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The effect of age and parity of dams on their daughters’ milk yield is not well known. Lactation data from 276,000 cows were extracted from the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System and analyzed using a linear animal model to estimate effects of parity and age within parity of dam. The 305-d milk yield of daughters decreased as parity of dam increased. Daughters of first-parity dams produced 149 kg more milk than did daughters of seventh-parity dams. We also observed an effect of age of dam within parity on 305-d milk yield of daughters in first lactation. Dams that were young at first calving gave birth to daughters with a higher milk yield compared with older dams within the same parity. The effect of age within parity of dam was highest for second-parity dams. Extensive use of heifers would have a systematic effect, and age and parity of dam should be included in the model when planning a future strategy.  相似文献   

Associations between test-day milk yield and positive milk cultures for Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp., and other mastitis pathogens or a negative milk culture for mastitis pathogens were assessed in quarter milk samples from randomly sampled cows selected without regard to current or previous udder health status. Staphylococcus aureus was dichotomized according to sparse (≤1,500 cfu/mL of milk) or rich (>1,500 cfu/mL of milk) growth of the bacteria. Quarter milk samples were obtained on 1 to 4 occasions from 2,740 cows in 354 Norwegian dairy herds, resulting in a total of 3,430 samplings. Measures of test-day milk yield were obtained monthly and related to 3,547 microbiological diagnoses at the cow level. Mixed model linear regression models incorporating an autoregressive covariance structure accounting for repeated test-day milk yields within cow and random effects at the herd and sample level were used to quantify the effect of positive milk cultures on test-day milk yields. Identical models were run separately for first-parity, second-parity, and third-parity or older cows. Fixed effects were days in milk, the natural logarithm of days in milk, sparse and rich growth of Staph. aureus (1/0), Streptococcus spp. (1/0), other mastitis pathogens (1/0), calving season, time of test-day milk yields relative to time of microbiological diagnosis (test day relative to time of diagnosis), and the interaction terms between microbiological diagnosis and test day relative to time of diagnosis. The models were run with the logarithmically transformed composite milk somatic cell count excluded and included. Rich growth of Staph. aureus was associated with decreased production levels in first-parity cows. An interaction between rich growth of Staph. aureus and test day relative to time of diagnosis also predicted a decline in milk production in third-parity or older cows. Interaction between sparse growth of Staph. aureus and test day relative to time of diagnosis predicted declining test-day milk yields in first-parity cows. Sparse growth of Staph. aureus was associated with high milk yields in third-parity or older cows after including the logarithmically transformed composite milk somatic cell count in the model, which illustrates that lower production levels are related to elevated somatic cell counts in high-producing cows. The same association with test-day milk yield was found among Streptococcus spp.-positive pluriparous cows.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1225-1241
We investigated the effects of environmental factors on average daily milk yield and day-to-day variation in milk yield of barn-housed Scottish dairy cows milked with an automated milking system. An incomplete Wood gamma function was fitted to derive parameters describing the milk yield curve including initial milk yield, inclining slope, declining slope, peak milk yield, time of peak, persistency (time in which the cow maintains high yield beyond the peak), and predicted total lactation milk yield (PTLMY). Lactation curves were fitted using generalized linear mixed models incorporating the above parameters (initial milk yield, inclining and declining slopes) and both the indoor and outdoor weather variables (temperature, humidity, and temperature-humidity index) as fixed effects. There was a higher initial milk yield and PTLMY in multiparous cows, but the incline slope parameter and persistency were greatest in primiparous cows. Primiparous cows took 54 d longer to attain a peak yield (mean ± standard error) of 34.25 ± 0.58 kg than multiparous (47.3 ± 0.45 kg); however, multiparous cows yielded 2,209 kg more PTLMY. The best models incorporated 2-d lagged minimum temperature. However, effect of temperature was minimal (primiparous decreased milk yield by 0.006 kg/d and multiparous by 0.001 kg/d for each degree increase in temperature). Both primiparous and multiparous cows significantly decreased in day-to-day variation in milk yield as temperature increased (primiparous cows decreased 0.05 kg/d for every degree increase in 2-d lagged minimum temperature indoors, which was greater than the effect in multiparous cows of 0.008 kg/d). Though the model estimates for both indoor and outdoor were different, a similar pattern of the average daily milk yield and day-to-day variation in milk yield and milk yield's dependence on environmental factors was observed for both primiparous and multiparous cows. In Scotland, primiparous cows were more greatly affected by the 2-d lagged minimum temperature compared with multiparous cows. After peak lactation had been reached, primiparous and multiparous cows decreased milk yield as indoor and outdoor minimum temperature increased.  相似文献   

Yaks are the most important grazing livestock for milk production on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau because these animals are adapted to the high elevations and extremes of cold and can graze throughout the year. In the present study, 30 yaks were selected and the fatty acid (FA) profile of yak milk at different seasons and parities was investigated using gas chromatography. The concentrations of cis-9 C18:1, cis-11 C18:1, cis-9,trans-11 C18:2, and C18:3 n-3 in yak milk were higher in summer (25.26, 1.50, 1.46, and 0.33 g/100 g of total FA, respectively) than in winter (22.17, 0.77, 1.27, and 0.28 g/100 g of total FA, respectively). The contents of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FA in milk fat of multiparous (parities 2 to 5) yaks (31.61 and 4.20 g/100 g of total FA, respectively) were higher than those in primiparous yaks (29.61 and 3.80 g/100 g of total FA, respectively). These results suggest (1) that the potential exists to improve the FA composition of yak milk by developing local supplement resources during the winter and (2) that multiparous yaks have a more favorable FA profile than primiparous yaks.  相似文献   

Confidence intervals for blood parameters used for nutritional and metabolic profile testing in cattle were calculated for clinically normal lactating Holstein cows, taking into account the effects of parity, stage of lactation, and season. Blood samples were collected from 740 cows in 33 Italian dairy herds according to a predefined protocol. Herds were visited during summer and the following winter, sampling 12 lactating cows at each visit (4 primiparous and 8 multiparous). Six cows were selected from the early-lactation group (days in milk: 10 to 89) and the other 6 were selected from the mid-lactation group (days in milk: 90 to 215). Cow selection criteria excluded animals clinically exposed to periparturient diseases as well as animals not considered in good health by a veterinary clinical examination. For each blood variable, outliers were identified and discarded. Data were then analyzed for their Gaussian distribution and variables with not normal distribution were log-transformed to adjust for lack of normality. Herd mean values were calculated for each blood parameter according to 3 main classification factors: parity (primiparous vs. multiparous), stage of lactation (early vs. mid) and season of production (summer vs. winter). The resulting data set was statistically analyzed using a mixed model with the fixed effects of these factors, their interactions, and the random effect of herd. General 95% confidence intervals were calculated for blood variables that showed a relevant herd variance component such as albumin, triglycerides, aspartate, urea, glucose, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, direct and total bilirubin, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. For the remaining parameters, specific confidence intervals were calculated for each level of the significant main factors. Parity affected blood concentration of total protein, globulin, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transferase, creatinine kinase, and phosphorus. Blood nonesterified fatty acids, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, creatinine kinase and cholesterol were influenced by stage of lactation. The season of production had a significant effect on total protein, globulin, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine. The outcomes of this work will improve the accuracy of the biochemical profile as a tool for dairy practitioners to assess the metabolic status of lactating Holstein cows.  相似文献   

This study was to investigate the effects of seasonal change and parity on milk composition and related indices, and to analyze the relationships among milk indices in Chinese Holstein cows from an intensive dairy farm in northern China. The 6,520 sets of complete Dairy Herd Improvement data were obtained and grouped by natural month and parity. The data included daily milk yield (DMY), milk solids percentage (MSP), milk fat percentage (MFP), milk protein percentage (MPP), milk lactose percentage (MLP), somatic cell count (SCC), somatic cell score (SCS), milk production loss (MPL), and fat-to-protein ratio (FPR). Data analysis showed that the above 9 indices were affected by both seasonal change and parity. However, the interaction between parity and seasonal change showed effects on MLP, SCS, MPL, and DMY, but no effects on MFP, MPP, MSP, and FPR. Duncan’s multiple comparison on seasonal change showed that DMY (23.58 kg/d), MSP (12.35%), MPP (3.02%), and MFP (3.81%) were the lowest in June, but SCC (288.7 × 103/mL) and MPL (0.69 kg/d) were the lowest in January; FPR (1.32) was the highest in February. Meanwhile, Duncan’s multiple comparison on parities showed that MSP, MPP, and MLP were reduced rapidly in the fourth lactation, but SCC and MPL increased with increasing parities. The canonical correlation analysis for indices showed that SCS had high positive correlation with MPL (0.8360). Therefore, a few models were developed to quantify the effects of seasonal change and parity on raw milk composition using the Wood model. The changing patterns of milk composition and related indices in different months and parities could provide scientific evidence for improving feeding management and nutritional supplementation of Chinese Holstein cows.  相似文献   

The fatty acid profiles of Chinese Maiwa yak milk samples were evaluated at different seasons (n = 96) and parities (n = 32). Saturated fatty acid content and monounsaturated fatty acid content showed no significant difference (> 0.05) between warm season and cold season; however, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content in warm season was higher (< 0.05) than in cold season. Monounsaturated fatty acid and PUFA contents were higher (< 0.05) in multiparous Maiwa yak milk than in primiparous Maiwa yak milk. Trans‐11C18:1, cis‐9, cis‐12C18:2, CLA and C18:3 contents were higher (< 0.05) in multiparous Maiwa yak than in primiparous Maiwa yak milk.  相似文献   

Application of random regression models (RRM) in a 2-step genomic prediction might be a feasible way to select young animals based on the complete pattern of the lactation curve. In this context, the prediction reliability and bias of genomic estimated breeding value (GEBV) for milk, fat, and protein yields and somatic cell score over days in milk (DIM) using a 2-step genomic approach were investigated. In addition, the effect of including cows in the training and validation populations was investigated. Estimated breeding values for each DIM (from 5 to 305 d) from the first 3 lactations of Holstein animals were deregressed and used as pseudophenotypes in the second step. Individual additive genomic random regression coefficients for each trait were predicted using RRM and genomic best linear unbiased prediction and further used to derive GEBV for each DIM. Theoretical reliabilities of GEBV obtained by the RRM were slightly higher than theoretical reliabilities obtained by the accumulated yield up to 305 d (P305). However, validation reliabilities estimated for GEBV using P305 were higher than for GEBV using RRM. For all traits, higher theoretical and validation reliabilities were estimated when incorporating genomic information. Less biased GEBV estimates were found when using RRM compared with P305, and different validation reliability and bias patterns for GEBV over time were observed across traits and lactations. Including cows in the training population increased the theoretical reliabilities and bias of GEBV; nonetheless, the inclusion of cows in the validation population does not seem to affect the regression coefficients and the theoretical reliabilities. In summary, the use of RRM in 2-step genomic prediction produced fairly accurate GEBV over the entire lactation curve for all analyzed traits. Thus, selecting young animals based on the pattern of lactation curves seems to be a feasible alternative in genomic selection of Holstein cattle for milk production traits.  相似文献   

Associations between test-day composite milk somatic cell counts (CMSCC) and results from quarter milk cultures for various pathogens associated with mastitis, including Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp., coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), were investigated. S. aureus was dichotomized according to sparse (≤1,500 colony forming units/mL of milk) or rich (>1,500 colony forming units/mL of milk) growth of the bacteria. Quarter milk samples were obtained on between 1 and 4 occasions from 2,714 cows in 354 Norwegian dairy herds, resulting in a total of 3,396 samples. Cows included in the study were randomly selected, without regard to current or previous udder health status. Measures of test-day CMSCC were obtained every second month, and related to 3528 microbiological diagnoses at the cow level. Mixed linear regression models incorporating a compound symmetry covariance structure accounting for repeated test-day CMSCC within cow, and a random effect variable on herd level, was used to quantify the relationship between a positive milk culture and the natural logarithm of test-day CMSCC (LnCMSCC). The material was stratified in time periods before 151 d in milk (DIM) and after 150 DIM. A positive diagnosis for any category of mastitis pathogen was significantly associated with elevated CMSCC. Pathogen positive cows sampled for microbiological diagnosis during the first 150 DIM had higher levels of CMSCC throughout lactation than cows with a positive diagnosis after 150 DIM. Streptococcus spp.-positive milk cultures were associated with steadily elevated values for CMSCC throughout lactation both when sampled before and after 150 DIM. Cows diagnosed with rich growth of S. aureus after 150 DIM experienced a characteristic and sharp increase in CMSCC, but this effect was not observed in cows with a positive diagnosis for rich growth of S. aureus during the first 150 DIM. A considerable increase in CMSCC in cows positive for CNS during the first part of the lactation period was also observed. The practicability of using CMSCC in a diagnostic test to identify cows with a positive milk culture for mastitis pathogens was also assessed. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values of the tests were regarded as low when sampling for milk culture was conducted, irrespective of cow level characteristics.  相似文献   

Milk nutritional characteristics are especially interesting when donkey milk is aimed at consumption by children and the elderly. The aim of this study was to monitor the nutritional quality of Amiata donkey milk during lactation and productive season to provide information on the milk characteristics and to study action plans to improve milk yield and quality. Thirty-one pluriparous jennies belonging to the same farm were selected. Individual samples of milk from the morning milking were taken once per month starting from the d 30 of lactation until d 300. Milk yield and dry matter, fat, and ash content were constant throughout the experimental period. Milk total protein content showed a progressive decrease during the first 6 mo of lactation; after this period, the protein percentages remained constant (1.50%). Caseins and lactose were lower until d 60 of lactation and remained constant thereafter. During summer and autumn, milk yield and casein and lactose contents were higher, whereas during the spring season, higher protein and ash contents were found. The percentages of fat and dry matter were stable as were most of the minerals in the milk, except for calcium, which was higher in the spring. In conclusion, Amiata donkey milk was found to be relatively stable during lactation. This is an advantage in terms of the production and trade of a food product with consistent characteristics. The different milk yield and quality during the productive seasons were probably related to better adaptability of the animals to warm and temperate periods.  相似文献   

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