreted to correspond to unconformities. The Dariyan Formation in the study area is divided into upper and lower carbonate units by a deep‐water, high‐gamma shale‐marl interval. At fields in the western and central Gulf, significant diagenetic changes were recorded in the top of the upper carbonate unit, including meteoric dissolution and cementation, brecciation and paleosol formation. An exposure surface is also present at the top of the lower carbonate unit in all the fields in the study area, and is associated with meteoric dissolution and cementation of grain‐dominated facies. Age calibration of studied intervals was carried out using microfossil assemblages including benthic and planktonic foraminifera. Negative excursions of both δ18O (?10‰ VPDB) and δ13C (?0.66‰ VPDB) were recorded in weathered intervals located below the unconformity surfaces. A sequence stratigraphic framework for the Dariyan Formation was established by integrating sedimentological, palaeontological and geochemical data. The δ13C curve for the formation in the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf can be correlated with the reference curve for the northern Neotethys and used as a basis for regional stratigraphic correlation. Where the top‐Aptian unconformity is present, it has resulted in an enhancement of the reservoir characteristics of the underlying carbonate succession. Accordingly, the best reservoir zones in the Dariyan Formation occur in the upper parts of the lower and upper carbonate units which are bounded above by significant palaeo‐exposure surfaces.  相似文献   

Hydraulic flow units are defined as reservoir units with lateral continuity whose geological properties controlling fluid flow are consistent and different from those of other flow units. Because pore‐throat size is the ultimate control on fluid flow, each flow unit has a relatively similar pore‐throat size distribution resulting in consistent flow behaviour. The relations between porosity and permeability in terms of hydraulic flow units can be used to characterize heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs. In this study, a quantitative correlation is made between hydraulic flow units and well logs in South Pars gasfield, offshore southern Iran, by integrating intelligent and clustering methods of data analysis. For this purpose, a supervised artificial neural network model was integrated with multi‐resolution graph‐based clustering (MRGC) to identify hydraulic flow units from well log data. The hybrid model provides a more precise definition of flow units compared to definitions based only on a neural network. There is a good agreement between the results of well log analyses and core‐derived flow units. The synthesized flow units derived from the well log data are sufficiently reliable to be considered as inputs in the construction of a 3D reservoir model of the South Pars field.  相似文献   

Petrographic and stable isotope investigations of Oligocene‐Miocene carbonates in the Asmari Formation from the Gachsaran oilfield and surrounding area in SW Iran indicate that the carbonates have been subjected to extensive diagenesis including calcite cementation and dolomitization. Diagenetic modification occurred in different diagenetic realms ranging from marine, meteoric and finally burial. Asmari carbonates were in general deposited in a ramp setting and are represented by intertidal to subtidal deposits together with lagoonal, shoal and low‐energy deposits formed below normal wave base. Lithofacies include bioclastic grainstones, ooidal and bioclastic, foraminiferal and intraclastic packstones, and mudstones. Multiple episodes of calcite cementation, dolomitization and fracturing have affected these rocks to varying degrees and control porosity. Four types of dolomites have been identified: microcrystalline matrix replacement dolomite (D1); fine to medium crystalline matrix replacement dolomite (D2); coarse crystalline saddle‐like dolomite cement (D3); and coarse crystalline zoned dolomite cement (D4). Microcrystalline dolomites (D1) (6–12 μm) replacing micrite, allochems and calcite cements in the mud‐supported facies prior to early compaction show δ18O and δ13C values of ?4.01 to +1.02‰ VPDB and ?0.30 to +4.08‰ VPDB, respectively. These values are slightly depleted with respect to postulated Oligocene‐Miocene marine carbonate values, suggesting their precipitation from seawater, partly altered by later fluids. The association of this type of dolomite with primary anhydrite in intertidal facies supports dolomitization by evaporative brines. Fine to medium crystalline matrix dolomites (D2) (20–60μm) occur mostly in grainstone facies and have relatively high porosities. These dolomites formed during early burial and could be considered as recrystallized forms of D1 dolomite. Their isotopic values overlap those of D1 dolomites, implying precipitation from similar early fluids, possibly altered by meteoric fluids. Coarse crystalline saddle‐like dolomites (D3) (200–300 μm) partially or completely occlude fractures and vugs. The vugs developed through the dissolution of carbonate components and rarely matrix carbonates, while fractures developed during Zagros folding in late Oligocene to early Miocene times. A final diagenetic episode is represented by the precipitation of coarse crystalline planar e‐s zoned dolomite (D4) (80–250 μm) that occurs in fractures and vugs and also replaces earlier dolomite and post‐dates stylolitization. Fluids responsible for the formation of D3 and D4 dolomites are affected by brine enrichment and increasing temperatures due to increasing burial. Reservoir porosity is dominated by microcrystalline pore spaces in muddy, dolomitized matrix and mouldic and vuggy porosity in grainstone. Porosity was significantly enhanced by the formation of multiple fracture systems.  相似文献   

Biomarker‐ and compound‐specific carbon isotope analyses were used to compare oil samples recovered from Late Jurassic and Early to Middle Cretaceous reservoirs at South Pars and nearby fields in the Iranian portion of the Persian Gulf, and condensate samples associated with the super‐giant gas accumulation in Permo‐Triassic reservoirs at South Pars. The results indicate that all of the oil samples, including heavy oil from South Pars and oil from the Salman, Reshadat, Resalat and Balal fields, are genetically related. The most probable source rocks for these oils are Jurassic marine limestones or marls deposited under anoxic conditions. Based on the methyl phenanthrene index, source rock maturity was inferred to be equivalent to vitrinite reflectance values of about 0.8% Rc. The distribution and maturity pattern of the source rocks suggest migration from a depocentre located to the south, with inferred migration distances of up to 250 km. There is no genetic relationship between the heavy oil which has accumulated in Mesozoic reservoirs at South Pars and condensates which are associated with the super‐giant gas accumulation in Permo‐Triassic reservoirs there. Based on biomarker compositions, the condensates at South Pars appear to be derived from shaly marine or lacustrine source rocks deposited under dysoxic conditions. The δ13C values of short‐chain n‐alkanes and isoprenoids in condensate samples suggest a common source and an equal maturity for the source rocks. Pristane/n‐C17 versus phytane/n‐C18 characteristics are in agreement with published data for Silurian‐sourced condensates. High thermal maturities equivalent to 1.7% Rc are also consistent with a Palaeozoic (Silurian) source rock.  相似文献   

伊朗盆地卡山地区第三系库姆组碳酸盐岩储层特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
伊朗盆地第三系地层沉积了巨厚的碳酸盐岩,且分布广泛。卡山地区库姆组碳酸盐岩储层研究发现,其分布具有北薄南厚、西薄东厚的特点;重要储层以泥晶-亮晶生物灰岩或生物碎屑灰岩为主;储集空间类型表现为原生与次生孔隙都较发育,原生孔隙有生物体腔孔、残余粒间孔与晶间孔,次生孔隙有铸模孔、粒间溶孔以及晶间溶孔;孔隙度较高,渗透性良好;其储层成岩主要受胶结、溶蚀作用影响,构造裂缝明显;镜下已检测到油气运移痕迹,证明卡山地区第三系库姆组碳酸盐岩层是良好的天然储层。  相似文献   

Carbonate sediments within the Mid‐Cretaceous Sarvak Formation form an important reservoir at the Abteymour oilfield in the western Dezful Embayment, SW Iran. The poroperm characteristics of this reservoir were controlled by factors including deposition under tropical climatic conditions and early diagenesis, repeated phases of subaerial exposure due to local, regional and global‐scale tectonism, and diagenetic modification during burial. From microfacies analysis, the Sarvak Formation carbonates in the Abteymour field were interpreted in a previous study as having been deposited on a homoclinal ramp‐type platform. Three third‐order sequences were recognized in the middle Cenomanian to middle Turonian part of the formation. The reservoir quality of the carbonates was enhanced both by dissolution (comprising separate phases of eogenetic and telogenetic meteoric dissolution) and dolomitization (especially stylolite‐related dolomitization). In this paper, a rock/pore type approach was used in order to integrate petrophysical data with facies and diagenetic models within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Two different rock‐typing methods for the determination of flow units were considered. Hydraulic flow units (HFUs) were identified firstly using flow zone indicators and secondly using a stratigraphic modified Lorenz plot. The flow units resulting from these two methods are compared, and their close correspondence within the sequence stratigraphic framework is discussed. In addition, the previously‐used large‐scale reservoir zonation scheme for the Abteymour field is correlated with the defined flow units, and four new Integrated Reservoir Zones are introduced. By integrating geological information with petrophysical parameters (including porosity, permeability and saturation) within a sequence stratigraphic framework, field‐scale variations and controls on reservoir quality are described.  相似文献   

The Lower Triassic Kangan Formation together with the underlying Upper Permian Dalan Formation forms one of the most important reservoirs for natural gas in the Middle East. The carbonate‐dominated Kangan Formation was studied at a gasfield in the southern Persian Gulf and some 100 m of core were examined at micro‐ and macro scales. Twelve microfaaes were identified. Previous studies have divided the Kangan Formation reservoir into Lower (K2) and Upper (K1) Units. The Lower Kangan can divided into two subunits (K2b and K2a), while three subunits (K1c, K1b and K1a) are recognised in the Upper Kangan. Diagenetic processes have affected reservoir quality in the Kangan Formation in different ways. Processes improving reservoir quality include dissolution, dolomitization and fracturing, while reservoir quality was decreased by cementation, and chemical and mechanical compaction. Micritization and neomorphism have had both positive and negative effects. Fracture development has improved reservoir quality, particularly in dolomitic intervals.  相似文献   

Tight oil-bearing sandstones in the Chang 4+5, 6 and 7 Members of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, north-central China, in general consist of fine-grained, moderately- to poorly-sorted lithic arkoses (average Q53F30R17) deposited in a fluvial-dominated lacustrine-deltaic environment. Diagenetic modifications to the sandstones include compaction and cementation by calcite, dolomite, ankerite, quartz, chlorite, kaolinite and illite, as well as partial dissolution of feldspars and minor rock fragments. Porosity ranges up to ~7% of the rock volume and was reduced more by cementation than by compaction. Fractures (tectonic macrofractures and diagenetic microfractures) provide important oil migration pathways and enhance the sandstones' storage potential. The pore network is heterogeneous due to processes related to deposition and diagenesis, and there are considerable spatial variations in porosity and pore connectivity. The pore system includes both macropores and micropores, and pore network variations depend on the type and distribution of authigenic cements. An analysis of the diagenetic and porosity characteristics of core samples of the Yanchang Formation sandstones from wells in the Youfangzhuang oilfield resulted in the recognition of six petrofacies (A-F) whose characteristics allow reservoir quality to be predicted. Fluid performance analysis for selected sandstone samples using nuclear magnetic resonance combined with helium porosity and air permeability shows that high permeability and large pore throats together result in high movable fluid saturation potential, and that effective pore spaces and throats are beneficial for hydrocarbon storage and flow. Relatively higher porosity and permeability tend to occur in petrofacies B sandstones containing abundant pore-lining chlorite with lesser kaolinite and minor carbonate cements, and in petrofacies C sandstones with abundant pore-filling kaolinite cement but little chlorite and carbonate cements. These petrofacies represent the best reservoir-quality intervals. A reservoir quality prediction model is proposed combined with the petrofacies classification framework. This model will assist future development of tight sandstone reservoirs both in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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