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红外干燥技术在果蔬和粮食加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红外辐射干燥技术因具有脱水效率高、环保、可对物料局部加热等优点,在果蔬和粮食加工中已得到广泛关注。文章从农产品干燥特点入手,对国内外红外辐射干燥技术在果蔬和粮食干燥方面的应用及研究进展进行阐述与总结,并分析目前红外干燥存在的一些问题。认为可以通过与其它新兴干燥技术相融合的方式来提升干燥品质,同时还指出了红外辐射干燥技术在未来果蔬和粮食加工应用中的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

果蔬原料含糖量的差异容易影响干燥过程并对产品品质产生影响。文章通过对两种典型的高糖菠萝蜜和低糖胡萝卜果蔬原料在微波真空干燥下的干燥特性与品质特性的研究,探讨了预冷冻处理对果蔬干的干燥特性(干燥速率和干基含水率)和品质特性(膨化率、硬度、脆度、组织结构、感官品质)的影响。结果表明:与未处理果干相比,在干燥前期,预冷冻处理均提高了菠萝蜜和胡萝卜果干的干燥速率,当微波功率为0.5 W/g和1.5 W/g时,预冷冻处理后的菠萝蜜果干的干燥速率提高了1.04倍和1.13倍,预冷冻处理后的胡萝卜果干的干燥速率提高了1.18倍和1.24倍;微波功率越高,干燥速率提高越明显,且菠萝蜜果干的干燥速率提升程度远小于胡萝卜果干,说明果蔬的含糖量对于果蔬制品的干燥效率具有很大的影响,果蔬干制品的品质特性同样受到微波功率及原料含糖量的影响。与未处理果干相比,预冷冻处理的菠萝蜜果干的品质特性无显著差异,胡萝卜果干的品质特性差异性显著(P0.01),膨化率、硬度和脆度分别提高了1.2,0.32,0.94倍。预冷冻处理的菠萝蜜果干样品的表面有糖溢出,容易焦糊,质地较硬,口感不好,影响产品品质,而预冷冻胡萝卜果干颜色鲜艳,表面干燥,质地较好;显然,通过预冷冻提高果蔬干的干燥特性和品质特性是可行的,但其效果受到果蔬原料组织及含糖量的显著影响,综合评价,低含糖量的胡萝卜通过预冷冻处理可获得干燥效率和品质特性更好的产品。  相似文献   

果蔬干燥技术是果蔬加工中的重要技术之一,主要介绍目前几种新的干燥技术:微波干燥、远红外干燥、真空冷冻干燥、联合干燥,并对这几种干燥方法的应用以及存在问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

果蔬干制技术是一种比较常见的果蔬深加工技术。将果蔬采用不同的加工技术进行干制可提高农民收入,改善农民生活质量,甚至对我国农业经济都有很大的影响。本文介绍了现有的果蔬干制加工技术,例如热风干燥技术、真空冷冻干燥技术和变温压差膨化技术等,并对联合干燥技术进行举例概述,最后探讨了今后果蔬干制技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

粮食干燥技术的应用及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了目前应用于粮食干燥的处理技术和工艺方法,全面分析了常压热风干燥、低温真空干燥、就仓干燥、热泵干燥、太阳能干燥、微波干燥、红外辐射干燥以及联合干燥在实际生产应用中的优势及不足,并对其发展趋势进行评价。在分析新能源利用技术、联合干燥技术及传统干燥节能减排等技术的基础之上,综合考虑干燥成本(能耗)、干燥效率、干燥品质及干燥设备等各方面因素,指出今后粮食干燥技术的发展应着力于开发天然绿色能源及低能耗、低成本的新型节能减排联合干燥技术。  相似文献   

不同干燥方式对颗粒状果蔬品质变化的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
分别对真空微波干燥、冷冻干燥、热风干燥及热风与真空微波联合干燥等不同干燥方式对颗粒状果蔬质量变化的影响进行了讨论,以VC和叶绿素的保持、色泽的差异、收缩和复水性能等为质量参数,分别进行比较。真空微波干燥在以上各质量参数方面,虽比冻干产品有一定差距,但远优于常规热风干燥。采用常规热风与真空微波联合干燥方式也能较好地改善颗粒状果蔬的品质。  相似文献   

介绍了联合干燥的定义和技术特点,综述了果蔬联合干燥的国内外研究进展,探讨了该技术存在的不足和未来发展方向,并对其在果蔬干燥中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

近年来,我国果蔬加工业发展迅速,脱水果蔬加工已经成为增加农民收入提高农业效益、促进我国区域经济发展,在国内外市场占据较大优势的重要行业。然而,果蔬的风味物质是评价果蔬品质的重要指标,在干燥加工过程中其风味物质的种类及含量会发生较大的变化,本文重点概述了目前国内外关于热风干燥、真空冷冻干燥、微波干燥和联合干燥以及其它干燥技术对果蔬挥发性风味物质和非挥发性风味物质2个方面的影响以及不同干燥技术引起风味物质变化的原因方面的研究进展,在阐述当前国内外果蔬干燥技术在风味物质上的研究现状的基础上,分析了现状及存在的问题,提出了干燥技术在果蔬风味物质中的应用研究可能发展的方向,为干制果蔬风味品质的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究渗透、冷冻前处理对食品干燥品质的影响,同时为改善产品品质提供理论支撑和技术指导,以蓝莓为研究对象,在对样品进行相同干燥处理(热风,30 h,60℃)前,进行不同组合模式的渗透(海藻糖、氯化钙、蔗糖)和冷冻-解冻(液氮-80℃,室温)前处理,以干果的脱水速率、含水量、色泽、质构、总糖、抗氧化活性物质等作为评价指标进行分析。研究显示:不同组合渗透、冷冻-解冻前处理对蓝莓物化品质影响显著,冷冻-解冻-渗透-干燥组为最优,较单一渗透处理组、单一冷冻-解冻处理组、未前处理组脱水速率分别提高5.55%、6.39%、36.91%;硬度分别提高8.59%、39.80%、909.00%;总糖含量保持率分别提高1.10、1.44、2.70倍,抗氧化活性(总酚、花色苷、ORAC)提高了16%以上。结果表明:冷冻-解冻处理可以促进渗透效果,渗透与冷冻-解冻前处理模式结合对干燥速率的加快和干燥品质的提升具有显著协同作用。  相似文献   

果蔬的干燥加工可以有效降低其水分含量,延长货架期,减少损耗,在一定程度上保留营养物质。目前,在果蔬干燥领域,为了最大限度地保留营养,应用较多的是真空冷冻干燥技术。本文综述真空冷冻联合干燥技术在果蔬加工中的应用现状,为真空冷冻联合干燥技术在果蔬加工中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

鲜切果蔬具有天然、便利、营养、保健以及口感清脆爽口等优点,深受国内外快餐业、旅游业、零售业等行业青睐。但鲜切果蔬贮藏品质损耗严重,保鲜期限短,一直是困扰其工业化发展的瓶颈因素之一。目前,国内外研究者试图采用各种物理、化学方法改善果蔬的贮藏品质问题。虽然这些方法在杀菌或在改善质量方面取得一定成效,但在满足人们对果蔬天然、高营养、安全、较长的保鲜期限等综合品质的需求方面存在局限。微冻技术以其突出的保鲜效果,成为低温保鲜领域的研究热点。而关于微冻技术在果蔬保鲜上应用效果的报道还很少。基于此现状,本文从果蔬保鲜技术的研究现状、微冻保鲜作用效果及组织损伤机制3方面,探究了微冻技术在鲜切果蔬上的应用前景。  相似文献   

目前,针对果蔬干制加工中存在的能耗高、时间长、营养成分损失严重等问题,主要通过干燥技术的创新以及干燥设备的研发予以不断改善,而干燥前处理技术在国内发展相对缓慢。干燥前处理技术是指通过物理、化学、生物等技术手段对物料进行处理,从而起到加快物料干燥速率、提高产品外观及营养品质、延长货架期的作用。目前常用的果蔬干燥前处理技术有:热烫、冻融、渗透、化学试剂、超声、超高压、高压脉冲电场、二氧化碳浸渍处理等。本研究针对上述几种前处理技术的原理、特点进行综述,对比不同前处理技术的作用机制及适用果蔬的种类,并展望了不同前处理技术的发展前景与趋势,以期为果蔬干燥新技术的研究与开发提供指导意见。  相似文献   

The drying of fruits and vegetables is a complex operation that demands much energy and time. In practice, the drying of fruits and vegetables increases product shelf‐life and reduces the bulk and weight of the product, thus simplifying transport. Occasionally, drying may lead to a great decrease in the volume of the product, leading to a decrease in storage space requirements. Studies have shown that dependence purely on experimental drying practices, without mathematical considerations of the drying kinetics, can significantly affect the efficiency of dryers, increase the cost of production, and reduce the quality of the dried product. Thus, the use of mathematical models in estimating the drying kinetics, the behavior, and the energy needed in the drying of agricultural and food products becomes indispensable. This paper presents a comprehensive review of modeling thin‐layer drying of fruits and vegetables with particular focus on thin‐layer theories, models, and applications since the year 2005. The thin‐layer drying behavior of fruits and vegetables is also highlighted. The most frequently used of the newly developed mathematical models for thin‐layer drying of fruits and vegetables in the last 10 years are shown. Subsequently, the equations and various conditions used in the estimation of the effective moisture diffusivity, shrinkage effects, and minimum energy requirement are displayed. The authors hope that this review will be of use for future research in terms of modeling, analysis, design, and the optimization of the drying process of fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The impact of consuming processed versus fresh fruits and vegetables on the galactose intake of galactosemic patients was compared. METHODS: The galactose content of processed fruits was determined when the following processing methods were used: freezing, drying, blanching, microwaving, canning, and a combination of blanching and freezing. Then three-day food intakes of five subjects with galactosemia were recorded. The records were used to estimate galactose intake, according to previously reported galactose levels for fresh fruits and vegetables and the potential reduction in galactose intake when only processed fruits and vegetables are consumed. RESULTS: The average galactose reduction was approximately 45% for all the fruits and all processing methods, excluding drying. Intakes varied from 17 to 108 mg/day when fresh values were used and 11 to 103 mg/day when only processed fruits and vegetables were consumed. This reduction was statistically significant for four out of five patients. CONCLUSIONS: When the reduction is compared with reported daily fluctuations in galactosemic patients' endogenous galactose production, the clinical significance of reduced free galactose consumption on long-term outcome is unclear. However, metabolic dietitians now have objective data that the processing methods described will lower the free galactose content of the fruits analyzed.  相似文献   

The structural heterogeneities of fruits and vegetables intensify the complexity to comprehend the interrelated physicochemical changes that occur during drying. Shrinkage of food materials during drying is a common physical phenomenon which affects the textural quality and taste of the dried product. The shrinkage of food material depends on many factors including material characteristics, microstructure, mechanical properties, and process conditions. Understanding the effect of these influencing factors on deformation of fruits and vegetables during drying is crucial to obtain better‐quality product. The majority of the previous studies regarding shrinkage are either experimental or empirical; however, such studies cannot provide a realistic understanding of the physical phenomena behind the material shrinkage. In contrast, theoretical modeling can provide better insights into the shrinkage that accompanies simultaneous heat and mass transfer during drying. However, limited studies have been conducted on the theoretical modeling of shrinkage of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to critically review the existing theoretical shrinkage models and present a framework for a theoretical model for the shrinkage mechanism. This paper also describes the effect of different drying conditions on material shrinkage. Discussions on how the diverse characteristics of fruits and vegetables affect shrinkage propagation is presented. Moreover, a comprehensive review of formulation techniques of shrinking models and their results are also presented. Finally, the challenges in developing a physics‐based shrinkage model are discussed.  相似文献   

鲜切果蔬因具有营养、便利、新鲜、可食率达100%等特点,越来越受到人们的关注。但鲜切果蔬由于受到机械损伤,其品质下降、易被微生物污染。短波紫外线作为一种非热力杀菌技术,近年来被研究者们用于鲜切果蔬保鲜,得到了良好的效果。本文介绍了鲜切果蔬及短波紫外线技术的特点,综述了短波紫外线处理对鲜切果蔬安全品质、营养品质及感官品质的影响及短波紫外线处理对鲜切果蔬抗氧化物质及抗氧化活性的作用,并讨论短波紫外线技术在鲜切果蔬中的应用前景,为短波紫外线处理鲜切果蔬的深入研究和推广应用提供重要的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

果蔬粉加工是果蔬综合利用的重要方法之一。果蔬因富含糖类和热敏性成分,普通干燥无法制备性能优良的果蔬粉产品。喷雾干燥因效率高,出风温度低,产品性能好,是目前果蔬粉常用方法。喷雾干燥中,不同干燥条件对果蔬粉产率、品质有着重要影响。该文综述进风温度、助干剂种类和添加量、进料浓度、进料流量、热空气流量对果蔬粉产率和品质的影响,分析果蔬粉产率、性质变化的原因,以期为喷雾干燥法制备果蔬粉提供参考。  相似文献   

Freezing is widely used for the preservation of fruits and vegetables (FVs). Whereas, the conventional freezing method presents low process efficiency in frozen FVs. Ultrasound application is used as a supplementary technology to improve the freezing process of FVs. This reviewed paper shows the cavitation effect of ultrasound and the effect of ultrasound application on freezing time and the physicochemical quality of frozen FVs. The cavitation effect of ultrasound in the freezing process was described in detail. Compared with conventional freezing, ultrasound application in freezing of FVs can shorten the freezing time, and improve physicochemical quality including drip loss, colour, firmness, chemical compositions (ascorbic acid, total phenolic and anthocyanin), as well as microstructure. Therefore, the results of these studies illustrated that ultrasound is a potential technology to enhance freezing efficiency and retain the quality of FVs during freezing.  相似文献   

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