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目的 调查分析2019年饲料原料霉菌毒素污染状况。方法 采用胶体金免疫层析法或上转发光免疫分析(up-conversion immunoassays, UPT)法对安佑集团各分子公司所采购的大宗饲料原料中呕吐毒素、玉米赤霉烯酮和黄曲霉毒素B1含量进行快速检测, 2019年度共检测饲料原料样品20918份。结果 对比安佑集团企业标准, 2019年饲料原料霉菌毒素污染总超标率为3.2%。饲料原料霉菌毒素污染整体情况由重转轻, 上半年污染较重主要是由于麸皮及次粉霉菌毒素污染超标所致, 下半年霉菌毒素污染程度整体较轻, 但9月玉米和玉米干酒糟及其可溶物(distillers dried grains with soluble, DDGS)的玉米赤霉烯酮(zearalenone, ZEN)污染情况较重, 其中DDGS达重度污染; 从产地来源看, 2019年全国各产地麸皮和次粉呕吐毒素(vomitoxin, DON)污染较重; 河南产地米糠黄曲霉毒素B1(aflatoxins B1, AFB1)及四川产地米糠ZEN达重度污染; 山东、江苏、云南、安徽产地玉米AFB1及安徽产地玉米DON达重度污染; 且饲料原料中的霉菌毒素并非单一存在, 多数情况下是多种毒素共存。结论 与2018年饲料原料霉菌毒素污染调查数据(未公开发表)相比, 2019年原料污染程度较轻。  相似文献   

霉菌毒素污染情况调查共检测608个样品,通过酶联试剂盒初筛和液质联用仪验证两种方法进行4种霉菌毒素的检测。结果发现,小麦类样品受呕吐毒素的污染最严重,受玉米赤霉烯酮污染程度较轻,赭曲霉毒素A和T-2毒素全年未检出超标样品,污染程度最轻。单一样品中同时存在多种霉菌毒素超标的情况严重。粮食类副产物受霉菌毒素污染比粮食更严重。从地区来看,各区域饲料原料受到霉菌毒素污染程度不同,且污染程度存在季节性差异。  相似文献   

对采集的12种植物性饲料原料中的59份样品进行玉米赤霉烯酮、黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G25种霉菌毒素的检测,结果表明,玉米赤霉烯酮共10种原料26份样品有检出;黄曲霉毒素B1共7种原料10份样品有检出;黄曲霉毒素B2共2种原料2份样品有检出;黄曲霉毒素G1、G2未检出。饲料原料受玉米赤霉烯酮、黄曲霉毒素B1污染较多,应加以重视。  相似文献   

为了了解山东省饲料黄曲霉毒素(AFB1)污染状况,保证饲料质量安全,采集于山东省各地规模化动物养殖场、各大饲料厂及养殖户12 593份样品,利用上转发光竞争抑制免疫层析法测定黄曲霉毒素B1的含量。结果表明,山东省饲料原料AFB1超标率如下:玉米21.21%、玉米副产品2.35%~9.80%;饼粕类饲料超标率为10.00%~14.88%,米糠粕1.79%。配合饲料超标率如下:泌乳牛精料4.84%,鸡配合饲料1.02%~3.36%,鸭配合饲料3.25%~8.84%,猪配合饲料0.61%~5.17%,鹌鹑配合饲料12.24%,貉狐貂膨化饲料4.76%。  相似文献   

收集了来自全国市场的311份DDGS样本,进行了黄曲霉毒素B1、呕吐毒素和玉米赤霉烯酮毒素的测定,研究2017年DDGS霉菌毒素的污染严重程度及变化规律。检测值的样本数是289~293个,阳性检出率是75.43%~95.17%,平均值分别是11.39、1 550、248.53 μg/kg。样本中……  相似文献   

目的调查山东地区饲料原料真菌污染状况。方法从山东地区代表性饲料生产企业采集豆粕、棉籽粕、麦麸、可溶性干酒糟(distillers dried grains with soluble,DDGS)和玉米粉5种饲料原料样品,密封送至实验室采用平板稀释法接种分离,并对不同样品的真菌进行鉴定。结果 5种饲料原料的真菌检出率分别为豆粕(76.19%)、棉籽粕(68.75%)、麦麸(85.71%)、DDGS(21.62%)和玉米粉(100%)。玉米粉带菌量最高,达4.75×105 cfu/g;豆粕带菌量最低,均小于103 cfu/g。污染真菌种类多样,共检出曲霉属8种、镰刀菌属3种、青霉属7种、其他真菌19种,其中以黄曲霉、串珠镰刀菌和串珠镰刀菌胶孢变种最为常见。结论山东地区饲料原料受真菌污染较普遍,不同种类饲料原料受真菌污染水平不同。污染的黄曲霉和镰刀菌可能含产毒菌株,值得关注。  相似文献   

霉在自然界分布广泛,极易污染粮谷类及其制品。人们食用被霉菌污染的食品后,其后果是严重的,应当引起人们的高度重视。并提出预防霉菌的繁殖措施。  相似文献   

关于霉菌毒素对食品的污染及防止方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文叙述对人体有害的主要霉菌毒素及其性质,并重点阐明黄曲霉毒素主要污染的食品及其对人体健康的影响。针对黄曲霉毒素的存在危害人体健康,提出防霉去毒的措施。  相似文献   

应用酶联免疫吸附法结合高效液相色谱对我国部分地区饲料及原料中黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)、玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)和脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)3种霉菌毒素的含量进行检测。结果表明:356份样品中AFB1、ZEN和DON检出率分别是87.8%、95.0%和98.3%,平均含量分别为11.2、689.0和1 855.2 μg/kg,说明我国部分地区饲料及饲料原料霉菌毒素污染比较普遍。玉米、玉米副产物、配合饲料和粕类中ZEN和DON污染较严重,AFB1污染主要存在于粕类中,青贮料及发酵料中3种霉菌毒素的污染程度相对较轻,但污染范围较广,建议饲料生产企业应加强对饲料和饲料原料的品控管理。  相似文献   

During an 8‐year period, 17 316 samples of feed and feed raw materials from all over the world were analysed for contamination with aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and fumonisins. Overall, 72% of the samples tested positive for at least one mycotoxin and 38% were found to be co‐contaminated. Mycotoxin concentrations were generally low and the majority of the samples were compliant with the most stringent EU guidance values or maximum levels for mycotoxins in feed. However, in their present state these regulations do not address co‐contamination and associated risks. Long‐term trends are difficult to establish as strong yearly variations were observed regarding mycotoxin prevalence and contamination levels. In some cases unusual weather conditions can be linked with high observed mycotoxin loads. An exception to this rule is South‐East Asia, where a steady increase of aflatoxin prevalence has been observed. The percentage of aflatoxin‐positive samples in this region rose from 32% in 2005 to 71% in 2011. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The incidence of fungal contamination in 91 samples of feed and raw materials used for animal feeding in Spain has been studied. Sample analysis was accomplished in a new culture medium to which a beta‐cyclodextrin had been added, and a comparison with other more usual culture media was performed. Ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearalenone (ZEA) contamination of all the samples was evaluated by RP‐HPLC with fluorescence detection. The fungal genera found, such as Penicillium and Fusarium, included mycotoxigenic strains as OTA and ZEA (33.3 and 26.4% incidence respectively). One sample of corn and another of cotton seed were contaminated with levels of OTA above the 5 and/or 10 µg kg?1 recommended by the legislation of several European countries, whereas none of the samples contaminated with ZEA surpassed the legislation limits suggested by the official agencies. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

啤酒及其生产原料中的真菌毒素   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
真菌毒素是由真菌产生的一类次级代谢产物,而啤酒及其生产原料的真菌毒素感染则对人们饮用啤酒的安全性造成了威胁。本文综述了赭曲毒素A(Ochratoxin,OTA)、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(Deoxynivalenol,DON)、玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone,ZEN)、伏马毒素(Fumonisin,FB)和黄曲霉毒素(Aflatoxin,AFB)对啤酒及其生产原料的感染情况、分析方法和限量标准,并简要介绍了谷物中真菌毒素感染的预防措施和脱毒技术。  相似文献   

茶是世界上三大饮品之一, 其饮用安全性对于消费者健康以及茶产业发展尤为重要。产毒真菌在自然界中分布广泛, 茶叶在生长、采摘、加工、运输以及仓储过程中存在潜在的真菌污染。真菌毒素是真菌代谢产生的一类有毒次级代谢产物, 会在茶叶基质中积累, 不仅给人类健康造成严重威胁, 也给全球经济带来巨大损失。我国是茶叶生产和出口大国, 随着国际贸易壁垒的日益森严, 进口国对茶叶中残留的微生物和真菌毒素检测愈加严格。此外, 检测茶叶中真菌及真菌毒素对于茶叶安全、茶叶仓储及相关行业标准具有一定的指导意义。本文综述了国内外红茶、黑茶、绿茶、白茶、青茶和黄茶中产毒真菌污染现状及生物防控的研究进展, 并就今后防范措施提出建议, 以期为茶叶中真菌及其真菌毒素安全控制提供参考, 促进茶产业健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是由曲霉菌、青霉菌和镰刀菌等丝状真菌在适当的环境条件下产生的有毒次生代谢产物,是谷物、水果、坚果等食品中常见的污染物,可引起广泛的毒性效应,主要表现为致癌性、致突变性、肝毒性、肾毒性、免疫毒性、神经毒性、致畸性等,对人类和动物的健康构成威胁。近些年来,由于自然气候的改变及检测技术的创新发展,一些新出现的真菌毒素逐渐引起大家的广泛关注,如已报道的交链孢毒素、新兴镰刀菌毒素等。这些尚未得到监管,并且如何产生、浓度水平和毒理数据有限的真菌毒素被定义为“新兴”真菌毒素。本文综述了两大类12种新兴毒素的结构性质、检测分析技术进展及在食品中的污染状况,以期为真菌毒素污染的全面评估及防控提供思路。  相似文献   

目的 采用一种新型快速的免疫学检测技术, 胶体金免疫层析法试剂检测原料乳中氟苯尼考药物残留量。方法 选用阴性原料乳为研究样本, 向其中加入不同浓度水平的氟苯尼考标准物质, 制成不同浓度水平的样本, 样本不需要前处理, 直接进行检测, 按照所购买的5种不同品牌氟苯尼考快速检测试纸条的操作方法进行验证比对。结果 选用5种不同品牌试剂检测时, 发现品牌C、D试剂检出限均达到了0.05 μg/kg; 20组样本重复检测阳性率均为100%; 检测时间较短, 均在10 min之内; 检测交叉反应率均为0%; 检测无干扰。在检出限、重复性、特异性、干扰性等方面, 品牌C、D试剂方法较好, 满足检测要求。结论 品牌C、D试剂具有简单快速、灵敏度高、特异性强等特点, 能够作为乳制品企业一种快速初筛原料乳中氟苯尼考药物残留的定性检测方法。  相似文献   

Recently, the use of substances that can suppress or reduce absorption, promote the excretion of mycotoxins or modify their mode of action in feed, so-called mycotoxin binders, has been officially allowed in the European Union as technological feed additives. The influence of the addition of mycotoxin binders to animal feed on the analytical performance of the official methods for the determination of mycotoxins was studied and the results are presented. Where possible standardised methods for analysis were applied. Samples of 20 commercial mycotoxin binders were collected from various companies. The following mycotoxins were included in the study: aflatoxin B1, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, ochratoxin A, fumonisins B1 and B2, T-2 and HT-2 toxins. A binder (or binders combined in a group) was mixed with feed material containing the mycotoxin, and the feed material was analysed. For data evaluation, the mean values were compared by Student's t-test (an independent two-sample t-test with unequal sample sizes and equal variance). The repeatability standard deviation of each method was used as an estimate of method variability. No significant differences (p?=?0.05) in mycotoxin levels between binder-free material and the material containing different binders were found. Further, the possible effects of binder addition in combination with processing (pelletising) on the amount of aflatoxin B1 determined in feed were studied. Three commercial mycotoxin binders containing hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) as the main component were used in these experiments. Feed samples with and without mycotoxin binders were pelletised with and without steam treatment. After pelletising, materials were analysed for AFB1. Only the combination pelletising and a mixture of binders added at a total level of 1.2% had a significant effect (41% reduction) on the amount of AFB1 determined.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites present worldwide in agricultural commodities and produced by ?lamentous fungi that cause a toxic response (mycotoxicosis) when ingested by animals. Prevention of mycotoxicoses includes pre- and post-harvest strategies. The best way to reduce the mycotoxin content in food and feed is the prevention of mycotoxin formation in the ?eld, but this is often not sufficient, so other methods are needed. To decontaminate and/or detoxify mycotoxin-contaminated food and feed, the most prevalent approach in the feed industry is the inclusion of sorbent materials in the feed thus obtaining more or less selective removal of toxins by adsorption during passage through the gastrointestinal tract. Another reliable approach is to add enzymes or microorganisms capable of detoxifying some mycotoxins. Through a comprehensive review of published reports on the strategies for mycotoxin removal, this present work aims to update our understanding of mycotoxin removal. It provides an insight into the detoxification of mycotoxin present in food and feed. In the future, more emphasis needs to be placed on adsorption of mycotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Concerning the enzymatic transformation of mycotoxins, further efforts are required in understanding detoxification reactions, the toxicity of transformation products and in the characterization of enzymes responsible for transformations.  相似文献   

为研制一种快速定量检测玉米中T-2毒素含量的胶体金试纸条,对T-2毒素单克隆抗体进行标记并对胶体金试纸条性能进行研究。用胶体金标记T-2毒素单克隆抗体,通过测定加入不同量碳酸钾后吸光度值的变化,确定标记的最佳pH值,通过与抗原进行正交试验确定最佳组合条件,应用胶体金定量读数仪通过检测线和对照线的对比,检测试纸条的性能。结果表明,单克隆抗体标记的最佳pH值为8.5,最佳标记浓度为20μg/mL,抗原的包被浓度为0.5mg/mL,羊抗鼠IgG的包被浓度为1.0mg/mL,试纸条检测T-2毒素标准品的检测限为5μg/kg。T-2毒素胶体金快速定量检测试纸条检测方法可得出具体数据,与常见真菌毒素无交叉反应,回收率在77%~117.6%之间,批内和批间重复性检测变异系数小于10%,玉米中T-2毒素的检测结果与高效液相法检测结果一致。T-2毒素胶体金快速定量检测试纸条可用于玉米中T-2毒素含量的快速定量检测。  相似文献   

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