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BACKGROUND: Silage additives are marketed with the primary aim of improving the fermentation and/or aerobic stability of silage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of three different essential oils (EOs; cinnamon leaf (CIN), oregano (ORE) and sweet orange (SO)) on the fermentation characteristics and stability of barley silage. Chopped whole‐plant barley (Hordem vulgare L.) forage was ensiled either untreated (0 mg kg?1 dry matter (DM)) or treated with CIN, ORE or SO (37.5, 75 and 120 mg kg?1 DM). RESULTS: Moulds were not detected in any treatments, including the control, after 7 days of air exposure. All EOs at a concentration of 120 mg kg?1 silage DM decreased (P = 0.001) yeast populations in comparison with the control during air exposure. Net gas, methane and ammonia concentrations in vitro did not differ among treatments. Changes in volatile fatty acid concentrations were small, and in situ data showed no changes in DM and neutral detergent fibre digestion rates for CIN, ORE or SO at concentrations up to 120 mg kg?1 DM. CONCLUSION: The findings from this study show that a concentration of 120 mg EO kg?1 DM decreased yeast counts during aerobic stability tests. However, all EO treatments had minimal effects on data from in vitro and in situ incubations. Copyright © 2011 Crown in the right of Canada. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

Mycotoxin-producing fungi are a significant source of crop and food contamination, posing a significant threat to global food safety and security. Essential oils, plant extracts and phytochemicals have emerged as green preservatives to extend the shelf-life of foods due to their unique antimicrobial properties. Unlike conventional synthetic preservatives, they are a sustainable and safe way to preserve food with no or little harmful effects on the environment. Use of nanoformulations containing essential oils and phytochemicals offer enormous potential as a mitigation strategy to lower mycotoxin contamination incidences in food and crop with enhanced release behaviour to efficiently transport them to the target location for a rapid reaction without much impact from environmental variables. Hence, this review overviews various essential oils and phytochemicals utilized through nanoformulations to control the mycotoxigenic fungi, probable mechanism of actions involved as well as emerging mycotoxins and associated safety concerns to ensure food sustainability.  相似文献   

目的 优化确定百里香精油纳米乳液的制备工艺,探究植物油对百里香精油(Thymusvulgaris essential oil, TEO)纳米乳液理化性质及抑菌效果的影响。方法 以乳液液滴粒径为目标,采用单因素和响应面实验优化TEO纳米乳液制备工艺参数;并考察玉米油、大豆油、菜籽油、花生油、葵花籽油、橄榄油、亚麻籽油7种不同植物油添加对TEO纳米乳液粒径、黏度、物理稳定性等理化性质及抑菌效果的影响。结果 TEO纳米乳液最佳制备工艺为:柠檬酸缓冲液pH 3.5,吐温80添加量2.0%,剪切转速10000 r/min,剪切时间2.5 min,超声时间20 min;在最优工艺条件下, TEO纳米乳液粒径最小为(96.30±0.53) nm。相对于纯TEO纳米乳液,当花生油添加量为40%时,TEO纳米乳液的粒径显著减小(P<0.05),最小为(45.73±1.83)nm,不稳定性指数为0.200±0.001,具有良好的物理稳定性;且对于添加其他植物油,当花生油添加量为40%时, TEO纳米乳液对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和青霉具有良好的抑菌效果,其中对青霉的抑菌效果最好,最小抑菌浓度和最低杀...  相似文献   

体外考察了石香薷挥发油对常见食源性致病菌的抑制作用,并对市售的冷却猪肉进行了腐败细菌的分离鉴定,并研究了石香薷挥发油对冷却猪肉中腐败细菌的抑制作用。试验结果表明,石香薷挥发油对常见食源性致病菌具有较强的抑制作用,石香薷挥发油对从冷却猪肉中分离鉴定得到的微球菌、葡萄球菌、假单胞菌具有较强的抑制作用,其MIC分别为0.3125mg/mL、2.5mg/mL、0.625mg/mL。  相似文献   

山苍子油(皮油)的主要成分是柠檬醛,除了食用外,还具有其它重要的应用价值。本文总结了自2007年以来国内外学者在山苍子油应用方面的研究成果,主要包括柠檬醛提取、抗菌、驱蚊驱(杀)虫、抗氧化、保鲜、抗癌、制备抗菌材料等方面。山苍子在我国分布广泛,是具有重大经济价值的植物资源,加强山苍子油的应用研究,促进相关产品开发,具有重大意义。  相似文献   

植物精油应用研究进展   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
植物精油是植物体内的次生代谢物质,化学组成较为复杂。在医学领域,植物精油在去痛、降压、消炎、提高免疫力、抗菌、保健等方面得到了广泛的应用。在害虫防治方面,植物精油具有对害虫生物活性很高,又不易产生抗药性,且对人畜毒性很小,不污染环境等优点,是一种很好的生物农药原料。在化妆品方面,植物精油被广泛的应用于香水、香皂、洗面奶、护肤露等各种化妆品。此外,植物精油在饲料和食品添加剂、胶黏剂、生态旅游等方面也有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

产品包装是肉品生产环节的重要一环,在众多包装方式中,气调包装能有效地延长了肉品的货架期,并随着研究的深入不断衍生出各种新的包装类型,目前气调包装已发展成为一门独立而综合的包装技术体系。文中从品质和货架期两方面详细阐述了气调包装对冷却肉保鲜的影响以及目前存在的问题。通过综合评价不同的气调包装方式,对其发展趋势进行展望,以期为将来优化发展该技术提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume, syn C verum JS Presl, family Lauraceae) is an important spice and aromatic tree cultivated in Sri Lanka and India. On steam distillation, different parts of cinnamon yield volatile oils of varying composition. In the present investigation the profiles of essential oils isolated from tender twigs bearing reproductive parts, from pedicels of buds and flowers, from buds and flowers, from pedicels of fruits and from fruits were analysed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The essential oil yields of the different plant parts were: tender twigs, 0.40%; pedicels of buds and flowers, 0.36%; buds and flowers, 0.04%; pedicels of fruits, 0.33%; fruits, 0.32%. The tender twig oil was richer in α‐phellandrene (3.4%), limonene (1.6%) and (E)‐cinnamaldehyde (4.0%). The volatile oils from pedicels were richer in neryl acetate (1.4–2.0%), (E)‐cinnamyl acetate (58.1–64.5%) and β‐caryophyllene (9.6–11.1%). Higher amounts of (Z)‐cinnamyl acetate (6.1%), α‐humulene (2.2%), δ‐cadinene (2.2%), humulene epoxide I (5.0%), α‐muurolol (4.9%) and α‐cadinol (2.4%) were observed in the oil of buds and flowers. The fruit oil showed greater concentrations of α‐pinene (4.2%), β‐pinene (1.9%) and linalool (27.4%). However, all the oils contained linalool (3.6–27.4%), (E)‐cinnamyl acetate (22.0–64.5%) and β‐caryophyllene (6.9–11.1%) as their major compounds. This is the first report on the oil profiles of pedicels and of buds and flowers of cinnamon. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

该文采用水蒸馏法提取4种伞形科植物芫荽、莳萝、葛缕子和孜然的种子精油,将上述精油进行复配和纳米乳化处理,并用所得的复配精油纳米乳雾化处理马铃薯,研究其对马铃薯发芽的抑制效果,以及对马铃薯块茎活性氧和关键抗氧化物质含量及抗氧化酶活性影响.结果表明,复配精油纳米乳雾化能够明显抑制马铃薯块茎发芽,降低块茎过氧化氢含量,显著提...  相似文献   

张春红  刘静  陈丽  马骏 《食品科技》2007,(12):105-108
天然植物精油具有良好的抑菌能力,在粮食天然保鲜剂的开发应用中具有良好的前景。采用水蒸气蒸馏的方法从天然植物丁香、肉桂、小茴香中提取精油,并将它们对大米2种主要霉菌的菌丝生长抑制率、最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度进行测定。结果表明:肉桂精油效果最好,0.03%时抑菌率达100%,最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度均为0.02%。同时也对3种植物精油在大米储藏中的应用进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

本文采用超临界CO2萃取技术研究腊梅花坯含水量对精油品质及物质组分的影响。结果表明,随着腊梅花坯含水量的降低,精油综合品质发生了较大的变化,表现出先下降后升高再下降的趋势,以腊梅花坯含水量分别在78.3%和28.0%时萃取的精油品质较好。花坯含水量较高(59.9%78.3%)时,萃取精油的主要成分变化较大,随水分含量的降低,萃取精油的物质组分逐渐趋于稳定;在各处理的精油物质组分中,共有的大类物质主要有醇类、酯类、烯烃类、酚类、烷烃类和酮类六类,相对含量较高的成分有:氧化芳樟醇和苯甲醇。花坯含水量为28.0%和44.7%时,物质的种类较多,达到62种;花坯含水量为59.9%时的物质种类较少,为45种。   相似文献   

通过对不同贮藏温度下椪柑果酒的感官、理化(挥发酸)和微生物(细菌总数)指标的变化分析,将感官威布尔危害分析(Weibull Hazard Analysis,WHA)模型和动力学模型分别结合Arrhenius方程,建立2种指标下椪柑果酒的货架期预测模型,并验证结果。研究结果表明,基于感官评价指标,在25,30,35,40℃温度下的货架期预测终点分别是620,436,310,222d,相对误差为-5.48%~5.52%;基于挥发酸评价指标,在25,30,35,40℃温度下的货架期预测终点分别是633,450,319,227d,相对误差为-2.74%~8.96%。椪柑果酒的贮藏温度与细菌总数相关性不显著,不作为具体参考指标。基于感官评价指标的货架期预测模型性能较优,可用于椪柑果酒的货架期终点预测。  相似文献   

植物精油对烟草甲触杀、熏蒸和驱避作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为筛选有效的贮烟用植物精油杀虫物质,利用点滴法,锥形瓶(密闭熏蒸)法,室内测定了9种植物精油(留兰香油、艾叶油、青蒿油、茶树油、丁香油、冬青油、薄荷油、桉叶油、百里香油)对烟草甲的触杀,熏蒸和驱避活性.结果表明:9种植物精油中表现触杀作用较好的是:丁香油、冬青油、茶树油、艾叶油、百里香油;表现熏蒸作用较好的是:留兰香油...  相似文献   

This paper briefly introduces the preparation and application of flavour and essential oils microcapsules based on complex coacervation technology. The conventional encapsulating agents of oppositely charged proteins and polysaccharides that are used for microencapsulation of flavours and essential oils are reviewed along with the recent advances in complex coacervation methods. Proteins extracted from animal‐derived products (gelatin, whey proteins, silk fibroin) and from vegetables (soy proteins, pea proteins), and polysaccharides such as gum Arabic, pectin, chitosan, agar, alginate, carrageenan and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose are described in depth. In recent decades, flavour and essential oils microcapsules have found numerous potential practical applications in food, textiles, agriculturals and pharmaceuticals. In this paper, the different coating materials and their application are discussed in detail. Consequently, the information obtained allows criteria to be established for selecting a method for the preparation of microcapsules according to their advantages, limitations and behaviours as carriers of flavours and essential oils. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Nowadays, the consumers around the world are increasingly focused on health and beauty. The renewed consumer interest in natural cosmetic products creates the demand for new products and reformulated others with botanical and functional ingredients. In cosmetic products, essential oils (EOs) play a major role as fragrance ingredients. They can optimize its proprieties and preservation, as well as the marketing image of the final product. Microencapsulation of EOs can protect and prevent the loss of volatile aromatic ingredients and improve the controlled release and stability of this core materials. The importance of EOs for cosmetic industry and its microencapsulation was reviewed in this study. Also a briefly introduction about the preparation of microparticles was presented. Some of the most important and usual microencapsulation techniques of EOs, as well as the conventional encapsulating agents, were discussed. Despite the fact that microencapsulation of EOs is a very promising and extremely attractive application area for cosmetic industry, further basic research needs to be carried out, for a better understanding of the biofunctional activities of microencapsulated EOs and its release modulation, as well as the effects of others cosmetic ingredients and the storage time in the microparticles properties.  相似文献   

以紫苏油、橄榄油、棕榈油和葵花籽油为油相,以乳清分离蛋白为乳化剂,制备水包油(O/W)型乳状液,研究其粒径、ζ-电位、絮凝指数等物理特性,比较不同乳状液在贮存期间的氧化稳定性。结果显示,4种乳状液中,紫苏油乳状液体积平均粒径D_(4,3)较小(0.824μm),ζ-电位绝对值较大(37.5mV),呈现良好的物理贮存稳定性;但由于油脂中有较高的多不饱和脂肪酸,体系易被氧化。棕榈油乳状液具有良好的氧化稳定性,体系初级和次级氧化产物浓度均最低;但乳状液粒径较大(D_(4,3)为1.845μm),物理稳定性较差。通过内源性荧光测定发现,乳状液中蛋白质氧化与脂质氧化存在一定关联性。  相似文献   

In response to oral application, monensin alters the rumen microbiota, increasing ruminal propionate production and energy availability in the animal. Data from different studies indicate that the susceptibility of rumen bacteria to monensin is mainly cell-wall dependent but tracing its activity to specific microbial groups has been challenging. Several studies have shown a similar effect for essential oils but results are inconsistent. To investigate the influence of monensin and a blend of essential oils (BEO, containing thymol, guaiacol, eugenol, vanillin, salicylaldehyde, and limonene) on the rumen microbiome, rumen liquid samples were collected orally on d 56 postpartum from cows that had either received a monensin controlled-release capsule 3 wk antepartum, a diet containing a BEO from 3 wk antepartum onward, or a control diet (n = 12). The samples were analyzed for pH, volatile fatty acid, ammonia, and lipopolysaccharide concentrations and protozoal counts. A 16S rRNA gene fingerprinting analysis (PCR–single-strand conformation polymorphism) and sequencing revealed that the BEO treatment had no effect on the rumen microbiota, whereas monensin decreased bacterial diversity. Twenty-three bacterial species-level operational taxonomic units were identified for which monensin caused a significant decrease in their relative abundance, all belonging to the phyla Bacteroidetes (uncultured BS11 gut group and BS9 gut group) and Firmicutes (Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Erysipelotrichaceae). Ten bacterial operational taxonomic units belonging to the phyla Actinobacteria (Coriobacteriaceae), Bacteroidetes (Prevotella), Cyanobacteria (SHA-109), and Firmicutes (Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae) increased in relative abundance due to the monensin treatment. These results confirm the hypothesis that varying effects depending on cell-wall constitution and thickness might apply for monensin sensitivity rather than a clear-cut difference between gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. No effect of monensin on the archaea population was observed, confirming the assumption that reported inhibition of methanogenesis is most likely caused through a decrease in substrate availability, rather than by a direct effect on the methanogens. The data support the hypothesis that the observed increase in ruminal molar propionate proportions due to monensin may be caused by a decrease in abundance of non-producers and moderate producers of propionate and an increase in abundance of succinate and propionate producers.  相似文献   

通过对不同贮运温度下速冻青稞鱼面的感官、理化指标的变化分析,分别建立基于感官威布尔危害分析(Weibull Hazard Analysis,WHA)、化学动力学(Arrhenius)、BP神经网络(Back Propagation)的货架期预测模型,并验证结果。研究结果表明:在-18℃~25℃范围内,面条货架期随温度的升高逐渐缩短;根据国家标准确定速冻青稞鱼面在-18℃、-10℃、-5℃、0℃、5℃、10℃、25℃温度下货架期实际终点分别为94d、195d、100d、30d、24d、18d、3d;相关性分析显示,贮藏时间与TBA值呈极显著正相关,与POV值、pH值、感官评分相关性不显著。在-18℃、-10℃、-5℃、0℃、5℃、10℃、25℃温度下,基于感官评价指标的威布尔危害分析的货架期预测终点为296.21d 、206.89d、101.94d、29.92d、23.46d、19.15d、3.29d ,相对误差为0.27%~9.67%;基于TBA指标的Arrhenius方程,货架期预测终点为413.30d 、170.87d、101.05d、60.92d、37.40d、23.36d、6.26d,相对误差为1.05% ~108.62%。基于感官评价和理化指标(PH、TVB-N、TBA、POV)的BP神经网络模型货架期预测终点为281.45d 、190.07d、103.24d、31.46d、23.20d、17.17d、2.76d ,相对误差为4.60~7.96%。Weibull与BP神经网络预测模型性能较优,可用于速冻青稞鱼面的货架期终点预测。  相似文献   

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