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采用拌粮法对已感染锯谷盗和锈赤扁谷盗的稻谷原粮进行处理,以明确多杀菌素新剂型对两种储粮害虫的杀虫效果。实验结果表明,锯谷盗对多杀菌素纳米水剂的敏感性低于锈赤扁谷盗,供试药剂对锯谷盗和锈赤扁谷盗的最高校正死亡率分别为71.70%和90.29%。测定了不同浓度的多杀菌素纳米水剂与甲基嘧啶磷乳油复配防治效果,结果表明,锯谷盗和锈赤扁谷盗的校正死亡率分别在82.90%和97.95%以上,均显著高于单剂使用多杀菌素纳米水剂的防治效果。研究发现多杀菌素纳米水剂的防治效果受昆虫种类、药剂浓度、处理时间和环境温度等因素的影响。在实际应用中,可结合多种影响因素,改进应用技术,综合制定防治策略,有效防治储粮害虫。  相似文献   

针对储粮害虫的磷化氢抗性问题,采用电子加速器对长角扁谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗和土耳其扁谷盗成虫及小麦进行辐照处理,研究了0-1000 Gy的电子束辐照对这三种害虫的致死效应,分析了它们对辐照的敏感性,并研究了0-5000 Gy剂量辐照下小麦的加工品质。结果表明,电子束辐照处理对三种害虫的致死规律大致相同,其对电子束的敏感性存在差异,但差异不显著。电子束辐照对小麦的出粉率、湿面筋含量影响不显著(p>0.05),但面团的流变学特性变化明显。与对照相比,经3000 Gy及以上剂量辐照的小麦粉的面团形成时间和稳定时间显著下降(p<0.05)。因此,100-2000 Gy辐照剂量可以作为辐照防治扁甲科储粮害虫的适宜剂量。  相似文献   

4种烟剂对空仓储粮害虫成虫的药效试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对目前用于防治储粮害虫的空仓杀虫剂杀虫效果差,施用操作麻烦,杀虫剂对操作人员身体危害大等问题,在空仓环境内,进行了残杀威、敌百虫、溴氰菊酯及高效氯氰菊酯4种烟剂对谷蠹、米象、赤拟谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗、锯谷盗和嗜卷书虱等6种储粮害虫成虫的防治效果测试。结果表明,2.5%溴氰菊酯烟剂杀虫效果最好,100%杀死试虫;2%高效氯氰菊酯烟剂杀虫效果次之,试虫死亡率在99.3%以上;20%残杀威的触杀效果较溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯差一些,赤拟谷盗试虫死亡率85%以上;30%敌百虫烟剂的触杀作用较差,谷蠹和锈赤扁谷盗试虫的死亡率在85%以上。  相似文献   

采用硫酰氟以21 g/m~3的剂量,对7 818 t散存小麦进行熏蒸杀虫,探索硫酰氟对储粮害虫锈赤扁谷盗的熏杀效果,结果表明:其杀虫效果明显好于磷化氢,且密闭时间短。  相似文献   

新型绿色储粮防护剂实仓防虫效果初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价4%蛇床子素粉剂在高大平房仓和浅圆仓防治储粮害虫效果,采用100mg/kg剂量粮堆表层50cm拌粮的方法对储存玉米进行防治害虫效果研究。结果表明:蛇床子素对玉米象、锈赤扁谷盗和印度谷螟具有较好的防治作用,对仓房湿度、粮温和粮食品质无影响,达到防治储粮害虫的要求。  相似文献   

研究了不同饥饿条件下6种重要储粮害虫赤拟谷盗、锯谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗、米象、谷蠹和烟草甲成虫的耐饥饿能力。研究结果表明,对于羽化后1周龄的6种储粮害虫成虫,赤拟谷盗和烟草甲成虫耐饥饿能力较强,耐饥饿时间可达到30 d以上,其次为锯谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗和谷蠹成虫,耐饥饿时间可达到15 d以上,米象成虫耐饥性最弱,7 d后死亡率即达到100%。食物气味对参试成虫的耐饥饿能力具有一定影响,其影响作用大小与储粮害虫种类有关。锈赤扁谷盗成虫的耐饥饿能力受食物气味影响最大,有食物气味存在时其存活时间可以延长7 d。本研究结果对科学实施储粮害虫综合治理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了评价4%蛇床子素粉剂在高大平房仓、立筒仓和浅圆仓防治储粮害虫效果,采用20 g/t剂量粮堆表层50 cm拌粮的方法对储存玉米进行防治害虫效果研究。结果表明:蛇床子素对玉米象、锈赤扁谷盗和印度谷螟具有较好的防治作用,对仓房湿度和粮温等无影响,基本达到防治储粮害虫的要求。  相似文献   

猕猴桃汁射频杀菌工艺初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究选用鲜榨猕猴桃汁为研究对象,以沙门氏菌为受试菌,使用固定频率为27.12MHz的射频设备进行处理,研究了处理时间、极板间距以及猕猴桃汁厚度对射频杀菌效果的影响。通过正交实验得出射频杀菌的最优条件为:极板间距105mm、处理时间210s、猕猴桃汁厚度为45mm。该条件下射频处理可使猕猴桃汁中的沙门氏菌下降8个以上数量级。同时,本研究还比较了巴氏杀菌和射频杀菌对猕猴桃汁中维生素C含量的影响,结果表明相比巴氏杀菌,射频杀菌能更好地保持猕猴桃汁中维生素C。  相似文献   

以粮虫陷井检测器为工具,研究了进口小麦虫害发生情况。检测结果表明:澳大利亚进口小麦中有玉米象、谷蠹、长角谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗、书虱等5种害虫;加拿大进口小麦中有玉米象、谷蠹、书虱3种害虫;未发现我国对外规定的检疫性害虫。分析了虫害来源,提供了对进口粮检疫监管的依据。  相似文献   

针对目前用于防治储粮害虫的空仓杀虫剂效果差,易增加储粮害虫的抗药性,对操作人员身体危害大等问题,在空仓环境内进行了国内自行研制移动式喷粉机干法喷施食品级惰性粉对谷蠹、玉米象、锯谷盗、赤拟谷盗和锈赤扁谷盗等5种储粮害虫成虫的防治效果测试。结果表明,喷粉机施药效果好,药剂形成尘雾分散均匀,在仓房各个方位无明显差异,形成的药膜可在3天内100%杀死供试的储粮害虫成虫。  相似文献   

The use of radio frequency (RF) heating to reach temperatures lethal to stored product pests has significant potential. We examined the lethal effects of RF on the stored grain pest, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), under four different RFs, three types of grain, and different moisture contents of rice. The quality of two rice cultivars, after RF heating, was also tested. When heated to 58 °C by RF, R. dominica adult mortality reached 100%. The mortality of R. dominica adults reached 100%. The fastest mortality rate occurred at 50–52 °C. With an increase in RF, the time needed to attain a lethal temperature decreased. The heating time to reach 100% mortality differed among the three types of grain; for example, the heating time of wheat was faster than corn or rice. Kernel size and chemical composition was the main factor influencing the RF lethal rate in the different types of grain under the same experimental conditions. There was a significant linear relationship between moisture content (m.c.) and heating time (Y = −38.05 X + 15.501, R = 0.9803) in rice. RF heating of rice to 58 °C did not significantly affect milling quality, storage quality, or seed quality. Thus, heating time, types of grain, and the m.c. of the grains are three important factors that should be considered in RF heating to control stored product pests. These results indicate that RF heating could be an effective physical method for killing stored grain pests.  相似文献   

长期以来储粮害虫给粮食储物带来严重损失,为寻找一种安全高效、环境友好的储粮害虫防治方法替代化学防治,本文研究储粮害虫的运动行为。采用计算机视觉技术对视频图像逐帧处理,运用匈牙利算法对多个储粮害虫目标轨迹跟踪,并结合长短期记忆网络(long short-term memory, LSTM)与余弦相似度方法解决多个储粮害虫在运动过程中目标重叠的问题。实验结果表明,该方法在137个储粮害虫正常运动视频中达到98.5%的跟踪准确度,在58个含有目标重叠的视频中达到89.7%的准确度。最后计算实时运动行为指标,如行走距离、行走速度、行走方向等,这为分析在热处理、熏蒸、气调等杀虫过程中储粮害虫运动行为,推算其移动范围并依此调整杀虫强度,从而控制成本以达到最好的杀虫效果提供理论支持,为建立高效的储粮害虫防治方案提供一种策略参考。  相似文献   

储粮害虫绿色生态防控是我国粮食绿色仓储提升行动的重要任务之一,捕食螨防治储粮害虫是一种利用生态因子抑制储粮害虫的生物防治技术。马六甲肉食螨通过取食害虫和害螨的卵及低龄幼虫达到控制有害生物种群的目的。具有分布广、数量多、捕食虫谱广和捕食量大等优点,是我国粮库中的优势捕食螨。本文简述了储粮害虫捕食螨的防控技术,并结合团队近几年的研究,分析了马六甲肉食螨防控储粮害虫优势与进展,以及马六甲肉食螨人工扩繁技术和粮库防控释放技术,实仓应用情况。该技术成本低廉、操作便捷,而且无污染、无抗性,为绿色、生态、安全的储粮害虫综合防控和化学药剂减量提供参考。  相似文献   

以储粮害虫及稻谷为实验对象,采用不同微波功率、稻谷微波加热温度及缓苏时间对试虫致死率、稻谷爆腰增率、食味值进行研究,综合响应面分析法与满意度函数进行工艺操作参数优化。结果表明:微波缓苏操作的实际最优工艺参数为:微波功率5.4 kW、微波加热温度59.7 °C、缓苏时间2.45 h,此时满意度函数值为最大0.866。经检验,最佳工艺参数进行优化的满意度与理论预测值无显著差异(P>0.05),优化结果可靠有效,为稻谷中微波杀虫的应用提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This article provides a comprehensive review of the disinfestation of insects in stored agricultural materials using radio frequency (RF) and microwave (MW) heating. It covers RF and MW disinfestation principles; measurement methods and effects of the operating parameters on dielectric properties; comparison between RF and MW and their effect on the mortality of different insects, quality of the host materials after disinfestation, and heating uniformity; and disinfestation economics. This review shows that RF and MW disinfestation are useful without affecting the quality of the host materials. However, RF heating is being preferred over MW heating for its higher selective heating characteristic.  相似文献   

为阐明储粮环境中害虫发生与CO_2气体含量变化的关系,研究不同含水量的小麦感染不同虫口密度(0、2、5、10、20、30头/kg)米象后储藏环境中CO_2气体体积分数变化的情况。结果表明:对于含水量相同的储藏小麦,储藏环境中CO_2气体体积分数随虫口密度的增加和储藏时间的延长而显著增加。对于含水量12%的小麦,初始感染虫口密度为30头/kg的储粮环境中CO_2气体体积分数最初为0.413%,在第30天达到最大值为14.777%。对于含水量14%的小麦,初始感染虫口密度为30头/kg的储粮环境中CO_2气体体积分数最初为0.720%,在第15天达到最大值为17.197%。本研究结果为今后通过检测CO_2体积分数变化来监测粮堆中虫害发生情况提供了可靠信息。  相似文献   

在我国,如何对杀虫效果进行评估,以提高防治措施的有效性和经济性,是粮库在害虫防治方面亟待解决的一个问题。目前,我国一些粮库已经安装了储粮害虫图像采集装置,因此本研究提出一种基于视频检测的储粮害虫死亡评估算法,用来检测杀虫过程中害虫死亡的具体数量变化情况。算法的核心是基于深度卷积神经网络的双流法网络,综合图像目标检测算法和两帧差分法进行识别,实现视频数据中害虫的定位与识别。测试结果表明本算法可有效检测储粮害虫的死亡情况,检测平均正确率可以达到89.3%。  相似文献   

Gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2), which is a strong disinfecting agent with strong oxidation properties and penetration ability, is used to control insect pests and fungal contamination in stored grains. However, the effect of gaseous ClO2 on stored grain has yet to be reported. In the present study, we exposed rice and wheat seeds to several concentrations of ClO2 gas for various durations and found that the viability of rice was affected less than that of wheat. After 100 ppm of gaseous ClO2 for 12 h, the normal rice seedling rate was not significantly different than that of the control. However, that of wheat was significantly decreased. We also measured the ClO2 residueon stored rice and wheat after 200 ppm of gas treatment for 24 h. After 10 days of storage following the treatment, ClO2 and chlorine were not detected on either rice or wheat. Chlorite was detected on rice at 0.22 mg/kg of grain; however, it was not detected on wheat. These results suggest that gaseous ClO2 treatment affects the viability of rice and wheat seed but leaves minimal chemical residue.  相似文献   

针对小麦蛀食性害虫过去检测缺乏有效的技术手段问题,本研究将太赫兹成像检测应用到麦粒内部结构检测。首先,在太赫兹光谱仪加装反射成像模块,设置回波时延30~33 ps,对麦粒内部结构进行太赫兹层析成像;然后,针对麦粒内部结构太赫兹剖面图,采用最大类间方差法分割图像中的蛀食区域,并引入遗传算法,提高了最大类间方差法求解最佳阈值的效率,实验结果表明,本文的方法能够有效地识别出麦粒内部的虫蛀区域。  相似文献   

Numerous non-native insect pests are moved around the world via international trade and have caused major forestry losses, especially for pine trees. The purpose of this research was to study a potential application of radio frequency (RF) heating for disinfesting pine wood products to reduce forestry damage caused by exotic pests. A pilot-scale 6 kW, 27.12 MHz RF system was used to develop a treatment protocol for disinfesting pine wood products based on the heating uniformity studies. The results showed that the heating time needed was only 6.7 min to heat the wood blocks (250?×?400?×?60 mm3) with moisture content of 13.3% d.b. from 25 to 60?°C using RF energy, but 320 min to reach 56.2?°C using hot air at 60?°C with 1.6 m/s. Based on the heating uniformity study, the best condition occurred when the lower wood moisture content was used and the wood width approached the RF electrode one. The RF treatment protocol was finally developed to combine RF energy with forced hot air at 60?°C, movement of conveyor at 7.4 m/h and holding at 60?°C hot air for 1 min. Wood quality was not affected significantly by the RF treatments because quality parameters of treated wood samples were similar to those of controls. The RF treatment may provide a rapid, effective and environmentally friendly method to disinfest wood products.  相似文献   

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