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O3处理对茶薪菇贮藏品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了茶薪菇用O3处理0.5~2min后在20±1℃下贮藏过程中的品质变化。结果表明,0.5minO3处理有利于降低茶薪菇呼吸强度,减少游离氨基酸的生成,对茶薪菇的电导率和失重率变化无明显影响;而1~2min的O3处理不利于茶薪菇的保鲜。  相似文献   

相对白色鸡蛋,英国消费者更偏爱棕色鸡蛋,他们认为棕色鸡蛋产自放养的母鸡,而白色鸡蛋产自养鸡场的母鸡。其实。无论是棕色鸡蛋还是白色鸡蛋,都是基因选择的结果,所以,棕色鸡蛋很可能产自养鸡场的白色母鸡;而白色鸡蛋则可能产自户外放养的棕色母鸡。  相似文献   

通过考察不同光照条件、包装材料对亚麻籽油贮藏过程中过氧化值、酸价的影响,研究自然条件下亚麻籽油的保质期。结果表明:光照对亚麻籽油的贮藏性能有一定影响,避光有利于亚麻籽油的贮藏稳定性,散射和直射条件下对亚麻籽油贮藏稳定性的影响差别不大;对比PET瓶、透明玻璃瓶、棕色玻璃瓶、马口铁瓶不同包装材料贮藏亚麻籽油,玻璃瓶对亚麻籽油的贮藏性能优于马口铁瓶,马口铁瓶优于PET瓶,棕色玻璃瓶较透明玻璃瓶对亚麻籽油的贮藏稳定性有较大提升,棕色玻璃瓶储藏的亚麻籽油保质期可以达到18个月。  相似文献   

唐兴珍 《染整技术》2004,26(3):48-49
我单位在色织布后整理中,发现有些品种产生棕色、黄色、白色条花和白斑点病疵,通过找原因、下措施,克服了这些病疵,提高了产品质量,简介如下:  相似文献   

为了解植物乳杆菌LN66菌粉贮藏活性的影响因素,对其在不同包装形式和贮藏温度下活性变化进行分析。将普通铝箔袋、真空铝箔袋和棕色玻璃瓶贮存的植物乳杆菌LN66菌粉于4、25、37℃下贮藏28 d,检测其水分含量、水分活度和活菌数的变化,并用SPSS软件进行皮尔逊相关性分析。结果表明,不同包装形式和贮藏温度下LN66菌粉贮藏28 d期间水分含量均未发生显著变化。在25及37℃贮藏下,菌粉水分活度呈上升趋势,但真空铝箔袋和棕色玻璃瓶能维持水分活度的稳定。活菌数均随着贮藏时间的增加而减少,普通铝箔袋的活菌数下降最为显著,而菌粉在37℃的真空铝箔袋和棕色玻璃瓶贮藏下的存活率分别提高了10.49%和7.69%。相关性结果分析,活菌数与贮藏温度及水分活度呈显著负相关。研究显示,在贮藏过程中,包装形式和温度对益生菌粉活性有显著影响,而低温及真空铝箔袋和棕色玻璃瓶有利于提升益生菌粉货架期的活菌率。  相似文献   

<正>美国研究人员9月19日说,他们发现一种把"坏"脂肪转化为"好"脂肪的方法,有可能让人们更容易减肥。人体有两种脂肪组织,白色脂肪和棕色脂肪,白色脂肪主要用于储存热量,而棕色脂肪则负责消耗能量来发热。通俗来讲,白色脂肪是导致肥胖的"坏脂肪",而棕色脂肪是能够减肥的"好脂肪",如果能将白色脂肪转化为棕色脂肪,肥胖状况便可能大大改善。圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院研究人员在新一期美国《细胞报告》杂志上报告说,小鼠试验表明,抑制白色脂肪  相似文献   

我们看到的马铃薯都是棕色的表皮,白色的果肉。一幅灰头土脸的样子。你知道吗7其实马铃薯有上千个品种。颜色从黄、白、蓝、紫都有昵.有些品种的马铃薯外形可爱。有着很时尚的表情昵?现在就随记来看一些七彩的美国马铃薯吧。[第一段]  相似文献   

杨林 《肉类工业》1995,(1):47-47
蘑菇是一种食用真菌,品种较多。现有白蘑菇、棕色蘑菇、大肥菇等。用于加工原料栽培的主要是白色双孢蘑菇。蘑菇子实体是供食用的部分,菌盖呈白色,菌柄支撑在菌盖下面的中央,也呈白色。子实体幼小时为白色小圆球形;菌盖厚,半圆形;成熟期菌盖表面为纯白色密布绢丝状细纹;菌柄粗短,质地厚实,新鲜饱满。蘑菇采收后,易发生褐变和开伞,因此加工处理要迅速,加工流程愈快愈好。近年来,我国蘑菇罐头、  相似文献   

正花椒有青花椒和红花椒两大主要品种,其中青花椒呈灰绿色,香味醇厚浓郁,麻味稍弱;红花椒呈红棕色或红紫色,麻味较青花椒浓郁,香味稍弱。花椒的生长具有很强的季节性,每年仅在秋季成熟,需要及时采收和贮藏。然而,花椒在贮藏过程中容易发生霉变、氧化等反应,其香气和麻味都会受到较大程度的影响,从而影响经济价值和食用价值。因此,开展干花椒的保鲜研究,解决其在贮藏过程中的品质劣变问题显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

为研究智能聚乙烯醇活性薄膜对大黄鱼贮藏品质的影响和由于大黄鱼鱼肉p H改变而引起的薄膜动态色差变化,先以溶液流延法制备含有1%纳米二氧化钛和3%花青素的聚乙烯醇活性薄膜,使用其包装大黄鱼贮藏于4℃,再以感官品质、脂质过氧化值、菌落总数、挥发性盐基氮和pH并结合贮藏过程中薄膜色差变化,作为评定大黄鱼在包装贮藏过程中的鲜度指标。结果表明:在4℃贮藏期间,聚乙烯醇/纳米二氧化钛/花青素薄膜包装处理组的感官品质、脂质过氧化值、菌落总数、挥发性盐基氮和pH均优于空白和使用纯聚乙烯醇薄膜包装处理组,且在贮藏第16 d的菌落总数达到7.11lg cfu/g,其他实验组在贮藏第12 d达到7.14lg和7.03lg cfu/g,其货架期延长了4 d。在20 d贮藏期间过程中,聚乙烯醇/纳米二氧化钛/花青素薄膜表现出灰棕色(0 d)、红棕色(4 d)、淡红棕色(8 d)、肉色(12 d)、灰色(16 d)和深灰色(20 d),通过可见的颜色变化依次响应贮藏过程中大黄鱼鱼肉pH的改变。因此,本研究所制备的智能聚乙烯醇活性薄膜不仅有益于食品的贮藏保鲜,还能够作为颜色指示器在食品贮藏过程中起到动态监控的作用。  相似文献   

张镜  刁俊明  黄思梅  刁树平 《食品科学》2010,31(20):453-458
为研究多效唑处理采后沙田柚伤果的诱导抗病效应,在采后沙田柚果实中部表面分2 层分别削约1cm2 的伤口各5 个,以多效唑溶液浸1min,预贮7d 后单果包聚苯乙烯薄膜、室温贮藏。贮藏前期果实伤口附近正常果皮先由淡橙黄转为浅绿色,后又退绿至与正常果面一致颜色。伤口表面先微显绿色,然后转为红褐色,随贮期的延长褐色逐渐加深。伤口白皮层逐渐变硬,伤口下2~3mm 内白皮层变为褐色。切片显微观察伤口附近细胞壁加厚,细胞内出现颗粒状物。1.0mmol/L 多效唑处理伤果,90d 供试果感染率13.33%,与绿色南方无显著差异。结果表明多效唑对采后沙田柚具明显诱导抗病的作用。  相似文献   

Minimal inhibitory fungicidal concentrations of one of the most important biocides were determined in nutrient medium and on impregnated wood specimens. The results showed, that brown rot fungi are more sensitive to boric acid than white rot ones. To inhibit growth of wood decay fungi, lower minimal effective retentions have been determined than reported in previous publications.  相似文献   

Mineral nutrition of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) are important for human health. The method of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was employed to determinate the contents of K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn in milled rice (Oryza sativa L.) of 274 rice genotypes. The results showed that the visible difference could be found for the contents of eight elements in milled rice among rice genotypes studied. It existed the possibility to select the genotype(s) with abundant of mineral nutrient from the genetic resource. Meanwhile, the contents of mineral elements in brown rice were significantly higher than those in milled rice. The averages of K, Mn and Cu contents of indica rice were significantly lower than those of japonica rice, while no significant difference was found for other five element contents between indica and japonica rice genotypes. The average contents of Na and Cu in non-glutinous rice genotypes were higher than those in glutinous ones, whereas the averages of K and Mn contents in non-glutinous rice genotypes were lower in present experiment. Additionally, the K, Ca and Mg contents of milled rice from white brown rice were significantly higher than those from red brown rice, and Ca content of milled rice from white brown rice was also visibly higher than that from black brown rice. For microelements, significant difference was observed for Zn content between milled rice from red and white brown rice, or between milled rice from red and black brown rice. Some genotypes with abundant mineral nutrient in milled rice had been selected and could be used in rice nutrient breeding.  相似文献   

Selli S  Canbaş A  Unal U 《Die Nahrung》2002,46(2):64-67
We investigated the effect of bottle colour, storage temperature and storage time on the browning of orange wine. Kozan orange variety was used for the production of wine. The fermentation was performed spontaneously at 20 degrees C. The wine was bottled in three differently coloured bottles: clear white, green and brown. Then each was divided into two parts: one part was stored at 13-14 degrees C in the cellar and the other at 23-26 degrees C in the laboratory for 150 days. During the storage, browning index and ascorbic acid content of the wines were measured at day 0, 75 and 150. The results showed that the use of brown bottles and the short-time storage reduced the browning in orange wines, however, storage at two different temperatures did not significantly affect the browning index.  相似文献   

糙米流通技术开发探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
论述了糙米流通具有节省仓容,减少运输费用,提高大米食用品质,减少城市环境污染,有利于稻谷深加工和副产品综合利用等优势;介绍了日本糙米流通技术概况;提出了我国糙米需解决的关键技术及注意点。  相似文献   

Desmin Degradation in Postmortem Fish Muscle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The degradation of desmin was studied in postmortem white dorsal muscle from sea bass, brown trout, turbot and sardine, stored at 0–4°C. Based on desmin specific antibody tests, results showed that the extent and rate of desmin degradation in postmortem fish muscle varied considerably among species. There was no degradation of desmin during the first 4 days postmortem storage of sea bass and brown trout, whereas 10 to 20% of muscle desmin was degraded during the first 4 days of postmortem storage of turbot. Sardine muscle presented a very complex pattern of desmin degradation products and aggregated desmin fragments detected within the first 24h. Most polypeptides were larger than the nondenatured desmin. Desmin degradation would not be a suitable marker for evaluation of postmortem changes of stored fish.  相似文献   

This study established a method of evaluating the color change during the shelf storage of different varieties of chicory. The RGB system was used for digitizing the color images. Four colored areas, white, red, yellow and brown, were segmented according to the Hierarchical Classification using Projection Pursuit (HICUPP) decision tree. Experiments were conducted with six varieties of chicory. In the experiments, a comprehensive index, Sc, was presented and used for estimating the unfavorable color change (turning to brown and red). The index is based on comprehensive consideration of the colored area and degree of the color change. The translation among the segmented color areas has been discussed, to explain why the rgb values decrease during the shelf storage. The effects of red and brown separately on the color change as well as changing temperature on Sc are discussed. Finally, the effect of different varieties on the yellow leaf growth and the effect of a commercial cut on Sc have been analyzed. The results indicate that two commercial varieties, Focus and Sigma, and a test variety, Pax, have better characteristics for the red and brown colors of the core. The results also show that the segmented areas translate with time. In the first 4 days the red area increases more rapidly than the brown; while from the fourth day on the brown increases more prominently. Higher temperatures (T10–18 °C) during the first 2 days of shelf storage lead to more serious red and brown coloring compared with the lower temperatures (T2–5 °C) for both Sigma and Focus. The lower the humidity, the slower the color change is. The recommended humidity range for shelf storage is between 50 and 65%RH. The higher temperature also leads to stronger leaf-growth; the effect of humidity on the leaf-growth is small. Changing temperatures during storage often lead to a serious red and brown coloring. So avoiding to change temperature during shelf storage is reasonable.  相似文献   

目的研究不同光照条件,如光照强度、光照时间、处理光的波长等因素对啤酒花中黄腐酚(xanthohumol,Xn)光异构化的影响。方法啤酒花样品在不同光照强度、光照时间、波长和不同颜色玻璃瓶储藏条件下处理后,于OD_(370)处测量Xn含量。结果相同功率光源的紫外光引起Xn异构化较白光显著(P0.05),白光照射Xn样品随着光照时间和光照强度的增大,Xn光异构化程度提高;相同功率光源及光照时间条件下,红光[(625±5)nm]、黄光[(590±5) nm]、绿光[(555±5)nm]、蓝光[(450±5)nm]处理引起的Xn异构化速度差异极显著(P0.01),其中蓝光最强,其次是绿光、红光、黄光;白光光源光照条件下,深棕色玻璃瓶储存对Xn的稳定性显著优于绿色、蓝色、无色玻璃瓶等(P0.05),并且深棕色玻璃瓶长期储存Xn显著优于绿色玻璃瓶(P0.05)。结论光照时间、波长及储存条件对Xn光异构化有显著的影响,且避光储存利于Xn稳定,这为含有Xn的饮品、食品、保健品等的光照或包装条件的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   

The microbial and physicochemical properties of brown and white cooked rice treated by atmospheric pressure plasma (APP). APP was produced (250 W, 15 kHz, ambient air) and applied to brown and white cooked rice for 5, 10, and 20 min. The 20-min plasma treatment reduced in bacterial counts by 2.01 log CFU/g when cooked rice were inoculated with Bacillus cereus or Escherichia coli O157:H7. The pH of the brown cooked rice was decreased by the 5-min plasma. The hardness values of APP-treated brown and white cooked rice were lower than untreated samples. The reducing sugar contents of brown and white cooked rice were significantly higher than those in untreated samples. Lipid oxidation of APP-treated brown and white cooked rice were higher compared to untreated samples. These results indicate that APP improves microbial quality, although further studies should be conducted to change the physicochemical qualities of brown and white cooked rice induced by APP.  相似文献   

李央  刘昆仑  陈复生  郑家宝  赵爽 《食品与机械》2016,32(10):120-122,126
在不同储藏温度下,研究糙米、发芽糙米及富硒发芽糙米储藏期间脂肪酸值和总酸值的变化。结果表明:随着储藏温度的升高,3种样品的脂肪酸值和总酸值均显著升高;不同储藏温度下,随着储藏时间的延长,3种样品的脂肪酸值均基本呈现先增加后减小的趋势,而总酸值则呈现先减小后增加的趋势。在各储藏温度条件下,未发芽糙米的脂肪酸值及总酸值变化最小,但富硒发芽糙米的储藏品质明显优于发芽糙米,提示硒对糙米储藏期脂质氧化具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

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