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秦万广  赵成军 《食品与机械》2005,21(5):33-35,53
论述了仿生鼻的原理、结构及其在白酒识别中的应用。模仿生物嗅觉系统,由气敏传感器阵列结合神经网络模式识别技术构成了仿生鼻。用它对几种白酒进行了分类和识别实验,结果表明其不仅能识别不同的白酒,而且可以识别真假白酒。  相似文献   

酒类鉴别的人工嗅觉技术研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
简述了人工嗅觉酒类鉴别系统的原理、结构。给出了气敏传感器阵列的组成方法,进行了气敏传感器温、湿度补偿。并运用主成分分析法和BP神经网络对试验结果进行了分析。鉴别实验研究表明,经温、湿度补偿后该系统不仅能鉴别不同香型的白酒,还能鉴别同一香型的白酒。  相似文献   

为了实现对肉类新鲜度的评价,提出一种基于Lab VIEW和气体传感器阵列的可视化机器嗅觉系统。该系统采用6种金属氧化物气体传感器组成阵列,由传感器阵列和密封气室、电磁阀和微型气泵等构成气体采集装置,通过气体采集装置、信号调理电路和数据采集卡实现对信号的采集。利用Lab VIEW开发上位机软件,完成对数据的预处理、特征选择和特征提取等环节的可视化,最终实现对肉类新鲜度的无损检测。试验结果表明,基于可视化机器嗅觉系统可以有效区分不同存储条件下的猪肉新鲜度,且系统各传感器的变化规律与理化指标判断结果一致,表明该系统具有可行性和适用性。  相似文献   

电子舌模拟人的味觉器官,是一种分析、识别液体“味道”的新型检测手段。主要由传感器阵列和模式识别系统组成。介绍了电子舌的结构和工作原理,并重点介绍了电子舌在乳品、饮料等食品加工在线检测中的应用。  相似文献   

新鲜度是虾类产品品质和加工适性的一个重要指标。研究利用自制的4×4可视化传感器阵列提取储藏在4℃下1~7 d的南美白对虾的挥发性气味信息。将提取的传感器阵列与虾顶空挥发性气体反应前后的颜色变化值作为特征值,对其进行主成分分析。构建以前7个主成分作为输入变量的虾新鲜度等级的BP神经网络判别模型。对训练集样本,模型的判别正确率达100%,对预测集样本,模型的识别正确率达91.30%。研究结果表明:利用嗅觉可视化技术来检测虾的新鲜度是可行的。  相似文献   

电子舌技术背景与研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了电子舌的概念、基本结构及其发展历史,重点讨论了电子舌系统的技术背景。电子舌通常由三大部分组成,一是传感器阵列,包括PVC薄膜传感器阵列、Langmuir-Blodgett修饰膜传感器阵列、硫属玻璃传感器阵列等;二是模式识别方法,如主成分分析法、人工神经网络法、偏最小二乘法、简单优劣判别分析法等;三是相关的专家自学习系统。还介绍了作者近年来研究实现的新型多频脉冲电子舌——智舌(Smartongue)系统,并对电子舌发展的整体方向和趋势作了展望,强调电子舌等智能感觉系统将成为分析科学及其它学科领域中一类具有广阔发展前景的思路与技术。  相似文献   

采用法国Alpha M.O.S公司生产的电势型味觉电子舌系统对20种不同品种、不同原料产地的食用植物油进行区分与识别,并对传感器阵列采集的食用植物油响应数据进行主成分分析和判别因子分析.结果表明:传感器阵列的选择与剔除由不同食用植物油样品和不同传感器响应能力决定,主成分分析和判别因子分析2种方法均能较好地对食用植物油样品进行分类识别,分析结果显示判别因子分析优于主成分分析.电子舌作为一种新型的现代检测技术在油脂品质定性定量检测与分析方面具有巨大的应用潜力.  相似文献   

三元气敏阵列和有机溶剂识别林海安,吴冲若,马骏(东南大学电子工程系南京210018)关键词气敏阵列;溶剂识别;氧化锡;选择性中图分类号TP212.2用3种SnO2气敏元件构造了三元气敏阵列,用自制的测试系统进行静态测试获得必须的数据。定量进样由微进样...  相似文献   

霉变是影响烟丝质量的重要因素之一,研究探索建立基于电子鼻技术的烟丝霉变检测方法。构建的电子鼻系统主要由5只SnO2半导体气敏传感器形成反应阵列,采用BP神经网络(back propagation neural network,BPNN)为主的模式识别方法。从每个传感器响应曲线中提取2个特征值,使用主成分分析和BP神经网络对传感器阵列的所有特征值进行处理。主成分分析结果显示:非霉变烟丝和霉变烟丝存在可区分趋势,但不同霉变程度的烟丝间存在部分重叠。进一步利用BP神经网络对霉变烟丝判别,识别正确率达到90.00%。试验表明,使用电子鼻技术可以客观、有效地区分霉变和非霉变烟丝,为有效控制烟丝质量提供了可靠途径。  相似文献   

电子鼻在香精识别中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统的香精检测中采用的感官品闻的方法不仅带有很大的主观性,而且个体差异大,为此作者研制了一套能够实时、客观、准确地检测香精散发气味的电子鼻系统。该系统主要由气敏传感器阵列和数据处理软件组成,并采用氮气作为载气以减少测试环境因素的影响。为了提高信噪比,从每个传感器与气体反应曲线中提取了五个特征值,然后用主成分分析法和BP神经网络对样本特征值进行处理。识别结果表明,这种检测方法快速、客观、准确,识别正确率高达97.2%。  相似文献   

孙尤海  王培忠 《酿酒》2005,32(1):49-51
利用优质大麦芽、大米、酒花、白葡萄为主要原料 ,经过葡萄的酒精发酵、陈酿 ,再参与啤酒发酵、贮藏过程 ,使产品即保留了传统啤酒的风格 ,又具备干白葡萄酒的特征 ,该产品新颖、独特 ,色、香、味具佳。此产品的开发 ,可充分利用啤酒厂与葡萄酒厂现有设备和我国丰富的葡萄资源 ,节约粮食 ,生产高档啤酒。开拓了啤酒与葡萄酒生产的新途径  相似文献   

以葡萄酒1#酵母、葡萄酒6#生产酵母和啤酒酵母为研究对象,采用3,5-二硝基水杨酸光度法和比重瓶法分别测还原糖和酒精,对酒精以外的糖消耗进行研究.结果表明,酒类生产酵母在酒精发酵进入减速阶段初时达到峰值,对于控制压榨酒的风味具有指导意义.  相似文献   

超声波辐照工艺在酒类发酵中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在啤酒、葡萄酒和清酒的发酵过程中,啤酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)会产生各种物质,如醋酸异戊酯及其他酯类,为最终产品提供香味;然而,期间不断增加的溶解二氧化碳(DCO_2),却会抑制乙醇和酯类的生成。因此,减少发酵阶段的DCO_2水平,即能有效地提高乙醇产品的质量,同时,发酵时间也得以大幅度的缩短。 要降低发酵过程中DCO_2的水平,采用超声波辐照处理是一个有效的途径。日本大关(株)综合研究所松浦一雄等人在这方面进行了研究,证明超声波辐照工艺在葡萄酒、啤酒和清酒发酵中均能够起到正面的作用,本文将就这方面作出探讨。  相似文献   

A portable bienzymatic analytical system was developed for the chronoamperometric analysis of methanol–ethanol mixtures. The system consists of two biosensors, one based on alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) that responds only to the ethanol and the second one based on alcohol oxidase (AOX) that responds to both methanol and ethanol. The transducers were screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) modified with mediators: Meldola blue for ADH and Co-phthalocyanine for AOX. The calibration graph of the ADH biosensor is linear between 0.3 and 8 mmol/L ethanol. The AOX biosensor is able to quantify both analytes in mixtures that contain methanol between 3 and 70 mmol/L and ethanol ranging from 15 to 110 mmol/L. Interferences due to non-specific oxidations from common oxidizable compounds like gallic acid and ascorbic acid were smaller in the case of transducer based on Meldola blue. The analytical system was successfully tested on real samples: non-alcoholised beer (NAB) spiked with ethanol or methanol and a falsified rose wine (FRW).  相似文献   

We investigated in total 80 wine samples of different types and seven grape juice and 23 beer samples purchased from markets in Central Europe in order to understand the arsenic (As) speciation and help assess the potential As toxicity via intake of alcoholic beverages. Generally, total As concentrations in most samples investigated were below the drinking water limit 10 μg l(-1) published by the World Health Organization (WHO); ranging from 0.46 to 21.0 μg l(-1) As in red and white wines and from 0.75 to 13.4 μg l(-1) As in beers. In addition, concentrations of total As in rice wine and in rice beer were 0.63-6.07 and 3.69-8.23 μg l(-1) As, respectively. The total As concentrations in ice wine ranged from 7.94 to 18.8 μg l(-1) As, significantly higher than in white and red wine. Arsenite predominated as the As species in most of the wine samples, whereas arsenate was the dominant species in rice wine, beer and rice beer. Methyl As components were usually minor components in all wine and beer samples. Monomethylarsonic acid, dimethylarsinic acid and two additional unknown As species were frequently found in grape juice, late harvest and ice wine with higher sweetness. After air exposure, arsenite, arsenate, monomethylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid were stable at 4°C for months, probably due to the acidic conditions of wine and beer samples. The presence of sulfite had little influence on As speciation in wine. Despite the predominance of more toxic arsenite and arsenate in wine and beer, the estimated weekly exposure to As (via consumption of beer, wine and rice wine) is low. The As intake per capita is 6.81 μg from beer, <1.93 μg from wine and 0.88 μg from rice wine, estimated using the median of total As concentration multiplied by the average consumption per capita of the corresponding beverage.  相似文献   

Wine and beer consumption are an integral part of European culture: Southern Europe is associated with wine and Northern Europe is associated with beer. When consumed in moderation, these alcoholic beverages can be part of a balanced and healthy diet. In the 1990s, non-alcoholic beer (NAB), which has no cultural roots, became available in the market. This review identifies determinants for consumption of wine, beer, and NAB, using data on consumption patterns from Portugal and the Netherlands. Since the 1960s the image of Portugal as a wine country declined, whereas the image of the Netherlands as a beer country remained stable. In each country beer is now the most consumed alcoholic beverage and is mainly a men's beverage, whereas wine is the second most consumed and is consumed by both genders. Cultural differences define Portuguese as “outdoors, everyday drinkers”, within a meal context, and Dutch as “at home, weekend drinkers.” Wine is perceived as the healthiest beverage, followed by NAB, and regular beer. Motivation for consumption is related to context: wine for special occasions, beer for informal occasions, and NAB for occasions when alcohol is not convenient. Moderate wine and beer consumption seems to be surrounded by positive emotions.

This review is relevant for public health, for industry market strategies, and identifies opportunities of future research on drinking behaviour.  相似文献   

We investigated in total 80 wine samples of different types and seven grape juice and 23 beer samples purchased from markets in Central Europe in order to understand the arsenic (As) speciation and help assess the potential As toxicity via intake of alcoholic beverages. Generally, total As concentrations in most samples investigated were below the drinking water limit 10?µg?l?1 published by the World Health Organization (WHO); ranging from 0.46 to 21.0?µg?l?1 As in red and white wines and from 0.75 to 13.4?µg?l?1 As in beers. In addition, concentrations of total As in rice wine and in rice beer were 0.63–6.07 and 3.69–8.23?µg?l?1 As, respectively. The total As concentrations in ice wine ranged from 7.94 to 18.8?µg?l?1 As, significantly higher than in white and red wine. Arsenite predominated as the As species in most of the wine samples, whereas arsenate was the dominant species in rice wine, beer and rice beer. Methyl As components were usually minor components in all wine and beer samples. Monomethylarsonic acid, dimethylarsinic acid and two additional unknown As species were frequently found in grape juice, late harvest and ice wine with higher sweetness. After air exposure, arsenite, arsenate, monomethylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid were stable at 4°C for months, probably due to the acidic conditions of wine and beer samples. The presence of sulfite had little influence on As speciation in wine. Despite the predominance of more toxic arsenite and arsenate in wine and beer, the estimated weekly exposure to As (via consumption of beer, wine and rice wine) is low. The As intake per capita is 6.81?µg from beer, <1.93?µg from wine and 0.88?µg from rice wine, estimated using the median of total As concentration multiplied by the average consumption per capita of the corresponding beverage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  In general beer has not been portrayed as part of a balanced diet. However, red wine has been promoted as a beneficial part of a nutritious diet. The evidence is that beer is at least the equal of wine from a nutritional perspective and in countering ailments such as coronary heart disease. This study used surveys to compare beer and wine consumers' perceptions of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. The consumers ranked 7 beverages based upon perceived healthfulness both before and after they were exposed to nutritional information about the beverages. The ranked data were analyzed using analysis of variance. The variance due to the 3-way interaction of place of recruitment, beverage, and ranking was found to be significant at P < 0.05. There was no significant difference between genders. Overall, consumers of alcoholic beverages perceived red wine to be more healthful than the other 6 beverages, including beer and white wine. The perceived healthfulness of a beverage does not appear to be the main factor driving the choice of beverage. Nutritional information does impact consumers' perceptions of the healthfulness of beverages. Consumers who are predominately beer drinkers were more heavily influenced by nutritional information than consumers who were predominately wine drinkers.  相似文献   

应用有色米为基本原辅料酿造特有的有色米啤酒、黄酒或保健酒,是一类集有色米天然的色、香、味及营养疗效于一体的新颖饮料酒。该文就以有色米酿造酒的定义、分类及发展简史,以及我国近年来以有色米为主副料开发的啤酒、黄酒、保健酒及其加工工艺等做了综述,并对其市场前景作了分析,旨在为有色米酿造酒的拓展以及有色米深层次开发利用提供技术依据和新的思路。  相似文献   

将葡萄汁或葡萄原酒与啤酒生产工艺相结合,生产出既具有玖瑰葡萄香味又不失啤酒风味的葡萄啤酒新产品,其基本工艺是将葡萄汁或葡萄原酒以原料方式加入到啤酒生产中,啤酒花采用煮沸法制出酒花汁也加入到啤酒生产中,从而制做出清爽型啤酒的新产品.  相似文献   

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