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食品感官货架期确定的一般原则与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史波林  赵镭  支瑞聪 《食品科技》2012,(10):296-301
感官品质是描述和判断食品质量最直观的指标,将此品质作为货架寿命的评价指标而确定的货架期为感官货架期,则对应的感官评价方法是确定感官货架寿命的关键技术之一。由此,结合感官评价方法与货架期预测原理,提出了食品感官货架期确定的一般原则与方法,旨在指导构建我国不同类型食品感官品质的货架期确定指南,完善食品货架期检测标准,为我国食品质量与控制的保障提供标准化支撑。  相似文献   

不同温度和包装方式对荔枝保鲜品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为掌握温度和包装对荔枝货架期的影响,本试验以“淮枝”荔枝为试验材料,以裸露的荔枝和由开孔袋包装的荔枝,分别处于常温货架和低温货架,研究不同因素对荔枝质量损失率、褐变指数、好果率、色差、可溶性固形物含量和可滴定酸含量的影响。试验表明:低温货架和包装都能延长荔枝货架期,各品质指标整体衰变速度从快到慢依次为:常温裸露、常温包装、低温裸露、低温包装。对荔枝货架期影响因素中,温度占主要影响作用,低温货架有效的降低了荔枝各指标的变质速度;开孔聚乙烯薄膜包装也能降低荔枝品质的衰变,该影响小于货架温度的影响。常温货架无包装的荔枝好果率在30 h变为0,低温包装荔枝的好果率在60 h仍保有9.20%。与常温货架荔枝裸露的销售方式对比,采用低温货架并由开孔聚乙烯薄膜包装可以使荔枝货架期延长一倍以上。该文为荔枝货架期保鲜研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

目的 研究李果实采后品质变化及建立李果实采后货架期预测模型。方法 本试验设置了3种温度(4、15、25℃),并定期测定生理生化指标。采用零级动力学模型和一级动力学模型结合Arrhenius方程建立基于品质变化的李果实采后货架期预测模型,并验证模型的预测精确度。结果 低温明显延缓了果皮强度和果肉硬度的下降和果实失重率的上升,同时也延缓了花色苷含量的积累,对总酸含量影响不明显。根据果皮强度、果肉硬度和失重率变化建立货架期预测模型,通过验证发现基于失重率变化的货架期预测模型具有最好的精确度,相对误差值低于10%。结论 货架期预测模型的建立,可快速预测果实剩余货架期,为贮藏和货架提供技术指导。  相似文献   

预测微生物学与食品质量安全   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
预测食品微生物学利用数学模型定量地分析不同环境条件下食品中病原菌和腐败菌的生长和存活,对食品的货架期作出合理的预测。该文简要介绍了预测模型的3个水平及其在预测货架期中的应用,并展望了预测微生物学未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

在食品行业,货架期是一个十分关键的指标,它保证了流通期内食品的质量和功效。虽然目前货架期的预测方法和预测模型有很多,但是如何从众多的方法和模型中选择最合适的,仍然是一个难题。本文综述了建立货架期预测模型的方法,并介绍了生鲜食品品质预测模型的最新研究进展。要建立货架期的预测模型,首先应对研究对象进行深入了解,然后再判断该食品的货架期的主要影响因素,选择合适的监测指标,最后再采用适当的方法和模型进行预测。  相似文献   

采用货架期加速试验方法和Arrhenius方程建立猪油曲奇饼干的货架期预测模型。以过氧化值为指标,在试验储藏条件下(25,35,45,55℃),猪油曲奇饼干的过氧化值随储藏时间的变化符合一级品质劣变动力学模型。研究了加速储藏条件下的样品检测重复次数、检测点数和检测时间间隔对货架期预测模型预测精度的影响。结果表明:测定点数对预测精度的影响最大,其次是测定重复次数,影响最小的是测定时间间隔。不同温度下的速率常数以及结合Arrhenius方程建立了猪油曲奇饼干的货架期预测模型,该模型对25℃下猪油曲奇饼干货架寿命具有较好的预测效果,预测误差为-2.74%,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

牛耀星  王霆  毕阳  张雨  刘宏  贠建民 《食品科学》2021,42(1):264-271
为了研究采后流通贮藏销售过程中金针菇子实体品质的变化以及快速预测金针菇子实体的货架期,本实验模拟了金针菇子实体的3 种货架贮藏流通温度(4、15、25 ℃),并定期对其感官品质和理化品质进行测定。采用一级动力学模型结合Arrhenius方程建立基于金针菇子实体品质指标的货架期预测模型,并对模型的预测精确度进行验证及评价。结果表明:低温可明显减缓金针菇子实体品质的下降并且延长了贮藏期,具体表现为抑制金针菇子实体质量损失率、褐变度以及丙二醛含量的上升,减缓可溶性固形物质量分数的下降,保持较高的游离脯氨酸含量。根据质量损失率、病害指数、褐变度、可溶性固形物质量分数构建的金针菇子实体货架期预测模型精确度都较高,决定系数R2均在0.90以上,实测值与预测值的相对误差都低于10%,尤其是通过可溶性固形物质量分数构建的货架期预测模型效果更好。所建立的模型能够快速可靠地预测金针菇子实体的剩余货架期,可为通过实时控制贮藏流通条件延长金针菇子实体的货架期提供实践指导。  相似文献   

以坛子肉半成品为试验材料,经2450MHz,12kW的微波设备在80℃进行杀菌3min后,探究不同贮藏温度(4℃,10℃,25℃,37℃)对贮藏期间坛子肉的感官品质、pH值、挥发性盐基氮、过氧化值、菌落总数的的影响及指标间的相关性,结合回归方程及方差分析构建货架期预测模型。结果表明:贮藏温度与感官品质、挥发性盐基氮、过氧化值、菌落总数相关性极显著;经温度和货架期预测回归方程求出在4℃,10℃,25℃和37℃下货架期分别为422.15d、374.43d、255.14d和159.70d,经验证预测货架期和实际货架期间相对误差为1.87-8.53%,该货架期预测模型效果优良。  相似文献   

为探讨油炸裹糊牡蛎的货架寿命,以感官评分、pH、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen, TVB-N)含量、菌落总数为指标,研究在4、15、25 ℃下贮藏的油炸裹糊牡蛎的品质变化规律,建立并验证油炸裹糊牡蛎在4~25 ℃贮藏温度下的货架期预测模型。结果表明:随贮藏时间的延长,油炸裹糊牡蛎的感官评分不断下降,pH呈先下降后上升的趋势,TVB-N含量和菌落总数不断增加,且贮藏温度越高,变化越快。感官评分与TVB-N含量的相关性较pH与菌落总数的高,以TVB-N含量作为关键品质指标,建立的油炸裹糊牡蛎货架期预测模型预测的货架期相对误差小于6%,可用于快速准确地预测4~25 ℃贮藏温度下油炸裹糊牡蛎的货架寿命。  相似文献   

为研究金鲳鱼货架期间品质的变化,分别测定鱼肉样品的质构、挥发性盐基、p H、可见-近红外光谱、电子鼻等指标。黏度、挥发性盐基氮和p H上升以及硬度下降表明货架期间金鲳鱼的鱼肉成分及肌肉组织发生了变化。对获取的电子鼻检测数据进行主成分分析及随机共振信噪比谱分析。主成分分析表明前3个主成分构成空间可有效区分不同货架期的金鲳鱼。采用信噪比谱特征值构建金鲳鱼货架期预测模型,具有较高的拟合精度,实现了金鲳鱼货架期的定量检测。  相似文献   

Microgels are ‘soft’ microscopic cross-linked polymeric particles that are being increasingly exploited in a variety of industries for rheology control, encapsulation and targeted delivery. They are valued because of the ability to tune their functionality to address specific applications in oil recovery, coatings, drug delivery, cosmetics, personal care and foods. Food microgels are typically biopolymer hydrogels in the form of microspheres, nanospheres (also called nanogels), spheroids and fibres. The utilisation of engineered microgels in foods has so far been limited, despite their great potential to address several needs in the food industry, including: satiety control, encapsulation of phytonutrients and prebiotics, texture control for healthier food formulations (e.g. reduced fat products), and targeting delivery to specific areas in the digestive tract. We review the scientific and patent literature on the utilisation and manufacturing methods for producing microgels with an emphasis on micro-hydrogels for food applications.  相似文献   

Joubert and Burns prepared a large number of fractions from the high-sulphur proteins of wool and estimated their molecular weights and amino-acid compositions. Their data have been re-examined in order to look for statistically significant interrelations between amino acids and between the proportion of various amino acids and molecular weight. Statistical analysis of the data is also used to examine the credibility of some hypotheses concerning the mechanism of keratin biosynthesis and to provide further evidence for the existence of families of proteins within the high-sulphur fractions of wool.  相似文献   

<正>We are pleased to announce the launch of a new international peer-reviewed journal-Food Science and Human Wellness,ISSN 2213-4530,which is an open access journal,produced and hosted by Elsevier B.V.on behalf of Beijing Academy of Food Sciences.Food Science and Human Wellness is an international peer-reviewed English journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of  相似文献   

In the 2014 China(Shanghai)International Printing Week,Director Wang Yanbin released the latest data about development of Chinese printing industry in 2013.According to statistics,in 2013,the total output value of Chinese printing industry exceeded 1trillion Yuan for the first time,reaching 1.03985 trillion Yuan.There were 105,000 printing enterprises in China,employees were 3.415 million.The total asset was 1.06247 trillion Yuan;  相似文献   

正On December 2nd,2013,the State Council issued the notification of"Directory of Government Approved Investment Projects(2013 Edition)"(hereafter referred to as"notification").It is pointed out in the"notification"that in order to further deepen reforms in investment systems and administrative examination and approval systems,simplify administrative procedures and delegate powers to lower levels,earnestly  相似文献   

On December 24th, 2013, the meeting on the selection of top 10 news of China's paper industry 2013 sponsored by 〈China Paper Newsletters〉 was held in Beijing. The yearly selection of the top l0 news, which began in 2000, has become a brand activity widely recognized in the industry thanks to the support from the authorities at all levels and public participation.  相似文献   

In Apri Commi major p Plan" (h 2014, the National Development and Reform ssion issued an announcement for selection of reliminary research projects for the "13th Five-Year ereafter referred to as "The Announcement")  相似文献   

<正>We are pleased to announce the launch of a new international peer-reviewed journal-Food Science and Human Wellness,ISSN 2213-4530,which is an open access journal,produced and hosted by Elsevier B.V.on behalf of Beijing Academy of Food Sciences.Food Science and Human Wellness is an international peer-reviewed English journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of the latest scientific  相似文献   

正Among the 1600 exhibitors who take apart in the ITMA ASIA+CITME2014 2/3 are Chinese manufactures.If the numerous figures failed to attract your attention,the increase of quality should draw your focus.To adopt the demand of developing textile machine market,domestic textile machinery enterprises now follow the slogan of"technology drives development"to enhance product competitiveness.Our domestic sellers will showcase product ranging from spinning,weaving,dyeing and printing,  相似文献   

In previous studies with aflatoxin-contaminated corn an uncharacteristic response for AFB1 in the Salmonella/microsomal mutagenicity assay (Ames test) was observed and the presence of anti-aflatoxin factors in the corn was suggested. In the current study, corn was extracted and fractionated using thin layer chromatography (TLC) using different developing solvent systems and the Ames test was used to monitor for anti-mutagenic activity in the corn fractions. Both Salmonella tester strains TA98 and TA100 with metabolic activation (S9) were used. Several corn fractions, at different stages in the isolation and purification process, showed anti-mutagenic dose-responses when exposed to pure AFB1. Corn extracts were non-toxic to the tester strains and TLC fractions that showed the best anti-mutagenic dose-responses were selected for further partial characterization analyses.  相似文献   

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