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目的 梳理分析现行食品安全地方标准,对食品安全地方标准的管理提出建议。方法 收集2012年以来各省级卫生健康行政部门发布实施的244项食品安全地方标准,对照《食品安全法》关于食品安全地方标准制定的相关要求,对标准的类别、范围、与食品安全国家标准的关系进行梳理和分析。结果 现行食品安全地方标准中主要存在的问题包括“地方特色食品”概念不清晰、与食品安全国家标准内容及制定范围不一致等。结论 建议食品安全地方标准的管理围绕清理现行食品安全地方标准、明确地方特色食品概念、加快食品安全标准体系建设等方面开展工作。  相似文献   

目的 食品安全国家标准立项是食品安全国家标准体系建设的重要基础性工作。通过研究现有食品安全国家标准立项工作机制的特点,为今后食品安全国家标准管理工作提出意见和建议。方法 通过整理2011—2016年食品安全国家标准审评委员会秘书处征集到的食品安全国家标准立项建议,并对比实际纳入年度制修订计划的项目等内容,对我国开展的立项工作情况进行了梳理和分析。结果 通过对比分析立项情况和建议收集情况,由于不符合立项依据、未纳入优先立项领域及未获得足够经费支持等原因,约有90%的立项建议没有最终确立为食品安全国家标准年度制修订工作项目。同时,在现有食品安全国家标准立项工作机制下,立项工作为完善食品安全国家标准体系奠定了良好的基础。结论 为加强食品安全国家标准立项工作,提出:重点解决突出和新发食品安全问题、做好食品安全风险监测和风险评估工作、强化标准承担单位能力建设等相关管理建议。  相似文献   

One of the main concerns regarding safety of food packaging is the possible migration of chemical substances (monomers and other starting substances, additives, residues) from food contact materials into foods. To evaluate the effect of the fat content and of the temperature of storage on the migration from plastics packaging films into meat products as an important class of foodstuffs, the kinetic mass transport of a model migrant (diphenylbutadiene) from low density polyethylene (LDPE) film in contact with different meat products was investigated. From the data, the diffusion coefficients were calculated for the applied test conditions, by use of a mathematical model. The results showed that migration increased with fat content and storage temperature. Analysis of migration data corresponding to minced pork meat containing different amounts of fat, stored for 10 days at 25°C, revealed an excellent relationship between migration level and fat content. This behaviour was also found for other types of meat products (chicken and pork neck). A simplifying mathematical model was applied to derive effective diffusion coefficients in the polymer which, however, do take kinetic effects in the meat also into account. In the case of pork meat contact, the effective diffusion coefficients derived from mathematical modelling were ten times higher for storage at 25°C (1.88×10(-9)cm(2)s(-1)) than for storage at 5°C (1.2×10(-10)cm(2)s(-1)).  相似文献   

We compared spray washing at 55.4 °C with 2% levulinic acid to that with lactic or acetic acid for decontamination of pathogenic bacteria inoculated onto meat surfaces, and their residual protection against later growth of pathogenic bacteria. The model systems included Escherichia coli O157:H7 on beef plate, Salmonella on chicken skin and pork belly, and Listeria monocytogenes on turkey roll. In the decontamination studies, acid washes lowered recoverable numbers of pathogens by 0.6 to 1 log/cm(2) as compared to no-wash controls, and only lactic acid lowered the number of pathogens recovered as compared to the water wash. Washing with levulinic acid at 68.3 or 76.7 °C did not result in additional decontamination of E. coli. Acetic acid prevented residual growth of E. coli and L. monocytogenes, and it reduced numbers of Salmonella on chicken skin to below recoverable levels. Overall, levulinic acid did not provide as effective decontamination as lactic acid nor residual protection as acetic acid.  相似文献   

卫生部于2010年底向社会公开征集2011年度食品安全国家标准的立项建议,共收到立项建议书1 231份,其中属于"检验方法与规程"和"食品添加剂"标准的立项建议书分别占35.8%和29.7%;来自"行政单位及其所属机构"的立项建议书占76.1%;北京、上海和山东三省市提交的立项建议书最多。此次征集反映出立项建议书提交单位对食品安全标准的了解认识程度不足、社会关注热点与食品安全标准体系的发展趋势不一致等问题。本文对全部立项建议书进行了汇总、整理和分析,并提出了存在的问题和建议,为今后的食品安全国家标准立项征集工作提供参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, interest in meat authenticity has increased. Many consumers are concerned about the meat they eat and accurate labelling is important to inform consumer choice. Authentication methods can be categorised into the areas where fraud is most likely to occur: meat origin, meat substitution, meat processing treatment and non-meat ingredient addition. Within each area the possibilities for fraud can be subcategorised as follows: meat origin—sex, meat cuts, breed, feed intake, slaughter age, wild versus farmed meat, organic versus conventional meat, and geographic origin; meat substitution—meat species, fat, and protein; meat processing treatment—irradiation, fresh versus thawed meat and meat preparation; non-meat ingredient addition—additives and water. Analytical methods used in authentication are as diverse as the authentication problems, and include a diverse range of equipment and techniques. This review is intended to provide an overview of the possible analytical methods available for meat and meat products authentication. In areas where no authentication methods have been published, possible strategies are suggested.  相似文献   

我国是肉制品生产和消费大国,肉制品质量安全关系着经济发展和人民的健康。肉制品产业链较长,涉及到养殖、屠宰、加工、运输、销售等多个环节,每个环节都会存在质量安全风险,这就造成了肉制品中安全风险的多样性,影响因素的复杂性。本文以各机构抽检监测数据和生产工艺为基础,系统地分析了肉制品的化学性、物理性和生物性风险及其成因,梳理了我国肉制品监管存在的问题。针对肉制品中存在的食品风险和监管问题,提出了监管技术创新的探讨,旨在优化监管资源,扩大监管范围,提高监管效能,保障肉制品的质量安全,促进行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

出于食品安全卫生的考虑,需要在加工制作过程中时畜禽肉进行加热处理,以消灭肉类及肉制品可能携带的致病微生物或动物疫病。为监管肉类及肉制品加热处理情况,人们依据加热过程中肌肉的变化与加热温度之间的联系开发出酶联免疫吸附法、蛋白凝聚法、酶活检测法等检测方法。  相似文献   

Human adults store around 20g of l-carnitine. In the human body, l-carnitine is not metabolized but excreted through the kidney. Lost l-carnitine has to be replenished either by a biosynthetic mechanism or by the consumption of foods containing l-carnitine. Today, there is no "official" recommended daily allowance for l-carnitine but the daily need for l-carnitine intake has been estimated in the wide range of 2-12μmol/day/kg body weight for an adult human. In this study we evaluated the effect of freezing and of different cooking methods on the l-carnitine content of red meat and fish. l-carnitine was abundantly present in all beef products analyzed. The amounts in the various cuts were similar and our data showed that freezing or cooking did not modify l-carnitine content. Salmon contained about 12 times less l-carnitine than beef but except in smoked salmon, cooking or freezing did not alter l-carnitine content. This study confirms the important role that meet products play for providing adequate amount of l-carnitine to the human body.  相似文献   

超市肉类加工食品酸价安全期与氧化安全期比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对超市出售的鱿鱼丝、肉片、鱼片、卤鸡腿、火腿肠、午餐肉罐头、广式腊肠7大类15种肉类加工食品的营养组成、酸价(AV)、过氧化值(POV)、硫代巴比妥酸值(TBA)以及感官品质进行测定和分析,根据国标对被测食品的酸价安全期和氧化安全期进行分析比较.在保存期为货架期的1/3~1/2时,盐焗卤制鸡腿、广式腊肠、油炸牛肉干、火腿肠、鱿鱼丝、鱼片等9个样品的感官评分为良好,但其AV已接近或超过酸价国标值,AV安全期仅为货架期的1/5~1/3;同样的产品,其POV值却大大低于国标值,POV氧化安全期多数超过货架期;TBA值与感官评分结果相近,TBA氧化安全期比较接近于货架期.结果表明,AV不宜作为肉类加工食品安全指标,POV因其不稳定性,也不宜作为氧化安全指标,TBA值因其具有安全学意义并更接近于氧化安全实际,可作为肉类加工食品的氧化安全指标.  相似文献   

Meat reducers are a growing but largely unexplored population subgroup in Australia. A comprehensive understanding of individual characteristics associated with meat consumption preferences can help inform strategies aimed at encouraging healthier and more environmentally sustainable food choices. Using online survey data from a nationally representative sample of 2797 Australian food shoppers, this study 1) compares characteristics (dietary, psychosocial and socio-demographic) of consumers with distinct self-identified dietary preferences (unrestricted omnivores, meat reducers, vegetarians and vegans); 2) identifies the psychosocial and socio-demographic predictors of the meat-reducer diet group; and 3) determines whether predictors of the meat-reducer diet group differ based on diet group classification method (i.e. self-identified dietary preferences versus self-reported consumption frequency of animal-source foods). Results reveal that relative to unrestricted omnivores and meat avoiders, meat reducers are unique with respect to their meat consumption behaviours; beliefs regarding the nutritional adequacy and food choice adequacy of meat-free diets; and the relative importance they place on egoistic food choice factors. Considering self-identified dietary preferences, multivariate regressions found that stronger beliefs regarding meat-free diet adequacy and lower importance placed on egoistic food choice factors predict meat reducers relative to unrestricted omnivores; and weaker beliefs regarding meat-free diet adequacy and higher importance placed on egoistic food choice factors predict meat reducers relative to meat avoiders. Findings from this study can provide insight on how to more holistically address the concerns and motivations of consumers with distinct meat consumption preferences.  相似文献   

Halal authenticity issues in meat and meat products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

肉和肉制品在加工、贮藏和运输的过程中容易发生脂质氧化,影响肉制品的品质。脂质适度氧化可以促进肉制品的风味,但是脂质过度氧化还可能产生有毒有害物质,增加食用风险。脂质氧化反应产生的初级产物及次级产物化学性质不稳定,容易与肉中的其他成分(蛋白质、血红素、抗氧化添加剂等)发生反应从而影响肉制品的品质。因此,调控脂质氧化对肉及肉制品来说非常重要。本文主要综述了脂质的酶促氧化、自动氧化、脂质氧化与蛋白质氧化之间的关系。大量研究表明,脂质氧化过程复杂且受诸多因素和条件的影响,研究氧化过程及氧化机制对调控脂质氧化和提高食品品质的稳定性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

食品安全风险分析与应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文通过对风险评估、风险管理和风险交流过程的阐述介绍了食品安全风险分析的原理和方法.以软饮料中苯的风险分析为例,简要说明了食品安全风险分析的应用.  相似文献   

Frequent consumption of meat has been associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. Such a risk may be due to naturally occurring compounds in the meat, substances added to the meat, or agents formed during cooking. Concerning the latter alternative, mutagenic heterocyclic amines are multi-site animal carcinogens, but their relevance to human cancer has yet to be determined. In the present study, we made a population-based inventory of cooked meat dishes consumed in the county of Stockholm, ranked dishes according to cooking method and frequency of consumption and, in addition, determined levels of mutagenic activity in six commonly consumed fried meat dishes. Meat was consumed, on average, 493 times per year, giving 1.4 daily servings. Frying was the most common way to cook meat. When ranking meat dishes according to intake frequency, the top eight dishes were as follows: sausage, steak casserole, meatballs, pork chops, pork belly, bacon, ground beef patties, and, finally, mincemeat sauce. The frying sessions were performed under controlled conditions at four different temperatures, and we documented the degree of surface browning and measured mutagenic activity in six frequently eaten dishes (sausage, meatballs, pork chops, pork belly, ground beef patties, and minute beef). We found extracts from all six dishes to be mutagenic, and a mean daily dose of exposure was calculated, giving 862 revertants. This investigation leaves no doubt that a major portion of the total meat consumption is fried before ingestion and that fried meat dishes frequently consumed by an elderly population in Stockholm contain mutagenic substances. Furthermore, the study provides usable information for future epidemiological research in which it is necessary to disentangle the effect of meat per se from the effect of potentially carcinogenic heterocyclic amines.  相似文献   

The development of meat substitutes could contribute to a more sustainable food production system. Although the consumption of meat substitutes in the Netherlands has grown over the last decades, meat consumption stayed roughly the same. This led to the question of whether meat substitutes fit in the same usage situations as meat products do. Perceived situational appropriateness of meat, meat substitutes and other meat alternatives in different usage situations was studied using an item-by-use appropriateness survey. Products were presented via photographs and for each combination of product and situation, the appropriateness was rated on a 7-point scale. Personal information included the consumption of meat and meat substitutes and Food Neophobia. An exploratory survey was conducted in 2004 and an online survey in 2019.Overall, meat products were perceived as more appropriate than their vegetarian equivalents (e.g. hamburger vs. vegetarian hamburger) in almost all situations. Meat alternatives (chickpeas, nuts) scored generally higher than meat substitutes on situational appropriateness. Age and gender affected appropriateness ratings: women and younger respondents gave higher ratings to meat substitutes and meat alternatives. Food Neophobia showed a small effect. Meat substitute consumption frequency was a predictor of overall appropriateness in 2019, where it was not in 2004. Results underpin that situational appropriateness and consumer characteristics should be taken into account in new product development of meat substitutes. Furthermore, meat alternatives like chickpeas and nuts could also contribute to the reduction of meat consumption.  相似文献   

This review deals with the two major aspects to be considered in the context of meat-based functional foods and human health. One involves the different strategies used to improve (increase or reduce) the presence of bioactive (healthy and unhealthy) compounds in meat and meat products in order to develop potential meat-based functional foods; these strategies are basically concerned with animal production practices, meat processing and storage, distribution and consumption conditions. Since the link between the consumption of those foods and their potentially beneficial effects (improving health and/or reducing the risk of several chronic diseases) needs to be demonstrated scientifically, the second aspect considered is related to intervention studies to examine the functional capacity of meat-based potentially functional foods in humans, discussing how the functionality of a food can be assessed in terms of its effects on health in relation to both target body functions and risk factors.  相似文献   

目的 建立集成学习Stacking模型,对重大活动举办过程中的肉及肉制品进行合格安全分析与风险预测预警。方法 通过收集2015—2020年间国家市场监督管理总局食品日常监督管理抽检数据,筛选出所有肉及肉制品相关数据,选择“食品亚类”、“规格”、“生产时间”、“生产企业类型”、“生产省份”、“是否异地运输”等字段信息作为肉及肉制品合格风险因子,选取所有不合格数据5866条,从所有合格数据中随机抽取10000条数据共15866条构成数据集,按照3:1划分训练集和测试集,搭建基学习器为KNN(K- Nearest Neighbor,K最近邻)、BP(Back Propagation,反向传播)神经网络、SVM(Support Vector Machines,支持向量机),元学习器为LR(Logistics Regression,逻辑回归)的Stacking预测模型,进行训练预测与模型评估。结果 经过5次训练后,模型的准确度为94.20%,精确度为93.78%,召回率为97.57%, F1参数为95.63%,模型鲁棒性强,可靠性高。结论 基于集成学习Stacking的肉及肉制品安全风险分析与预测预警模型整体性能良好,可应用于重大活动举办过程中的食品安全风险分析预测,并精确指导监督抽检与辅助决策情报研判。  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid in meat and meat products: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) consists of a group of geometric and positional isomers of linoleic acid to which anticancerogenic, antidiabetic, and antiatherogenic effects, as well as effects on immune system, bone metabolism, and body composition are attributed. CLA is found predominantly in milk and meat of ruminants due to the importance of rumen micro-organism in the formation of CLA and its precursors. This review attempts to give an overview of the available data on intramuscular CLA concentrations in meat and meat products originating from different animal species. The factors influencing these concentrations are discussed and the estimated human daily intakes as well as the percentage provided by meat are reported.  相似文献   

近几年屡屡曝光的食品安全事故引起了社会的广泛关注,食品安全已经成为社会共同关注的问题,肉类掺假造假现象更是层出不穷,其中用低价鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肉等掺入、冒充牛羊肉成为主要的掺假方式。国内外进行肉类掺假鉴定主要以核酸作为靶标,核酸鉴定也是物种鉴别最常用、最核心的方法,以DNA检测为基础建立起来的DNA条形码、多重PCR、荧光定量PCR、荧光探针等技术也得到空前发展和广泛应用。我国针对动物源性成分检测也制定了相关国家标准和行业标准,但大多现行标准中基于DNA检测建立的PCR技术只能检测单一物种,滞后于技术的发展。目前,基于PCR发展起来的衍生技术凭借其高灵敏度、强特异性和高通量等优势在动物源性成分检测工作中显示出巨大潜力,也是肉类成分鉴定未来的重要方向。本文综述了PCR技术在肉类检测中的研究概况和现行标准的技术概况,以期为肉类成分鉴定研究提供信息。  相似文献   

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