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International Standard ISO 12218 applies to the process control of offset platemaking for the conventional technology. Based on the comparative analysis the paper shows the necessity of more strict process control for the CtP technology for which there is no common approach among plate manufacturers. Attaining the basic working properties of printing formes and quality parameters of image elements has been suggested as a basis of such an approach.  相似文献   

记者日前从江苏省环保厅了解到,《太湖地区城镇污水处理厂及重点工业行业主要水污染物排放限值》新近出炉,于2008年1月1日起这一标准将在包括无锡、常州、苏州市辖区、南京市溧水县、高淳县,镇江市丹阳市、句容市等太湖流域实施.这是省委、省政府在今年5月太湖蓝藻爆发后,按照铁腕治污、加速调整我省产业结构、淘汰落后产能的要求,组织省环保厅、省质监局编制制定的.  相似文献   

1995年2月,瑞典斯德哥尔摩市出现了免费的都会报--,在地铁等交通要道赠与行人,随后欧洲各国地铁火车等通勤地区开始效仿,陆续出现免费报纸,并且开始流行.2000年,免费报纸的概念传到美洲与亚洲,当时全球有50余种免费报纸,在20多个国家发行,总发行量达800万份.2006年,总发行量增加到3500万份.在欧洲,免费报纸最为流行,冰岛、丹麦、西班牙等国家免费报纸的发行量超过了收费报纸,希腊、匈牙利、意大利、立陶宛、葡萄牙、瑞士、瑞典等国发行量最大的报纸都是免费报纸.根据世界报业协会公布的报告显示,免费报纸已成气候、势不可当,且竞争激烈.丹麦的免费报纸就是最好的例子.  相似文献   

对二号矿石、汶洋石、山仔濑石、房栊岩石、山秀园石、芙蓉石、大山石等一些近年来在寿山石市场上较为常见的寿山石品种进行了研究,详细测定了它们的密度、硬度和矿物组成等.研究表明,二号矿石、房栊岩石和大山石主要由地开石组成,连江黄石、山仔濑石和汶洋石主要含有伊利石,叶蜡石是芙蓉石和山秀园石寿山石品种的主要矿物组成.综合现有的研究资料,建议将寿山石分为田石系、高山石系、月洋石系和连江黄石系.  相似文献   

闵耀霞 《今日印刷》2007,(12):63-66
纸盒业具有巨大的潜力,但生产商如果想要赢得更多的业务,就必须遵循"创新"与"环保"的发展路线. "创新"和"功能"是纸盒和纸盒成形业出现频率较高的词汇,即提供品牌拥有者和零售商所期望并能够花钱购买的产品,同时这个产品还填补了需求的空白.然而也有另外两个词与之威力相当,那就是"可持续(sustainability)"和"再生(recycling)".  相似文献   

简述了新乡盐业理清思路,更新观念,创新经营,培育市场.薄利广销,跟踪服务,实现供需和谐共赢的经验.为盐行业提供一个典型案例.  相似文献   

以南瓜为主要原料,配以花生油、白砂糖、炼乳和精制小麦粉等辅料,制作用于包子、月饼及包馅类点心的奶香南瓜馅心.结果显示,奶香南瓜馅心的最佳配料为在500 g南瓜泥中添加100 g白砂糖、70 g花生油、50 g炼乳和40 g精制小麦粉.该馅心具有南瓜香味和奶香味,色泽鲜亮,口感细腻滑润.  相似文献   

The American Oil Chemists’ Society(AOCS) is a volunteer-led association. AOCS develops and publishes methods of analysis for fats, oils, proteins, surfactants, and related materials according to accepted international standards to ensure equitable trade practices on a global scale. AOCS Official Method development has been going on for over a hundred years. The founding vision of AOCS in 1909 was "an organization designed for the development and advancement of analytical methods for cottonseed products." AOCS Official Methods are essential to world trade and are used to confirm the value of billions of pounds of oilseed-based commodities and finished products each year. In addition, AOCS conducts proficiency testing, provides certified reference materials, and collaborates with other standards developers including the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) and the Codex Alimentarius Commission. AOCS serves as a professional scientific membership organization providing current and emerging information as well as disseminating research results in oils, fats, lipids, proteins, surfactants, and related materials. Several avenues are used, especially meetings, publications, interest groups, networking opportunities, and web presence. Many scientists, experts, and others engaged in working in these fields find their professional "home" in AOCS. The AOCS Technical Leadership Committee comprises some of the most experienced AOCS members and scientists. The AOCS Technical Services department staff relies on this committee for guidance on scientific matters and for advice in prioritizing the opportunities facing AOCS.  相似文献   

介绍宰后肉在成熟过程中风味的变化,分别阐述肌糖原、蛋白质、脂类、核苷酸等几类化合物对肉风味的贡献.生肉很少有香味.并且只具有一种类似血腥的味道,但在宰后肉成熟的过程中所产生的丰富的具有味觉属性的化合物.以及香味的前提物质和风味增强剂对肉的感官性质产生巨大影响.  相似文献   

王翔 《江苏纺织》2007,(2):27-28
1月16日,江苏恒力集团喜传捷报--恒力化纤二期工程年产20万吨超亮光丝项目正式投产.当日,江苏恒力集团在吴江同里召开"亮丝隆"超亮光丝新产品发布会,中国纺织工业协会副会长许坤元,中国化纤工业协会理事长郑植艺、副理事长叶永茂出席发布会.会后,恒力集团董事长陈建华接受了本刊记者的采访.  相似文献   

肉因其较高的营养价值和独特的风味而成为广大消费者饮食中最重要的组成成分之一。在高额利益的驱动下,肉及肉制品的加工生产中掺假问题频繁发生。因此开发出能够对肉及肉制品的掺假进行有效鉴别的技术与方法对保障消费者的利益具有重要意义。产品和消费方式的不同决定了对掺假鉴别的侧重点不同,因而对相应掺假鉴别技术的要求也不同。本文阐述了目前用于肉及肉制品掺假检测的常见方法的基本原理及其研究进展,包括基于蛋白质组学的免疫和质谱技术,基于DNA的聚合酶链式反应技术以及基于无损检测的传感器和光谱技术。同时也对目前已知方法所存在的鉴别盲区和新的掺假鉴别技术的开发提出了建议,以期为肉类及其加工制品掺假鉴别提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Food oral processing—A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food oral processing is an essential procedure not only for the consumption and digestion of foods but also for the appreciation and pleasure of food texture and food flavour. The consumption of a food inside mouth involves various oral operations, including first bite, chewing and mastication, transportation, bolus formation, swallowing, etc. Exact mechanisms and governing principles of these oral operations are still not fully understood, despite of continuous efforts made by scientists from food, psychology, physiology, dental and clinical studies, and other disciplines. This article reviews recent progresses and literature findings about food processing and transformation in mouth, with particular attention on the physiology and rheology aspects of oral operations. The physiological behaviour of human's oral device is discussed in terms of biting capability, tongue movement, saliva production and incorporation, and swallowing. The complexity of oral processing is analysed in relation to the rheology and mechanical properties of foods. The swallowing and oral clearing process is also examined for its criteria, triggering mechanism, bolus deformation, and the rheology of swallowing.  相似文献   

为解决老一代细纱机改造后出现棉纱、织物质量问题,分析了细纱机改造及对不同纺纱原理器材、专件的选择,从节约能源和针对不同纺纱品种与质量要求方面重点论述了如何选用不同纺纱器材、专件进行改造;说明对其牵伸系统、卷绕系统的改造不仅可以提高棉纱质量、织物质量,而且可以大大降低纺纱能耗。指出不同的棉纱品种、质量要求对细纱机改造的纺纱器材、专件要求也不同,纺纱系统和器材、专件改造后对纺纱效率、制造成本、效益、效果、棉纱质量指标的影响;用事实证明改造老一代细纱机的纺纱元件、器材、专件,对棉纱质量的稳定、织物质量的提高起关键作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究虎杖果实中白藜芦醇与大黄素提取工艺,比较其果实与雄株、未结果雌株、结果雌株3 类根茎中白藜芦醇与大黄素得率。方法:采用高效液相色谱法测定其果实与3 类根茎中白藜芦醇与大黄素含量,确定果实中白藜芦醇与大黄素提取的溶剂与方法,采用正交试验法考察微波火力档、溶剂体积分数、料液比及提取时间对提取工艺的影响,确定微波辅助提取的最佳提取工艺,比较虎杖果实、3 类根茎中二者得率。结果:正交试验与方差分析得出果实中白藜芦醇与大黄素的最佳提取条件为乙醇体积分数70%、料液比1∶20(g/mL)、额定功率800 W微波炉先40火力处理3 min冷却后60火力处理3 min、提取时间6 min,高效液相色谱法测得虎杖雄株、未结果雌株根茎中的白藜芦醇与大黄素得率均高于结果雌株根茎及果实,果实及3 类根茎中白藜芦醇与大黄素得率均超过《中国药典》(2010)规定值,提取工艺合理、稳定、可行,虎杖果实具备开发利用的价值。  相似文献   

Whole grains and legumes are important sources of nutrients and have essential influences in the human diet. However, the consumption of whole grains and legumes faces many challenges, such as their poor edible and cooking qualities. Antinutritional factors and allergens also affect consumption of whole grains and legumes. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatment is a recent non-thermal processing technology, which can improve the edible quality of whole grains and legumes. HHP also preserves the natural nutrition and freshness of food by lowering the concentration of antinutritional elements and sensitizing allergens while minimally altering the color and scent of the food components. This review summarized the principle of HHP treatment technology, the effects of HHP treatment on the nutritional components, antinutritional factors, and cooking qualities of whole grains and legumes. This review also described the potential effects of HHP-treated whole grains and legumes on some diseases. This review is expected to provide references for the application of HHP treatment in whole grains and legumes.  相似文献   

In seed extracts of five oilseed species, in bran extracts of three cereal species, and in seed and/or whole berry extracts of 10 berry species, the concentrations of a large number of lignans and the enantiomeric composition of selected lignans were determined. In the case of sesame and hemp seeds, the lignan content and composition of the whole seeds was compared to that of the hulled seeds. The results showed that cloudberry seeds are the third most lignan-rich food source after linseeds and whole sesame seeds, and that most of the berry species analysed were more lignan-rich than the cereal brans. The lignans are concentrated in the hull of the oilseeds and in the seeds of the berries. In most samples, secoisolarici-, pino-, medio-, and syringaresinol were present as a mixture of two enantiomers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The increasing global market of genetically modified (GM) crops amplifies the potential for unintentional contamination of food and feed with GM plants. Methods proposed for disposal of crop residues should be assessed to prevent unintended distribution of GM materials. Composting of organic material is inexpensive and location‐independent. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of composting for disposal of GM plants in terms of reducing seed viability and promoting the degradation of endogenous as well as transgenic DNA. RESULTS: Duplicate samples of corn kernels, alfalfa leaves, and GM canola seeds, meal and pellets were sealed in porous nylon bags and implanted in duplicate 85 000 kg (initial weight) feedlot manure compost piles. Samples were collected at intervals over 230 days of composing. Canola seeds and corn kernels were not viable after 14 days of composting with temperatures in the piles exceeding 50 °C. In all samples, PCR analyses revealed that plant endogenous and transgenic fragments were substantially degraded after 230 days of composting. Southern blotting of genomic DNA isolated from canola seeds identified differences in the persistence of endogenous, transgenic, and bacterial DNA. CONCLUSION: Composting GM and non‐GM plant materials with manure rendered seeds non‐viable, and resulted in substantial, although not complete, degradation of endogenous and transgenic plant DNA. This study demonstrates that composting could be effective for disposing of GM crops in the event of their inadvertent entry into the food or feed chain. Copyright © 2010 Crown in the right of Canada. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

梨果实营养丰富, 水分含量较高, 在生产、采收和贮运过程中易受病原菌侵染, 特别是在贮藏期间发生真菌性病害后腐烂霉变, 产生并积累各种真菌毒素。本文首先介绍了链格孢毒素、展青霉素、橘霉素和黄曲霉毒素的毒性和在梨果实及其制品中的污染状况, 其次, 对在梨和其制品中应用的薄层色谱法和液相色谱-质谱联用法的特点和应用实例进行了综述, 最后, 总结了果品中真菌毒素的降解方法, 并对有效防控真菌毒素的重点研究方向进行了展望。当前国内对于梨果实及其制品中真菌毒素的研究报道很少, 今后应加强这方面研究, 明确当前真菌毒素的种类以及污染水平, 并重点开展有效防控真菌毒素的研究, 提高我国梨果实及其制品的质量安全水平。  相似文献   

为提高米饭蒸煮品质、延缓米饭回生和改善米饭消化性能,比较不同质量分数低聚果糖、山梨糖醇和麦芽糖醇3 种低能量甜味剂对大米浸泡吸水率、直链淀粉比例、硬度、微观结构、晶体结构、热特性及消化特性等指标的影响。结果表明,3 种甜味剂处理均能够提高大米的吸水率,降低米饭的硬度。此外,低聚果糖、山梨糖醇和麦芽糖醇处理均能降低米饭的体外消化水解率。其中,1.6%低聚果糖处理的大米在浸泡25 min时吸水率提高了11.18%,直链淀粉比例、糊化焓值和放置24 h后硬度分别降低了7.36%、22.91%和21.79%,且与其他处理相比,显著降低了糊化焓值和结晶度,并表现出较好的微观结构和抗回生性。该研究为大米精深加工与方便米饭产品开发提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper describes the fatty acid (FA) composition of muscle and fat tissue in Omani Jebel Akhdar buck, wether and does slaughtered at 11, 18 or 28 kg body weight (BW). The fat percentage in dry matter (DM) of the subcutaneous and kidney fats ranged between 85 and 98% and that of muscle ranged between 17 and 21%. Subcutaneous fat tended to have lower DM than kidney fat. Palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) and oleic (C18:1) acids comprised the largest proportions of FA in the muscle tissue (approximately 80%) with oleic acid being the most abundant. Ninety-one percent of the total FA were contributed by the C16 and C18 fatty acids being 31.6 and 58.5%, respectively. C19 and C20 were not detected in the muscle tissue. The essential FA, C20:2, C20:3 and C20:4 contributing about 1%. Muscle tissue of the Jebel Akhdar goat contained an average 51.3% and 48.7% of saturated (SFA) and unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), respectively. Polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) constituted about 5% and monounsaturated (MFA) 43.5% of the total FA. Subcutaneous fat contained more total FA (68.08%) than kidney fat (48.14%) in the whole tissue. Kidney fat contained higher percentages of C16 and C18 but less C:18:1 than subcutaneous fat. The proportions of SFA to UFA was high in both fat depots with the SFA being much higher in the kidney than subcutaneous fats. C16, C18 and C:18:1c acids comprised 64.2 and 78% and C16s and C18s made up 81 and 85% of total FA in subcutaneous and kidney fats, respectively. In both subcutaneous and kidney fats, there was a trend of increasing values of DM and fat percentage with intact males having the lowest and females the highest values. Males had higher levels of C15, C18:2 and C18:3 but lower levels of C17, C18 and total C16, C18 and C18:1 in muscle tissue. Intact males had higher levels of C10, 12, 15 FA but lower C16:1 and C16+18+18:1 than others in subcutaneous fat. Intact males had a similar trend for C12 and 14 but lower SFA and higher UFA in kidney fat. There was a trend of increasing DM and fat% in dry matter with increasing body weight. C10, 12 and 14 of the kidney fat decreased with increasing slaughter weight. There was a trend of the two C16 FA decreasing and the four C18 increasing with BW in the kidney fat. This resulted in proportions of the total C16 and C18 FA increasing from 81.8 to 86.8%. These findings confirm those of other studies on goat meat quality that, as judged by fatty acid composition it is not inferior to that of meats from other farm animals.  相似文献   

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