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利用生姜和红枣为原料,制备姜汁红枣复合保健饮料,通过正交试验,选择出最佳工艺参数为:冰糖8%、柠檬酸0.10%、食盐0.15%。该产品酸甜适口,营养丰富,并具有保健功能。  相似文献   

枸杞复合汁的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用新疆丰富的原料枸杞、胡萝卜、苹果,通过打浆、护色、酶处理、均质等特殊工艺加工制成的一种保健型复合材料,确定了各原浆的护色、酶处理的最佳工艺条件和复合果汁的最佳配方(枸杞原汁2%,胡萝卜原汁5%,苹果原汁3%,白砂糖9%,柠檬酸0.25%)。  相似文献   

阿米诺酶在浓酱兼香型白酒酿造中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用阿米诺酶的生理特性和复合功能,强化白云边酒酿造后轮次发酵,提高出酒率。通过该酶的性能试验、应用参数优选和生产应用试验,结果表明,效果明显,对酒质无影响。理想的工艺参数和应用方法是:酶制剂用量为0.08%;中温曲用量为3%;干酶与中温曲混合后用于生产,可提高对淀粉的利用达2%~3%;提高出酒率2%。  相似文献   

介绍了利用秸秆资源通过固态发酵技术生产蛋白饲料的工艺,以秸秆、大米渣为原料,固态发酵生产蛋白饲料并对其工艺条件进行了初步的研究。试验结果表明:采用啤酒酵母单茵发酵时,培养基初始含水量65%、初始pH值6.2、发酵温度28℃,固态发酵获得蛋白质含量最高65%,平均58%,比发酵前粗蛋白提高约20%。  相似文献   

万忠民  鞠兴荣  潘虹 《食品科学》2005,26(9):222-225
用蒸馏水对垂盆草进行浸泡、煮沸、过滤、并将滤液分别用乙酸乙酯和石油醚进行萃取,得到萃取产物。利用萃取产物、垂盆草新鲜草和干草分别配制不同口味的保健型垂盆草口服液。通过评定:鲜垂盆草有独特难闻的味道,垂盆草干草在干燥过程中其有效成分(如垂盆草甙)容易氧化分解,从而失去疗效。合适配方为:萃取产物0.05%,葡萄糖5%,蜂蜜1%,盐0.03%,维生素C0.01%,香精0.03%。  相似文献   

本方法采用甲醇作为内标物,二次蒸馏水为流动相,色谱柱温度为85℃,利用差示折光检测器进行检测。通过本方法测得的葡萄糖的回收率为95%~105%,变异系数为0.96%。  相似文献   

枸杞枣醋的研制   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
利用枣制品下脚料枣液和枸杞通过酶解、酵母发酵、醋酸发酵等工艺研制了枸杞枣保健醋。通过正交实验确定了酵母发酵最佳工艺为总糖含量10%,酵母接种量0.02%,发酵温度30℃;醋酸发酵最佳工艺为糖液:麸皮:稻糠砣=3:3,发酵温度43℃,醋酸菌接种量0.3%,枸杞液占糖液比例为20%。生产的果醋枣香浓郁,营养丰富。  相似文献   

美国竹柳是美国加州农业大学与美国几家大型纸业及种苗公司联合研究的新品种。该品种是利用美国寒柳、朝鲜柳、筐柳等多元遗传种质材料,通过高新技术复合梨交选育,其中美国寒柳基因32.8%、朝鲜筐柳基因22%、美国毛竹基因18.4%、巴綦斯坦柳基因26.8%,  相似文献   

以芒果为原料,通过对护色剂、硬化剂、糖、亲水性物质等的筛选试验,得到最佳工艺参数为:护色硬化剂配比是0.2%NaHSO3+0.2%Vc+0.2%CaCl2,浸糖液配比为20%蔗糖和10%海藻糖添加0.2%丙二醇+0.2%乳酸钠+0.2%柠檬酸。实验表明,利用此工艺制得色、香、味俱佳,口感好,芒果风味浓厚的低糖芒果脯新产品。此产品水分活度Aw为0.56,保质期可达6个月以上。  相似文献   

博采国外饲料资源开发利用动态据报道,世界饲养业的迅速发展促使畜禽饲料日趋紧缺,为缓解供求矛盾,许多国家开发利用了新的饲料资源。美国一家以玉米、黑麦和大麦酿酒的工厂,将蒸馏废液通过三效蒸发罐,使含固形物3%~4%的稀液浓缩成合固形物达47%的架状物,然...  相似文献   

本文对过程能量系统综合优化技术、建模方法及能量综合模型与应用等方面进行了详细的分析和对比研究,探讨了不同能量系统模型的应用对象和适应性;重点分析了已在化工企业能量系统分析优化应用成功的“三环节”方法和“三环节”建模思路,介绍了“三环节”能量结构模型在造纸工业能量系统分析与优化中的应用进展;并指出了能量系统技术在造纸企业能量系统分析、优化研究与应用的方向与研究内容。  相似文献   

由于生态足迹概念比较具体、形象,其核算方法简便易行,目前对生态足迹的研究主要集中于水足迹及碳足迹的标准制定、模型建立及测算上。生态足迹分析法能改善资源的管理。纺织印染行业不仅是高耗水耗能行业,也是高废水废物排放行业,资源的有效利用率影响纺织印染行业的未来发展。以纺织品为研究对象,介绍了产品生态足迹的计算方法,包括水足迹的连锁求和法和步进式累积法和以PAS 2050:2008、ISO 14040:2006、ISO 14044:2006为参考标准来计算产品碳足迹的5个步骤。阐述了发展纺织印染行业生态足迹的意义。  相似文献   

Baking is a simultaneous heat and mass transfer process commonly applied in the food industry. It is desirable to have a simple, accurate and robust model in order to assist efficient process design and evaluation of product quality. The reaction engineering approach which was proven to be accurate to model several challenging drying cases, was implemented in this study to model the baking of thin layer of cake. The equilibrium activation energy (ΔEv,b) was evaluated according to the baking oven temperature and corresponding humidity. It was then combined with the relative activation energy (ΔEvEv,b) to produce a unique relationship. Results of the modeling indicate that the L-REA can describe the profiles of moisture content and temperature very well. While the results are accurate, the model itself remains simple. Another significant application of the REA for modeling the processing of food products has been made by this research.  相似文献   

The energy expenditures in the nonproductive period in the women-workers of the boot and shoe industry (group I) and the sewing industry (group II) were almost similar: in group I it was on an average 1372 +/- 35.4 kcal, in group II--1384 +/- 27.6 kcal. In the productive period the energy expenditures in the workers of group I fluctuated from 1.56 to 2.09 kcal/min, in those of group II--from 1.78 to 2.27 kcal/min. Summary energy expenditures in the productive period comprised 877 +/- 91.1 kcal (in group I), and 949 +/- 51.1 kcal (in group II). Daily energy expenditures were 2249 +/- 77.1 kcal and 2333 +/- 63.9 kcal, respectively. The energy value of the rations of their actual nutrition insignificantly exceeded their energy expenditures (on an average by 120-150 kcal) due to excessive fat consumption, animal fat, in particular. Their rations were characterized by protein, and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrate deficiency, by imbalanced mineral composition and vitamin A, B1, B2, PP and C deficiency. Microsymptoms of vitamin deficiency (mainly those of vitamin C deficiency) were detected in 64% of the examined subjects, excessive weight was found in 23-26% and obesity in 11-16% of the women. The women working at the modern boot and shoe and sewing industry should be referred to the first category of the work intensity, with respect to the energy requirements and the energy value of the nutrient components of their food rations.  相似文献   

This analysis uses linear programming modeling of the U.S. refining sector to estimate total annual energy consumption and CO(2) emissions in 2025, for four projected U.S. crude oil slates. The baseline is similar to the current U.S. crude slate; the other three contain larger proportions of higher density, higher sulfur crudes than the current or any previous U.S. crude slates. The latter cases reflect aggressive assumptions regarding the volumes of Canadian crudes in the U.S. crude slate in 2025. The analysis projects U.S. refinery energy use 3.7%-6.3% (≈ 0.13-0.22 quads/year) higher and refinery CO(2) emissions 5.4%-9.3% (≈ 0.014-0.024 gigatons/year) higher in the study cases than in the baseline. Refining heavier crude slates would require significant investments in new refinery processing capability, especially coking and hydrotreating units. These findings differ substantially from a recent estimate asserting that processing heavy oil or bitumen blends could increase industry CO(2) emissions by 1.6-3.7 gigatons/year.  相似文献   

The electrically conductive adhesives (ECA) are on the verge of a breakthrough as reliable interconnection materials for electronic components. As the ban of lead (Pb) in the electronics industry becomes a reality, the ECA's could be attractive overall alternatives to high melting point (HMP) Pb-based solder pastes. Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to estimate trade-offs between the energy use and the potential toxicity of two future types of ECA's and one HMP Pb-based. The probability is around 90% that the overall CO2 emissions from an ECA based on a tin-bismuth alloy are lower than for a silver-epoxy based ECA, whereas the probability is about 80% that the cumulative energy demand would be lower. It is more uncertain whether the tin-bismuth ECA would contribute to less CO2, or consume less energy, than a HMP Pb-based solder paste. Moreover, for the impact categories contributing to the life-cycle impact assessment method based on end point modeling (LIME) damage category of human health, the tin-bismuth ECA shows a 25 times lower score, and a silver-epoxy based ECA shows an 11 times lower score than the HMP Pb-based solder paste. In order to save resources and decrease CO2 emissions it is recommended to increase the collection and recycling of printed board assemblies using silver-epoxy based ECA.  相似文献   

BackgroundUnderstanding the mechanisms underlying the drying processes has a critical role in dehydration of food and agricultural products. Advanced computer modeling and simulation techniques can help in developing new dryers, modification of current systems, energy saving and process optimization. Also the most important parameter during the drying food products is food quality (moisture content, crack formation, case hardening, etc.) which can be enhanced through using appropriate modeling. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a well-known modeling technique which has received more attention in the food industry in the recent years. Hydrodynamics of fluid flow, heat and mass transfer during drying can be predicted using CFD.Scope and ApproachThis article reviews fundamentals, merits and shortcomings of CFD in the drying process modeling with a special focus on dehydration of food products. Since the drying is a growing unit operation, there is an emphasis on investigation of CFD utilization in modeling emerging drying processes of food products such as microwave assisted drying, infrared and superheated steam drying besides conventional convective drying systems notably in recent 5 years.Key Findings and ConclusionsCFD has been considered as a promising method which could help developing the design of new dryers, enhancing current dryers and the most important aspect of utilization of this method in the food industry research and development is “food quality” improvement.  相似文献   

One of the biggest challenges in machining processes of wood is to detect the optimum values of process parameters for reducing the final production cost. In the present study, the effects of various process parameters on surface roughness and power consumption in abrasive machining process of wood using experimental data collected from the literature were modeled by artificial neural networks (ANNs). The results have indicated that accurate prediction of the experimental data by neural network models was achieved with the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) less than 2.51 % for power consumption and 2.65 % for surface roughness in the testing phase. Besides, the values of determination coefficient (R2) were found as 0.994 and 0.985 in the prediction of surface roughness and power consumption by the ANN modeling, respectively. Based on the results, it can be said that by means of the proposed models the surface roughness and power consumption can easily be predicted with very high degrees of accuracy in abrasive machining process of wood. Consequently, the present study can effectively be applied to the wood industry to reduce the time, energy consumption and high experimental costs because it eliminates the need for a large number of experiments.  相似文献   

Fouling is a common food industry‐wide issue during thermal treatment using heat exchangers. It directly contributes toward increased energy costs in operation and maintenance, production losses and energy and water losses because of the repetitive cleaning operation, i.e., every 5–10 h in fluid food industry. There has been a considerable amount of work on modeling of the fouling process as well as the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic performances of heat exchangers. A variety of different fouling kinetics exists depending upon food components, types of heat exchangers and operating conditions. The available information on existing fouling models is summarized in terms of fouling mechanisms, dynamic performances of heat exchangers and integrated fouling dynamics. This review provides the basis for developing a vision of further research for understanding, quantifying and minimizing fouling of food materials in heat exchangers.  相似文献   

Basel Younes 《纺织学会志》2017,108(5):674-682
This article is focused on biopolymers as intelligent environmentally friendly polymers, the production processes, and coatings of biotextiles used in different industries for next generation environmental applications. Furthermore, classification and composition of biodegradable polymers, the theoretical techniques, and factorial experimental designs for the optimization of processes with intelligent biotextiles used as an alternative to commercial chemical-based textiles at reasonable cost with a zero to low environmental footprint are discussed. This article will also provide how these novel modeling methodologies will assist polymer designers in making the best decision. The present work also discusses how the fully biodegradable polymers support the textiles industry by decreasing the processing energy, material, and manufacturing costs. Finally, current development as well as potential future applications and trends of biodegradable polymers in modern biodegradable textiles industry will be presented.  相似文献   

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