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利用电子鼻检测仅知生产日期的天然苹果香精样品,并对所获数据进行PCA及DFA分析,筛选信息重复的样品。结果表明:生产日期与产品质量有着密切的联系;通过筛选,参与建立天然苹果香精检测标准的样品只需20个,比原来的34个样品减少了14个。  相似文献   

<正>“早产食品”是指不法食品生产厂家超前标注生产日期的一种现象,是生产者将食品的生产日期人为向后标注,从而“延长”食品保质期的必然结果。据媒体近期报导,国内某知名品牌的牛奶整整涉嫌“早产”20天;更有甚者,2004年9月赣州查获的一批麻辣食品,其产品合格证上标注的时间竟然是2005年  相似文献   

二-注:“三无产品”指无注明生产单位、地址;无生产日期、保质期;无卫生许可证、企业标准号等产品澎补巍漆林娜钟琳卿价衬一膨瓣蜘娜娜象豁嘛妙嘛乒_2004年1月食品安全预警报告  相似文献   

近几年来,定型包装食品的品种越来越多,包装越来越精良,是人们旅游、馈赠亲友的佳品。因此,食品的生产日期和保质期限(简称二期)也越来越成为消费者关注的热点问题。为了解市售定型包装食品的二期及超过保质期限食品的情况,我们于1999年9月进行了一次调查。 1 调查内容 1.1 样品来源 调查样品来源于东营市西城区域内的  相似文献   

<正>案情回放2016年3月,张某于上海市某联家超市购买了5盒祥云牌安溪铁观音茶叶礼盒(青韵盈香型),该产品生产日期系以不干胶标签粘贴于礼盒的塑封薄膜外,标为2015年12月21日。张某后以"生产日期与食品分离,礼盒的塑封薄膜外的生产日期标签可以随时被更换篡改,因此本案涉案产品的生产日期极可  相似文献   

继2012年9月,蒙牛牛奶驻义乌经理篡改生产日期,今麦郎产品生产日期被篡改后,12月汇源公司在日照也发现了篡改生产日期的产品,并主动投诉日照市工商局岚山分局,将篡改日期产品查处。按照有关规定,对即将到保质期的食品应向消费者作出醒目提示,对超过保质期的食品应立即停止经营、下架封存、依法处置或销毁。然而,令人遗憾的是,旧品摇身变新品的乱象屡屡发生。仅仅半年时间,食品行业3个巨头纷纷出现篡改生产日期的事件,究其原因是什么呢?  相似文献   

<正>2012年7月1日,欧盟法规(EC)No16/2012生效,该法规修订欧盟法规(EC)No853/2004的附件II,增加了部分内容。我国出口欧盟的冷冻动物源性食品需要重视相关变动,以免造成不必要的损失。修订后"生产日期"的含义如下:  相似文献   

<正>近期,柳州市食品药品监督管理局在组织抽检柳州市食品生产企业生产的月饼中,检出抽样检验项目不合格月饼样品8批次。所有抽检样品遵循随机抽样原则。共抽检月饼90批次,合格样品82批次(另行公告),不合格样品8批次。不合格产品情况如下:(一)柳州市甜美食品厂生产销售的"甜美月饼伍仁叉烧"样品(生产日期/批号:2017/9/8,规格:/),不合格项目菌落总数检出值为样1:1.5×105CFU/  相似文献   

因涉嫌生产日期造假,伊利酸奶被北京市质量技术监督局曝光。而透过这一事件,我们看到的是在一个简单的“生产日期”概念上的理解混乱。行业的规范需要澄清这些混乱的理解,这就要求在行业法规的立法、执法及企业之间必须进行有效沟通。否则,像这种因对“生产日期”理解不同而引发的伊利酸奶被查之类的事件还会不断出现。其导致的后果不仅仅是个别企业利益受损,而整个行业都将成为最大的受害。  相似文献   

酸牛奶酸牛奶产品质量国家监督抽查结果部分质量较好的产品及其企业名单序号企业名称产品名称商标规格生产日期1石家庄三鹿乳品有限公司君乐宝无糖酸牛奶三鹿125g/袋2004-03-172黑龙江完达山哈尔滨乳品有限公司酸牛奶完达山250g/盒2004-03-303内蒙古蒙牛乳业集团股份有限公司酸牛奶原味蒙牛125g/杯2004-03-174北京三元食品股份有限公司华冠分公司天然酸牛奶雪凝150g/杯2004-04-045黑龙江龙丹乳业科技股份有限公司佳合鲜果肉酸奶龙丹125g/杯2004-03-306内蒙古伊利实业集团股份有限公司北京乳品厂酸牛奶天然原味伊利125g/杯2004-04-177沈阳乳…  相似文献   

The microbiological and sensory quality of blood pancakes and vacuum-packed cooked ring sausages were studied one day after production, on the sell-by date and one week after the sell-by date. Samples were taken straight from 5 manufacturing plants, stored at 4°C and analyzed by 3 different laboratories using similar methods. Blood pancakes contained high numbers of aerobic organisms and yeasts. The principal sensory defects were visible mould spots, rancid odour and musty taste. A correlation between taste and microbiological counts was observed. Bacillus cereus was observed in some samples and may constitute a potential health hazard when temperature abuse occurs. Cooked ring sausages showed good microbiological and sensory quality after production. Aerobic plate counts and lactobacilli numbers increased during storage. The main defects in sensory analysis were fermented, sour aroma and taste. No correlation between taste and microbiological counts could be determined. The store shelf-lives (sell-by periods) of blood pancakes and cooked ring sausages set by the manufacturers, 7–11 and 20–28 days, respectively, can be considered overly optimistic. Differences between laboratories were observed in the sensory analyses.  相似文献   

Sugar and mineral compositions of 10 Tunisian date varieties were investigated. Hydrophilic (aqueous extract) and hydrophobic extracts (ethanol extract) were used to determine the phenol contents and the total antioxidant activities of these dates. Results showed that date fruit varieties were rich in soluble sugars, which varied from 35.57 (Smiti variety) to 77.88 g/100 g fresh weight (FW) (Korkobbi variety). Several minerals were also present in the following order; K, Ca, P, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn. The potassium content reached 0.74 g/100 g dry weight in Smiti variety. For all date varieties, the phenol content did not exceed 9.70 (milligram of gallic acid equivalent/100 g FW). The original antioxidant activity reached 31.86 mg of ascorbic acid equivalent antioxidant capacity/100 g (FW) for Garn ghzal variety. However, it was only 17.77 for the Nefzaoui. Therefore, it can be deduced from these results that all these fruit varieties can be considered as high-energy food and only Garn ghzal seems to be interesting for technological purposes as food antioxidants.


The date palm ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) has a very important economic, social and ecological role for the people of the arid and semiarid regions. The date world production tripled while passing from 2,289,511 tons in 1974 to 6,772,068 tons in 2004. In Tunisia, dates witnessed a remarkable development during the last years and the production reached an average of 110,000 tons per year. Unfortunately, this progress in production is accompanied by an increasing loss of secondary varieties. Among these abandoned varieties are those of Gabès oasis. In this context, our work focuses on valorizing these secondary varieties by determining their nutritional and medicinal properties.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out on Egyptian semi-dried date fruits “El-Seidi CV.” which are used to process paste of dates. It is aimed to compare the effect of irradiation (1.5, 3.0 kGy) and fumigation with methyl bromide (MB) on physical, chemical and mycological characters, especially production of aflatoxins during storage of the dates for long time (8 months). Irradiation was more effective in de-infestation of dates than MB, but caused significant loss in weight of dates. No significant changes were observed in irradiated samples as well as in MB samples for moisture content, pH-values and titratable acidity, but significant changes were observed in browning and sugars, either total, reducing, non reducing or sugar/acid ratio. Irradiation (3.0 kGy) was more effective than other treatments for inhibition of the growth of fungi and prevention of aflatoxin production in synthetic broth media or date fruits. Therefore, irradiation dose (3.0 kGy) can be recomended to use than fumigation (MB) to keep date fruits with good quality, free from infestation, contamination and more safe for human consumption during long storage period.  相似文献   

Natural mycoflora and co-occurrence of fumonisins and aflatoxins were evaluated in 300 freshly-harvested corn samples (2003 and 2004 crops) collected at two points of the production chain in the Northern region of Paraná State, Brazil. In the 2003 crop, fumonisins were detected in 100% of samples and the mean levels were 2.54 μg/g in the reception and 3.12 μg/g in the pre-drying samples. On the other hand, in the 2004 crop fumonisins were detected in 98.9% and 95% of the reception and pre-drying samples, respectively. The mean levels were 1.31 μg/g in the reception, and 1.36 μg/g in the pre-drying samples. Aflatoxins were not detected in 92% of the samples analysed. The maximum probable daily intake (PDIM) estimated for the Brazilian population (0.95 μg/kg body weight/day) is below the tolerable daily intake of 2.0 μg/kg body weight/day for fumonisin B1.  相似文献   

Representative samples of date syrup were obtained from the local market and analysed. The chemical composition and some characteristics of these samples were investigated. The reducing sugars of the syrup comprised about 95% of its total sugars content. The major sugars present were glucose—48.70%, fructose-45.21%, and sucrose—6.09%. Furthermore, the coloring matters of date syrup were isolated, separated and further investigated. It was concluded that the color groups, degradation products of reducing sugars, melanoidines, and iron-polyphenolic complexes, contributed to the color of date syrup. The melanoidine-type compounds, which comprised the major part of syrup colorants, showed a low selective adsorption tendency on both charcoal and anion resins. An efficient clarification of date syrup has been achieved by the use of calcium phosphate precipitation. The results obtained may be of help in devising industrial processes for the utilization of dates, abundantly grown in Libya, in the production of “Total invert liquid sugar” with multiple commercial uses of its own.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the influence of mancozeb, zoxamide and copper oxychloride fungicide treatments on Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb concentrations in Sicilian red wines, grapes, marcs and grape stalks. The experimentation was carried out over two crop years: 2003 and 2004. Trace metals analysis was performed by derivative stripping chronopotentiometry, which allowed detection of concentrations lower than 1 ng g-1. The data obtained gave evidence that the levels of Mn and Zn in wines from plots treated with zoxamide-mancozeb were about threefold higher than those observed in the control. Wines treated with Cu oxychloride had a significant increase in Cu(II) concentrations with respect to the control; in particular, samples from 2004 showed a 50% increase in Cu levels. Furthermore, as shown in a previous paper, the fungicides treatments studied led to a moderate increase in Pb(II) and Cd(II) levels in treated samples with respect to the control. Wines from 2004 had higher Cu and Pb amounts than wines from 2003; but the concentrations of all the other metals were similar. Statistical analysis of the data by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and the Kruskal-Wallis test confirmed that both zoxamide-mancozeb treatments and copper oxychloride treatments exerted a significant influence on Mn(II), Zn(II) Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) concentrations in wines, grapes, marcs and grape stalks samples from both the studied vintages.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for histamine in canned tuna fish was compared with a fast Fourier transformation stripping cyclic voltammetry method. Histamine contents of 30 canned tuna fish products from several parts of Iran were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and fast Fourier transformation stripping cyclic voltammetry methods. These analyses on commercial canned tuna fish products showed good agreement for histamine (r2 = 0.992) level in the concentration range of 2–280 mg/kg. The results showed that 36.6% of samples had higher histamine contents than the FDA caution level. The present study also revealed that the histamine levels vary depending on production date and increased by the closing expiration date of samples. Detection limits and mean recoveries for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were 2 mg/kg and 97% and for fast Fourier transformation stripping cyclic voltammetry were 3.5?×?10?7 mg/kg and 99.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the influence of mancozeb, zoxamide and copper oxychloride fungicide treatments on Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb concentrations in Sicilian red wines, grapes, marcs and grape stalks. The experimentation was carried out over two crop years: 2003 and 2004. Trace metals analysis was performed by derivative stripping chronopotentiometry, which allowed detection of concentrations lower than 1 ng g?1. The data obtained gave evidence that the levels of Mn and Zn in wines from plots treated with zoxamide–mancozeb were about threefold higher than those observed in the control. Wines treated with Cu oxychloride had a significant increase in Cu(II) concentrations with respect to the control; in particular, samples from 2004 showed a 50% increase in Cu levels. Furthermore, as shown in a previous paper, the fungicides treatments studied led to a moderate increase in Pb(II) and Cd(II) levels in treated samples with respect to the control. Wines from 2004 had higher Cu and Pb amounts than wines from 2003; but the concentrations of all the other metals were similar. Statistical analysis of the data by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and the Kruskal–Wallis test confirmed that both zoxamide–mancozeb treatments and copper oxychloride treatments exerted a significant influence on Mn(II), Zn(II) Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) concentrations in wines, grapes, marcs and grape stalks samples from both the studied vintages.  相似文献   

An existing sample preparation technique used for the determination of ionophoric coccidiostats was modified to permit the analysis of Fusarium mycotoxins beauvericin and enniatins in egg samples. The validation results indicated that the sample preparation method developed is well applicable to the determination of the related compounds in eggs. The presence and contamination levels of beauvericin and enniatins A, A1, B and B1 were studied in Finnish egg samples in 2004–2005. The egg sample analyses (112 whole eggs and 367 egg yolk) revealed that the occurrence of beauvericin as well as enniatins B and B1 is very common in Finnish eggs. The contaminations were, however, in most cases in trace-levels (<limit of quantification). Enniatin A and A1 were not found in any of the whole egg samples, and furthermore enniatin B1 was present only in samples from 2004. The general contamination levels of beauvericin and enniatins in whole egg samples were similar in 2004 and 2005. The prevalence and concentration levels of mycotoxins were higher in the market samples (egg yolk) as compared to samples collected in the national residue monitoring programme (whole egg) samples suggesting that there may be bioaccumulation of these mycotoxin contaminants in egg yolk. This is the first study to report the presence of Fusarium mycotoxins beauvericin and enniatins in egg samples.  相似文献   

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