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为降低云门酱香酒中杂醇油含量,提高含氮化合物的含量,云门酒业与中国食品发酵工业研究院合作,对柔雅酱香型白酒进行了系统研究,工艺调整措施有:调整酿酒用粮大曲、严格控制各轮次的原酒出酒率、提高堆积过程的有效性、提高原酒纯净度、试验碎沙工艺、改进贮存工艺、勾兑和调味等,工艺改进前后效果明显。  相似文献   

通过响应面优化实验,选择样品量8.90g、超声时间为15.28min、样品预处理为0.94%乙醇浸泡30min及固相微萃取时水浴温度为50.04℃的条件为固态酒醅风味物质检测分析的前处理条件,建立了HS-SPME结合GC-MS分析酱香型白酒堆积酒醅挥发性风味物质检测方法。采用该方法对酱香型白酒高温堆积八轮次酒醅挥发性风味物质进行分析。共从酱香白酒堆积酒醅中定性检出挥发性风味化合物83种,其中,醇类物质19种,醛类物质8种,酸类物质13种,酯类物质24种,酚类物质4种,其他类物质14种。包括酒体中常见的乙酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯、异戊醇、异丁醇、乙酸、丁酸等。分析结果表明堆积过程在富集微生物得同时,产生了大量酒体风味物质。且从风味物质的种类和相对含量来看,与各轮次酱香白酒的品质具有一定的关联性。  相似文献   

随着近几年酱香白酒市场的持续发力,人们对酱香白酒的喜爱度空前高涨.但酱香白酒市场鱼龙混杂,各种翻沙酒、碎沙酒、甚至串酒冒充正宗大曲酱香酒,误导消费者.通过对多种大曲酱香白酒(坤沙酒)、复糟酒(翻沙酒、碎沙酒)和串酒样品的感官品评分析,对关键性指标进行数字标度,进而建立感官分析雷达图,研究坤沙酒、翻沙酒、碎沙酒、串酒的感...  相似文献   

目的 了解天津酱香白酒不同轮次酒的风味物质和感官风味特征。方法 采用顶空固相微萃取(headspace solid phase microextraction, HS-SPME)与气相色谱-质谱法(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, GC-MS)分析挥发性成分, 香气活性值(odor activity value, OAV)法筛选关键香气化合物, 感官审评分析风味特征, 电子鼻区分酒样, 偏最小二乘法(partial least squares, PLS)分析关键香气化合物和感官风味特征的关系。结果 GC-MS共鉴定出119种挥发性成分, 其中, 1~7轮次酒分别鉴定出89、91、91、97、97、104、105种。利用OAV在不同轮次酒中分别筛选出33、31、32、32、32、43和39种关键香气化合物。感官审评得出最主要的风味特征为粮食香、醇香、酱香、酸香和窖底香, 电子鼻区分识别指数达到81。1轮次酒与粮食香具有很好的关联性, 2、3、4轮次酒与窖底香和醇香具有良好相关性, 5轮次酒与酱香和酸香相关性较大, 6、7轮次酒与果香、花香、焦烤香相关。结论 本研究获得了天津酱香白酒不同轮次酒的风味物质和感官风味特征信息, 为天津酱香白酒的勾调优化提供指导。  相似文献   

为研究酱香型白酒之间的品质差异,文章建立了不同生产工艺、不同产地及不同价位白酒的判别模型。在改进的液液萃取结合气相色谱-质谱法同时测定酱香型白酒中13种挥发性酚类化合物的方法建立后,对164批次酱香型白酒进行检测,利用Simca软件和Origin软件对检测结果进行建模分析。结果表明,同一生产厂家的酱香型白酒中挥发性酚的种类基本相同,且碎沙工艺中挥发性酚的总含量较坤沙工艺中的高。利用正交偏最小二乘判别分析可以有效区分贵州省与其他省、不同价位的酱香型白酒,为酱香型白酒品质鉴别提供参考依据。  相似文献   

酱香型大曲白酒有七个轮次基酒,各轮次基酒按酱香、醇甜、窖底三种风格贮存后,精心勾兑成酱香型白酒。目前对基酒进行分等分型,判定每轮次酒体的质量均是依靠技术人员的感官来进行评定,有一定主观性,产品质量波动较大。如何快速、精确的区分不同轮次、不同类型的原酒对于酒厂的管理和勾兑工艺具有非常重要的意义。采用电子舌和测色仪对酱香型白酒的不同轮次酒进行区分辨识,以期找到一种甄别质量的快速方法。通过实验得出:电子舌能够将酱香型白酒六个轮次酒很好地区分开,样品所对应的总色度差也有明显的规律。可以看出,电子舌和色度仪在酱香型白酒的原酒的区分以及管理方面有很大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

酱香型白酒的新型生产工艺对改善酱香型白酒酒体风格及降低生产经营成本有一定的推动作用。酱香型白酒的机械化生产工艺、碎沙生产工艺、翻沙生产工艺与传统大曲酱香生产工艺各有不同,其所生产的基酒之间各有风格。对酱香型白酒各类新型生产工艺进行简单论述。  相似文献   

目的:建立了气相色谱-离子迁移谱(Gas chromatography-ion mobility spectroscopy, GC-IMS)技术结合化学计量学分析快速区分不同年份酱香型白酒的方法。方法:采用GC-IMS技术对多批次不同年份的酱香型酿造白酒样本中挥发性有机物进行分析,通过对比挥发性有机物含量差异快速生成指纹图谱,并通过PCA-CA分析实现样本的快速区分。结果:将白酒中检测到的化合物峰利用NIST 2014气相保留指数数据库与IMS迁移时间数据库进行准确的二维定性后共鉴别出包含单体和二聚体在内的共53个挥发性有机物。挥发性有机物指纹图谱对比结果显示不同年份样本中所含化合物的种类和含量差异较大,采用PCA分析可以实现不同年份原酒和老熟酒的正确区分,采用主成分分析-聚类分析(Principal component analysis-cluster analysis, PCA-CA)处理结果进一步明确了区分结果的准确性。结论:该方法直观、快速、准确,为酿造白酒的年份区分提供了方法和技术支持。  相似文献   

为快速鉴别不同工艺酱香型白酒,利用紫外(UV)光谱技术结合化学计量法建立不同工艺酱香型白酒鉴别模型。结果表明,不同工艺酱香型白酒酒体紫外光谱曲线有明显的区别,传统工艺一至七轮次基酒紫外光吸收峰呈现出先上升后下降的曲线变化,成品酒紫外图谱符合以三至五轮次基酒作为勾调主体的紫外光谱曲线特征。酯类、酸类及醛酮类物质是其全波段产生紫外吸收的物质基础,糠醛是酱香型白酒在波长277 nm处产生紫外吸收的重要贡献物质。经验证,偏最小二乘判别分析(PLS-DA)方法建立的模型用于鉴别传统工艺酱香型白酒酒体类别准确率达到100%。基于紫外特征波长吸光度值的定性模型可以快速鉴别传统工艺与非传统工艺酱香型白酒。  相似文献   

对云门酱香型白酒各轮次基酒风味构成进行定量分析,重点分析了酒体中重要风味化合物在各轮次的变化趋势。针对准确定量的56种风味化合物,应用SPSS软件对14个基酒样品进行了聚类分析。研究结果对改进云门酱香型白酒酿造工艺和勾调工艺具有指导意义。  相似文献   

A 9% whey protein (WP) isolate solution at pH 7.0 was heat-denatured at 80°C for 30 min. Size-exclusion HPLC showed that native WP formed soluble aggregates after heat-treatment. Additions of CaCl2 (10–40 mM), NaCl (50–400 mM) or glucono-delta-lactone (GDL, 0.4–2.0%, w/v) or hydrolysis by a protease from Bacillus licheniformis caused gelation of the denatured solution at 45°C. Textural parameters, hardness, adhesiveness, and cohesiveness of the gels so formed changed markedly with concentration of added salts or pH by added GDL. Maximum gel hardness occurred at 200 mM NaCl or pH 4.7. Increasing CaCl2 concentration continuously increased gel hardness. Generally, GDL-induced gels were harder than salt-induced gels, and much harder than the protease-induced gel.  相似文献   

The levels of bisphenol-F-diglycidyl ether (BFDGE) were quantified as part of a European survey on the migration of residues of epoxy resins into oil from canned fish. The contents of BFDGE in cans, lids and fish collected from all 15 Member States of the European Union and Switzerland were analysed in 382 samples. Cans and lids were separately extracted with acetonitrile. The extraction from fish was carried out with hexane followed by re-extraction with acetonitrile. The analysis was performed by reverse phase HPL C with fluorescence detection. BFDGE could be detected in 12% of the fish, 24% of the cans and 18% of the lids. Only 3% of the fish contained BFDGE in concentrations considerably above 1mg/kg. In addition to the presented data, a comparison was made with the levels of BADGE (bisphenol-A-diglycidyl ether)analysed in the same products in the context of a previous study.  相似文献   

The European Commission's, Quality of Life Research Programme, Key Action 1—Health, Food & Nutrition is mission-oriented and aims, amongst other things, at providing a healthy, safe and high-quality food supply leading to reinforced consumer confidence in the safety of European food. Its objectives also include the enhancing of the competitiveness of the European food supply. Key Action 1 is currently supporting a number of different types of European collaborative projects in the area of risk analysis. The objectives of these projects range from the development and validation of prevention strategies including the reduction of consumers risks; development and validation of new modelling approaches; harmonization of risk assessment principles, methodologies, and terminology; standardization of methods and systems used for the safety evaluation of transgenic food; providing of tools for the evaluation of human viral contamination of shellfish and quality control; new methodologies for assessing the potential of unintended effects of genetically modified (genetically modified) foods; development of a risk assessment model for Cryptosporidium parvum related to the food and water industries; to the development of a communication platform for genetically modified organism, producers, retailers, regulatory authorities and consumer groups to improve safety assessment procedures, risk management strategies and risk communication; development and validation of new methods for safety testing of transgenic food; evaluation of the safety and efficacy of iron supplementation in pregnant women; evaluation of the potential cancer-preventing activity of pro- and pre-biotic ('synbiotic') combinations in human volunteers. An overview of these projects is presented here.  相似文献   

为研究低温带皮菜籽粕微粉的不同粒级部分的功能特性,以经低温脱脂的带皮菜籽粕为原料,经微粉碎后筛分成212~425μm、150~212μm和106~150μm的3个不同粒级的微粉样品,检测这些样品的吸水性、吸油性、乳化性和乳化稳定性、蛋白质体外消化率。结果表明:1 3个不同粒级的微粉样品之间的粗纤维含量存在显著差异,表明三者的结构组成成分有一定差异。23个微粉样品的乳化活性和乳化稳定性随粒度级别的减小而显著增加(P0.01)。33个微粉样品的蛋白质体外消化率随粒度级别的减小而显著增加(P0.01)。4不同粒级带皮菜籽粕微粉样品的吸水性与吸油性受其结构组成物质不同和粒度的双重影响,与粒度的相关性不明显。  相似文献   

Microbiology of food taints   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fresh and processed foods are often spoilt by the presence of undesirable flavours and odours caused by microbial action. The aim of this paper is to review the current knowledge of microbiologically induced taints that occur in a wide range of foodstuffs, including meats, poultry, fish, crustaceans, milk, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals and cereal products. Examples have been chosen where the compounds responsible for the taint have been identified and sufficient data obtained to demonstrate the involvement of microorganisms. However, in some cases the full identity of the causative organism may not have been elucidated. The types of microorganisms covered by this review include bacteria, fungi, yeasts, actinomycetes and cyanobacteria. Although cyanobacteria do not in general infect foods, their presence in aqueous systems and water supplies can lead to off-flavours in aquatic organisms and processed foodstuffs. Several examples of each of these processes are discussed. Wherever possible, the likely biosynthetic pathway used by the microorganism to produce the offending compound in a foodstuff is indicated.  相似文献   

Polymers intended for food contact use have been analysed for organic residues which could be attributed to a range of substances employed as polymerization aids (e.g. initiators and catalysts). A wide range of polymers was extracted with solvents and the extracts analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The overwhelming majority of substances identified were not derived from aids to polymerization but were oligomers, additives and adventitious contaminants. However, a small number of substances were identified as initiator residues. These included tetramethylsuccinonitrile (TMSN) which was observed in two polymers and it derived from recombination of two azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) initiator radicals. Methyl benzoate, benzoic acid, biphenyl and phenyl benzoate were detected in one poly(methyl methacrylate) sample and in two polyvinylchlorides and they are thought to be derived from benzoyl peroxide initiator. TMSN was subsequently targeted for analysis of poly-(methyl methacrylate) plastics using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (1  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to characterize the kinetics of the permeation of different medium molecular weight model permeants: bisphenol A, warfarin and anthracene, from liquid paraffin, through a surrogate potential functional barrier (25 microns-thick orientated polypropylene--OPP) into the food simulants olive oil and 3% (w/v) acetic acid. The characterization of permeation kinetics generally observed the permeation models previously reported to explain the experimental permeation results obtained for a low molecular weight group of model permeants. In general, the model permeants exhibited behaviour consistent with their relative molecular weights with respect to (a) the time taken to attain steady-state permeation into the food simulant in which they were more soluble, (b) their subsequent steady-state permeation rates, and (c) their partition between liquid paraffin and the OPP membrane.  相似文献   

This paper describes the first part of a project undertaken to develop mussel reference materials for Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) toxins. Two interlaboratory studies were undertaken to investigate the performance of the analytical methodology for several PSP toxins, in particular saxitoxin (STX) and decarbamoyl-saxitoxin (dc-STX) in lyophilized mussels, and to set criteria for the acceptance of results to be applied during the second part of the project: the certification exercise. In the first study, 18 laboratories were asked to measure STX and dc-STX in rehydrated lyophilized mussel material and to identify as many other PSP toxins as possible with a method of their choice. In the second interlaboratory study, 15 laboratories were additionally asked to determine quantitatively STX and dc-STX in rehydrated lyophilized mussel and in a saxitoxin-enriched mussel material. The first study revealed that three out of four postcolumn derivatization methods and one pre-column derivatization method sufficed in principle to determine STX and dc-STX. Most participants (13 of 18) obtained acceptable calibration curves and recoveries. Saxitoxin was hardly detected in the rehydrated lyophilized mussels and results obtained for dc-STX yielded a CV of 58% at a mass fraction of 1.86 mg/kg. Most participants (14 out of 18) identified gonyautoxin-5 (GTX-5) in a hydrolysed extract provided. The first study led to provisional criteria for linearity, recovery and separation. The second study revealed that 6 out of 15 laboratories were able to meet these criteria. Results obtained for dc-STX yielded a CV of 19% at a mass fraction of 3.49mg/kg. Results obtained for STX in the saxitoxin-enriched material yielded a CV of 19% at a mass fraction of 0.34mg/kg. Saxitoxin could not be detected in the PSP-positive material. Hydrolysis was useful to confirm the identity of GTX5 and provided indicative information about C1 and C2 toxins in the PSP-positive material. The methods used in the second interlaboratory study showed sufficiently consistent analysis results to undertake a certification exercise to assign certified values for STX and dc-STX in lyophilized mussel.  相似文献   

On December 27t", 2013, the Ministry of Environmenta Protection announced that, in order to implement "The Environmental Protection Law of the People' s Republic of China", improve the working system in environmenta protection technologies, and promote technologica advancement in pollution prevention, the Ministry of Environmental Protection sponsored the formulation of three guiding technical documents including "Feasible Technology Guidelines for Pollution Prevention and Contro n Wood Pulping Process of the Paper Industry (Trial)"  相似文献   

正On April 29th,2014,Intelli-Tissue EcoEc tissue machine supplied by PMP Group successfully put into operation at Hebei Xuesong Paper Co.,Ltd.,this is the first such kind of paper machine of PMP Group in China.  相似文献   

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