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介绍了一种新型多用途啤酒澄清剂,其中主要包括2种成分:阴离子硅溶液和阳离子硅溶液。与普通的硅溶液制剂相比,其效能与啤酒的胶体化学性能无关,能改进啤酒的过滤性和胶体稳定性,可除去普通澄清剂所不能去掉的妨碍过滤的物质。将上述2种成分加入啤酒中即可快速连续地形成絮凝状,不管啤酒中含有何种成分。凡形成混浊物质的结块和引起过滤问题的物质,均可用此硅溶液除去,从而得到透明的、胶体稳定、易于过滤的啤酒。供澄清啤酒用的多用材料及其使用方法@ArmemuellerG.etc.@杨秋月  相似文献   

研究了CPAM(阳离子聚丙烯酰胺)/自制的CPSAB胶体硅微粒子助留、助滤体系在造纸过程中的应用。结果表明,在CPAM@阴离子胶体硅的用量分别No.25kg/t和0.2kg/t即有明显助留、助滤效果,随着CPAM和阴离子胶体硅用量增加,助留、助滤效果随之提高。文中对药品的用量、体系pH值、电解质含量、AKD加入等因素的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

考察了CPAM/阴离子胶体硅微粒子助留助滤体系在竹、木浆混合系统的使用效果,并就该助留助滤体系对成纸强度性能的影响进行了探索。结果表明,对竹、木浆混合系统,CPAM和阴离子胶体硅的合适用量分别为0.4kg/t-0.6kg/t和0.2kg/t-0.4kg/t,在较大的CPAM用量(=0.6kg/t)和较大的阴离子胶体硅用量(=0.6kg/t)下,CPAM/阴离子胶体硅微粒子助留助滤体系助留效果变化不大。此外,在相同条件下,该体系能在快滤水和填料等细小物质高留着的前提下,保持较高的纸页强度性能。  相似文献   

研究了3种商品淀粉对轻质碳酸钙(PCC)填料的预絮聚,并采用胶体硅和絮凝剂作为助留剂。该研究的特点是首先将部分淀粉(2kg淀粉每吨PCC)与PCC填料进行预絮聚,然后将余下的淀粉在絮凝剂之后、胶体硅之前加入。实验用浆料为过氧化氢漂白热磨机械浆(TMP)。  相似文献   

晨鸣集团博士后科研工作站自制胶体硅助留剂试验获得成功新型鞋用中底纸板通过省级科技成果和新产品鉴定胶体硅助留实验是晨鸣集团博士后科研项目之一,在国内处于领先水平。戴红旗博士自进站以来,一直致力于该项目在二厂4550纸机上的应用研究,经过大量的实验室小试和反复的可行  相似文献   

对烧碱法麦草浆黑液蒸发器结垢物的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
烧碱法麦草浆黑液的蒸发器结垢物的主要元素 (除了碳、氢、氧 )是硅、钙、钾、钠、镁和铝。其中硅和钙占总质量的 40 %左右。其中有机物占 1 9%左右。无机物中有 3种硅酸盐矿物 ,纤硅碱钙石 (Rhodesite) ,(Ca ,K ,Na) 8Si1 6 O4 0 ·1 1H2 O是主要成分。垢物中主要的元素是硅和钙。由于麦草含硅量高 ,麦草浆黑液结垢与木浆黑液结垢机理有很大不同。麦草浆黑液结垢是一个复杂的化学反应 ,属化学反应型垢。硅酸胶体的形成对结垢起了很大的作用。阳离子如Ca2 + 和K+ 等与硅酸胶体反应形成纤硅碱钙石等硅酸盐矿物。具体的反应机理还有待进一步研究  相似文献   

本文主要研究了无机阴离子微粒的助留助滤体系,即用改性膨润土、胶体硅分别与CPAM(阳离子聚丙烯酰胺)组成无机微粒助留助滤体系,探讨无机微粒不同用量的变化对助留助滤作用效果的影响.  相似文献   

德国发明一种新型多用途啤酒澄清剂 ,主要包括阴离子硅溶液和阳离子硅溶液 ,使用比为 1∶1~ 6∶1,它能改进啤酒的过滤性与胶体的稳定性 ,可除去普通澄清剂不能除去的妨碍过滤的物质。将上述 2种成分加入啤酒中 ,可快速形成絮凝状态 ,凡形成混浊物质的结块和引起过滤障碍的物质均可除去 ,从而得到胶体稳定、易于过滤的透明啤酒一种新型多用途啤酒澄清剂  相似文献   

倪国薇  龚展国 《造纸化学品》2003,15(2):42-42,45
纳米胶体 (乳液 )稳定剂 (简称ZD -JD)是一种人工合成的无机非金属胶凝材料 ,属于三八面体式结构的层状硅酸盐矿物。它的结合单元层由2个硅氧四面体夹 1个八面体氢氧镁面层组成 ,八面体片具有强烈的负电性能 ,具有纳米微晶结构 ,ω(稳定剂 ) =2 .5 %水分散体即可形成触变性凝胶。与羧甲基纤维素、羟乙基纤维素复配使用 ,起协同增稠作用。分散粒子尺寸约2 5~5 0nm。由于它具有优良的胶体分散性、稳定性、触变性和悬浮性 ,对胶体体系起抗沉降 ,抗分层 ,提高热稳定性等作用 ,因而在工业上具有特殊的应用价值。它是新一代的胶体稳定剂、…  相似文献   

日前。阿克苏诺贝尔制浆和性能化学品公司公布了将在亚洲和欧洲数家胶体硅生产厂增产的意向。据悉,增产计划将在2014年下半年完成。  相似文献   

硼改性微粒硅溶胶助留助滤体系的絮聚机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过几种絮聚模型-DDJ动态滤水仪法、结合激光粒度仪研究絮团大小的变化以及纸张匀度的比较,发现硼改性微粒硅溶胶对浆料絮聚机理是先加入阳离子聚合物,使纤维与细小组分絮聚成较大的絮聚体,初始絮聚体受到高剪切力作用,被打散成小碎块,从而为带负电荷的硼改性微粒硅溶胶暴露出更多的链圈和链尾.硼改性微粒硅溶胶就在这些吸附于不同浆料粒子上的链圈和链尾之间,靠静电中和及与聚合物中非带电段的吸附作用,使近距离的细小碎块桥联而发生重新絮聚,形成较初始絮聚体更小、更均一、更致密的絮团网络.结果大幅度提高了细小纤维和填料的留着率,改善了浆料的滤水性.同时又获得了良好匀度的纸页.  相似文献   

阳离子微粒助留体系的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了近年来阳离子微粒助留体系的研究进展.其中包括以阳离子改性胶体SiO2、阳离子胶体Al2O3、阳离子聚合物微粒和阳离子胶体氢氧化镁铝为微粒组分的4种微粒助留体系.  相似文献   

硼改性微粒硅溶胶的超滤浓缩及稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用超滤法浓缩硼改性微粒硅溶胶,在室温、操作压力3.5 kPa的条件下、选用截留相对分子质量为10000的醋酸纤维素超滤膜浓缩硼改性微粒硅溶胶,其截留率大于93%,可将硼改性微粒硅溶胶浓缩到15%~16%,并且硼改性微粒硅溶胶不易变性。实验采用阴离子及非离子表面活性剂来提高高浓度硅溶胶的稳定性,结果表明,用量0.01%的羧甲基纤维素分散效果最佳,对硼改性微粒硅溶胶的性能几乎没有影响,有利于实现商品化。  相似文献   

微粒助留助滤系统在漂白麦草浆抄造中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了微粒助留系统在漂白麦草浆抄造中的助留助滤作用及对填料留着率的影响。先加两性聚丙烯酰胺或变性淀粉,高剪切后,再加入第二种助剂阴离子微粒膨润土或胶体二氧化硅,三种微粒系统在漂白麦草浆抄造中的助留助滤作用均比单一高聚物的助留效果好,而且纸页的强度和匀度也较好。  相似文献   

造纸湿部化学微粒子助留助滤技术的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
论述了微粒子助留助滤的发展,分别阐述了传统的微粒体系、阳离子微粒与阴离子聚合物复配的微粒助留系统、硅超微化学技术的助留机理及应用技术,比较了它们的优缺点.  相似文献   

纳米二氧化硅的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了纳米二氧化硅的制备研究.试验以无机盐--氯化钠为反应介质,使用不同浓度的硅酸钠和硫酸分别在pH=9,pH=6,和pH=3条件下进行反应,生成水合二氧化硅,经过滤、洗涤,干燥制得纳米二氧化硅.制备的纳米二氧化硅样品进行了堆积密度、比表面积、孔容积和粒度以及TEM的测定.从几种测定的结果可以看出,本试验方法制备的纳米二氧化硅粒径在9 nm~37 nm之间.最佳条件制备的纳米二氧化硅粒径在10 nm左右.  相似文献   

In order to study the effectiveness of using colloidal silica, NYACOL DP5110, to stabilize chromium-contaminated soil, the diffusion of chromium in colloidal silica gel was estimated from laboratory experiments. To measure diffusion coefficients of chromium in the colloidal silica gel, a new measurement method based on digital photography was introduced. A series of experiments were designed and conducted to validate this new method and to estimate the diffusion coefficients of chromium in the colloidal silica gel. Accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated by several differentways. It was found that the apparent diffusion coefficient of chromium in colloidal silica gel ranged from 1.76 to 8.48 x 10(-10) m2/s depending mainly on the concentration of silica in the gel with chromium concentration less than 10(-2) M. Higher silica concentrations yielded lower diffusion coefficients due to the obstruction to the free movement of chromium. The adsorption isotherm of chromate to colloidal silica gel was found to be linear at pH 7; the partition coefficient was calculated to be 0.549 L/g. Mass balance calculations were performed to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method and found that the measuring error was less than 6.5%. Based on the test data, the estimation of diffusion coefficients for chromium in colloidal silica gel using digital photography seems to be accurate and precise. This method is suitable for analyzing colored chemicals inside clear/white gels. From the results, it can be concluded that the gel behaves as a porous material with silica network forming continuous solid phase and its pore space saturated with water. The chromium ions diffuse in porous silica gel on a tortuous path. Therefore, the bulk diffusion dominates. Thus, the silica can be represented as a fix and impenetrable immersion in the solution. The presence of these motionless silica chains leads to an increase in the mean path of the diffusing molecules between two points in the system. On the basis of the test results, it can also be concluded that colloidal silica, NYACOL DP5110, for in-situ treatment of chromium-contaminated soils seems to be ineffective. Further research of more realistic simulation of diffusion and refined gel formulation with the capacity to convert the chromium to an immobile form is recommended.  相似文献   

Unfavorable aggregation and deposition of colloidal particles in natural and engineered systems is still a subject of debate. Complicating factors such as surface roughness, secondary minimum aggregation, and the nature of discrete surface charge and surface potential make it difficult to attribute a specific cause to these phenomena. The presence of surface charge heterogeneity and its influence on interaction forces, which are responsible for aggregation and deposition, are studied in this work through the application of atomic force microscopy (AFM). Force-volume-mode AFM was used to map interaction forces on a surface and relate them to surface charge heterogeneities. The experimental system consisted of a silica plate and a standard silicon nitride AFM tip. Copper ions were used for sorption on the silica surface in order to modify the surface charge and cause charge reversal. Different concentrations of copper ions were selected to identify conditions of partial coverage of the silica surface. The pH and ionic strength of the solutions were varied, and the extension of the surface charge modification and its influence on the resulting interaction forces were monitored via AFM force measurements. Depending on the pH and ionic strength, the interaction force was found to change at certain regions on the surface from attraction to either weak or strong repulsion. Force imaging allowed the visual localization of zones of strong repulsive interaction that diminished in size with increasing ionic strength. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis was used to confirm the presence of copper on the surface. Local charge differences on a surface result in local differences in surface forces, not only in magnitude but also in direction. This behavior may explain the aggregation, deposition, and transport of colloidal particles under unfavorable chemical conditions.  相似文献   

硅铝类微粒子助留助滤体系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍了各种硅铝类微粒子助留助滤体系,并简要分析了影响其使用的因素。  相似文献   

该研究以正硅酸乙酯为硅源,用改良的Stöber法制备了多孔二氧化硅微球,并用3-氨丙基乙氧基硅对其进行氨基功能化,成功将其与槲皮素复合,制备了多孔硅/槲皮素复合纳米材料。研究表明,多孔二氧化硅微球的比表面积、比孔容和平均孔径分别为1530.63 m2/g、0.92 cm3/g和2.40 nm。对比实验证明每毫克氨基功能化的二氧化硅微球能够负载0.09 mg槲皮素,是功能化之前的2.25倍。原因有两个,一是因为氨基是亲水性基团,氨基化的二氧化硅微球具有更好的水分散性;另一方面,氨基可与槲皮素分子中的羟基形成氢键,使得氨基化的二氧化硅微球更容易与槲皮素复合。用DPPH法表征了该复合纳米材料的自由基清除率。结果表明,在相同条件下,多孔硅/槲皮素复合纳米材料和纯槲皮素的自由基清除率分别为48.44%和32.81%,这说明与多孔二氧化硅微球复合可以提高槲皮素的抗氧化活性,可能与多孔二氧化硅微球对槲皮素的保护作用有关。  相似文献   

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