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HACCP在乳品工业上的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)是近年来在国际食品行业中兴起的一种确保食品安全的新型质量保证体系。文章以婴儿配方奶粉的生产为例,介绍了该系统在乳品工业上的应用。  相似文献   

奶粉中阪崎肠杆菌的风险评估   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
袁飞  徐宝梁  任发政  陈颖  赵贵明 《食品科学》2005,26(11):261-265
阪崎肠杆菌能引起脑膜炎、NEC和菌血症等,约2.5%~14%婴儿配方奶粉含有阪崎肠杆菌,0%~12%的普通奶粉含有阪崎肠杆菌,含量从0.36-66.0cfu/100g。婴幼儿奶粉中的阪崎肠杆菌问题已受到了全世界的普遍关注。本文基于大量研究和调查数据,从奶粉中阪崎肠杆菌的危害识别、奶粉中阪崎肠杆菌的暴露评估、奶粉中阪崎肠杆菌危害特性以及阪崎肠杆菌的检测方法等方面客观地对奶粉中阪崎肠杆菌进行风险评估,并对降低我国婴儿配方奶粉中阪崎肠杆菌风险提出建议。  相似文献   

HACCP和ISO9001的应用与融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李寒松 《肉类工业》2004,(10):34-37
HACCP是英文“Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point”(危害分析及关键控制点)的缩写,由危害分析和确定预防性措施、确定关键控制点、建立关键限值、监控每个关键控制点、纠偏措施、记录保存、验证程序7个原理组成,主要是通过科学和系统的方法,分析和查找食品生产过程的生物性、化学性及物理性危害,确定具体的预防控制措施和关键控制点,并实施有效的监控,从而确保产品的安全卫生质量。  相似文献   

以国际食品法典委员会推荐的风险评估方法,对奶粉中沙门氏菌的风险进行评估.危害识别表明食用奶粉有导致沙门氏菌病的可能性:危害特征描述表明1份配方奶粉中含有1个沙门氏菌就可导致小孩得肠胃炎;暴露量评估表明在目前的生产技术水平和管理条件下生产的奶粉中含有沙门氏菌的机会很少:风险特征描述表明奶粉导致的沙门氏菌病发生的概率为<10-8,即每108份奶粉可导致的沙门氏菌病少于1例.  相似文献   

HACCP在生产青豆罐头中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)是能安全有效地保证食品质量的一种新的检测方法。在这篇论文中,主要介绍了HACCP体系的概念,原理及在青豆罐头中的具体应用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了HACCP的七个原则及其在纯生啤酒生产上的具体应用,在危害分析后,确立了关键控制点,临界参数和纠偏措施,说明了资料记录和保存联系。  相似文献   

HACCP在果汁饮料生产中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了HACCP在果汁饮料加工中的具体应用。并对果汁饮料生产过程环节可能造成的潜在危害进行物理、化学和生物分析,确定关键控制点、临床范围、监测体系和校正措施,将生产过程的危害因素降到最低限度,从而提高产品质量。  相似文献   

文章将危害分析(HA)和关键控制点(CCP)体系应用于袋装巴氏鲜牛奶生产中,对其生产的全过程进行了危害分析,确定关键控制点,并制定相应的解决方法和途径,从而实现了危害的有效控制,确保袋装巴氏鲜奶的质量安全。  相似文献   

HACCP系统在速冻水饺生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文详述了如何依据速冻水饺生产工艺,从原辅料验收到成品出厂的整个工艺过程中分析出可能存在的危害及CCP点的具体控制方法,并制定相应控制限值及监控体系HACCP计划工作模式,以提高速冻水饺生产管理水平和食用安全性。  相似文献   

研究了危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)在挂面生产中的应用,描述了挂面的工艺流程,并进行危害分析,确定了挂面生产的关键控制点,制定相应预防措施、控制方法、纠正措施,提出了标准操作规程。  相似文献   

乳制品中乳糖检验方法的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张鸿军 《食品科学》2000,21(12):115-116
研究了乳及乳制品中乳糖的检验方法。实验结果表明,与GB/T5413-1997方法比较,方法简便。结果准确。  相似文献   

原料乳生产中空气源微生物的快速检测及 控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了原料乳中微生物的来源、种类;空气中微生物的采集方法、检测方法以及如何控制原料乳中微生物。原料乳的安全性直接影响乳制品的安全,乳中微生物指标成为制约原料乳卫生指标的关键因素,因此该指标一直倍受乳品厂家及消费者的关注。保证原料乳的安全是保证乳品安全的前提。  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric method based on the reaction between available lysine and ortho-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) was adapted and validated for fluorometric determination of the chemically available lysine contents in milk matrices (UHT and conventional in-bottle sterilized cow milk, milk-based infant formulas and infant formula ingredients). The values of the analytical parameters show its usefulness as a routine method (linearity, r = 0.9992; detection limit, 0.0066 mg/mL assay; accuracy, 99-108%; precision, intra-day 2.1-5.9% and inter-day 3.5 10.2%). No statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between the values obtained with the adapted method and those obtained applying the 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (FDNB) (Carpenter) technique. The OPA method was used to measure the chemically available lysine contents in UHT and sterilized milk marketed in Spain, to study the evolution of chemically available lysine during the shelf-life of UHT milks, and finally the quality of name- and store-brand UHT milks was also compared. No statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between either the available lysine contents of the same type of UHT or sterilized milk or between store- and name-brand UHT milks. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between the chemically available lysine contents in UHT and sterilized milk. Losses of chemically available lysine ranging from 2.7 to 29% were obtained during the shelf-life of UHT milk.  相似文献   

目的 测定北京某区部分市售奶茶的含糖量,调查该地区消费者奶茶消费量以及对奶茶含糖量的知识、态度、消费行为及其影响因素。 方法 采集市售奶茶样品共40份,经过预处理后采用酸水解-莱因-埃农氏法检测样品中糖含量(以葡萄糖计)。采用调查问卷和偶遇抽样采集数据。 结果 40份样品中,39份样品的含糖量大于0.5g/100mL,30份样品的含糖量大于5g/100mL。调查对象仅有55.5%了解添加糖定义,仅有36.6%了解《中国居民膳食指南(2016)》中对添加糖的摄入建议。青年人群对添加糖相关知识的知晓情况与减糖行为无关(P>0.05),能正确评价全糖奶茶含糖量与减糖行为有关(P<0.05),了解添加糖相关知识与正确评价全糖奶茶含糖量无关(P>0.05)。结论 奶茶消费群体通过奶茶摄入添加糖量较多,对添加糖相关知识的知晓率也较低,需要规范奶茶含糖量标注,加强营养宣传教育。  相似文献   

降血压奶粉的开发与研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了如何利用牛资源、采用酶水解方法、通过对酪蛋白或乳清蛋白进行酶水解,得到具有生物活性并能降低血压的肽——降血压肽,并将其同奶粉结合生产出能够降低血压的奶粉。  相似文献   

Acid degree value (ADV) as determined by the standard method, free fatty acid profile, and sensory analyses by a trained panel (n = 5) using magnitude estimation were used as measures of intensity of rancid flavor in milk. The correlation between ADV and rancidity scores was 0.13 (p = 0.16). Laboratory-prepared rancid samples were assigned higher rancidity scores than farm-collected milk samples with similar ADV. Rancidity scores and ADV increased with storage time. Major free fatty acid concentrations increased as ADV increased (r = 0.93, p = 0.0001) for farm milk samples but correlation was low (r = 0.27, p = 0.40) for laboratory-prepared rancid samples.  相似文献   

Factors associated with milk urea concentrations in Ontario dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All DHI test-day data, including milk urea concentrations measured by infrared test method, were collected from 60 commercial Ontario Holstein dairy herds for a 13-mo period between December 1, 1995, and December 31, 1996. The objectives of this study were to describe the relationships between milk urea concentrations and seasonal factors, sampling factors, cow factors, and test-day production of milk, milk fat, protein, and SCC. Milk urea was associated with month and season; concentrations were the highest from July to September. Milk urea was generally lower in first-lactation cows. Milk urea was lowest during the first 60 d of lactation, higher between 60 and 150 d in milk, and lower after approximately 150 d in milk. In herds on an alternating a.m./p.m. test schedule, milk urea was generally lower in a.m. than p.m. tests. There was a positive nonlinear association between milk urea and milk yield, fat-corrected milk, and energy-corrected milk. There was a negative nonlinear association between milk urea and both milk fat and total protein percentages. While there was a negative nonlinear association between cow-level milk urea and linear score, the study found no association between herd average milk urea and herd average linear score. The associations described in this study using Dairy Herd Improvement test-day samples from commercial dairy herds and using an infrared test to measure milk urea are generally consistent with results from studies that used individual animals housed under research conditions and chemical methods to measure milk urea. Because milk urea varies by season, month, parity group, stage of lactation, and sample type, studies should control for these variables. Because of the apparent effect of a.m. and p.m. sampling on urea concentration, producers on an alternating a.m./p.m. test schedule should test routinely to establish a herd pattern for urea and submit the same sampling time consistently or both.  相似文献   

Raw milk is a well-established vehicle for the carriage of human pathogens, and many regulatory bodies have consequently mandated compulsory pasteurization as a food safety intervention. The residual activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has historically been used to verify the adequacy of pasteurization of cow's milk. However, there is uncertainty on how the current ALP standards and methods of analysis can be applied to sheep's and goat's milk, which naturally contain different levels of the enzyme than that found in cow's milk. The official ALP methods applied in Canada (colorimetric assay; MFO-3) and in the United States (Fluorophos) were assessed for their ability to detect enzyme activity in raw and pasteurized milk derived from cows, sheep, and goats. The detection limit and the limit of quantitation were 0.8 and 2.02 microg/ml phenol, respectively, for the MFO-3 method and 43 and 85 mU/liter, respectively, for the Fluorophos method. The average ALP levels in raw goat's, cow's, and sheep's milk were 165, 1,562, and 3,512 microg/ml phenol, respectively. Raw milk detection limits, which correspond to raw milk phosphatase levels, were 0.051, 0.485, and 0.023% in cow's, goat's, and sheep's milk, respectively, for the MFO-3 method and 0.007, 0.070, and 0.004%, respectively, for the Fluorophos method. Although both methods can be used for ALP determination in cow's, goat's, and sheep's milk, the Fluorophos assay was superior to the colorimetric MFO-3 method based on sensitivity and time required to complete the analysis.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(11):12173-12183
Relationships between dairy farm practices, the composition and properties of raw milk, and the quality of the resulting cheese are complex. In this review, we assess the effect of farm factors on the quality of bovine raw milk intended for cheesemaking. The literature reports several prominent farm-related factors that are closely associated with milk quality characteristics. We describe their effects on the composition and technological properties of raw milk and on the quality of the resulting cheese. Cow breed, composite genotype, and protein polymorphism all have noticeable effects on milk coagulation, cheese yield, and cheese composition. Feed and feeding strategy, dietary supplementation, housing and milking system, and seasonality of milk production also influence the composition and properties of raw milk, and the resulting cheese. The microbiota in raw milk is influenced by on-farm factors and by the production environment, and may influence the technological properties of the milk and the sensory profile of certain cheese types. Advances in research dealing with the technological properties of raw milk have undoubtedly improved understanding of how on-farm factors affect milk quality attributes, and have refuted the concept of one milk for all purposes. The specific conditions for milk production should be considered when the milk is intended for the production of cheese with unique characteristics. The scientific identification of these conditions would improve the current understanding of the complex associations between raw milk quality and farm and management factors. Future research that considers dairy landscapes within broader perspectives and develops multidimensional approaches to control the quality of raw milk intended for long-ripening cheese production is recommended.  相似文献   

通过分光光度法检测乳及乳制品中青霉素钾的主要酶解产物青霉噻唑酸钾,间接检测了乳及乳制品中是否添加过β-内酰胺酶。通过实验该方法的工作曲线相关系数为0.9997,检测限为2.5 mg/L,回收率在93.2%~106.3%之间,RSD为2.9%~4.5%。在30组样品中应用效果良好,表明该方法简单、快速准确、灵敏度高,适用于乳及乳制品中青霉噻唑酸钾残留量的检测。  相似文献   

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