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随着葡萄产业的发展,葡萄嫁接栽培得到越来越广泛的应用,同时人们也深刻认识到砧木在葡萄种植以及适栽范围扩展中的关键作用。因此,选用不同类型抗性砧木进行嫁接栽培从而提高葡萄抗性已成为葡萄生产的发展趋势。本文结合近年来国内外葡萄砧木的研究现状,对砧木品种以抗寒、抗旱、耐涝、耐盐等优良特性进行了分类介绍,并列举了常用的砧木品种,以期为葡萄砧木的深入研究和生产上优良抗性砧木的选用提供参考,从而促进葡萄产业的稳步健康发展。  相似文献   

葡萄砧木种质资源现状及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着世界葡萄产业的发展,葡萄嫁接苗与嫁接栽培的应用越来越普遍,葡萄砧木品种的选育与研究也得到了重视。为更好地了解国内外葡萄砧木种质创新与利用情况,本文通过对国际葡萄品种目录(VIVC)数据库内所登记的砧木种质情况进行分析,并介绍当前国内外主要葡萄砧木类型及主要品种的相关信息,包括以河岸葡萄(Vitis riparia)、沙地葡萄(Vitis rupestris)、冬葡萄(Vitis berlandieri)等野生葡萄自交选育的砧木品种以及当前应用广泛的以河岸葡萄×沙地葡萄、冬葡萄×河岸葡萄和冬葡萄×沙地葡萄杂交选育的优良砧木品种。旨在为我国更好的开展葡萄砧木种质资源研究与创新,以及为葡萄产业体系发展服务。  相似文献   

本文对抗性砧木在葡萄生产中砧穗互作影响以及抗性砧木对葡萄相关酶活性进行文献综述,涉及葡萄砧穗互作相关机理、葡萄嫁接亲和性、光合作用、果实品质、次生代谢物的产生等。砧木的应用不仅扩大了葡萄种植范围,还可以降低今后葡萄的生产成本,提高产量和品质,并充分发挥栽培品种的优良特性,取得更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

本文主要描述了国内外葡萄砧木的研究概况、砧木特性、砧木的嫁接原理、砧木和接穗之间的相互影响及砧穗组合的选配,为选育或引进适合我国不同气候、土壤条件的优良葡萄砧木品种和砧穗组合提供参考,从而促进我国葡萄产业的健康、稳步、可持续发展。  相似文献   

葡萄砧木的研究和利用概况   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文主要描述了国内外葡萄砧木的研究概况、砧木特性、砧木的嫁接原理、砧木和接穗之间的相互影响及砧穗组合的选配,为选育或引进适合我国不同气候、土壤条件的优良葡萄砧木品种和砧穗组合提供参考,从而促进我国葡萄产业的健康、稳步、可持续发展.  相似文献   

SO4(Selection OppenheimNO.4)是德国奥本海姆国立葡萄果树研究所,以冬葡萄×河岸葡萄选育的。19世纪50年代,由于根瘤蚜的危害,世界葡萄产区便开始了葡萄砧木的研究及嫁接技术的推广和应用。抗性砧木的应用,使世界葡萄生产得以稳步发展。利用良种砧木进行嫁接栽培,不仅能扩大葡萄的种植范围,还能提高葡萄的抗病性和改善葡萄品种的某些性状。SO4砧对气候及土壤具有较广泛的适应性,其各类性状优良[1],有望成为葡萄主选的砧木品种。在我国,葡萄嫁接栽培越来越受到重视,SO4砧木的需求量也越来越大,因此,扩大SO4砧的苗木繁殖途径,提高育苗效…  相似文献   

葡萄用扦插繁殖容易,古来普遍用自根苗栽培.然而,1856年在美洲发现葡萄根瘤蚜危害,并迅速扩散到欧洲,使欧洲葡萄几乎毁灭.这种虫害使用药剂防治太困难,经反复研究的结果证明,在美洲大陆天然的野生种葡萄具有抗根瘤蚜的特性,这就明确了在欧洲积极进行砧木品种育种的目标,选育优良的砧木,利用其砧木进行嫁接栽培,不仅能防虫害,还能给予接穗品种有很好的影响.现在,以砧木嫁接的育苗法,正在全世界普及应用。  相似文献   

葡萄砧木品种类型多样,抗性各异,在生产中起着重要的作用,对接穗品种的生长发育和浆果品质产生重要影响;葡萄砧木的嫁接效应也与砧木类型、接穗品种、立地条件、土壤和肥水管理措施有关。本文根据近年来国内外葡萄砧木的研究成果,介绍了葡萄砧木的主要种类品种,并对葡萄砧木的抗性研究方法和砧木选择性应用做了简要的综述;进一步概述了葡萄砧木对接穗生长发育、产量和果实品质的影响;各地需根据土壤和气候等特点因地制宜地进行葡萄砧木品种区域化研究与应用,以促进我国葡萄产业的健康和可持续性发展。  相似文献   

国内外葡萄砧木研究利用状况及我国新引进的葡萄砧木简介   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:12  
1 国外葡萄砧木研究利用状况葡萄是世界上四大水果之一,目前全世界葡萄栽培面积1000多万公顷,年产6000多万吨。国外葡萄砧木的研究始于葡萄根瘤蚜发现之后。1854年,在北美发现了根瘤蚜,之后随着美洲种葡萄的引种导致了根瘤蚜迅速在欧洲扩散,几乎危害到所有的欧美葡萄园,并造成惨重的损失。从此之后,美洲和欧洲就试图利用砧木解决这一严重问题,并从原产美洲大陆的野生葡萄种类或品种中发现了具有抗瘤蚜的类型。但是直到1873年,才真正开始了对根瘤蚜免疫性砧木的研究。砧木及嫁接技术的应用挽救了世界上主要产区的葡萄生产,同时也…  相似文献   

葡萄良种砧木—SO4   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
葡萄良种砧木──SO4陈镇泉,陈君琛,蔡东征(福建省农科院福州350003)葡萄扦插繁殖容易,古来普遍用自根苗栽培。上世纪七十年代前后,因受根瘤蚜危害,使欧洲葡萄几乎毁灭,随之,积极利用良种砧木进行嫁接栽培,不仅能防虫害,还能丰富接穗品种的优良品性。...  相似文献   

山葡萄品种硬枝嫁接成苗率与嫁接树生产性能的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1996-2001年,采用“贝达”做砧木,山葡萄主栽品种做接穗,硬枝嫁接生根,成苗试验和进行嫁接苗生产建园的“嫁接树”生产性能对比观察试验,结果表明:双优,双红和双丰硬枝嫁接的成苗率比同品种(CK)分别提高65.95%、13.45%和20.75%,出圃嫁接苗木成熟节数多,根系大,树体成型快,早期丰产,双优。双红葡萄的嫁接苗生根率,成苗率和产量较高,酒质好,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

本文对5个优良酿酒葡萄品种和4种砧木嫁接组合的愈合性及生根率进行研究,结果发现,砧木品种101-14对试验的5个葡萄品种均具有较好的愈合性和生根率,是嫁接生产苗木的首选砧木品种,其次是砧木品种5BB,而SO4的表现相对较差。  相似文献   

SO4和贝达砧木对鄞红葡萄生长与果实品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以SO4和贝达砧木嫁接鄞红葡萄,研究这两种砧木对鄞红葡萄生长和果实品质的影响.结果表明,与自根苗相比,嫁接SO4和贝达砧木的鄞红葡萄萌芽和结实状况良好,果实着色均匀,叶片叶绿素、可溶性固形物、总糖和产量均较自根苗增加,是平原水网地区鄞红葡萄的优良砧木.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: A high concentration of potassium (K) in grape juice can lead to high juice pH (e.g. >3.8) and, in turn, wine of lower quality. The concentration of K in grapevine can be controlled by rootstocks. However, the differences between rootstocks in the accumulation of K in grapevines and mechanisms of regulation of K are not well known. The current study addresses these issues. Methods and Results: Rootstocks (on own-roots) Freedom, Schwarzmann, 1103 Paulsen, 110 Richter, 140 Ruggeri and 101-14 Millardet et de Grasset were grown in sand for 56 days in a glasshouse and watered daily with 3 mM K. At Day 56, rootstock 1103 Paulsen had the highest total K uptake, while 101-14 Millardet et de Grasset and 140 Ruggeri had the highest concentration of K in shoot and roots, respectively. Total K uptake in rootstocks was positively related to the dry weight of the whole grapevine, relative growth rate, total root length and total root surface area. Translocation efficiency of K in rootstocks was positively related to shoot : roots dry weight and shoot demand for K per unit root weight. Total K uptake and accumulation of K into the shoot were not affected by transpiration, but concentration of K in the shoot was positively related to the concentration of K in the xylem sap. Conclusions: The results show genetic differences between grapevine rootstocks in K uptake and transport, and highlight the importance of growth, dry matter partitioning, root traits and root pressure, and the lack of significance of transpiration, in the accumulation of K.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study investigated changes in peroxidase (POX) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities through adventitious rooting in hardwood cuttings of grapevine rootstocks. Three grapevine rootstocks with different propensity to produce adventitious roots were selected: recalcitrant (Ramsey), non‐recalcitrant (Rupestris du Lot) and intermediate (99R) cultivars. RESULTS: The averages of root number at 65 days were 96 in Lot, 76 in 99R and 30 in Ramsey. Both enzyme activities characteristically increased before adventitious rooting, regardless of rooting ability of the rootstocks, and then decreased. POX activity increased in Ramsey cuttings at 22 days, in Lot and 99R cuttings at 14 days after planting, and then decreased gradually until 51 days. The highest POX activity was determined in Ramsey rootstock with the highest rooting ability and the lowest activity was determined in the rootstocks with the lowest rooting ability. PPO activity gradually increased in Ramsey rootstock cuttings from 10 days to 22 days, in Lot and 99R cuttings at 14 days, and then decreased until 51 days. A significant correlation was identified between high POX activity and adventitious rooting capability in rootstocks, but the same result was not determined with PPO activity. CONCLUSION: A recalcitrant rooting variety cannot increase POX activity sufficiently before rooting. Therefore applications that could increase POX activity in stem cuttings during rooting may facilitate increased rooting in such rootstocks. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Effects of the plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains Burkholderia gladii BA‐7, Bacillus subtilis OSU‐142, Bacillus megatorium M‐3 and Azospirillum brasilense Sp 245 on vegetative development and mineral uptake of 1103 P and 41 B grapevine rootstocks were investigated. The roots of nursery plants of the grapevine rootstocks were immersed in bacterial solutions and transplanted to a sterilised peat and perlite mixture in 5 L pots. Plants were cultivated in a semi‐controlled glasshouse during the vegetation period. RESULTS: Vegetative development of grapevine rootstocks was obviously promoted by bacterial inoculation, with the maximum increase induced by Sp 245. Inoculation with Sp 245 also significantly improved the chlorophyll concentrations of the leaves of the two rootstocks. Among the bacteria, OSU‐142 also significantly stimulated vegetative development and mineral acquisition of the plants. Nutrient contents of the leaf blades of the plants were generally higher than those of control plants. CONCLUSION: Overall investigations revealed that A. brasilense Sp 245 and B. subtilis OSU‐142 performed more efficiently than the other strains. Therefore these bacteria seem to have considerable potential in reducing the need for inorganic fertiliser. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

赤霞珠不同砧穗组合对中后期光合能力及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨砧木和品系对葡萄生长发育的影响,以赤霞珠葡萄的不同砧穗组合为试材,测定其生长季中后期光合荧光参数、果实品质及休眠期枝条和根系贮藏营养。结果表明:相同品系不同砧木,CS-169/SO4组合中期(8月份)光合速率最高,而CS-169/1103P组合后期(9、10月份)光合速率最高;CS-169/1103P组合的Fv/Fo、Fm、ETR、ΦPSⅡ指标在不同时期均处于最高水平;同一砧木不同品系光合和荧光参数均以CS-169品系优于R5、FV5品系;以1103P为砧木的果实糖含量高于SO4砧,不同品系CS-169CS-FV5CS-R5,组合CS-169/SO4果实酸含量最高;枝条和根系的贮藏C、N营养以CS-169/1103P组合含量最高。综合看,砧木的影响大于品系,赤霞珠以1103P为砧木的各砧穗组合在光合荧光特性、果实品质、树体贮藏营养方面优于以SO4为砧木的组合。  相似文献   

葡萄指示植物可以鉴定多种葡萄病毒及类似病害。采用绿枝嫁接技术分别在指示植物110R、Kober5BB、河岸葡萄、沙地葡萄圣乔治和LN33上嫁接18个葡萄样品。结果表明,在河岸葡萄上观察到脉斑驳病典型症状,在110R上观察到脉坏死病典型症状,在沙地葡萄圣乔治上观察到斑点病和扇叶病典型症状,在Kober5BB上观察到叶片黄斑和皱缩症状,在LN33上观察到卷叶病症状。其中河岸葡萄显症最早,嫁接后3个月即表现症状,其余则在第2年春季开始表现症状。  相似文献   

Water scarcity is a key limiting factor in agriculture. Grapevines react at the physiological, biochemical and genetic level to tolerate water constraints. Even though grapevines are considered relatively tolerant to water deficits, grapevine growth and yield can be seriously reduced under water deficit. Drought‐tolerant rootstocks are expected to enable the scion to grow and yield when water supply is limited. Genetic machinery allows rootstocks to control water extraction capacity and scion transpiration. Numerous works have demonstrated the positive role of drought‐tolerant rootstocks on the control of cultivar's leaf stomatal conductance and therefore on canopy transpiration. The mechanisms, in terms of signalisation and gene functioning, need further study. Furthermore, there is no standardised methodology to rank rootstocks in terms of their tolerance to drought. A potential effect of rootstocks on stomatal development is also discussed. This review will critically discuss the current knowledge of the mechanisms of drought tolerance afforded by rootstocks, taking into account the scion/rootstock interaction, and will present some of the challenges for future investigations.  相似文献   

为了解不同葡萄品种在西部戈壁沙荒地滴灌条件下的生长及苗木成活情况,我们定植了不同类型的嫁接苗、自根苗和砧木。结果表明,在戈壁沙荒地上滴灌下定植的不同类型的苗木成活率均较高,但常用的抗寒砧木贝达的成活率则很低,不产生新根,因此在戈壁沙荒地不宜采用。  相似文献   

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