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TVOC在线检测试验舱的研制及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍纺织材料TVOC(总挥发性有机化合物)在线检测试验舱的工作原理及组成.该测试舱可用于具有光触媒功能纺织品降解TVOC的性能测试,或纺织材料本身TVOC污染物释放特性的测试,以及其它高分子材料降解TVOC的性能测试;所检测的数据能连续记录,其速度快,测试周期短,且能定性和定量地进行监测.  相似文献   

根据自制系列改性纳米TiO2光触媒整理剂nano PC所含不同的活性基团,分别采用接技或交联方法,优化纳米TiO2与纤维坚牢结合的化学负载工艺.结果表明:经后整理将纳米TiO2施加到纤维上(改性纳米TiO2光触媒织物整理剂用量1.5%.在改性nano PC中加入一定量的活性基团,可以提高光触媒剂与纤维共价键交联或接枝的能力),织物对甲醛(VOC)降解率>87%,紫外线防护系数(UPF)>35,织物的抗菌性能(金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌减少率)>85%,经20次洗涤后光催化效果仍无明显变化,且纤维不会产生明显的劣化现象.  相似文献   

陈伟  李艳清  金肖克  祝成炎  张红霞 《丝绸》2011,48(10):21-23
探讨蜂窝状微孔结构光触媒纤维含量对织物性能尤其是除臭性能的影响.采用不同比例的蜂窝状微孔结构光触媒纤维/棉纤维混纺纱为原料,试织成机织物,并对其服用性能及除臭性能进行了测试.研究表明:蜂窝状微孔结构光触媒织物的断裂强力及磨损质量损失率与织物中蜂窝状微孔结构光触媒纤维含量成反比关系,而蜂窝状微孔结构光触媒织物对氨气的降解...  相似文献   

为研究不同类型人造板产品的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)释放情况,依据GB/T 29899—2013《人造板及其制品中挥发性有机化合物释放量试验方法小型释放舱法》对胶合板、刨花板、纤维板、浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板和涂饰人造板共5种板材样品释放的总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)和苯系物(包括苯、甲苯和二甲苯)进行定量分析。检测结果显示,大部分素板和浸渍胶膜纸饰面板释放的TVOC浓度很低,而且苯系物均是未检出;少部分素板释放一定量的TVOC,分析发现其VOC主要来源于木材本身;绝大部分涂饰人造板释放的苯系物和TVOC含量较高,分析发现其VOC主要来源于涂料。  相似文献   

为了研究纳米光触媒对织物整理后的抗菌效果,探讨其实际应用的可能性,分别参照《一次性使用卫生用品卫生标准》GB159792—2002中抗菌产品及根据光触媒特殊的技术要求和《织物抗菌性能试验方法》FZ/T01021—92中抗菌织物的检测方法,对光触媒和光触媒织物的实验室抗菌效果进行试验。结果表明:在试验条件下,光触媒的抗菌效果在99.9%以上。而织物经过浸渍光触媒后整理加工后,其对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌的平均抗菌率则分别为94.36%和93.65%,具有较强的抑菌作用。  相似文献   

日本光触媒织物的发展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
综述日本光触媒织物的开发现状 ,包括光触媒织物的功能原理、技术动态、使用价值及其发展方向。  相似文献   

纳米光触媒抗菌织物的研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了纳米光触媒抗菌织物的杀菌机理及其整理工艺,利用光触媒光催化活性的技术优势开发的光触媒抗菌织物,并在实验室条件下,对其抗菌性能进行了研究和评价.结果表明,光触媒抗菌织物对革兰氏阴性菌大肠杆菌(E.coli)、革兰氏阳性菌金黄色葡萄菌(S.aureus)和真菌白色念珠菌(C.albicans)均有较强的抑制和杀灭作用,证明了纳米光触媒织物具有很好的广谱抗菌性能.  相似文献   

在印染过程中对织物含水率的准确测量,实现在线实时检测,提出了一种基于微波和ARM7微处理器的织物含水率在线检测系统,讨论了测量原理及方法,并与烘箱法进行了比较,得出系统检测的合理性与可行性,为织物测湿提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

用热脱附-气质联用法(TD-GC/MS)及自动顶空进样-气质联用法(HS-GC/MS)分别对82双整鞋及102个鞋材样品中挥发性有机物(VOC)进行了分析测定,并将整鞋中总挥发性有机物(TVOC)测定的平均值与异味等级进行了关联,同时采用室内空气质量国家标准对整鞋在3种环境下的VOC释放量进行了评价,发现鞋类产品中VOC含量较高的现象很普遍。检测与评价数据为消费者和企业了解鞋类VOC释放情况提供实测数据支撑。  相似文献   

探讨蜂窝光触媒纤维的含量和织物组织对织物除臭性能的影响。采用蜂窝光触媒涤纶纱线与蜂窝抗紫外涤纶纱线为纬纱,以不同投纬比织成机织物,并测试其除臭性能。实验表明:光触媒纤维的含量越高织物的除臭效果越好,即织物的除臭性能与光触媒纤维含量成正比例关系;采用蜂窝光触媒涤纶纱线为纬纱,以不同的组织织成机织物,对其除臭性能进行测试,表明缎纹的除臭效果要略比斜纹好,即纬组织点比例的增加,织物除臭效果呈现增大趋势。  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance of scavengers on Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions from wood-based composites. Particleboards made from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) and European poplar (Populus spp.) were produced with a UF resin doped with melamine and two scavengers, sodium metabisulfite and urea. VOC emission was measured according to EN ISO 16000. Particleboards made from pine present much higher total VOC (TVOC) emissions than boards made from poplar. Pine emits a higher amount of terpenes, but also aldehydes, acids and terpenoids, while poplar emits mainly acetic acid. Sodium metabisulfite showed an excellent ability to reduce aldehydes emission, which represents nearly 50 % of total emission of particleboards made from pine. When sodium metabisulfite was applied to particleboards made from poplar, reduction of TVOCs was not significant due to the low contribution of aldehydes to TVOCs. Urea presents a low reduction in TVOCs for both wood species.  相似文献   

As a result of the implementation of the CE-marking in the European Union, the testing method as defined in prEN 16516 is about to become the new volatile organic compounds (VOC) testing standard and replace a multitude of testing methods and regulative systems in Europe that assess the existence of VOC in building materials, including wood-based materials. The aim of this study is, first, to compile expert positions regarding testing methods and regulative systems for VOC in wood-based materials, and second, to examine the suitability of using an Argument-Delphi approach to point out consent or dissent regarding testing methods for VOC. A systematic content analysis of initial interviews with 13 experts produced 130 arguments which were subscribed to 13 categories, resulting in 6 potential positions of which 5 were actively taken by experts. While the second step was undertaken as a cross verification of the analysis, the experts were asked to choose a final position as a last step. It was observed that several experts changed their initial position to testing methods and regulative systems for VOC, but still without a consensus arising within the expert panel. Hence, the results of the study reveal that no verifiable consent exists within the group of experts—neither concerning testing methods, nor regulative systems. The Argument-Delphi approach applied constitutes a useful method in pointing out dissent between the experts towards a legal requirement like a European standard.  相似文献   

It is generally recognized that the bulk of fuel-related volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in lakes and reservoirs come from motorized recreational boating, but a quantitative connection between the two has been difficult to establish. A detailed boating use survey was conducted at a Northern California multiple-use lake, and the results were used to quantify daily methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) loading from recreational boating. A one-dimensional, process-based numerical model was used to predict VOC levels as a function of the number, type, and activity of marine engines using the lake, the vertical mixing dynamics of the lake, and the volatilization rates of the individual VOCs. The model was validated on two other reservoirs to establish its applicability under a range of climatic and boating conditions. The study further confirmed the link between motorized boating and surface-water VOC contamination. In addition, the results of this study suggest that volatilization alone is inadequate to describe the loss of volatile hydrocarbons from surface waters and that some combination of additional degradation processes is involved. Under low wind conditions, these degradation processes dominate the removal of MTBE. For toluene, these processes are always more dominant than volatilization. The mean relative percent difference (RPD) between measured and simulated VOC concentrations at the study site, accounting only for volatilization losses, was 50.6% for MTBE and 113% for toluene. A first-order submodel was implemented to account for losses other than volatilization, using decay coefficients estimated from the literature. The resulting mean RPDs between measured and modeled concentrations were 14.2% for MTBE and 4.5% for toluene.  相似文献   

Two new methods for the determination of β-glucan in barley, malt, wort and beer are accepted as EBC Standard Methods for β-glucan by the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention. One method (The fluorimetric method) is based upon the specific interaction of the fluorochrome Calcofluor towards high molecular weight β-glucan. The method is suitable where a high number of determinations have to be done routinely. The other method (The enzymatic method) utilizes a specific degradation of the β-glucan by purified enzymes. This method is more laborious, but it can be carried out using apparatus available in an analytical laboratory. The methods, which are described in detail, have been tested in a EBC Collaborative Test with 14 participating laboratories. Barley, malt and beer samples at 6 levels of concentration were tested for β-glucan. The collaborative test resulted in acceptable statistical values for repeatability and reproductibility for both methods. Comparison of the results from the two methods, showed that they are highly correlated and that the actual values of β-glucan content are comparable.  相似文献   

为低成本在线检测醋酸纤维含油率,设计了醋酸纤维含油率在线测试实验装置,利用2个电容传感器(0号传感器和1号传感器)分别检测上油前后的醋酸纤维丝束,再根据2个传感器的输出电压差值计算纤维含油率。试验分2进行:第1步为标定传感器;第2步为通过改变上油辊的转速改变醋酸纤维丝束所含的乳液量,并测试传感器输出电压的变化。结果表明:电容传感器的输出电压与无油纤维丝束的线密度成正比;对于一定浓度的乳液,1号电容传感器的输出电压与丝束携带的乳液量正相关。建立了含油率与2个电容传感器输出电压之间的二次函数关系式,应用该式估算的醋酸纤维含油率与烘干称重法得到的纤维含油率之差小于5.2%。  相似文献   

韩伟  顾鸣  金伟青 《食品科学》2006,27(12):668-671
细菌总数(也称需氧细菌数)的多少在一定程度上标志着食品卫生质量的优劣,是最常见的食品卫生指标之一。本文比较了传统的菌落计数方法和基于最大近似值(MPN)原理的TEMPO/TVC仪器法,对多个种类的190个食品样品进行了检测。实验数据的比对表明TEMPO/TVC法与菌落计数方法一致性程度较好(符合率97.4%,准确度和精确度无差异),测量不确定度相近,具有简便、快速、高效、人为误差较小的特点。  相似文献   

The release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by ??-lactoglobulin (??LG) was studied under equilibrium conditions. The effects of lipid type and mass fraction were investigated using soy oil (SO) and anhydrous milk fat (AMF). The release was compared using systems of a buffered aqueous solution, pure oil and emulsions. Gas-matrix partition coefficients (K) for five volatile compounds: 1-propanol, ethyl butyrate, heptanal, octanol and 2-decanone, were determined by static headspace gas chromatography (GC). The compounds were chosen based on their polarity, vapour pressure and functional groups. Two indirect methods to measure K were used: phase ratio variation (PRV) and phase ratio calibration (PRC). These two methods were found to be simple and accurate alternative to measure K without using external calibration. The VOC release depended mainly on the physiochemical properties and affinity of the compounds to the matrix. Higher retention in oil and emulsion systems than in aqueous solution was observed for all VOCs except the more hydrophilic 1-propanol. Ethyl butyrate showed the highest K value for emulsions whereas 2-decanone had the lowest. There was a significant decrease in K values for emulsions with higher lipid content. When comparing lipid type, emulsions made with the more saturated AMF, compared to SO, resulted in lower K values for the more hydrophobic compounds. The role of ??LG on VOC release was compared with Tween 20, both as emulsifiers. A significant decrease in the headspace concentration was seen above the aqueous solution for heptanal, octanol and 2 decanone. This may be attributed to the hydrophobic cavity site of the protein and covalent bonds with the aldehyde. In emulsion systems, the presence of the emulsifier conformation at the interface had an effect on the affinity with intermediate hydrophobic VOCs. This study provides an important understanding of how VOC release can be controlled using ??LG stabilized emulsions in food systems.  相似文献   

Scots pine heartwood specimens were exposed to mould in controlled humid atmosphere (RH 95%, T?=20 °C) and the responses of electrical impedance and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (EIS and FTIR) methods were studied. The concentration of methanol soluble heartwood extractives and the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) were determined from the parallel samples. Results show that the spectral responses and VOC emissions were related to the mould development. According to this study, VOC emissions might be used for discriminating mould susceptible and resistant samples. FTIR spectra showed that the relation of amide (1655 cm-1) and carbonyl peaks (1736 cm-1) was significantly affected by mould. In the EIS analyses, there also were electrical parameters, which were significantly affected by mould. In conclusion, both spectral methods hold potential for non-destructive mould detection and monitoring of mould development.  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器的蚕丝细度连续测量控制系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
盛井龙  陈庆官  徐帅  郭恒勇 《纺织学报》2008,29(11):107-110
 以美国国家仪器(NI)公司的虚拟仪器为架构,在LabVIEW开发环境下,结合PIC单片机开发了一套蚕丝细度连续测量控制系统。这种系统能够自动检测蚕丝在缫丝过程中的断头,控制卷绕装置的运行,而且能通过霍尔传感器和PIC单片机实现蚕丝在卷绕过程中渐进式的推进,解决了蚕丝在连续测量过程中断头以及测量结果与称重法结果之间难以对比的问题。实验结果表明该控制系统可靠性较好,抗干扰能力较强。  相似文献   

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