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We describe a set of replicative, integrative and single-stranded shuttle vectors constructed from the pUC19 plasmid that we use routinely in our experiments. They bear a yeast selectable marker: URA3, TRP1 or LEU2. Replicative vectors carrying different yeast replication origins have been constructed in order to have plasmids based on the same construction with a high or low copy number per cell and with different mitotic stabilities. All the vectors are small in size, provide a high yield in Escherichia coli and efficiently transform Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These plasmids have many of the unique sites of the pUC19 multicloning region and many of them allow for the screening of plasmids with an insert by alpha-complementation. The nucleotide sequence of each of them is completely known.  相似文献   

Shuttle vectors allow for an efficient transfer of recombinant DNA into yeast cells and are widely used in fundamental research and biotechnology. While available shuttle vectors are applicable in many experimental settings, their use in quantitative biology is hampered by insufficient copy number control. Moreover, they often have practical constraints, such as limited modularity and few unique restriction sites. We constructed the pRG shuttle vector series, consisting of single‐ and multi‐copy integrative, centromeric and episomal plasmids with marker genes for the selection in all commonly used auxotrophic yeast strains. The vectors feature a modular design and a large number of unique restriction sites, enabling an efficient exchange of every vector part and expansion of the series. Integration into the host genome is achieved using a double‐crossover recombination mechanism, resulting in stable single‐ and multi‐copy modifications. As centromeric and episomal plasmids give rise to a heterogeneous cell population, an analysis of their copy number distribution and loss behaviour was performed. Overall, the shuttle vector series supports the efficient cloning of genes and their maintenance in yeast cells with improved copy number control. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have constructed new yeast vectors for targeted integration and conditional expression of any sequence at the Saccharomyces cerevisiae TYR1 locus which becomes disrupted. We show that vector integration is not neutral, causing prototrophy for tyrosine and auxotrophy for the vector's selectable marker (uracil or leucine, depending on the vector used). This feature allows a double screening of transformed yeast cells, improving the identification of colonies with the desired chromosomal structure. The GAL10 gene promoter has been added to drive conditional expression of cloned sequences. Using these vectors, chromosomal structure verification of recombinant clones is no longer necessary, since the noise of non-homologous recombination, as well as spontaneous reversion of the selected phenotype, can easily be identified. The ability of the vector to conditionally control gene expression has been confirmed using the gene for the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter.  相似文献   

This report describes two sets of plasmid vectors that facilitate the identification of regions of complementation in cloned genomic inserts via transposon or insertional mutagenesis. The first set contains ARS-H4 CEN6, a yeast selectable nutritional marker (HIS3, TRP1 or URA3), and neo for selection in Escherichia coli. These plasmids lack the Tn3 transposition immunity region present in pBR322 derived vectors, and are permissive recipients for Tn3 transposon mutagenesis. The second family of plasmids described facilitate gene disruption procedures performed in vitro. These vectors carry disruption cassettes that contain different yeast selectable markers (HIS3, LEU2, TRP1 or URA3) adjacent to the Tn5 neo gene. These genes can be excised as a cassette on a common restriction fragment and introduced into any desired restriction site with selection for kanamycin resistance.  相似文献   

目的应用基因重组技术在大肠杆菌中高效表达藤黄微球菌过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)。方法从藤黄微球菌DNA中获得CAT编码基因,并应用pProEx.HTa质粒构建融合表达载体并表达和检测活性。结果通过融合表达获得可溶性带6×His标签重组蛋白,该蛋白经过Ni-NTA纯化后可获得活性物质。结论从大肠杆菌表达体系中表达了具有生物活性的CAT。  相似文献   

目的应用基因重组技术在大肠杆菌中高效表达藤黄微球菌过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)。方法从藤黄微球菌DNA中获得CAT编码基因,并应用pProEx-HTa质粒构建融合表达载体并表达和检测活性。结果通过融合表达获得可溶性带6×His标签重组蛋白,该蛋白经过Ni-NTA纯化后可获得活性物质。结论从大肠杆菌表达体系中表达了具有生物活性的CAT。  相似文献   

Expression/shuttle vectors for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have usually been large plasmids with only one or a small number of sites that are suitable for cloning and expression. We report here the construction and properties of a series of 12 expression vectors with multiple (four to eight) unique sites in their polylinkers which allow directional cloning and expression of DNA sequences under four different promoters. Eleven of these plasmids replicate at high copy number in Escherichia coli, and all have the yeast TRP1 gene, and the 2 μm origin including REP3 sequence, allowing selection and high copy number replication in yeast. Six of the plasmids are designed for the construction and selection of cDNA libraries from various eukaryotic organisms, allowing directional cloning and expression of cDNAs. All of these six have similar polylinkers containing a unique promoter proximal EcoRI site and a unique promoter distal XhoI site, allowing for directional cloning and expression of ‘ZAP’-type cDNAs. cDNAs that complement a wide variety of yeast mutants can be selected from libraries constructed in this way. The four alternative promoters, ADH2, PGK, GAL10 and SV40 were compared for their relative activity, both in E. coli and in yeast. All yeast promoters showed substantial activity in E. coli with ADH2 showing the highest activity. ADH2 also was well-regulated in yeast, showing very high relative activity under derepressing conditions. cDNAs selected by genetic complementation from libraries constructed in these vectors should be easily subclonable into other vectors, allowing expression in different eukaryotic organisms, DNA sequencing or site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

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