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第29届家居用品博览会于8月落幕。本届展会的专业买家和观展人数创历史新高,共有来自巴西和世界各地25个国家的专业采购商和企业代表38640人出席了本届盛会,观众数量比预期的目标高出了10%,观众的地理分布涵盖阿根延、厄瓜多尔、巴拉圭、智利、中国、埃及、日本、美国、加拿大、墨西哥、法国、意大利、西班牙、荷兰、葡萄牙、英国、澳大利亚、以色列、印度、乌拉圭、危地马拦、玻利维亚、特立尼达和多巴哥等25个国家和地区。  相似文献   

成本、利润、预算、研发、定位、计划、结构、价格、物流、库存、数据、销售、陈列、店务……这些敏感的话题,都是服装企业家、设计师和经理人们在工作中要经常面对的问题,也是日复一日折磨着在路上前进着的中国服装品牌企业的难题。在专业买手的眼中,这些问题的答案是怎样的呢?  相似文献   

HACCP质量管理体系在葡萄酒生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
麦金凤 《酿酒科技》2007,(2):107-109
HACCP质量控制体系在葡萄酒生产中的应用包括:生产危害分析、确定关键控制点、制定HACCP系统档案记录及评估等.潜在的危害有生物性危害、化学性危害、物理性危害;关键控制点有原料的质量及清洗、设备的清洗及消毒、发酵的控制、倒酒、过滤、澄清等;HACCP体系控制表的内容有关键控制点(CCP)、显著危害、关键控制限度(CL)、监控措施、纠偏措施等项目;HACCP体系的系统档案包括原料的验收、清洗、发酵、倒酒、下胶、澄清、灌装等关键工序的记录、归档、保存等.  相似文献   

中国古代将灵芝作为可起死回生的仙草,并有不少神奇的传说。现代医学研究的成果揭开了灵芝神秘的面纱。研究表明灵芝对人体有益的成分有数千种,归纳起来主要是甾醇类、三萜类、生物碱、多糖类、氨基酸多肽;此外,灵芝中还含有多种微量元素,包括锰、镁、钙、铜、硒、锶、钡、锌、铁、锗、磷、硼、铬、镍、矾、钛等,  相似文献   

永外城市场目前有文具办公用品大楼、体育用品大楼和礼品大楼三大类专业商品的经营场所。其中体育用品大楼经营品类齐全,有乒乓球系列、羽网拍系列、棋牌类、泳具泳装、运动服装、运动鞋、健身器材、中西乐器、武术系列等。拥有红双喜、利生、世达、强力、邓亚萍、祖迪斯、麦斯卡、双鱼、兰华、CBA、斯伯丁、王子、威尔夫等国内外众多知名品牌的体育用品,是北京最大的体育用品专业批发集散中心。  相似文献   

夏季养生食物选择夏天养心安神之品有茯苓、麦冬、小枣、莲子、百合、竹叶、柏子仁等,这些都能起到养心安神的作用。在饮食方面,应多吃小米、玉米、豆类、鱼类、洋葱、土豆、冬瓜、苦瓜、芹菜、芦笋、南瓜、香蕉、苹果等,少吃动物内脏、鸡蛋黄、肥肉、鱼子、虾等,少吃过咸的食物,如咸鱼、咸菜等。  相似文献   

胡金 《现代家电》2014,(11):57-57
<正>2014年5月21日,中国家电网主办的"智领健康!激发新动力——2014中国冰箱行业高峰论坛"在北京召开,海尔、卡萨帝、美的、容声、美菱、海信、帝度、博世、西门子、夏普、松下、三星、LG、伊莱克斯、倍科、荣事达、TCL、康佳、统帅、新飞、澳柯玛、华日、索伊、韩  相似文献   

到澳大利亚,逛海鲜市场,品海鲜佳肴是必不可少的。澳大利亚的海鲜都是深海鱼类,这里的帝王蟹、龙虾、大钳龙虾、西部石龙虾、生蚝、鲜虾、鲍鱼、带子、吞拿鱼、三文鱼、沙丁鱼、鲑鱼、太阳鱼、鲈鱼、鳕鱼.  相似文献   

史莱克 《中国烹饪》2009,(12):12-14
所谓黑色食品,主要是指含有黑色素和带有黑色字眼的粮、油、果、蔬、菌类食品。常用的黑色食品有:黑米、黑麦、紫米、黑养麦、黑豆、黑豆豉、黑芝麻、黑木耳、黑香菇、紫菜、发莱、海带、黑桑椹、黑枣、栗子、龙眼肉、黑葡萄、黑松子、乌骨鸡、黑海参、黑蚂蚁莱等等。  相似文献   

贺军成 《烹调知识》2012,(11):74-74
日常饮食中有七种辣食有很好的保健养生作用,不妨根据自己身体的具体情况经常多吃一点。萝卜增强免疫力萝卜是一种廉价的蔬菜,营养却十分丰富。萝卜除了含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、食物纤维、维生素、钾、钠、钙、铁、锌外,还含有淀粉酶、氧化酶、胡萝卜素、甲硫素、菜菔甙、咖啡酸、香豆酸、阿魏酸等人体必需的成分。  相似文献   

Tree nuts are important economic crops and are consumed as healthy snacks worldwide. In recent years, the increasing needs for more efficient and effective postharvest processing technologies have been driven by the growing production, higher quality standards, stricter food safety requirements, development of new harvesting methods, and demand to achieve energy saving and carbon neutralization. Among all, the technologies related to drying, disinfection, and disinfestation and downstream processes, such as blanching, kernel peeling, and roasting, are the most important processes influencing the quality and safety of the products. These processes make up the largest contribution to the energy consumptions and environmental impacts stemming from tree nut production. Although many studies have been conducted to improve the processing efficiency and sustainability, and preserve the product quality and safety, information from these studies is fragmented and a centralized review highlighting the important technology advancements of postharvest processing of tree nuts would benefit the industry. In this comprehensive review, almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are selected as the representative crops of tree nuts. Current statuses, recent advances, and ongoing challenges in the scientific research as well as in the industrial processing practices of these tree nuts are summarized. Some new perspectives and applications of tree nut processing waste and by-products (such as the hulls and shells) are also discussed. In addition, future trends and research needs are highlighted. The material presented here will help both stakeholders and scientists to better understand postharvest tree nut processing and provide technological recommendations to improve the efficiency and sustainability, product quality and safety, and competitiveness of the industry.  相似文献   

探讨饲喂磺胺间甲氧嘧啶对鸡体质量以及鸡肉中水分、蛋白质、脂肪和矿物质元素含量变化的影响规律。本实验通过对160 只健康大骨鸡进行磺胺间甲氧嘧啶对照(仅饲喂基础日粮)、低、中、高剂量(0、25、200、500 mg/(kg·d))连续7 d给药,停药后16 d内采6 次样,取样前对鸡进行称质量,并检测鸡肉中水分、蛋白质、脂肪和矿物质元素(铁、铜、镁、锌和钙)的含量。结果表明:停药后16 d内,低剂量组鸡体质量显著增加,蛋白质和镁元素的含量升高;中剂量组鸡体内水分、脂肪和钙元素含量显著升高,铁元素含量显著降低;高剂量组鸡体质量增加缓慢且显著低于对照组,鸡肉中蛋白质、脂肪和铁元素的含量均显著降低。  相似文献   

Dairy foods provide a significant portion of the recommended daily nutrition for much of the US population. Improving the availability of safe and nutritious dairy products and decreasing the environmental impact of the dairy community continue to be high priorities for both industry and the public sector. In recognition of these shared priorities, scientists and other specialists from the USDA, National Dairy Council, industry, academia, and nongovernmental organizations participated in the “Elevating Dairy Research and Extension Through Partnership” meeting on June 19, 2018. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen partnerships and identify dairy-related research and extension needs in human nutrition, environmental sustainability, food safety, and product innovation that would benefit from enhanced coordination and collaboration across the dairy community, academia, and government. To catalyze further progress on these topics, the meeting organizers agreed to leverage the content and expertise that emerged from the meeting to develop a dairy research and extension coordination roadmap. The roadmap will establish and articulate a vision for coordinated collaboration between USDA researchers, the National Dairy Council, university researchers, extension specialists, and other dairy community stakeholders in the private and public sectors. This article represents the proceedings of the meeting and is intended to broadly communicate the dairy research and extension discussion and next steps to the dairy research and extension communities and other stakeholders in industry, academic, and government sectors.  相似文献   


This article investigates the relationship between people and their things when the consumer or owner is also, potentially, the maker. By analyzing the ways in which people construct personal narratives and/or identities through the construction of specific items intended for themselves or others, this article aims to uncover intimate forms of object relations. Knitting is a relatively simple activity and is frequently done by hand. Stigmatized as old-fashioned, ugly, thrifty, domestic, and inherently feminine, both knitting and the objects resulting from its practice seemingly occupy a space that is neither craft nor design, yet the practice of knitting remains widespread and its objects, coveted, loved, accepted, rejected, and so on, as any object would be. Knitting has historically been associated with both familial and romantic love: of time spent thinking of someone whilst making, with the made object an expression of the sacrifice of time, of thoughtfulness, and the embodiment of feminine “virtues” of caring and nurturing. Equally, one can see the knitted object, when it is a garment or a toy, as close to the body, touching and being touched by the body, further extending its potential for intimacy. Yet, the communication of these values are only recognized if the object is received and used as the maker intended, and this article aims to highlight, through example, the ways in which such objects do not solely represent “love,” but also signify possessiveness, control, and domination. Referencing literature, magazine articles, objects, and makers’ testimony, this article utilizes a design history and material culture methodology, which enables the discussion of both object and practice, as well as creating a model from which the object's biography can be evaluated.  相似文献   

养殖珍珠质量影响因素分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对珍珠的表面和内部结构特征的观察,对产出珍珠的蚌的大小、体色、健康状况、产珠部位与珍珠的质量(光泽、颜色、形状、大小等)的关系进行了统计分析,认为珍珠的质量主要由珍珠的成分和结构决定。蚌或贝的种类、生长条件、养殖技术以及养殖厂的管理技术水平对珍珠的质量也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

虾类中因富含大量人体必需氨基酸、微量营养素而备受关注。本文介绍了虾类的基本信息及其在储藏加工过程中主要存在的黑变问题和机制,以及各种虾保鲜、抑制黑变的方法。首先介绍了化学方法,包括现阶段正在使用或已被研究的化学合成试剂及天然试剂的作用机制及相关研究。主要的化学合成试剂有乙二胺四乙酸、4-己基间苯二酚、亚硫酸盐、焦亚硫酸钠、氯化钠等。天然试剂主要包括抗坏血酸、植酸、阿魏酸、曲酸、麦角硫因、儿茶酚、葡萄籽、竹叶抗氧化物、茶黄素、壳聚糖、紫菜多糖、鳄梨等;物理方法包括调控温度、气调保鲜、辐射、可食用性涂抹材料、冰保鲜冰、压力调控、臭氧等;其他新兴方法包括乳酸菌法、饥饿法、酸性电解冰法等。还介绍了近几年应用于虾保鲜的综合应用方法,如冷藏和气调保鲜技术相结合,用壳聚糖包裹再添加石榴皮提取物,用橙子油和明胶复配,焦亚硫酸钠和绿茶与迷迭香提取物的同时使用,壳聚糖与虾蛋白脂浓缩物等;最后提出对于新型廉价的保鲜方式的开发,各种天然抑制剂的研究,以及将2种或2种以上试剂进行搭配使用以取得更好的协同效果的研究将成为今后虾保鲜抑制黑变的热点。  相似文献   

小龙虾的加工和贮运流通是小龙虾全产业链中的重要环节之一,小龙虾质量安全与品质控制关系到百姓食品安全保障、风味和营养需求以及企业经济效益等,需要重点关注。本文根据原料及加工工艺、风味、贮运、消费要求及售卖产品特点不同,重点对小龙虾生鲜产品、半成品冻品、成品冻品和即食小龙虾在加工和流通过程中的食品安全与品质控制技术研究现状进行综述,并对小龙虾加工和流通过程中的风险分析、质量控制与标准化、信息化和智能化研究与实践应用情况进行总结,对未来发展趋势进行初步展望,旨在为促进小龙虾产业健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

林鹏飞  牛犁 《丝绸》2022,59(2):130-136
历代首服中装饰物多样,其中蝉纹饰物造型精巧别致,具有独特的符号价值和文化内涵。文章采用文献研究法对蝉符号的历史渊源和寓意进行深层解读和剖析,总结其表现特征;从墓葬出土及绘画中的蝉纹金珰及附蝉首服对蝉的情感表达、含义象征进行归纳、整理。研究表明:蝉是古代中国首服的重要纹饰,并在作为首服纹饰的过程中完成了文化符号、思想符号及民族符号的构建。蝉饰不仅设计巧妙而且品种丰富,无论在佩戴身份还是种类用途都分化明细。其传播原因受官宦权位、雅士情感、黄老学说等因素的影响,体现出纹饰的发展演变与社会文化息息相关。  相似文献   

陈酿是提升果酒品质的一种重要手段。研究基于无花果酒的挥发性风味物质、游离氨基酸含量和感官特性,以0、2、4、6个月的陈酿无花果酒为研究对象,探究陈酿对无花果酒风味的影响。结果表明,随着陈酿时间的延长,酯类和醛类物质种类及相对含量均有所增加,然而醇类和酸类物质种类及相对含量均下降。电子鼻结果显示,陈酿0、2、4个月对果酒风味影响有明显区别,第4个月是风味变化的平衡点。陈酿过程中,无花果酒游离氨基酸总量和甜味氨基酸(苏氨酸、丝氨酸、脯氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸、蛋氨酸、精氨酸)含量在第4个月达到最高值后呈现下降趋势,苦味氨基酸(缬氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸、组氨酸)含量显著下降(P<0.05),鲜味氨基酸(天冬氨酸、谷氨酸)含量显著上升(P<0.05)。皮尔森相关性分析方法进一步确证,陈酿通过提升澄清度、增加酯类和醛类化合物、释放鲜甜味氨基酸,以平衡果酒香气口感、提升风味品质。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the results of the delignification treatments performed on three natural fibers (sisal, pineapple, and banana) and of the thermal treatments at 400, 600, and 800°C on three industrial fibers (aramid, carbon, and glass). The fibers were analyzed by TGA, SEM, and EDS, as well as tested for tensile strength before and after the delignification and thermal treatments. Contact angle measurements were also carried out on the natural fibers. With the delignification treatments, the removal of Si, K, and Mg on pineapple and banana fibers was achieved. Thermal treatments lowered significantly the tensile strength of industrial fibers, while delignification treatments decreased slightly the mechanical resistance of natural fibers, except in the case of the pineapple fiber.  相似文献   

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