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变性淀粉干法制备工艺研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文综述国内外变性淀粉干法制备工艺路线、主要品种及相关设备研究进展,指出干法生产变性淀粉是一种很有价值工艺方法,并对其发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

根据变性淀粉生产应用技术发展的需要,设计了一套干法双变性淀粉连续生产工艺流程,包括原料预处理、一次变性反应、一次连续混合、一次干燥或冷却、二次变性反应、二次冷却、二次连续混合和产品后处理共八个关键工艺步骤,研究分析生产工艺流程中各个关键工艺步骤的运用及各类干法变性淀粉生产的实际应用,总结了生产工艺流程实质性特点和显著的技术进步。  相似文献   

本文研究了干法生产变性淀粉工艺对反应器的要求,以及根据要求而确定出反应器的基本结构,使设计的反应器能够生产出符合客户要求的变性淀粉。  相似文献   

羧甲基淀粉浆料的干法制备与上浆性能研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用干法工艺制备了不同取代度的羧甲基淀粉 ,测试了其浆液、浆膜性能。结果表明 :干法制备的羧甲基淀粉的粘度显著低于原淀粉 ,与其他浆料的混溶性优于酸变性淀粉 ,对棉或涤棉的粘着力较酸变性淀粉有所提高。干法制备具有生产成本低 ,产品性能优良 ,对环境无污染等优点。  相似文献   

介绍了在采用干法及半干法生产变性淀粉的过程中,影响变性淀粉白度的几个关键因素及提高变性淀粉白度的方法。  相似文献   

氧化淀粉新工艺制备和应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
氧化淀粉是一种具有特殊用途的变性淀粉。目前,制备氧化淀粉大都采用湿法工艺,干法工艺报道较少.干法与湿法相比有流程短、能耗低、设备简单、时环境无污染等优点。简要介绍了氧化淀粉干法制备的生产工艺,并时氧化淀粉的氧化机理、性质及应用作了阐述,时其发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

变性淀粉的生产与应用现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
变性淀粉分物理变性、化学变性和酶法变性,生产方法分干法生产和湿法生产。变性淀粉在食品、造纸、医药、石油和农业等中广泛应用。目前变性淀粉生产与应用中存在行业整体水平低、生产规模小、产品质量不稳定、缺乏应用研究的问题。  相似文献   

变性淀粉制备及应用的绿色化学与工艺   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从绿色化学角度出发,对化学变性淀粉的湿法与干法制备工艺进行了分析评价。干法制备工艺具有反应时间短、收率高、没有污水排放的优点,是值得推广的绿色制备工艺。变性淀粉可生物降解,安全无毒,是符合绿色化学要求的化工原辅料,在塑料、造纸、污水处理等工业中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

多元变性淀粉的制备及性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用了二步法干法生产多元变性淀粉的新工艺,研究了不同工艺条件下对多元变性淀粉增强、留着效果的影响。得到当阳离子和阴离子的取代度相等或略带阳离子性,且N%为0.48%~0.58%,P%为0.35%—0.45%时所得多元变性淀粉效果最佳,其最佳反应温度为110~130℃,制备得到的多元变性淀粉具有高增强、高留着的性能。  相似文献   

氧化淀粉干法制备和应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
氧化淀粉是一种具有特殊用途变性淀粉,该文简单介绍氧化淀粉干法制备工艺,并对氧化淀粉的氧化机理、性质及应用进行阐述。  相似文献   

通过将莲子淀粉与海藻酸钠混合均匀后干热反应制得干热变性莲子淀粉,并以其为主要原料制备可食膜,研究不同离子胶用量、反应pH、干热处理的温度和时间对干热变性莲子淀粉成膜特性的影响,确定干热变性莲子淀粉的制备工艺.结果显示:添加海藻酸钠对莲子淀粉进行干热变性处理能改善莲子淀粉的成膜特性,pH和干热温度对干热变性莲子淀粉的成膜性影响最显著.经正交试验优化,当海藻酸钠质量分数为1.0%、pH 7、130℃条件下干热反应3h时制备的干热变性莲子淀粉成膜特性最优,为海藻酸钠与莲子淀粉干热反应的最佳工艺参数.  相似文献   

改性淀粉的制备与应用研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了各种改性淀粉的概念、制备及研究现状,并对改性淀粉在多个领域的应用研究情况进行了介绍。  相似文献   

新型氧化剂微波干法制备氧化淀粉及其性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
彭佳莹  周露  杨椰  钟耕 《中国粮油学报》2012,27(5):39-43,59
干法制备变性淀粉已逐步在国内推广,它具有流程短,能耗低,操作简便等优点。采用微波干法工艺,研究了二氧化氯、氯酸钠两种氧化剂制备氧化淀粉(分别为氧化淀粉A和氧化淀粉B)的工艺和变性淀粉的性能。工艺研究表明,两种氧化剂均能通过微波干法制备氧化淀粉,而氧化淀粉A和氧化淀粉B的羧基含量分别为(0.068±0.002)%和(0.586±0.002)%。性能研究表明,氧化淀粉的热黏度稳定性得到了改善,氧化淀粉B的冻融稳定性较好,经2次冻融,析水率仅为23.7%;氧化淀粉A耐碱性能好,耐酸性较差,氧化淀粉B则具有较好的耐酸耐碱性;X-射线衍射结果表明淀粉的氧化反应主要发生在淀粉的无定型区,而晶体结构仍与原淀粉相同。  相似文献   

研究不同淀粉和不同类型的离子胶混合物干热变性产物的糊化特性的变化,并以千热变性淀粉为主要原料进行可食用膜的制备。结果表明:淀粉在1%离子胶存在的条件下,130℃处理4h后,淀粉糊化的起始温度都有所降低,达到峰黏度比原淀粉要推迟,产生了抑制颗粒膨胀的效果;千热变性的玉米淀粉膜的抗拉强度最大,黄原胶存在下的玉米淀粉,其抗拉强度和延伸率均优于其它淀粉;CMC存在下的干热变性淀粉膜的透氧、透水系数最低,具有最优良的阻水、阻氧性能。  相似文献   

采用快速黏度分析法、离心法、差示扫描量热分析法、动态流变仪分析法等,研究了干热与湿热处理对3种不同直链淀粉含量的玉米淀粉糊化性质、膨润性质、热力学性质、流变性质的影响,为淀粉的物理改性研究和加工应用提供理论依据。结果表明,干热处理使淀粉更易糊化,表现为3种玉米淀粉糊化温度降低,溶解度、膨胀度增加。湿热处理加大糊化难度,使3种玉米淀粉的糊化温度升高,膨胀度降低。热处理使玉米淀粉糊稠度、糊化焓值降低。蜡质玉米淀粉经热处理后,溶解度和老化率增加。流变性质测定结果表明,湿热处理不利于高直链玉米淀粉黏弹性凝胶的形成。  相似文献   

以木薯淀粉为原料,研究了辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉的干法制备工艺及其性质.结果表明,反应体系的碱性范围对酯化反应的影响较大,提高反应温度和延长反应时间都能增加产物取代度,但取代度增加到一定程度后趋于稳定.干法制备的辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉具有较低的糊化温度、峰值黏度和热糊黏度,糊的崩溃性减弱,冷糊稳定性有所提高,凝胶性增强.  相似文献   

Starch modified by combination with sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) has been reported to have improved film properties. In this study, rice starches with different amylose content were heat-treated in a dry state after being impregnated with low or medium-viscosity CMC. Noticeable change was found in pasting properties of the starches after dry heat treatment with CMC. It indicated that crosslinkage occurred between the starch and CMC. The waxy starch showed significant change in viscosity throughout pasting after dry heating with CMC, suggesting that the ester bonds were mostly formed between the hydroxyl groups in amylopectin branches of rice starch and carboxylate acid groups of CMC. Particle size also increased after heat treatment with CMC. The modified starch-based films showed improvement in the tensile strength. Both water vapor and oxygen permeability reduced for the modified starch-based films. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) study showed that the values of G′ of modified starch-based film were higher than those of native starch-based film over the temperature range −40 to 60 °C. The heating process with CMC could be used as a modification method for starch and provide desirable properties of starch-based films.  相似文献   

Unripe banana, edible canna and taro flours, which have been reported to contain significant amounts of fibre, were investigated for their physicochemical properties, resistant starch (RS) content and in vitro starch digestibility, and compared with commercial high‐fibre‐modified starches from corn and tapioca. Differential scanning calorimetry showed a single endothermic peak located around 70–83 °C for the samples except the modified starches, which exhibited no transition enthalpy. The samples showed different pasting behaviours in the Rapid Visco‐Analyser (RVA) ranging from full to restricted swelling. The RS content varied from 1–26 g per 100 g dry sample, and the estimated glycaemic indices (GIs) of the samples were from 67% to 99%. Generally, samples with high RS were low in GI values. The starches produced acceptable rice noodles but with reduced rate of starch digestion and GI. The effects of the unripe banana, edible canna and taro flours on starch digestibility were either comparable or better than the commercial modified starches. These flours can substitute commercial modified starches to lower GIs of noodles and identical foods.  相似文献   

In order to minimize the evaporative flavor loss and to improve flavor stability, the encapsulation potential of native corn and barley starches [waxy corn starch (CW), regular corn starch (CR), waxy barley starch (BW), regular barley starch (BR)] and their chemically modified counterparts (succinylated starches: CWS; CRS; BWS; BRS and octenyl succinylated starches: CWOS; CROS; BWOS; BROS) were investigated. Four different types of synthetic flavors, namely benzaldehyde, dimethyl trisulfide, 2-mercaptopropionic acid and benzothiazole, were selected. Succinylated corn and barley starches were more effective than the native starches and octenyl succinylated starches in the flavor retention. Succinylated regular starches (CRS and BRS), in particular, showed better retention ability than waxy starches. As compared to β-cyclodextrin (βCD, which is a widely used wall material in the microencapsulation of essential oils or flavors), the succinylated regular starches showed better flavor retention capabilities. Benzaldehyde and benzothiazole were retained to a higher extent by all starches (native and modified) as compared to dimethyl trisulfide and 2-mercaptopropionic acid (as measured just after preparation). None of the starches (native or modified) showed substantial decreases in flavor retention during their 4-week storage at 50 °C. In contrast, βCD showed a rapid decrease in flavor retention during the first 2 weeks of storage (from 88 to 49%) and the amount reached ∼45% at the end of 4 weeks. Also, the flavor retained by succinylated starches, based on extraction of volatile flavors in headspace, were higher than those of native and octenyl succinylated starches. CRS and BRS were noticeably superior to others. Findings showed that all starches investigated are potential wall materials for microencapsulation of volatile flavors with CRS and BRS being the best.  相似文献   

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