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食品纳米材料的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,食品纳米材料的研究已成为食品研究领域的一个热点,主要集中在纳米分散体、纳米薄膜、纳米纤维等材料的研究,具有很好的工业应用前景.但鉴于其安全性,世界各国对食品纳米技术应用也做出了相应的规定.  相似文献   

纳米技术与纳米食品   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在过去的20年里,纳米技术得以迅速发展,并引发了一场新的工业革命.纳米技术在食品中的应用研究还处于起步阶段,本文主要介绍此技术在食品加工、食品包装和食品检测等领域的应用现状,并对纳米粒子的毒性和纳米食品的安全性进行了讨论.  相似文献   

纳米技术作为当今世界的研究热点,已在食品领域得到了应用和发展。文章主要介绍纳米技术及其在食品领域的运用,综述国内外各种肉制品纳米包装膜的特点、功能性质及其在肉制品贮藏保鲜领域的研究和应用进展,并探讨目前纳米包装的安全性问题,最后对纳米包装膜的发展进行展望,旨在为今后的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

纳米保健食品安全性及研究动向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李佳洁  李江华 《食品科学》2011,32(17):366-370
近年来纳米技术在保健食品中的应用飞速发展,研究证明其可以帮助保健食品在体内表现更好的生物活性,提高吸收率。然而,纳米材料作为一种人工制造的新的物质形态,如同转基因产品一样,人们对它的认识才刚刚开始。当保健食品中的纳米颗粒通过口服进入人体后,由于其具有的小尺寸效应和表面效应,可能会产生不同于常规保健成分的反应。然而缺乏对纳米粒子物理化学性质的全面掌握、传统毒理学测试方法并不完全适用于纳米粒子等问题阻碍着研究进展。各国对纳米技术的安全性问题的研究投入越来越多,2011年5月欧盟食品安全局刚刚公布了《纳米技术应用食品和饲料的风险评估指南》,将对评估纳米粒子在保健食品中的安全风险提供参考。  相似文献   

食品纳米技术与纳米食品研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
纳米微粒在常态下能表现出普通物质不具有的特性,这使纳米材料和纳米技术极具潜力、倍受瞩目。在食品领域,纳米食品加工技术、纳米营养素制备技术、纳米食品包装、纳米检测技术成为研究热点。本文综述了食品纳米技术与纳米食品最新研究进展与成果,提出了食品纳米技术与纳米食品今后研究的前沿科学问题与需要突破的关键技术。  相似文献   

食品在运输及贮存期间极易受到微生物等的污染从而导致食品变质,引发食品安全问题进而危害人们的身体健康。近年来,纳米技术在食品领域越发受到重视。纳米技术可以将物质分解成更小的微观粒子,使物质的结构可以更为精确地被人们所掌控和调配。在食品保鲜领域,具有抑菌效果的纳米颗粒相比较传统抑菌剂可以更有效地抑制微生物滋生,优化食品贮藏环境并且延长食品保质期。针对上述情况,研发出具有抑菌性的纳米颗粒食品保鲜技术已成为现阶段食品保鲜领域的重点研究方向之一。因此,本文综述了近年来具有抑菌性的纳米颗粒的制备方法,对比分析了每种制备方法的优缺点和应用领域,并归纳了纳米颗粒常用的结构表征方法,以期能够为选择合适的制备及分析方法提供参考。同时介绍了近年来不同类型纳米颗粒在我国食品保鲜领域的应用进展,并对抑菌性纳米颗粒的制备技术、安全性和规模化生产等问题提出了未来发展建议,为纳米技术在食品保鲜领域的发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

食品保鲜中的纳米技术及其安全性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏凡  琚争艳 《食品科技》2008,33(5):263-266
介绍纳米粒子的特性,以及纳米粒子作为抗菌剂、用纳米材料制作各类保鲜膜两大方面综述纳米技术在食品保鲜中的应用,最后对其安全性进行概述.  相似文献   

纳米技术在世界范围内食品工业中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了纳米技术在世界范围内食品工业中的应用,主要内容包括采用纳米技术制造食品、食品的纳米包装材料、食品的纳米标签和使用纳米技术监控食品、食品的纳米添加剂、应用纳米技术运输食品中的活性物质。  相似文献   

功能性脂质(类胡萝卜素、植物甾醇、脂溶性维生素、n-3多不饱和脂肪酸等)具有丰富营养价值和多种生理功能,但其自身存在水溶性差,食品基质中功能性脂质在消化系统中溶解度低、肠胃吸收率低和生物利用度低等缺点,限制了其在食品和医药领域的广泛应用。改善功能性脂质的水溶性、贮存稳定性及提高其生物利用度,已成为普遍关注和急需要解决的问题。利用纳米技术制备功能性脂质纳米分散体有望能增加功能性脂质的溶解度和生物利用度,从而扩大功能性脂质在食品等行业的应用范围。本文在国内外文献分析的基础上,综述了功能性脂质纳米分散体制备所需材料和制备方法,并分析了纳米分散体系中功能性脂质理化稳定性的影响因素和初步阐述了功能性脂质纳米分散体的生物利用度和安全性。最后,对目前功能性脂质纳米分散体研究中的科学问题和重点进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

纳米技术是现代科技发展出的基础科学技术,在食品、生物、化学等各个领域应用广泛。该技术对食品风味物质加工起着重要的作用,并且已经融入我们的日常生活中。文章通过介绍纳米技术,对比不同纳米结构在食品加工中的优缺点以及实例,综述了纳米囊化技术、纳米保鲜技术、纳米包装、纳米食品传感器应用在风味物质加工中的影响,并对该技术在风味物质食品加工方面进行展望,为今后在食品领域的深入研究和拓展调味品生产中提供有利力依据。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,纳米技术已渗透到各行各业。然而其在果酒业中的应用尚处于研究探索阶段。该文根据纳米材料的特性,较系统地阐述了纳米技术、纳米材料在改进果酒包装性能、改善果酒风味和增强功能特性以及果酒在线检测中的应用,并指出纳米技术在果酒业的发展前景。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: While public attention has been focused on Escherichia coli outbreaks, genetic engineering, and mad cow disease, nanotechnology has quietly taken its place at the forefront of scientific innovation and is poised to revolutionize numerous industries and fields of study. Although nanotechnology has been on the radar of researchers and developers for decades, it is only in the past few years that real‐world applications have become a pervasive reality. Some of the most promising applications are in the areas of consumer products regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including new and over‐the‐counter drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and food and food packaging. Despite the incredible social and economic potential of nanotechnology, FDA faces numerous hurdles in the regulation of these products. This article explores the current state of our scientific understanding of nanotechnology, human and environmental health and safety concerns, the strengths and weaknesses of FDA's existing regulatory authority, and current efforts to address these and other issues relating to the development, understanding, and promotion of nanotechnology. In addition, the article proposes various regulatory and policy considerations FDA should take into account in addressing nano‐based concerns.  相似文献   

介绍了纳米技术应用于纺织领域所带来的正面效应;同时指出纳米技术可能带来负面的安全性问题;并建议在发展纳米技术的同时,同步开展其安全性研究.避免或减少纳米技术对人类产生负面效应。  相似文献   


New trends in food are emerging in response to consumer awareness of the relationship between food and health, which has triggered the need to generate new alternatives that meet the expectations of the market. Revolutionary fields such as nanotechnology have been used for the encapsulation of nutritional ingredients and have great potential for the management of food additives derived from fruits and plant species. Turmeric, a spice that has been used as a dyeing agent, is recognized for its properties in Ayurveda medicine. This article aims to provide an overview of the characteristics of turmeric as an ingredient for the food industry, including its properties as a coloring agent, antioxidant, and functional ingredient. This article also highlights the potential of nanotechnology to enhance these properties of turmeric and increase the possibilities for the application of its components, such as cellulose and starch, in the development of nanostructures for food development.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on a small scale (1-billionth of a meter). Nanomaterials have been used extensively in food production and packaging to improve food safety and eating quality. However, consumer knowledge of nanotechnology is low and the public’s perceptions about its use in foods is poorly understood. This study assessed consumers’ knowledge and attitudes towards food nanotechnology, and measured degree of liking and purchase intent for tasted foods presented as having specific nanotechnology benefits. Participants were 161 young, mostly college-educated adults. They evaluated samples of fresh cherry tomatoes and chocolate ice cream for overall liking and liking of key attributes using 15-cm line scales. They were informed that the first sample of each food had no nanotechnology (control), but the subsequent samples were produced with nanotechnology materials. For the tomatoes, nanoparticles were added to the packaging as an anti-microbial or to extend freshness; for the ice cream, nanoparticles were incorporated into the food matrix to deliver probiotics or reduce icing. In reality, no foods were produced with nanotechnology. Participants also completed surveys on their food attitudes and knowledge of nanotechnology. Results showed that all the samples were highly liked, regardless of whether they claimed to deliver nanotechnology benefits. In addition, most (75–86%) participants were willing to buy the nanotechnology foods; the primary reasons being “sensory appeal” and “nanotechnology benefit” (p < 0.01). These results show that a majority of young, educated consumers had positive attitudes towards foods with nanotechnology and were willing to buy them.  相似文献   

By considering risk in the early stages of a technology, costs of identifying important health and environmental impacts after a technology has widely diffused can be avoided. Nanotechnology, involving materials and objects less than 100 nm in size, is an important case in point. In this paper we analyze the research priorities discussed by various interest groups concerned with the environmental risks of nanotechnology, evaluate the distribution of federal environmental nanotechnology R&D funding, and discuss research in this field. Overall federal environmental R&D funding to date is limited and focuses more on the positive environmental applications of nanotechnology than on basic knowledge/research, tools for nanoenvironmental research, or the potential risks of nanotechnology. The situation began to change in 2004 when a significant increase occurred in federal R&D funding for the environmental implications of engineered nanomaterials. Though literature exits on the exposure, transport, and toxicity of incidental nanoparticles, little work has been published on the environmental risks of engineered nanoparticles.  相似文献   

肉品保鲜技术能够延缓肉品氧化反应及其腐败变质,提高肉品品质和安全性。常用的保鲜方法可分为物理保鲜方法和化学保鲜方法,其中物理保鲜技术是一种有效抑制细菌或杀死细菌的保鲜方法,然而其成本高、操作复杂、难以把控;化学保鲜方法成本低、保鲜效果好,但存在潜在毒性等问题。纳米材料因其特殊结构引起表面效应、小尺寸效应、量子尺寸效应和宏观量子隧道效应的特性可减少保鲜剂的使用,并提高保鲜剂的作用效果。纳米技术在肉类保鲜中已有应用并呈现良好保鲜效果,因此利用纳米技术有望开发出低成本、高效、安全的保鲜方法。本文对肉品保鲜中常用纳米技术进行介绍,综述纳米技术在肉类保鲜中的应用,并对纳米技术在肉类保鲜中的应用进行展望。  相似文献   

The use of nanomaterials- and nanotechnology-based processes is growing at a tremendous rate in all fields of science and technology. Textile industry is also experiencing the benefits of nanotechnology in its diverse field of applications. Textile-based nanoproducts starting from nanocomposite fibers, nanofibers to intelligent high-performance polymeric nanocoatings are getting their way not only in high performance advanced applications but nanoparticles are also successfully being used in conventional textiles to impart new functionality and improved performance. Greater repeatability, reliability and robustness are the main advantages of nanotechnological advancements in textiles. Nanoparticle application during conventional textile processing techniques, such as finishing, coating and dyeing, enhances the product performance manifold and imparts hitherto unachieved functionality. New coating techniques like sol-gel, layer-by-layer, plasma polymerization etc. can develop multi-functionality, intelligence, excellent durability and weather resistance to fabrics. The present paper focuses on the development and potential applications of nanotechnology in developing multifunctional and smart nanocomposite fibers, nanofibers and other new finished and nanocoated textiles. The four main areas of textile chemical processing, namely nanofinishing, nanocoating, nanocomposite coating and nanodyeing, are covered in the first section of this paper and the second section deals with developments in nanocomposite fibers and nanofibers. The influence of nanomaterials in textile finishing and processing to enhance product performance is discussed. Nanocoating is a relatively new technique in the textile field and is currently under research and development. Polymeric nanocomposite coatings, where nanoparticles are dispersed in polymeric media and used for coating applications, are the most promising route to develop multifunctional and intelligent high-performance textiles. Not much research has been done on applying the concept of nanotechnology in dyeing of textiles except a few reports on dye particle size reduction, structural change in fibers or the surface etching of textiles to create nanostructured surfaces. The reduction in water consumption during nanotechnology applications in textile processing has the potential to control the effluent problems of a textile process house. The most researched area to produce multifunctional, smart fibers is the preparation of nanocomposite fibers where the exceptional properties of nanoparticles have been utilized to enhance and impart several functionalities on conventional textile grade fibers. Nanofibers are gaining popularity in some specialized technical applications such as filter fabric, antibacterial patches and chemical protective suits. Nanotechnological advances in these two areas of nanocomposite fibers and nanofibrous forms have also been reviewed.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has many unique features compared with other conventional microscopies, such as high magnification with high resolution, minimal sample preparation, acquiring 2D and 3D images at the same time, observing ongoing processes directly, the possibility of manipulating macromolecules, etc. As a nanotechnology tool, AFM has been used to investigate the nanostructure of materials in many fields. This mini-review focuses mainly on its latest application to characterise the macromolecular nanostructure and surface topography of agricultural products. First the fundamentals of AFM are briefly explained. Then the macromolecular nanostructure information on agricultural products from AFM images is introduced by exploring the structure-function relationship in three aspects: agricultural product processing, agricultural product ripening and storage, and genetic and environmental factors. The surface topography characterisation of agricultural products using AFM is also discussed. The results reveal that AFM could be a powerful nanotechnology tool to acquire a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of structure and quality variations of agricultural products, which could be instructive in improving processing and storage technologies, and AFM is also helpful to reveal the essential nature of a product at nanoscale.  相似文献   

纳米技术在饲料工业中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纳米技术是具有深远影响的高新技术,在物理、化学、生物学、材料学、医学等众多领域具有巨大的发展潜力,同样纳米技术与饲料科学相结合,作为一门新的交叉学科也必将有着广泛的应用前景。结合纳米技术的发展和纳米微粒的特性,阐述了目前纳米技术在饲料工业中的应用研究进展状况,着重介绍了纳米技术在畜禽饲料及水产饲料中的应用,并探讨了纳米技术在这一领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   

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