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真菌侵染是造成水果腐烂和水果及其制品中真菌毒素残留的根本原因。全球由于真菌侵染而腐烂的水果损失约占新鲜水果的20%~30%,而真菌毒素也成为危害人体健康的潜在风险。本文首先综述了水果制品中常见的6种真菌毒素的来源、稳定性及毒性,包括展青霉素、赭曲霉毒素A、黄曲霉毒素B1、交链孢酚、交链孢酚单甲醚、细交链孢菌酮酸、赭曲霉毒素A和黄曲霉毒素B1展青霉素,并分析了各种真菌毒素在不同种类水果制品中的污染状况。其次,重点从控制霉菌生长、产毒和毒素消减3个层面,综述了目前在水果采前、采后和加工3个环节真菌毒素的防控措施,并提出真菌毒素防控领域尚需进一步开展的研究,明确安全、无污染和精准的绿色防控手段为防控真菌毒素污染的发展方向,采取传统控制手段结合生物防控等新技术有望实现对真菌毒素的有效控制。  相似文献   

玉米是我国主要的储备粮种之一,营养丰富且带菌量大,在收获、储藏等过程中,易发生霉变,产生大量真菌毒素,引发储粮安全问题。本文通过一次前处理实现对玉米样品中多种毒素的提取与检测,确定了AFTB1、AFTB2、AFTG1、AFTG2、ZEN、DON共6种玉米中常见真菌毒素的高效液相色谱检测方法。为了明确玉米储藏过程中真菌毒素代谢和温度的关系,我们将前期获得的两株产毒霉菌:黄曲霉和禾谷镰刀菌,接种于无菌玉米粉中,在22、28、38℃以及常温下储藏40 d后,监测其毒素含量变化。结果表明:温度对两种菌的真菌毒素代谢能力有较大的影响,较高的温度虽然会有利于霉菌的生长繁殖,但是其代谢产毒会受到抑制,较低的温度下,虽然霉菌的生长受到抑制,但也可能产生了大量的毒素。为更好的解析霉菌在玉米储藏过程中的产毒规律,确保储粮安全提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

食品中主要真菌毒素生物合成途径研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
真菌毒素是真菌重要的次生代谢产物。食品和饲料等农产品在收获、储藏、加工过程中广泛受其污染,造成品质下降、经济损失巨大,并严重威胁人身健康。本文对食品中5种常见真菌毒素(黄曲霉毒素、赭曲霉毒素、伏马菌素、玉米赤霉烯酮和脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇)的生物合成途径分别进行阐释。采用克隆基因的传统分子生物学方法和基因组测序的现代测序技术研究发现,真菌毒素的生物合成基因大多成簇存在,该簇中包含控制合成基因表达的调控基因,并受多种应对外部环境的调控基因所控制。因此本文还结合5种真菌毒素的生物合成基因簇及其基因功能进行综合解析。真菌毒素生物合成的研究将为食品和饲料等农产品的防控、预警以及脱毒提供理论基础和指导方向。  相似文献   

<正>真菌毒素,又称霉菌毒素,是真菌在食品或饲料里生长所产生的代谢产物,对人类和动物都有害。真菌毒素可通过饮食进入人或动物体内,引起人或动物的急性或慢性中毒,进而损害机体,造成肝脏、肾脏及神经组织等的伤害。真菌毒素主要包括黄曲霉毒素、呕吐毒素、玉米赤霉烯酮赭曲霉毒素等。1960年,英国10万多只火鸡因食用被黄曲霉毒素污染的饲料而死亡,此事件发生后,真菌毒素才逐渐引起人们的重视。受全球气候变暖、干旱等因素的影响,食用和饲用农产品受真菌毒素污染的现象日趋严重,世界各地对于真菌毒  相似文献   

<正>真菌毒素是真菌产生的有毒次级代谢物,它广泛存在于粮油食品和饲料中,对人类和动物有害。一种真菌可能产生多种毒素,多种真菌可能产生同一种毒素。通常粮食或饲料中的真菌毒素并非单独存在,可能以一种或数种毒素为主,当不同毒素同时存在时,真菌毒素的毒性有累加效应(如黄曲霉毒素和赭曲霉毒素、呕吐毒素和玉米赤霉烯酮等),但并非是相加或相乘的关系。真菌毒素的毒性变化  相似文献   

正专栏介绍本专栏由谢岩黎教授团队的5篇文章组成,内容主要来源于"十三五"国家重点研发计划项目"食品加工过程中组分结构变化及品质调控机制研究"及河南省高校科技创新团队"食品营养安全检测与控制"的研究任务。本栏目以粮油食品中主要产毒真菌及其真菌毒素和食品品质为控制目标,开展基于植物源化合物在粮油食品储藏过程产毒真菌绿色防控技术、生  相似文献   

真菌毒素是一些真菌在生长繁殖过程中产生的有毒有害代谢物,其对粮油加工产业、畜牧业和食品工业造成经济损失的同时亦会威胁人类健康。粮油加工副产物中真菌毒素的污染率相对较高,这些污染的副产物用于畜牧业生产,会严重影响畜禽生产性能。对畜禽危害严重的真菌毒素主要有:黄曲霉毒素(aflatoxin,AF)、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(又称呕吐毒素,Deoxynivalenol ,DON)、赭曲霉毒素(ochratoxin,OTA)、玉米赤霉烯酮(zenralenone,ZEN)、T-2毒素(属于单端孢霉烯族毒素)、伏马毒素(fumonisin,FB)等。受真菌毒素污染的饲料和谷物颜色、气味及营养成分会发生变化,导致适口性变差,营养价值降低,还会造成畜禽生长缓慢、免疫力降低、生殖障碍甚至死亡。我国《食品卫生标准(GB2761-2017)》对粮油食品中主要真菌毒素的限量有相应的控制标准。《饲料卫生标准(GB13078-2017)》也明确规定粮油加工副产物用作饲料时其中主要六种真菌毒素的限量标准。目前常用的真菌毒素脱毒方法有物理脱毒法、化学脱毒法、脱霉剂脱毒法等。在处理霉变畜禽饲料时,前两种方法都有一定的缺陷,通常采用添加真菌毒素脱霉剂来降低其对畜禽的危害。本文阐述了饲料中常用脱霉剂吸附剂和降解菌/酶以及脱霉剂体外和体内评估方法,总结了现有吸附剂和降解菌/酶对控制粮油副产物中真菌毒素的作用效果以及使用中存在的问题,并对真菌毒素消减技术的发展方向进行了展望,以期为解决资源浪费问题,促进粮油加工副产物的高效利用提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文研究了玉米储藏期间真菌产生二氧化碳(CO2)气体的特点,试验结果表明,当灰绿曲霉等干生性真菌生长时,储藏容器中CO2浓度恒速升高;具有快速生长或产毒特点的真菌生长时则出现CO2产气率加速的过程,如玉米中以黄曲霉菌为优势菌时,储藏10 d后产生CO2气体的速率提高4.6倍。进一步研究玉米储藏期间不同原始优势菌、不同真菌生长速率及温度对产生CO2的影响,结果表明,在不同原始优势菌的玉米中均可出现黄曲霉菌的生长和产毒,黄曲霉菌为原始优势菌的AFB1产生量比其他试验组高3~7倍,它们均表现产气速率加速的特征;真菌生长速率及温度可影响储藏玉米中CO2和AFB1的产生量,但在产生AFB1的玉米中,均有CO2产气速率加速的现象。将储藏玉米中CO2产气速率变化与检出AFB1的时间相比,发现前者可提前7 d以上。因此,利用玉米储藏中真菌产生CO2的特征可预警黄曲霉毒素的污染。  相似文献   

产毒真菌污染粮食等农产品产生有毒有害的次级代谢产物,称真菌毒素,严重威胁食用和饲用产品的质量安全。较为常见的真菌毒素包括黄曲霉毒素、镰刀菌毒素脱氧雪腐镰刀烯醇、玉米赤霉烯酮等,国内外针对这些主要污染毒素制定了相应的限量标准。近年来,随着真菌毒素研究的发展和检测技术的更新,一些新型真菌毒素不断被发现。将目前尚未被列入常规风险筛查和监管、也尚无相关限量标准的真菌毒素种类,称谓新兴毒素(Emerging toxins)。目前检出频次高、污染较为严重的新兴毒素主要由镰刀菌属(Fusarium spp.)和链格孢属(Alternaria spp.)等产毒真菌产生。这些新兴真菌毒素通常与主要毒素复合污染,本文将依据现有的风险调查报告与数据,综述粮食中常见新兴镰刀菌和链格孢毒素的污染现状和毒理学研究进展,为真菌毒素的全面风险评估和管控技术研发提供依据。  相似文献   

小麦是全球第二大粮食作物,每年因病害造成小麦严重减产,品质下降。一些病原菌还能够产生真菌毒素,进一步危害小麦及其制品的质量安全,对人畜健康造成巨大危害。由镰刀菌引起的小麦赤霉病是我国最主要的小麦病害之一,由交链孢引起的小麦黑胚病也备受关注。这2种真菌既能引起小麦病害,又能产生真菌毒素,故称之为产毒病害。镰刀菌产生的脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(deoxynivalenol,DON)、玉米赤霉烯酮(zearalenone,ZEN)、伏马菌素等和交链孢产生的交链孢酚(alternariol,AOH)、交链孢酚单甲醚(alternariol monomethyl ether,AME)和细交链格孢酮酸(tenuazonic acid,Te A)等是2类病原菌产生的主要真菌毒素。本文综述了能引起小麦产毒病害的镰刀菌和交链孢的特点、真菌毒素以及病害和毒素的防控技术,尤其是2类病原菌引起的小麦病害和真菌毒素的防控。这将为后期防治小麦产毒病害及控制毒素产生的研究提供有利参考。  相似文献   

Trichothecenes are a group of mycotoxins mainly produced by fungi of the Fusarium genus. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the most abundant and important trichothecenes in food and feed, and is a significant contaminants due to its frequent occurrence in toxicologically relevant concentrations worldwide. Since toxin production depends strongly on environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, Fusarium toxin contamination can not be avoided completely. Therefore, exposure to this toxin is a permanent health risk for both humans and farm animals. As cereal crops are commonly contaminated with DON and animal diets consist mainly of cereals, it can be assumed that animals are frequently exposed to DON-contaminated feeds. Many strategies can be undertaken to reduce the toxic effect of DON. In addition to the general necessity for minimizing all risk factors that might influence the contamination of cereals with DON, such as the so-called field toxins before harvest, several post-harvest strategies can be applied to counteract possible deleterious effects of this mycotoxin in farm animals. Another approach for decontamination in feedstuffs is the use of adsorbent materials. Adsorbent materials may bind mycotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce absorption and systemic toxicity. It has been shown that some adsorbents are suitable to alleviate the toxic effects of specific mycotoxins, but its efficacy against trichothecenes is practically zero. Therefore, alternative strategies to reduce animal and human health risk are needed. The use of microbial additives is a method which uses microorganisms having the capability to detoxify mycotoxins by metabolism or degradation prior to their resorption in the gastrointestinal tract. DON has been reported to be completely transformed to de-epoxy-DON by ruminal and intestinal microflora. Eubacterium BBSH 797 was capable of DON degradation and counteracted the toxic effects of DON in animals. This review focuses on the efficacy of microbial feed additives in ameliorating the toxic effects of DON. According to the results of experiments to date, it appears that microorganisms are the main living organisms suitable for this mycotoxin biodegradation. However, the use of this approach depends on its effectiveness from both a practical and economic perspective.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites present worldwide in agricultural commodities and produced by ?lamentous fungi that cause a toxic response (mycotoxicosis) when ingested by animals. Prevention of mycotoxicoses includes pre- and post-harvest strategies. The best way to reduce the mycotoxin content in food and feed is the prevention of mycotoxin formation in the ?eld, but this is often not sufficient, so other methods are needed. To decontaminate and/or detoxify mycotoxin-contaminated food and feed, the most prevalent approach in the feed industry is the inclusion of sorbent materials in the feed thus obtaining more or less selective removal of toxins by adsorption during passage through the gastrointestinal tract. Another reliable approach is to add enzymes or microorganisms capable of detoxifying some mycotoxins. Through a comprehensive review of published reports on the strategies for mycotoxin removal, this present work aims to update our understanding of mycotoxin removal. It provides an insight into the detoxification of mycotoxin present in food and feed. In the future, more emphasis needs to be placed on adsorption of mycotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Concerning the enzymatic transformation of mycotoxins, further efforts are required in understanding detoxification reactions, the toxicity of transformation products and in the characterization of enzymes responsible for transformations.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins contamination in cereal‐based food is ubiquitous according to systematic review of the scientific documentation of worldwide mycotoxin contamination in cereal and their products between 2008 and 2018, thus representing food safety issue especially in developing tropical countries. Food processing plays a vital role to prevent mycotoxin contamination in food. Therefore, it is with great urgency to develop strategies to inhibit fungi growth and mycotoxin production during food processing. This review begins by discussing physicochemical properties of five most common mycotoxins (aflatoxins, fumonisins, ochratoxins, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone) found in cereal grains, regulation for mycotoxins in food, and their potential negative impact on human health. The fate of mycotoxins during major cereal‐based food processing including milling, breadmaking, extrusion, malting, and brewing was then summarized. In the end, traditional mitigation strategies including physical and chemical and potential application of biocontrol agent and essential oil nanoemulsions that can be applied during food processing were discussed. It indicated that no single method is currently available to completely prevent mycotoxin contamination in cereal foods.  相似文献   

真菌毒素都有强烈的毒性,有致癌、致畸、致突变作用。作为细菌的代谢产物,粮油制品中真菌毒素的污染不可避免。植物油是世界各地人们日常摄入的主要粮油制品,其安全关系到大众健康和社会稳定。植物油中真菌毒素污染是重要的食品安全隐患。本文从原料的种植、收割、储藏、加工等诸多方面介绍了植物油中真菌毒素污染状况及检测技术,并着重介绍了真菌毒素的防治,主要包括除毒和抑毒。实用、有效的植物油中真菌毒素污染的防控方法不仅可以减少国际贸易损失,更有助于保护消费者健康,是目前需要迫切发展的研究方向之一。  相似文献   

Post-harvest control strategies: minimizing mycotoxins in the food chain   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Contamination of cereal commodities by moulds and mycotoxins results in dry matter, quality, and nutritional losses and represents a significant hazard to the food chain. Most grain is harvested, dried and then stored on farm or in silos for medium/long term storage. Cereal quality is influenced by a range of interacting abiotic and biotic factors. In the so-called stored grain ecosystem, factors include grain and contaminant mould respiration, insect pests, rodents and the key environmental factors of temperature, water availability and intergranular gas composition, and preservatives which are added to conserve moist grain for animal feed. Thus knowledge of the key critical control points during harvesting, drying and storage stages in the cereal production chain are essential in developing effective prevention strategies post-harvest. Studies show that very small amounts of dry matter loss due to mould activity can be tolerated. With <0.5% dry matter loss visible moulding, mycotoxin contamination and downgrading of lots can occur. The key mycotoxigenic moulds in partially dried grain are Penicillium verrucosum (ochratoxin) in damp cool climates of Northern Europe, and Aspergillus flavus (aflatoxins), A. ochraceus (ochratoxin) and some Fusarium species (fumonisins, trichothecenes) on temperate and tropical cereals. Studies on the ecology of these species has resulted in modelling of germination, growth and mycotoxin minima and prediction of fungal contamination levels which may lead to mycotoxin contamination above the tolerable legislative limits (e.g. for ochratoxin). The effect of modified atmospheres and fumigation with sulphur dioxide and ammonia have been attempted to try and control mould spoilage in storage. Elevated CO2 of >75% are required to ensure that growth of mycotoxigenic moulds does not occur in partially dried grain. Sometimes, preservatives based on aliphatic acids have been used to prevent spoilage and mycotoxin contamination of stored commodities, especially feed. These are predominantly fungistats and attempts have been made to use alternatives such as essential oils and anti-oxidants to prevent growth and mycotoxin accumulation in partially dried grain. Interactions between spoilage and mycotoxigenic fungi and insect pests inevitably occurs in stored grain ecosystems and this can further influence contamination with mycotoxins. Effective post-harvest management of stored commodities requires clear monitoring criteria and effective implementation in relation to abiotic and biotic factors, hygiene and monitoring to ensure that mycotoxin contamination is minimised and that stored grain can proceed through the food chain for processing.  相似文献   

The quality of harvested wheat grain can deteriorate markedly during the post-harvest management stages. Biotic factors, such as grain type and ripeness, coupled with the prevailing abiotic factors, such as water content and temperature, and also preservative concentration will influence the safe storage life and the level of contamination with mycotoxins. These mycotoxins include deoxynivalenol (DON) produced pre-harvest and zearalenone (ZEA) produced post-harvest by Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium poae, respectively, ochratoxin (OTA) produced by Penicillium verrucosum post-harvest in cool damp northern European climates, and perhaps T-2 and HT-2 toxins produced by Fusarium langsethiae. This review presents recent data on the relationship between dry matter losses caused by F. graminearum under different environmental regimes (water activities, temperatures) and the level of contamination with DON. This is important as poor post-harvest drying and storage management may exacerbate DON contamination already present pre-harvest. It is thus critical to relate the environmental factors in stored wheat grain during storage, especially of intergranular relative humidity (RH) and temperature, to safe storage periods without spoilage or risk from increased DON contamination. The growth/no growth and DON/no DON (F. graminearum) and OTA/no toxin production (P. verrucosum) have been used to build a model with a simple interface to link temperature and RH values to the potential risk level which may allow growth or toxin production. This paper also considers the use of modified atmospheres, preservatives and biocontrol to minimise DON and OTA in moist wheat grain. These approaches together with clear monitoring criteria and hygiene could contribute to better post-harvest management of stored temperate cereals and ensure that mycotoxin contamination is minimised during this key phase in the food/feed chain.  相似文献   

T-2毒素是由镰刀属菌产生的一种次级代谢产物,属于单端孢霉烯族常见的A型真菌毒素。T-2毒素具有强毒性,它不仅会污染田间作物和库存谷物造成粮食产后损失,还会对人畜的健康造成巨大损害,是近年来全球范围内粮食行业和畜牧业防治的重点。目前关于T-2毒素生物毒性的研究比较深入,但关于T-2毒素脱毒,尤其是生物脱毒的研究较少。综述了T-2毒素的危害致毒机理及物理、化学、生物等脱毒方法。将获取高效脱毒酶和开发脱毒工艺作为研究重点,利于我国粮食、畜牧、副产物深加工等行业的良性发展。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate mycotoxin contamination of cereal grain commodities for feed and food production in North Western Europe during the last two decades, including trends over time and co-occurrence between toxins, and to assess possible effects of climate on the presence of mycotoxins. For these aims, analytical results related to mycotoxin contamination of cereal grain commodities, collected in the course of national monitoring programmes in Finland, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands during a 20-year period, were gathered. Historical observational weather data, including daily relative humidity, rainfall and temperature, were obtained from each of these four countries. In total 6382 records, referring to individual sample results for mycotoxin concentrations (one or more toxins) in cereal grains were available. Most records referred to wheat, barley, maize and oats. The most frequently analysed mycotoxins were deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin and zearalenone. Deoxynivalenol had the highest overall incidence of 46%, and was mainly found in wheat, maize and oats. Mycotoxins that showed co-occurrence were: deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol in oats; deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in maize and wheat; and T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin in oats. The presence of both deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in wheat increased with higher temperatures, relative humidity and rainfall during cultivation, but the presence of nivalenol was negatively associated with most of these climatic factors. The same holds for both nivalenol and deoxynivalenol in oats. This implies that climatic conditions that are conducive for one toxin may have a decreasing effect on the other. The presence of HT-2 toxin in oats showed a slight decreasing trends over time, but significant trends for other toxins showed an increasing presence during the last two decades. It is therefore useful to continue monitoring of mycotoxins. Obtained results can be used for development of predictive models for presence of mycotoxins in cereal grains.  相似文献   

镰孢菌毒素的主要类型及其收获前后的生物防控方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镰孢菌毒素是镰孢菌属真菌产生的多种有毒性的次级代谢产物的总称,在自然界中分布极为广泛,是常见的污染粮食和饲料的真菌毒素种类,严重威胁人畜健康。近年来镰孢菌毒素污染粮食和饲料的问题日益严重,已成为普遍关注的食品安全和饲料安全热点问题之一。由于农产品收获后的物理、化学的脱毒方法存在着脱毒不彻底、营养成分流失和化学试剂残留对人畜健康的不确定性等问题;因此以生物技术为基础的综合防控镰孢菌及其毒素危害的方法成为了近年来的研究热点之一。本文将重点介绍镰孢菌毒素的主要类型及其对动植物的危害,阐述农产品收获前后生物防治镰孢菌及其毒素危害的方法,并探讨各种防控方法的优缺点以及未来可能的研究方向,以期为镰孢菌毒素综合防控策略的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

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