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交通运输过程是啤酒碳足迹评估的重要环节,本文对啤酒生命周期各阶段的交通运输过程及关键影响因素进行了归纳和总结,列举和讨论了国内外可供参考的碳排放因子,并对国内外交通运输过程对啤酒碳足迹的影响进行了对比和分析.  相似文献   

产品包装的碳足迹研究已成为近年来国际上研究的热点,并有望发展成为评估全球温室气体排放量可操作的一种评价指标。我国啤酒工业的迅速发展带来了包装容器资源消耗量大、环境负荷重等环境问题,因此,开展啤酒包装对环境潜在的碳排放量研究十分必要。以玻璃啤酒瓶为研究对象,采用混合生命周期法,对贯穿整个啤酒包装生命周期中的原材料生产、包装工艺、运输和消费、回收再利用等过程相关碳排放进行了研究,计算得到了玻璃啤酒瓶包装的碳排放当量。结果表明:玻璃啤酒瓶在整个生命周期中的碳排放总量为489.867g,啤酒瓶瓶体生产阶段的碳排放量最大,为363.83g,占总碳排放量的74.3%。  相似文献   

随着全球变暖问题的日益突出,碳足迹概念被引入到产品的全生命周期评价中。碳足迹是指产品在生产、使用和废弃的整个生命周期中,对环境造成影响的温室气体排放总量。以燃气热水器为例,以产品的碳足迹为研究对象,将产品分为原材料阶段、生产阶段和使用阶段3个阶段,并对其进行详细的分析。结合IPCC排放因子,通过计算,得出产品生命周期各阶段的碳足迹。通过与其他热水器的碳足迹进行比较,分析了燃气热水器生命周期各阶段的碳足迹情况。结果表明:燃气热水器在使用阶段产生的碳排放较多。  相似文献   

简要介绍生命周期、碳足迹的概念,详细阐述在整个生命周期过程中木质材料储碳量的变化。通过与其他几种材料对比分析表明,木材与木质材料在整个加工过程中不但储碳量高,而且低碳环保,并就木质产品碳足迹评价、木质材料及其废弃物的循环利用等方面提出相应对策与建议。  相似文献   

随着消费观念的改变,越来越多的人选择更健康的果蔬汁饮料产品。近年来,我国果蔬汁饮料产量及出口量逐年增多,已成为国际果蔬汁饮料的生产及出口大国。采用生命周期评价方法,研究了我国典型果蔬汁饮料产品从果蔬种植直至进入销售阶段的碳足迹。结果表明,我国单位产品胡萝卜原浆产品的碳足迹为1.31kgCO_2-eq/kg。其中,排放的主要生命周期过程为胡萝卜种植阶段,占排放总量的80.9%。  相似文献   

耿迪  李全 《啤酒科技》2014,(4):13-17
本文对国内外碳足迹的相关信息进行了解析,针对我公司实际情况,系统分析了原材料获得的碳排放、啤酒生产过程中的直接碳排放、仓储运输的碳排放和公用工程能源消耗产生的碳足迹。得到结论为:纸箱玻璃瓶包装形式的碳排放为300.92kg/kL,150.46g/瓶;塑箱玻璃瓶包装形式的碳排放量为303.74kg/kL,151.87g/瓶;纸箱易拉罐包装形式的碳排放量为276.28kg/kL,91.18g/罐。  相似文献   

减少以碳为代表的温室气体排放量是全球趋势。许多制造业开展了本行业产品生产碳排放量(俗称“碳足迹”1的调查和测算,以引导行业低碳发展,并逐步通过“碳标签”向公众揭示产品的“碳足迹”,展示负责任企业的公众形象。在分析国际相关研究的基础上。中国食品发酵工业研究院等单位开始了啤酒“碳足迹”的研究,2011年12期的《啤酒科技》上刊登了首篇关于介绍“碳足迹”的论文,2012年将该方面的调查和研究纳入了啤酒分会技术委员会的工作内容。在12月召开的技术委员会年会上。对啤酒“碳足迹”的论述和计算进行了交流和探讨。为推动啤酒行业关于“碳足迹”工作的进一步开展,本刊精选了几篇关于啤酒“碳足迹”的论文,从本期开始陆续刊登。由于在啤酒产品生命周期的“碳足迹”计算中,涉及因子及影响因素很多,因此,从不同范围和不同参数计算“碳足迹”的结果会有较大差异,所刊登论文的相关内容仅供业内参考。今后,需要通过业内的不断努力.开展广泛的研究和交流,才能使啤酒“碳足迹”的计算不断完善和规范,以促进啤酒产品碳排放量的不断降低。  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价(LCA)的纸产品碳足迹评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
结合我国纸产品生产的特点,基于生命周期评价法(LCA),研究了我国纸产品碳足迹评价的方法,包括启动阶段、纸产品碳足迹计算和结果解释三个步骤.  相似文献   

纺织产品碳足迹研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳足迹作为核算和评价产品的生产活动造成的温室气体负荷量的一种重要方法,受到广泛的研究和示范。回顾了碳足迹的概念,综述了当前纺织产品碳足迹的研究进展,对纺织产品碳足迹核算和评价中的核算边界、各类投入的碳排放系数、公共投入的拆分原则、核算结果比较评价的质量基准等关键问题进行了思考和探讨。结合中国纺织工业在纺织产品工业化规模生产方面的特点和优势,提出了重点开展纺织产品在工业生产阶段的碳足迹研究和示范的建议,为进一步开展纺织产品碳足迹研究提供参考。  相似文献   

惠博文  刘锐  李健  孙君茂 《食品科学》2022,43(7):381-390
“减排降碳”“碳达峰”“碳中和”已经成为全球气候治理的焦点,作为衡量气候变暖的重要工具,碳足迹可以对食品生命周期内的温室气体排放量进行量化评估,帮助人们提出碳减排的措施。本文从国内外的研究现状出发,以生命周期评价理论为基础,系统阐述碳足迹分析模型和食品产业链排放源,对国内外研究趋势进行可视化分析,并进一步对该领域内面临的挑战、政策环境、消费者购买行为进行讨论,以期为完善我国食品碳足迹标签制度提供借鉴。  相似文献   

碳足迹是评价绿色生产的重要概念.印刷品碳足迹评价在欧洲国家率先开展,相应的印刷品碳足迹评价标准也先后出台.本研究基于碳足迹的概念,提出了印刷品碳足迹的概念.然后,分析了国际碳足迹评价研究的发展,重点介绍国内外印刷品碳足迹计算方法与应用的研究现状.基于此,提出我国印刷行业应该加大对印刷品碳足迹计算相关的研究,建立可靠的数据库,开发有效的印刷品碳足迹计算工具和标准,并制定行之有效的政策和法规.  相似文献   

Global warming is a worldwide issue with its evident impact across a wide range of systems and sectors. It is caused by a number of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions, in which food system has made up of a large part. Recently, reduction of GHG emissions has become an urgent issue to be resolved in the food system. Many governments and organizations are making great endeavors to alleviate the adverse effect of this phenomenon. In this review, methods to reduce the carbon footprint within the life cycle of a food system are presented from the technical, consumption behavior and environmental policies perspectives. The whole food system including raw material acquisition, processing, packaging, preservation, transportation, consumption, and disposal are covered. Improving management techniques, and adopting advanced technology and equipment are critical for every stage of a food system. Rational site selection is important to alleviate the influence of land use change. In addition, environmental choices of packaging stage, reduction in refrigeration dependence, and correct waste treatment are essential to reduce the total carbon footprint of the production. However, only technical methods cannot radically reverse the trend of climate change, as consumption behaviors present a great deal of influence over climate change. Appropriate purchase patterns and substitution within food product categories by low carbon products can reduce GHG emissions. Development of methods to calculate the carbon footprint of every kind of food and its processing technology enable people to make environmental choice. Policy can shape and cultivate the new code of consumption and influence the direction of emerging technology and science. From political perspectives, government intervention and carbon offset are common tools, especially for carbon tax and a real or implicit price of carbon. Finally, by mitigating the methodologies described above, the rate and magnitude of climate changes can be also reduced to some extent.  相似文献   

The global climate has been changing with the elevated CO2 in the atmosphere; hence identification of effective measures to mitigate or combat the adverse effects of climate change is at uttermost importance. The goal of Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) for planting 40,000 ha of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) in the Uva province may partly address this issue sequestering the key greenhouse gas (GHG), CO2. Farmers in the area usually practice intercropping sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) under immature rubber plants for extra income during the initial period of rubber cultivation. In the process of valuing rubber cultivation in mitigating the climate change effect, information on net greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from rubber/sugarcane intercropping system is required. Being scanty of such knowledge, this study was aimed to estimate the carbon footprint in the cultivation of rubber/sugarcane intercropping system in Sri Lanka.GHG emissions from the cultivation of rubber and sugarcane were calculated using the information available in the smallholdings having rubber/sugarcane intercropping in Monaragala district (IL2). GHG emission resulting from raw rubber processing, i.e. Ribbed Smoked Sheets (RSS) and Crepe Rubber (CR), was assessed using the data available in Kumarawatta Estate, Monaragala and Dartonfield Estate, Agalawatta, respectively. Also, GHG emission resulting from processing refined sugar was gathered from Palwatta Sugar Industries (Ltd), Monaragala. Carbon sequestration capacities of both crops were adopted from previous studies. Guidelines of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were used in the estimation of carbon footprint. GHG emission in the process of cultivating rubber for its lifespan (30 years) was 65.15 CO2-eq ton/ha. When sugarcane was cultivated in rubber lands for four year period as a rubber/sugarcane intercropping system, GHG emission increased only by 9.72 CO2-eq ton/ha. Processing of RSS throughout the lifespan was responsible for additional 93.49 CO2-eq ton/ha emission whilst that for processing CR was limited to 50.14 CO2-eq ton/ha. Processing of refined sugar during four year intercropping period was accountable only for 0.62 CO2-eq ton/ha emission. In conclusion, carbon footprint (Net GHG emission) of cultivating rubber/sugarcane intercrop to produce CR and refined sugar was -1537.02 CO2-eq ton/ha/30yr whilst that for RSS and refined sugar was -1493.73 CO2-eq ton/ha/30yr. Increase in carbon footprint by intercropping sugarcane was only ca. 0.5% over mono cropping rubber. Potential application of this information in developing carbon trading projects is discussed.  相似文献   

温室气体的大量排放加剧了全球气候变暖,使之成为目前国际社会面临的严峻挑战,为此大力倡导低碳经济,"碳足迹"这一概念应运而生。整理了国际上的碳足迹概念及相关标准,介绍了国内外纺织服装行业碳足迹研究和应用现状。  相似文献   

论造纸工业碳足迹研究之基本方面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
发展低碳产业、低碳经济、适应国际贸易中的碳标识、促进可持续性发展,都必须建立在碳足迹研究的基础之上.文章在讨论造纸工业碳足迹研究的意义、国内外研究现状和发展趋势的基础上,讨论了造纸工业碳足迹研究目的、内容和拟解决的关键问题,按照国际碳足迹研究相关协议进一步讨论了适用于造纸工业碳足迹的基本工具、原则、规则、研究方法、技术路线,以及如何使碳足迹定性定量的结果报告规范化.  相似文献   

碳足迹评价及其在造纸行业的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了碳足迹的概念及其起源,并对碳足迹评价体系作了系统介绍,最后对碳足迹评价在造纸行业的应用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

以再制干酪为研究对象开展全生命周期碳足迹分析,选取碳足迹污染较为严重环节中的典型生产设备完成设备的绿色优化设计。研究为补充该行业碳足迹数据库,为该行业环境污染提供理论支持;并为再制干酪生产设备的绿色优化研究提供参考性意见。  相似文献   

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