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石元法  郑涌泉 《丝绸》1991,(8):53-54
日本蚕茧产量逐年减少的的趋势已难逆转,但日本人民每年衣着等人均耗丝量仍维持在百克以上,居世界之冠。为了将有限的蚕茧,多缫丝,缫好丝,必须考虑如何能充分利用各种畸形茧、蔟着茧、薄皮茧、死笼茧、烂茧等劣质茧,顺利缫丝,其关键是改革煮茧工艺与设备。一种新型三联式双V形槽煮茧机就此应运而生,它能适合于各种优、劣质茧的煮茧加工,其具体结构如下:  相似文献   

煮茧前处理,是各丝厂对劣质茧采取的一种新工艺,对多种小庄口混合而成的庄口造成丝故障特别多,严重科量、质量和消耗等现象,笔者经过数十次的试验而摸索出一次新工艺--二次触蒸,真空渗透煮茧。  相似文献   

本文用差热分析、X射线衍射、红外吸收光谱的测试方法,对不同性能蚕茧的茧丝聚集态结构变化规律进行了探讨。结果表明,优质茧的丝素聚集态结构排列密实,有序,结晶度高于劣质茧丝素。提高丝素的结晶度,有利于茧丝强力和茧的解舒率提高;劣质茧比优质茧的丝胶聚集态结构紧密,结晶度亦较高,导致丝胶膨润溶解性下降,这是劣质茧解舒差的内在原因之一。  相似文献   

煮茧前触蒸处理,是近几年来各丝厂对劣质茧所采取的一种新工艺,而本文是笔者在生产实践中,对多种小庄口混合而成的大庄口造成的厂丝故障特别多,严重影响产量,质量和消化等现象,经过数十次的试验而摸索出的另一种新工艺-二次触蒸,真空渗透煮茧。  相似文献   

徐作耀 《丝绸》1989,(6):48-50
一、茧检定的目的日本根据茧检定的法规,对蚕茧的选除茧率、茧丝长、解舒率、茧丝纤度和出丝率等进行内在质量检定,实行“优质高价、劣质低价”的公平交易,充分调动了广大蚕农  相似文献   

以前提过经过NH_3处理的干茧,能够提高解舒率。但是,若氨气的用量过多,又经长时间煮茧,则生丝出丝率有减少的倾向。本研究经过NH_3的适当处理方法和影响茧解舒的原理,通过缫制以后的生丝的应力缓和动态,1粒缫茧丝不同部位吸湿速度和比重的不同,得到以下的结果。原料与方法1.供试茧和试验材料  相似文献   

应用单片机设计一套解舒张力测试系统,可检测出全茧或任意丝长内的解舒张力分布状况,并且显示或打印出各区间的张力平均值、方差,单位丝长内解舒张力的峰值,小张力值出现个数及张力变化波形图,根据这些特征值反映煮茧工艺的状况,并通过系统性能检测及其初步应用,探讨了测试煮熟茧的煮熟度,为制订适宜的煮茧工艺提供依据的可能性。  相似文献   

家蚕天然有色茧品种间色素差异及烘茧对茧层色素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了不同茧色蚕品种的血液、丝腺、内外茧层中色素含量及成分的差异,调查了烘茧处理对茧层色素的影响。结果表明:绿茧品种几乎不含类胡萝卜素,而其血液中黄酮类化合物的成分与丝腺和茧层的不同;黄红茧系品种黄酮类化合物的含量高出类胡萝卜素10倍以上,其成分有异于绿色茧,另外茧层中类胡萝卜素的成分有异于血液和(或)丝腺。烘茧处理对绿茧、黄茧及红茧的色素含量和成分无不良影响。  相似文献   

实行“组合售茧、缫丝计价”的地区,蚕茧的作价原则是以解茧出丝率定基本茧价,以茧的解舒丝长补正,前者检定公量,后者检定质量。可见解茧出丝率是构成茧价的主要部分,因此,探讨准确检验鲜茧出丝率有着重要的意义。影响出丝率的因素较多,可分为工艺参数和操作两大方面。检验不同于生产,制丝厂总的要求是在降低消耗的同时,提高产品质量。即多出丝,出好丝。而检验要求严格按照方法标准执行,力求操作水平稳定,工艺执行一致,机器设备运转稳定可靠。所  相似文献   

最近,由于原料茧不足,本来解舒不良茧应该选掉,但现在要用来缫丝,有些缫丝厂对解舒不良茧的处理很头痛。在这些原料茧中不可能把解舒特别不好的茧在自动缫丝机上单独缫丝。象这种解舒不良茧和解舒好的茧混合缫  相似文献   

干燥方法对金银花的质量影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈德经 《食品科学》2006,27(11):277-279
通过对金银花的不同干燥方法比较,干燥方法对金银花的质量有较大影响。在色泽方面,微波干燥和烘干的为绿色,晒干和真空干燥的为黄绿色,真空冷冻干燥的为褐色;在绿原酸的含量上,微波干燥的为5.93%,晒干的为5.17%,烘干的为5.53%,真空干燥的为3.95%,真空冷冻干燥的为3.35%;干燥后每g金银花的含菌量分别为:微波干燥的细菌总数2×103,晒干的为3.4×105,烘干的为1.4×105,真空干燥6×104,真空冷冻干燥为4×104。结果表明微波干燥最适合金银花的干燥。  相似文献   

This study compared the pattern of whey separation determined by siphon, drainage and centrifugation method in set yogurts as affected by solid contents (9% and 14%) and exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing starter cultures. The level of whey separation determined by all three methods decreased as the total solids increased. There was a further decrease in whey separation in yogurts made using EPS-producing starter cultures as determined by the siphon method at both solid contents as compared with those made with non-EPS starter cultures. There was no difference in the level of whey separation as determined by the drainage method in products made at the same solids content (both 9% and 14%). A higher level of whey separation was observed in the product made using EPS starter cultures as determined by centrifugation method than that with non-EPS starter cultures at 9% solids. At 14% solids level, the values were higher in the product made by non-EPS starter cultures than that made with EPS starter cultures.  相似文献   

采用中性改性剂氟化钠(NaF)对钙基膨润土进行改性,分析了改性土的结构形态及其助留助滤效果。X射线衍射分析表明,在NaF用量4%时可以将膨润土中的Ca~(2 )交换完全。与常规Na_2CO_3改性膨润土相比,NaF改性膨润土呈完全剥离的片状结构,具有更好的胶体与分散性能,粒度小、悬浮液流动性好且对二次纤维浆料具有更好的助留助滤效果,尤其是放置28d后仍能保持良好的助留助滤效果。各种改性膨润土的物化性能与助留助滤效果均与钠改性剂的用量有关,且在膨润土刚好完全钠化时助留助滤效果最好。  相似文献   

张剑  杨新妮  陶托炎  高冰 《中国酿造》2012,31(8):137-139
研究了以二(2-乙基己基)磷酸酯为迁移载体,环己烷为溶剂,Span 80为液膜增强剂,不同氢离子浓度为内外水相传质推动力,构成的液膜体系对L-赖氨酸的萃取行为.建立了以Fe2+为示踪的分光光度法测定液膜破损率方法.探讨了L-赖氨酸在液膜体系中的迁移机理.  相似文献   

The physiological role of D-aspartate oxidase (ChDASPO) in the yeast Cryptococcus humicola was analysed through the growth characteristics of a ChDASPO gene-disrupted strain (daspoDelta) and the expression profile of ChDASPO on various combinations of carbon and nitrogen sources. The daspoDelta strain, constructed by homologous integration of the yeast URA3 marker, grew as well as the wild-type strain on ammonium chloride, L-aspartate or D-alanine as the sole nitrogen source. In contrast, the daspoDelta strain did not grow at all on D-aspartate, not only as the sole nitrogen source but also as the sole carbon source or as the sole nitrogen and carbon source, and grew more slowly than the wild-type strain on D-glutamate as the sole nitrogen source. In the wild-type strain, the induction of ChDASPO activity strictly depended on the presence of D-aspartate and was little affected by the co-presence of ammonium chloride, but it was significantly reduced by the co-presence of both glucose and ammonium chloride, which, however, did not abolish the induction, allowing considerable expression of ChDASPO. This expression pattern was consistent with that shown by Northern blot analysis. The daspoDelta strain was more sensitive than the wild-type to the growth retardation by acidic D-amino acids, but not to that by the corresponding L-isomers or D-alanine. These results clearly show that in the yeast, DASPO plays an essential role in the assimilation of D-aspartate and acts as a detoxifying agent for D-aspartate.  相似文献   

赵国钧 《丝绸》1993,(9):37-39
应用相转移催化剂,用脂肪族二元醇和环氧氯丙烷一步法合成二环氧缩水甘油醚,其产率高,耗能低,不产生污染,由于选用涤纶厂回收溶剂作原料,成本大为降低。用该整理剂处理真丝绸,只需一相处理,省力省时,效率提高,产品质量稳定,抗皱防缩效果好,并能保持真丝绸手感柔软、滑爽的性能,且不泛黄。  相似文献   

以蔗糖为底物双酶法合成直链糊精   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用蔗糖磷酸化酶和葡聚糖磷酸化酶合成直链糊精,并对工艺条件进行优化。以蔗糖为底物,在添加磷酸盐的条件下,蔗糖磷酸化酶催化反应,生成中间产物葡萄糖-1-磷酸,选用液质联用仪鉴定葡萄糖-1-磷酸的产生;加入麦芽四糖作引物,葡聚糖磷酸化酶催化合成直链糊精,用高效离子交换色谱分析终产物直链糊精的聚合度分布。通过单因素实验,分别研究酶浓度、反应时间、pH及温度对两步反应的影响。蔗糖磷酸化酶催化生成中间产物葡萄糖-1-磷酸的优化工艺条件为:酶浓度4.0 U/mL、反应时间4 h、pH 6.5、温度40℃;葡聚糖磷酸化酶催化合成直链糊精的优化工艺条件为:酶浓度5.0 U/mL、反应时间4 h、pH 4.5、温度40℃。  相似文献   

Protein oligomers (2.9 × 104-3.0 × 105 g/mol) were introduced into yoghurt in amounts of 15-37% of the total protein by an enzymatic modification of proteins in yoghurt milk by lactoperoxidase, laccase or glucose oxidase as well as by a dry matter increase of yoghurt milk with sodium caseinate/lactose, sodium caseinate/pectin and total milk protein/lactose Maillard products. Yoghurt from enzymatically treated milk was characterised by an up to 10% lower acidity, up to 47% diminished gel strength and up to 18% decreased whey drainage than yoghurt from untreated milk. Yoghurt from protein/saccharide Maillard product enriched milk exhibited up to 4% reduced acidity, up to 27% increased acetic aldehyde content as well as up to 58% decreased whey drainage in relation to yoghurt from untreated protein/saccharide mixture enriched milk. Sensorically, yoghurt from enzymatically treated milk as well as from protein/saccharide Maillard product enriched milk was described by an even and whey-draining appearance, by a soft, homogeneous and creamy consistency as well as by a mild, less yoghurt characteristic taste and smell.This study for the first time presents an overview over the impact of novel protein oligomerisation techniques on physicochemical and sensory properties of yoghurt in regard to possible practical applications of an enzymatic as well as Maillard reaction induced oligomerisation in complex food systems.  相似文献   

文章从时尚产业对服装面料开发影响的视角,提出了时尚驱动下的服装面料开发方式,包括服装品牌引领的面料开发、生活方式引导下的面料开发、新技术激发的面料开发、文化引领下的面料开发等新方式、新手段。最后指出,中国服装面料的开发应尽快步入时尚行列,改变长期以来将面料开发视为纯粹的技术问题的局面。  相似文献   

王民俊 《酿酒科技》2004,(3):120-120,119
玉冰烧酒饼虽形状类似大曲,但它是以小曲为曲母接种,主要含根霉和酵母菌种,属小曲范畴。玉冰烧酒饼以大豆和大米为主要原料,接入小曲曲种和曲药(曲药配方为串珠叶和桂皮)。以白癣土为填充料,按传统方法制作而成。(陶然)  相似文献   

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