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目的对气相色谱.质谱法测定葡萄酒中邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)的方法进行不确定度分析。方法依据GB/T 21911-2008《食品中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定》,采用气相色谱.质谱法测定葡萄酒中的邻苯二甲酸二丁酯类增塑剂。参照JJF1059-1999《测量不确定度的评定与表示》,对整个过程中不确定度的来源进行了分析。结果气相色谱-质谱法测定葡萄酒中DBP过程中的扩展不确定为0.01135 mg/kg。结论本方法适用于气相色谱法测定葡萄酒中邻苯二甲酸二丁酯的不确定度评定。  相似文献   

徐幸  张晓鸣  舒平  张燕  彭飞进 《食品科学》2015,36(16):246-250
采用超高效液相色谱-稳定性同位素稀释质谱法测定米线中的乌洛托品,对测试过程的不确定度来源进行系统分析,建立不确定度评估的数学模型,通过对不确定度各主要分量的分析计算,得出合成不确定度和扩展不确定度。当乌洛托品的测定结果为0.821 mg/kg时,扩展不确定度为0.079 mg/kg,k=2。该评估模型为同位素稀释质谱法的不确定度评估提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

依据GB/T 21911-2008《食品中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定》,采用正己烷提取、气相色谱-质谱法测定酒中的邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂。参照JJF1059-1999《测量不确定度的评定与表示》,以测定红酒中邻苯二甲酸二丁酯DBP为例,对整个过程中不确定度的来源进行了分析,结果表明:气相色谱-质谱法测定红酒中DBP过程中的扩展不确定为0.01135 mg/kg。  相似文献   

目的研究液相色谱-串联质谱法测定白酒中甜蜜素的不确定度评定。方法以白酒为例,对GB5009.97-2016中液相色谱-串联质谱法测定甜蜜素的不确定度进行评定。结果白酒中甜蜜素的含量为0.331 mg/kg时,测定结果的合成标准不确定度为0.0242 mg/kg,取k=2,扩展不确定度为0.0484 mg/kg,其结果可表示为(0.331±0.0484)mg/kg。结论测量结果的不确定度主要来源为试样提取液的测定、标准工作液的测定及配制,因此在实际检测工作中,可通过增加平行样和标准工作液的测定次数,提高检测质量。  相似文献   

正本文通过对气相色谱质谱法与高效液相色谱质谱法的方法进行比对,分析两种测试方法各自的优点和缺陷,对食品塑料袋包装中邻苯二甲酸酯的确定建立一种快速、便捷的测试方法。样品在经过乙醇浸泡后进行超声提取,使用滤膜进行过滤。随后进行气相色谱质谱法和高效液相质谱法进行检测分析,在气相色谱质谱检测法中的回收率为88.87%~120.17%,RSD为1.7%~3.1%,经检测检出限DMP、DEP、DOP、DBP以及DEHP为0.05mg/kg,在液相色谱质谱检测法中的回收率为92.54%~105.14%,RSD为0.5%~2.1%,经检测检出限DMP、  相似文献   

对采用GC-MS/MS法测定白酒中DIBP、DBP和DEHP含量的不确定度进行评定。依据JJF 1135—2005《化学分析测量不确定度评定》和JJF 1059.1—2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》中的有关规定,建立测定白酒中3种塑化剂含量的不确定度数学模型,分析测量不确定度的来源,计算各不确定度分量并进行合成。结果表明,DIBP、DBP和DEHP的扩展不确定度分别为0.060,0.062,0.17mg/kg;不确定度主要来源于标准溶液的配制、测量重复性和标准曲线的拟合。  相似文献   

目的评定气相色谱-质谱法对阳性芹菜样品中甲拌磷残留量测定不确定度。方法参照JJF1135-2005《化学分析测量不确定度评定》和JJF1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》,建立气相色谱-质谱法测定芹菜样品中甲拌磷残留量不确定度评定的数学模型,对测定过程中不确定度分量来源进行分析和评定。结果通过对不确定度各分量进行量化和合成,结果表明阳性芹菜样品中甲拌磷的残留量为0.021 mg/kg,扩展不确定度为0.003 mg/kg (k=2)。结论整个测定过程中,标准曲线配制过程所产生的不确定度分量最大,其次为方法重复性和测量重复性产生的分量,这为本实验室内部质量控制提供了依据。  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸盐对人体健康有一定的威胁,因此食品及饮品中其含量有一定的限度,这类化合物性质类似植物油且有一定的挥发性,因此采取GC-MS法测定白酒中邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、邻苯二甲酸(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)、邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯(DINP)等邻苯二甲酸盐的含量,并对对白酒中DBP,DEHP,DINP测量结果的不确定度进行了评定。结果表明,白酒样品中DBP,DEHP,DINP含量的合成不确定度和扩展不确定度分别为0.004 mg/kg,0.008 mg/kg,0.004 mg/kg和0.008 mg/kg,0.016 mg/kg,0.008 mg/kg。  相似文献   

目的对Qu ECh ERS-气相色谱-串联质谱法测定香菇中联苯菊酯残留量的方法进行不确定度评估。方法依据GB 23200.113-2018方法,对检测过程中可能引入的不确定度进行分析和评定,并建立不确定度评定数学模型。结果当香菇中联苯菊酯含量为0.15mg/kg时,其扩展不确定度为0.0108mg/kg(k=2)。结论实验过程中的不确定度主要来源于分析仪器、样品前处理和标准工作液配制过程。本研究可为评价Qu ECh ERS-气相色谱-串联质谱法的不确定度评估提供参考。  相似文献   

目的评定高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定红酒中安赛蜜含量的不确定度评定。方法根据SN/T3538-2013《出口食品中六种合成甜味剂的检测方法液相色谱-质谱/质谱法》,建立数学模型,并对测量结果的各不确定度来源进行分析和评定,从而得出合成不确定度和扩展不确定度。结果当红酒中安赛蜜的含量为0.968 mg/kg时,其扩展不确定度为0.0616 mg/kg (P=95%,k=2)。结论影响检测结果的不确定度主要来源于样品回收率、重复性测定及标准工作溶液的配制。  相似文献   

本文描述了用高效液相色谱法和毛细管电泳法测定阿斯巴甜及其相关杂质含量的新方法。样品经过简单的预处理:萃取、过滤,并分别使用ODS C—18柱和未经处理的熔融石英毛细管柱分离,液相色谱所用流动相为:10mmol/L的磷酸二氢钾缓冲液(PH=3.5)和乙腈,配比是86:14;电泳缓冲液为10mmol/L磷酸二氢钾(PH=2.7),分离电压为30KV。在这两种分析方法中,阿斯巴甜(ASPT)及其相关杂质(天门冬苯丙氨酸,苯丙氨酸,二酮哌嗪)均能完全分离并定量测定,相关系数均大于0.999;变异系数均小于5.0%。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse and determine the composition of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins and lipophilic toxins in the Region of Aysén, Chile, in wild endemic mussels (Mytilus chilensis, Venus antiqua, Aulacomya ater, Choromytilus chorus, Tagelus dombeii and Gari solida) and in two endemic carnivorous molluscs species (Concholepas concholepas and Argobuccinum ranelliforme). PSP-toxin contents were determined by using HPLC with fluorescence detection, while lipophilic toxins were determined by using LC-MS/MS. Mean concentrations for the total of PSP toxins were in the range 55–2505 μg saxitoxin-equivalent/100 g. The two most contaminated samples for PSP toxicity were bivalve Gari solida and carnivorous Argobuccinum ranelliforme with 2505 ± 101 and 1850 ± 137 μg saxitoxin-equivalent/100 g, respectively (p < 0.05). The lipophilic toxins identified were okadaic acid, dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX-1), azaspiracid-1 (AZA-1), pectenotoxin-2 (PTX-2) and yessotoxins (YTX). All analysed molluscs contained lipophilic toxins at levels ranging from 56 ± 4.8 to 156.1 ± 8.2 μg of okadaic acid-equivalent/kg shellfish together with YTX at levels ranging from 1.0 ± 0.1 to 18 ± 0.9 μg of YTX-equivalent/kg shellfish and AZA at levels ranging from 3.6 ± 0.2 to 31 ± 2.1 μg of AZA-equivalent/kg shellfish. Furthermore, different bivalves and gastropods differ in their capacity of retention of lipophilic toxins, as shown by the determination of their respective lipophilic toxins levels. In all the evaluated species, the presence of lipophilic toxins associated with biotransformation in molluscs and carnivorous gastropods was not identified, in contrast to the identification of PSP toxins, where the profiles identified in the different species are directly related to biotransformation processes. Thus, this study provides evidence that the concentration of toxins in the food intake of the evaluated species (Bivalvia and Gastropoda class) determines the degree of bioaccumulation and biotransformation they will thereafter exhibit.  相似文献   

Harmful algae blooms (HABs) are the main source of marine toxins in the aquatic environment surrounding the austral fjords in Chile. Huichas Island (Aysén) has an history of HABs spanning more than 30 years, but there is limited investigation of the bioaccumulation of marine toxins in the bivalves and gastropods from the Region of Aysén. In this study, bivalves (Mytilus chilenses, Choromytilus chorus, Aulacomya ater, Gari solida, Tagelus dombeii and Venus antiqua) and carnivorous gastropods (Argobuccinum ranelliformes and Concholepas concholepas) were collected from 28 sites. Researchers analysed the accumulation of STX-group toxins using a LC with a derivatisation post column (LC-PCOX), while lipophilic toxins (OA-group, azapiracids, pectenotoxins and yessotoxins) were analysed using LC-MS/MS with electrospray ionisation (+/–) in visceral (hepatopancreas) and non-visceral tissues (mantle, adductor muscle, gills and foot). Levels of STX-group and OA-group toxins varied among individuals from the same site. Among all tissue samples, the highest concentrations of STX-group toxins were noted in the hepatopancreas in V. antiqua (95 ± 0.1 μg STX-eq 100 g?1), T. dombeii (148 ± 1.4 μg STX-eq 100 g?1) and G. solida (3232 ± 5.2 μg STX-eq 100 g?1; < 0.05); in the adductor muscle in M. chilensis (2495 ± 6.4 μg STX-eq 100 g?1; < 0.05) and in the foot in C. concholepas (81 ± 0.7 μg STX-eq 100 g?1) and T. dombeii (114 ± 1.2 μg STX-eq 100 g?1). The highest variability of toxins was detected in G. solida, where high levels of carbamate derivatives were identified (GTXs, neoSTX and STX). In addition to the detected hydrophilic toxins, OA-group toxins were detected (OA and DTX-1) with an average ratio of ≈1:1. The highest levels of OA-group toxins were in the foot of C. concholepas, with levels of 400.3 ± 3.6 μg OA eq kg?1 (< 0.05) and with a toxic profile composed of 90% OA. A wide range of OA-group toxins was detected in M. chilensis with a toxicity < 80 μg OA eq kg?1, but with 74% of those toxins detected in the adductor muscle. In all evaluated species, there was no detection of lipophilic toxins associated with biotransformation in molluscs and carnivorous gastropods. In addition, the STX-group and OA-group toxin concentrations in shellfish was not associated with the presence of HAB. The ranking of toxin concentration in the tissues of most species was: digestive glands > mantle > adductor muscle for the STX-group toxins and foot > digestive gland for the OA-group toxins. These results gave a better understanding of the variability and compartmentalisation of STX-group and OA-group toxins in different bivalve and gastropod species from the south of Chile, and the analyses determined that tissues could play an important role in the biotransformation of STX-group toxins and the retention of OA-group toxins.  相似文献   

实验比较了牛血清白蛋白(bovine serum albumin,BSA)与脂溶性小分子槲皮素(quercetin,QUE)和水溶性花青素(anthocyanin,ACN)相互作用方式及其纳米颗粒的特征。QUE对BSA荧光猝灭作用为静态猝灭方式(低浓度),但在较高浓度时为静态与动态并存的复合猝灭方式,两者的相互作用力为疏水作用力;ACN对BSA的荧光猝灭程度小于QUE对BSA的,为静态猝灭方式,相互作用力为静电作用力。BSA与QUE的结合常数大于BSA与ACN的结合常数。BSA与QUE或ACN相互作用可形成纳米颗粒,其大小分别为42.5 nm和53.7 nm,ζ-电势分别为-25.64 m V和-21.50 m V。1 mol BSA分子可分别与8 mol QUE和10 mol ACN结合。BSA与QUE形成的纳米颗粒(BSA-QUE)粒径较BSA与ACN(BSA-ACN)的小,且稳定性较高。BSA-QUE对DPPH自由基和ABTS+·清除率均高于BSA-ACN。  相似文献   

嘧菌酯处理对厚皮甜瓜POD和CAT活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以厚皮甜瓜(Cucumis melonL.)作为实验材料,研究嘧菌酯处理对厚皮甜瓜采后过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性的影响,实验结果表明:甜瓜经50、100、200mg/L嘧菌酯浸泡处理后,其果实的过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性均有所变动,其中,100mg/L嘧菌酯处理,两种酶的活性均处于稳定上升趋势,到第14天达到最高值,此后呈下降趋势,但到第21天时,酶活性仍高于对照。  相似文献   

The aim was to measure concentrations of total mercury, total arsenic, lead and cadmium in common edible fresh fish and shellfish from various areas of the Adriatic Sea. Estimates of intake of these elements were made through seafood consumption by the general population. Samples were either wet digested for mercury and arsenic, or dry ashed for lead and cadmium analysis. Mercury was measured by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CV AAS) and arsenic, lead and cadmium by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ET AAS). Quality control procedures of analytical methods, which included analyses of dogfish muscle-certified reference material DORM-2, confirmed the acceptability of methods. The highest mercury and arsenic concentrations were found in hake ( Merluccius merluccius ) and the lowest in mackerel ( Scomber scombrus ). The respective values in hake were 0.373 ±0.075 and 23.3 ±3.6, and in mackerel 0.153 ±0.028 and 1.06 ±0.29 mg kg -1 fresh weight (mean ±SD). Lead and cadmium concentrations were about 10 times higher in shellfish than in analysed fish. The highest lead and cadmium concentrations were found in mussel ( Mytilus galloprovincialis ) and the lowest in hake. Respective lead and cadmium values in mussel were 0.150 ±0.009 and 0.142 ±0.017, and in hake were 0.007 ±0.004 and 0.002 ±0.001 mg kg -1 fresh weight. The concentrations of analysed elements were below acceptable levels for human consumption set by the Croatian Ministry of Health, except for total arsenic. The estimated intake of those trace elements included in this study through seafood consumption by the general population did not exceed the provisional tolerable weekly intake recommended by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.  相似文献   

Raw and pasteurised sheep’s, cow’s and goat’s milk, eggs, and beef samples from different local markets in Jordan were collected during a period of 5 months (January through May 2007) and examined for aflatoxins B1(AFB1), B2(AFB2), G1(AFG1), G2(AFG2), M1(AFM1) and M2(AFM2). The samples were analysed with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using UV and Fluorescent detectors. The analysed samples of milk collected in January were found to contain 0.56 μg L−1 AFM1 and 0.1 μg L−1 AFM2 whilst, the concentration of AFM1 and AFM2 was < 0.05 μg L−1 for milk samples collected between March and May. The AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2 contents in the analysed food products ranged from 1.10 to 8.32 μg L−1 and 0.15 to 6.36 μg L−1 in imported and fresh meat samples collected during March, respectively. The mean recovery for the HPLC method was 92% to 109% and the quantification levels were 50 ng L−1 for AFM1 and AFM2. The AFM1 was found in 10% of the tested samples with concentrations between 0.08 and 1.1 μg kg−1 and AFM2 was only found in 1.82% of the tested samples with a level of 0.1 μg kg−1. The AFM1 levels in the examined foods were higher than the maximum level of AFM1 in liquid milk set by the European Community and Codex Alimentarius of 50 ng L−1.  相似文献   

本文目的在于考察VC、VE对加入CO-Hb香肠加工和贮藏品质的影响,确定VC、VE与CO-Hb复合用于肉制品加工的可行性.结果表明,添加VC,样品a*值显著增加(P<0.05);添加VE,a*值显著下降(P<0.05).添加VC和VE,样品硬度和咀嚼性降低,凝聚性上升,弹性变化不显著.在贮藏期间,VC、VE均能稳定样品...  相似文献   

建立同时测定蛋及蛋制品中六六六、滴滴涕和指示性多氯联苯残留量的双重净化-气相色谱法。样品经乙腈提取,浓硫酸和焙烧型水滑石双重净化后采用气相色谱分析和外标法定量。结果表明:与传统的磺化法相比,采用浓硫酸和焙烧型水滑石双重净化的效果更好,干扰物质少,且目标物提取更充分。在10~200 μg/L的添加水平内4种六六六、2种滴滴涕和7种指示性多氯联苯的线性关系良好,相关系数均大于0.999。方法的检出限(R_(SN)=3)范围为1.12~3.89 μg/kg,定量限(R_(SN)=10)范围为3.73~12.97 μg/kg。添加10、20、100μg/kg3 个水平的4种六六六、2种滴滴涕和7种指示性多氯联苯于鸡蛋液、咸蛋及皮蛋空白样品中,加标回收率范围为78.04%~105.05%,相对标准偏差范围为1.28%~7.55%。该方法操作简便快速、准确、灵敏,适用于蛋及蛋制品中六六六、滴滴涕和指示性多氯联苯残留量的快速测定。  相似文献   

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