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银耳多糖的提取、分离、纯化及其功能性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄秀锦 《食品科学》2008,29(1):134-136
本实验研究了银耳多糖的提取、分离、纯化及其功能性质.结果表明,酶法浸提效果优于碱浸提法,酶法提取银耳多糖溶液的最适条件为:料水比1∶60,加入0.7%的果胶酶,酶解50min,浸提时间60min;银耳多糖通过DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow和SephadexG-200柱层析后可得到纯度较高的TPP2多糖.TPP2具有极强的清除DPPH·的活性,DPPH·清除一半时的TPP2浓度为55μg/m(IC50).  相似文献   

姜汁凝乳的研究和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾剑超  马力  吴希茜 《酿酒》2007,34(5):57-59
以牛乳和生姜为主要原料,利用姜汁中的某些成分促使牛乳凝固,便制得姜汁凝乳.就牛乳中酪蛋白的成分和结构进行阐述,并探讨了姜汁凝乳的机理.通过实验研究可知,生姜汁具有使牛乳凝固作用,这就为生姜的综合利用和皱胃酶替代物的研发提供了重要的依据.  相似文献   

洪玺 《中国食品》2008,(8):36-37
(接上期续) 据说鱼子酱的食用,一开始的时候是由于它的催情作用被伊朗皇帝所喜爱,后来法国国王路易十四发现了这种气质高贵的食物,于是乎鱼子酱在法国皇室中也流行起来,将鱼子酱抹在法国白面包或者圆饼干上,再配上优雅的香槟,这是只有在法国国王的餐桌上才有的美食.当这种吃法传到俄罗斯后,俄国皇室便疯狂地爱上了鱼子酱,以至于俄罗斯的鱼子酱曾经一度是鱼子酱中最高品质的代表.  相似文献   

金丝怪味大虾 原料:大虾10只. 辅料:红薯250克,香菜10克,芹菜5克,球生菜250克,玫瑰花瓣10片. 调料:豆瓣酱10克,花生酱15克,青芥末5克,芝麻,自制红油3克,鲜鸡精5克,冰糖水3克,醋2克,花椒油2克,生抽5克,白芝麻3克,老作坊香油5克,生姜5克.料酒3克,胡椒粉1克,清油250克.  相似文献   

王国良 《酿酒》2007,34(2):124-124
我的一位同学是化工专家,由于他公司生产的产品质量好,效益显著,不仅在国内畅销,且出口美国、日本、韩国、西德、澳大利亚.因此经常有机会出国考察、谈生意.  相似文献   

尊敬的各位领导、白酒专家、企业代表、新闻界朋友们:上午好!我受中国商业联合会白酒技术协作组的委托,向大会做一年来的工作报告。2006年是我国国民经济持续、稳定、快速发展的一年,也是我国白酒行业积极创新、健康发展的一年。在这一年中,全行业取得了较好的成绩,经济效益创造了近20年来的最好水平。自去年重庆万州诗仙太白一届三次会议以来,协作组在中国商业联合会的领导下、在各级领导和社会各界朋友们的关怀下,充分发挥协作  相似文献   

随着木材工业的快速发展,各种污染环境的公害相应产生,严重地破坏了环境,危及了人们的身体健康,同时,也困扰着木材工业和木工机械的发展,采取各种措施加强对环境治理已到了刻不容缓的地步.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,人们的意识形态也在发生着变化.在巨额利益的诱惑下,一些不法分子铤而走险,利用先进的印刷技术对假冒名优商品的外包装进行复制,骗过人们的眼睛,侵害人们的合法权益,还要非法印制国家名片--人民币.  相似文献   

徐谷仓  吴国钧  黄景杰 《印染》2008,34(10):52-53
[编者按] 我国是世界第一纺织大国,纤维加工能力几近全球一半.但在半个世纪前,人民买布做衣要凭布票,限量供应.为了解决全国人民的穿衣问题,国家决定兴建年产亿米的大型印染厂.老一辈印染专家不畏惧艰难,不迷信教条,在建国初期极其困难的条件下建立了四家大型印染厂.回顾这一段历史,对于今天我们要把纺织大国变成纺织强国,是很有意义的.  相似文献   

2008年1月8日,比利时海关查获并销毁了3200多瓶André起泡酒.据悉,这批葡萄酒由加州E.& J.Gallo Winery葡萄酒厂生产,贴有"加州香槟(California Champagne)"和"André香槟酒庄(André Champagne Cellars)"的标签,违反了欧盟条例有关禁止在法国香槟产区之外的葡萄酒上使用"香槟"商标的规定.  相似文献   

倪士敏 《纺织器材》2014,41(6):42-46
为了提高生条质量,减少盖板落棉,分析了锡林与回转盖板的梳理原理,对比了标准盖板与非标准盖板对条干、棉结杂质及锡林—盖板隔距与质量的关系,探讨了降低盖板总高误差及锡林—盖板隔距变化的方法。指出:锡林—盖板隔距增大使生条结杂增多、短绒率降低,当隔距增大0.025mm时生条质量恶化,增大0.051mm时生条严重恶化;锡林—盖板隔距和刺辊工艺优化组合,生条棉结降低25.6%,短绒率降低0.65%、棉结降低35.5%,条干CV值降低0.07个百分点;隔距的准确性、稳定性关系到质量与节棉的双重效益;减小盖板针布总高误差及隔距差异,有利于设备更好地发挥工艺特性,取得质量和节棉双赢。  相似文献   

费青 《纺织器材》2009,36(5):2-7
分析了梳棉机上分梳元件的作用机理,论述了锡林一道夫间纤维的转移过程及转移率的测定方法,说明影响道夫转移率的因素是锡林、道夫针布的种类、规格、齿型、隔距、锡林速度及产量等;指出梳棉机道夫机构存在的严重问题导致经锡林-盖板区梳理得到的平行伸直纤维状态被破坏而出现大量的各种弯钩纤维;为了解决道夫机构缺陷,以俄罗斯梳并联合机和中国台湾CC50型新道夫机构梳棉机为例,介绍其工作原理与优点,以供研发新型梳棉机参考。  相似文献   

In a normal and healthy skin, the regular elimination of the superficial corneocytes, called desquamation, is a fundamental physiologic process intended to protect the barrier function of the skin. This invisible loss of corneocytes, individually or in small groups, is incessantly compensated by the divisions of the proliferative layer and the upward cellular maturation in order to maintain the harmonious renewal of the epidermis and the integrity of the stratum corneum. The harmony of this desquamation process is intimately conditioned by a sufficient hydration of the stratum corneum: (i) an abnormal desquamation leads to a disruption of the water barrier function and consequently to a dehydration tendency of the stratum corneum, and (ii) a cutaneous dryness (whatever the cause) is able to disturb the desquamation process. Protecting the water content of the stratum corneum has always been a major preoccupation of the cosmetic industry scientists. Consequently, the moisturizing properties of a cosmetic product are objectively measured by various explorations directly targeted on the hydration (corneometry) and on the level of the water barrier function (transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurements), which depends directly on the skin hydration state. This intimate linkage of the desquamation process and the water content of the stratum corneum enable us to suggest an indirect assessment of the hydration from a direct study of the desquamation by examining a skin-stripping sample (D-Squames) by an optical microscope (linked to a computer). We will describe this already known technique and mainly its new and unpublished semiologic exploitation, named Diagnoskin, whose advantages are its simplicity and its reproducibility particularly interesting in the case of sequential appraisal of dermatologic or cosmetic treatments.  相似文献   

PEO辅助助剂对胶体悬浮液絮凝作用影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以PEO/辅助助剂系统为絮凝系统,对PCC、瓷土和TiO2等三种胶体悬浮液进行絮凝实验,探讨了辅助助剂对胶体悬浮液絮凝作用的影响。结果表明,开环结构的辅助助剂的絮凝效果好,闭环结构的絮凝效果差。由于辅助助剂DEA和ACS带有阴电荷,因此呈阳电性的PCC絮凝最好。使用高阳电性的辅助助剂VBT1时,TiO2的絮凝效果最好。使用PEO/VBT2对三种胶体悬浮液进行絮凝,对瓷土的絮凝效果最好。总体上,瓷土胶体悬浮液最易絮凝。说明辅助剂的电荷密度和酚羟基的密度对胶体悬浮液的絮凝的重要性。  相似文献   

对黄牛全粒面轻涂饰服装革的生产工艺技术进行了论述,包括适当的前处理和铬复鞣,以及中和要透、染色、加油等,同时对干燥整理和涂饰工艺技术进行了较为深入的论述,包括干燥、封底、底涂及顶层的涂饰等。并说明了如何使成革更软更蓬松,更具有海绵感等时尚风格。  相似文献   

In high-value sweet cherry (Prunus avium), the red coloration - determined by the anthocyanins content - is correlated with the fruit ripeness stage and market value. Non-destructive spectroscopy has been introduced in practice and may be utilized as a tool to assess the fruit pigments in the supply chain processes. From the fruit spectrum in the visible (Vis) wavelength range, the pigment contents are analyzed separately at their specific absorbance wavelengths.A drawback of the method is the need for re-calibration due to varying optical properties of the fruit tissue. In order to correct for the scattering differences, most often the spectral intensity in the visible spectrum is normalized by wavelengths in the near infrared (NIR) range, or pre-processing methods are applied in multivariate calibrations.In the present study, the influence of the fruit scattering properties on the Vis/NIR fruit spectrum were corrected by the effective pathlength in the fruit tissue obtained from time-resolved readings of the distribution of time-of-flight (DTOF). Pigment analysis was carried out according to Lambert-Beer law, considering fruit spectral intensities, effective pathlength, and refractive index. Results were compared to commonly applied linear color and multivariate partial least squares (PLS) regression analysis. The approaches were validated on fruits at different ripeness stages, providing variation in the scattering coefficient and refractive index exceeding the calibration sample set.In the validation, the measuring uncertainty of non-destructively analyzing fruits with Vis/NIR spectra by means of PLS or Lambert-Beer in comparison with combined application of Vis/NIR spectroscopy and DTOF measurements showed a dramatic bias reduction as well as enhanced coefficients of determination when using both, the spectral intensities and apparent information on the scattering influence by means of DTOF readings. Corrections for the refractive index did not render improved results.  相似文献   

This paper is an overview of recent work on some particular aspects of the behaviour of biopolymer solution and gel mixtures, the focus being on aspects that are of particular relevance to the materials found in food systems. As such, the following areas are considered. (1) The phase behaviour of such mixtures in terms of the microstructures formed, the ideas of phase volume, phase continuity, surface tension and the use of the Flory–Huggins theory to model the behaviour. (2) The kinetics of phase separation in terms of the evidence for spinodal decomposition, ripening processes and the interplay between the kinetics of phase separation, gelation and molecular ordering. (3) The effects of shear on the composite microstructure in terms of particle size and shape, and how shear can be used to cause phase inversion of the system. (4) The material properties of the composites, including the fracture behaviour, the effect of particle size, and the role of the interface between the phases. It is clear that over the past few years a considerable literature has been built up on mixtures of biopolymers. Despite this growing understanding it remains a fact that we are not capable, as yet, of designing the microstructure of mixed biopolymer composites, although it is clear that there is a considerable technological advantage in being able to do so.  相似文献   

浅论镁离子对啤酒发酵的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了麦汁中镁离子含量对啤酒酵母发酵的影响。镁离子是酵母代谢过程中许多酶的重要辅助因子,它的浓度直接影响啤酒的发酵。提高镁离子的含量,均会提高初始发酵率,提高酵母活性,促进酵母对麦芽三糖及麦芽糖的吸收,增加酒精生成率和生成量,从而提高啤酒发酵度。  相似文献   

Storage of adzuki beans and other pulse grains causes biochemical and physical changes that affect the hydration properties of the beans. This affects the quality of products made from the beans such as the Japanese bean paste “ann.” Storage, particularly under unfavourable conditions, leads to the “hard shell” phenomenon, where beans fail to imbibe water when soaked and remain hard, and the “hard-to-cook” phenomenon where the seeds hydrate normally, but the cotyledon fails to hydrate and soften during cooking. The hard shell phenomenon is attributable to impermeability of the seed coat to water, which is due to biochemical changes in the seed coat, such as the formation of protein-tannin complexes, and biophysical changes such as reduction in size or closure of the straphiole aperture in the hilum area—the main area for water entry into the adzuki bean. The hard-to-cook phenomenon is due to changes in the cotyledon tissue, which include formation of insoluble pectinates, lignification of the cell wall and middle lamella, interaction of condensed tannins with proteins and starch, and changes to the structure and functionality of the cellular proteins and starch.  相似文献   

This study compared five methods of measuring paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) including the long-used mouse lethality bioassay, a commercially available cell culture test (MIST ® Quantification kit), HPLC analysis, and two newly developed radioreceptor assays utilizing mammalian sodium channels and saxiphilin. Methods were challenged with toxic shellfish extracts prepared according to the AOAC official method. The best correlations between predicted toxicity values being 0.9 or better, were those between HPLC analysis when compared with both radioreceptor assays and the mouse lethality bioassay, as well as that between the saxiphilin and the sodium channel radioreceptor assays. In all cases, statistically significant correlations existed between the toxicity measurements of the same extracts. The ratios between some methods were not unitary as measured by the slopes of the regression lines used for correlation analyses. HPLC analysis predicted more toxicity than all of the bioassays. The saxiphilin assay underestimated toxicity relative to the mouse bioassay, the MIST ® kit determinations and the sodium channel assay. The sodium channel assay predicted there to be less toxicity than the mouse bioassay and the MIST ® kit. Of all of the techniques used, the MIST ® kit correlation with the mouse bioassay was nearest to one. Each method possesses different virtues and it may be that a multi-method approach would harness the benefits of each method for various aspects of a shellfish testing regime.  相似文献   

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