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多媒体作为一种现代化的教学手段,创造了图文并茂、动静结合、声情交融的教学环境,巧妙利用声、光、色、形模拟了事物情景,再现了生动的事物画面,从不同程度不断的形成较多的兴奋点,为教学提供了逼真的表现效果,扩大了学生感知的时间与空间,激发了学生的主动性、积极性、创造性,突破了课程中的难点,培养了学生的审美情趣,提高了教师的教学成效。  相似文献   

半精纺纺纱工艺及产品开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以棉纺设备改造为主的毛半精纺系统打破了传统的精梳毛纺、粗梳毛纺的界限,扩大了原料使用范围,提高了可纺支数、降低了原料成本.文章介绍了半精纺的纺纱和染整工艺流程,并详细分析了和毛、梳毛、并条、粗纱、细纱、气流洗、罐蒸等具体工艺条件,对织布规格设计要点进行了探讨,丰富了毛纺品种,拓宽了市场空白.  相似文献   

用现代手段演绎河图,对促进象数易学的创新,加快现代易学发展进程具有重要意义。该文依据作者提出的易经新释方法,在坚持传统图说的同时,提出了河图新说理论,发现、创设了河图对立图、河图卦及卦系、河图图谱,用数、符、图、表、文等现代手段演绎了河图,揭密了河图奥义,模拟了河图的变化规律,形成了新的河图认知模式,使河图在形式、内容上实现了新的解说,从而使河图更具有现代意义和现代价值。同时,在六十四卦基础上,演绎了十爻卦,定义了十爻卦的卦名、卦系、卦数、卦符、卦图、卦表、卦文等,并首次将河图规范纳入易经结构及其宇宙演化模式,从而实现了河图与易经的完美对接。  相似文献   

陈立新  贺梅 《纺织器材》2012,39(4):34-36,68
介绍了针布损伤形态,分析了针布损伤的人为因素、设备状态因素、工艺配置因素,从加装防轧伤设备、加强职工培训和操作管理、基础管理、合理配置等方面阐述了梳棉机针布维护的经验做法,通过维护措施的建立执行,降低了针布损伤几率,稳定了产品质量,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

60年前,为发展民族工业,带动大规模经济建设,北京人民机器总厂诞生了。她的诞生,改变了企业所有制形式,改变了职工身份和地位,实现了北京市的发展规划;她的诞生,缔造了民族印机从铅印到胶印、凹印、表格、柔版、涂布的转变;从品种的单一到产品的系列化、功能化、高效化的发展过程;她的诞生,彰显了企业创业、调整、改革、攻坚、发展的篇章,创造了一个进入中国工业500强、以“北人”牌产品享誉中国的印刷机械制造企业集团。  相似文献   

将油厂的锅炉和生产车间的供热、供水作为一个整体进行水、热能循环利用改造,解决了原来水质差、易结垢堵塞等问题,使水、热资源得到了充分利用,节水、节电、节盐效果显著,减少了废水排放,降低了劳动强度,保障了浸出的安全生产,为挖掘油厂节能潜力奠定了基础。  相似文献   

面向精细化管理的卷烟企业制造执行系统(MES)的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以SP95为标准,兰州卷烟厂提出并实施了生产执行系统.该系统主要由工厂实时/历史信息集成平台、生产模型平台、应用系统开发平台、MES集成平台、企业数据交换平台、数据采集接口组成;采用现代集成技术、实时处理技术、模型驱动技术、优化排产技术,实现了生产排产、指挥调度、质量检验、生产标准管理、设备运行维护管理、物料跟踪等功能,解决了MES与ERP、控制系统、立体仓库系统、动力能源等系统的集成问题.该系统实现了从企业管理、生产指挥到生产自动化控制系统的有机集成,保证了生产全过程的协调运转,提高了企业的生产管理水平,实现了生产过程的快速反应.  相似文献   

通过实验室小试、中试,实现了将膜分离技术应用于大豆油脂精炼及其乳清废水的治理中。对膜除杂、分离磷脂胶束、纯化低聚糖等工序进行了研究,获得了切实可行的工业化膜运行参数。膜技术的应用提高了精炼油、分离蛋白的品质,杜绝了碱炼废水的产生,治理了乳清废水达标排放的问题,同时得到了高品质的大豆磷脂、溶血磷脂及副产物大豆低聚糖等,为大豆精深加工膜技术产业化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

介绍了腈黏锦氨多组分发热纤维无缝内衣的传统三浴法染色工艺处方、工艺流程、工艺曲线,分析了传统工艺的不足。通过染料、助剂的选用,提出了腈黏锦氨无缝内衣染色的改进工艺,即染深色两浴法、染中浅色一浴法,分别介绍了两种改进工艺的工艺流程、处方及工艺曲线,并举出工艺实例,与传统工艺比较分析了两种改进工艺的经济效益和社会效益。结果表明,采用改进工艺,大大缩短了染色时间,提高了产量,节水、节能、减少了排污,降低了染色成本,创造了良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

杨庆武 《酿酒科技》2010,(7):110-110
《酿酒科技》在竞争激烈的环境下,不断追求、不断总结、不断探索、不断创新,坚持了正确的政治导向,实践了明确的办刊宗旨,寻找了准确的读者定位,保持了高品位的期刊特色,采取了独特的经营模式,走上了科学的发展道路。  相似文献   

The amino acid analysis, peptide mapping, and heat stability of bovine milk lysozyme are presented. The bovine milk lysozyme molecule contains approximately 154 amino acids and is strikingly different in amino acid content from human milk lysozyme and egg white lysozyme. Tryptic hydrolysis yielded 26 peptides, all of which are unique from tryptic peptides of human milk lysozyme and egg white lysozyme. In addition, bovine milk lysozyme was more heat stable than human milk lysozyme at pH 4.0 but more labile at pH 7.0 and 9.0. Possible explanations for the differences in heat stability are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 探究葡萄酒中溶菌酶测定的影响因素。 方法 在应用标准SN/T 4675.12—2016《出口葡萄酒中溶菌酶的测定 液相色谱法》检测葡萄酒中溶菌酶含量的过程中,发现不同品种葡萄酒中溶菌酶的回收率存在明显差异。通过成分比对推测在红葡萄酒中含量较高的单宁可能对溶菌酶的测定存在干扰。通过在白葡萄酒中添加不同浓度水平的单宁,考察单宁对溶菌酶测定的影响。结果 在白葡萄酒样品中添加浓度水平0.5 g/L的单宁,溶菌酶回收率为35.4%~39.8%,添加浓度水平1.0 g/L的单宁后,溶菌酶回收率为12.7%~13.9%;添加浓度水平3.0 g/L以上的单宁,溶菌酶未检出。样品中的溶菌酶含量随单宁添加量的增加而降低。 结论 红葡萄酒中的单宁会影响溶菌酶的测定结果。  相似文献   

Two panels of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) raised against duck (Barbary) egg white lysozyme or hen egg white lysozyme, were tested in antigen-coated plate (ACP) and double antibody sandwich (DAS) ELISA for cross-reaction with various avian lysozymes. The antibodies to hen lysozyme cross-reacted with goose lysozyme, but most antibodies to duck lysozyme reacted with it. One antibody to duck lysozyme reacted more strongly with goose lysozyme than with the homologous antigen, a heterospecific reaction confirmed by biosensor technology. Many lysozyme epitopes recognized by different antibodies showed considerable resistance to heat denaturation. Such Mabs may be useful for detecting chicken liver adulterants in “foies gras” of goose or duck origin.  相似文献   

婴儿配方粉中溶菌酶活力的测定及其校正系数的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在婴儿配方粉中添加溶菌酶已成为高档婴儿粉的一种趋势,因此奶粉中溶菌酶活力成为判定其质量的重要指标。根据经典的分光光度法探索出测定奶粉中溶菌活力的方法,并以纯酶液人对照初步得出校正系数r=1.2;本试验测得市售婴儿粉中每克粉中溶菌酶活力为25960u。  相似文献   

阿魏酸化学修饰溶菌酶及扩展抑菌谱的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了使溶菌酶扩展抑菌谱,同时作用于革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌,本文采用了阿魏酸修饰溶茼酶.采用EDAC作为缩合剂,使溶菌酶赖氡酸残基上的ε-氨基共价结合阿魏酸的羧基,形成一定程度的阿魏酸修饰酶结果显示:与天然溶菌酶相比,修饰酶的酶活力略有下降,但是修饰酶扩展了抑菌谱,对革兰氏阴性菌的抑菌作用增强.修饰酶对大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的最小抑菌浓度均为0.5mg/mL,而对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌作用略有下降.  相似文献   

Functional Properties of Antimicrobial Lysozyme-Chitosan Composite Films   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT: Lysozyme-chitosan composite films were developed for enhancing the antimicrobial properties of chitosan films. A 10% lysozyme solution was incorporated into 2% chitosan film-forming solution (FFS) at a ratio of 0%, 20%, 60%, and 100% (w lysozyme/w chitosan). Films were prepared by solvent evaporation. Lysozyme release from the film matrix, the antimicrobial activity of films against Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis , and basic film properties were investigated. The lysozyme release proportionally increased with increasing initial concentration of lysozyme in the film matrix, and the amount of released lysozyme was in natural log relationship with time. The films with 60% lysozyme incorporation enhanced the inhibition efficacy of chitosan films against both S. faecalis and E. coli , where 3.8 log cycles reduction in S. faecalis and 2.7 log cycles reduction in E. coli were achieved. Water vapor permeability of the chitosan films was not affected by lysozyme incorporation, whereas the tensile strength and percent elongation values decreased with increased lysozyme concentration. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed that lysozyme was homogeneously distributed throughout the film matrix. This study demonstrated that enhanced antimicrobial activity of lysozyme-chitosan composite films can be achieved by incorporating lysozyme into chitosan, thus broadening their applications in ensuring food quality and safety.  相似文献   

微生物溶菌酶的研究及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物溶菌酶是区别于卵清溶菌酶,而是由微生物分泌产生的一种能溶解细菌细胞壁的酶,介绍了微生物溶菌酶的研究历史、分类以及其作用机制。对近年来其在食品、医学、酶工程和饲料工业上的应用进行了综述;分析了溶菌酶应用中存在的主要问题,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

A lysozyme was purified from the viscera of scallops by ion exchange, gel permeation and affinity chromatographies. The yield of the purified lysozyme was 1.52%, and its purification ratio was 411.9 folds. The molecular weight of the scallop lysozyme was about 14.5 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The optimal temperature for lysozyme activity was 20C, but the optimal stability temperature was between 20 and 30C.
The optimal pH for lysozyme activity was 5.0, but the optimal stability pH was between 5.0 and 6.0. Scallop lysozyme had antibacterial activities against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in which gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli and Vibrio vulnificus, were inhibited more effectively than gram-positive bacteria. Egg white lysozyme inhibited gram-positive bacteria better than the scallop lysozyme, whereas the reverse was true for gram-negative bacteria. The N-terminal sequence of the scallop lysozyme consisted of 10 amino acids: proline, cysteine, valine, tyrosine, alanine, phenylalanine, methionine, asparagine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid.


Egg white lysozyme (EWL) has been used as a preservative or antibacterial agent in the pharmaceutical and food industry, but is limited to broaden its application because of poor antibacterial activity against gram-negative bacteria. Scallop viscera lysozyme has two times higher antibacterial activity against gram-negative bacteria ( Escherichia coli and Vibrio vulnificus ) than EWL. Therefore, scallop viscera lysozyme shows a promise as a bacteriostatic or prophylactic agent in food preservation and specialty product.  相似文献   

在pH7.0的PBS缓冲液中,采用荧光发射光谱研究了溶菌酶与胭脂红相互作用的发射光谱特征,计算了不同温度下二者结合常数KA、结合位点数n、热力学参数△GΘ、△SΘ、△HΘ及室温下溶菌酶与胭脂红的能量转移距离。考察了不同表面活性剂和离子液体存在下溶菌酶与胭脂红结合常数的变化情况。结果显示,胭脂红有效猝灭溶菌酶内源荧光是通过范德华力和氢键作用,使溶菌酶分子与胭脂红分子结合为配合物造成的。同步荧光、瑞利共振散射光谱研究显示:与胭脂红相互作用后,溶菌酶的色氨酸和酪氨酸残基位于疏水性比较弱的区域。  相似文献   

Antimicrobial packaging materials were obtained by incorporation of lysozyme into cellulose acetate (CA) films. In order to achieve controlled release of lysozyme, the structure of the films was changed from highly asymmetric and porous to dense by modulating the composition of the initial casting solution. The highest release rate, soluble lysozyme activity and antimicrobial activity were obtained with the film prepared from 5% CA solution including 1.5% lysozyme. Increasing CA content in the casting solution decreased the porosity of the films, hence, reduced the release rate, maximum released lysozyme activities and the antimicrobial activities of the films. In contrast, immobilized lysozyme activities and the tensile strength of the films increased. The incorporation of lysozyme did not cause significant reductions in tensile strength and elongation at break values except in films prepared with 15% CA. This study showed the good potential of asymmetric CA films to achieve controlled release in antimicrobial packaging.  相似文献   

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