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正养殖河豚鱼12月起加工后可上餐桌了来源:新闻晨报中国水产流通加工协会常务副会长崔和昨天透露,农业部办公厅和国家食品药品监督管理总局办公厅最新下发《关于有条件开放养殖红鳍东方鲀和养殖暗纹东方鲀加工经营的通知》,明确河豚鱼"有条件放开"。目前该协会等正组织专家对养殖红鳍东方鲀和养殖暗纹东方鲀的加工企业进行审核,预计11月底首批加工企业将通过审核,届时,养殖的红鳍东方鲀和暗纹东方鲀经这些企业加工处理后,就可以名正言顺入市上餐桌。  相似文献   

对上海、江苏两地的养殖暗纹东方鲀产业发展情况进行全面调研,总结两地暗纹东方鲀的养殖概况、毒素控制技术、加工流通和废弃物处理等状况,为制定养殖河豚鱼食用安全标准提供依据,并为有效开发、利用养殖河豚鱼资源提供理论支持。  相似文献   

正解开对河豚的一些小疑惑对话华晔1、关于部分河豚有条件放开的政策现在具体有哪些?在2017年4月14日,我们江苏省餐饮协会召开了《加强行业自律保障河豚食用安全倡议书》的发布,在这场发布会中,我们也强调了2016年农业部办公厅和国家食品药品监督管理总局联合发布的《关于有条件放开养殖红鳍东方鲀和养殖暗纹东方鲀加工经营的通知》具体的文件规定为:有条件放开养殖红鳍东方鲀和养殖暗纹东方鲀两个品种,且须按  相似文献   

比较顶空固相微萃取、同时蒸馏萃取(乙醚和二氯甲烷分别作为萃取剂)和搅拌棒吸附萃取对暗纹东方肉的挥发性物质的提取效果。选用同时蒸馏萃取(二氯甲烷为萃取剂),结合气-质谱联用对暗纹、菊黄和红鳍3种河豚鱼肉中挥发性物质的组成和相对含量进行定性、定量分析。试验结果表明:从3种河豚鱼肉中共检测出101种挥发性物质。其中,暗纹东方56种、菊黄东方52种和红鳍东方57种。虽然从3种河豚鱼肉中鉴定出的挥发性物质种类数量相近,但是物质和相对含量差异很大。其中,暗纹东方独有挥发性物质有23种,红鳍东方19种,菊黄东方最少为10种。采用电子鼻能够识别并准确区分3种河豚鱼肉的特征性气味。  相似文献   

分析4种河豚鱼肌肉中氨基酸,脂肪酸和矿物质元素等营养成分,并评价其营养价值,为市场发展河豚鱼产业提供数据支持。分别采用干燥法、灰化法、凯氏定氮法、气相色谱法、氨基酸自动分析仪、电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定4种河豚鱼肌肉中的常规营养成分、氨基酸、脂肪酸和矿物质的含量。结果表明,4种河豚鱼肌肉中的蛋白质含量丰富,脂肪含量较少,蛋白质含量和脂肪含量最高的分别是菊黄东方鲀和红鳍东方鲀。其中,双斑东方鲀的必需氨基酸与总氨基酸的比值(essential amino acid/total amino acid,EAA/TAA)、必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸的比值(essential amino acid/non-essential amino acid,EAA/NEAA)和必需氨基酸评分(essential aamino acid index,EAAI)最高,且符合联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织评分(Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization,FAO/WHO)标准,红鳍东方鲀的总饱和脂肪酸(total saturated fatty acids,SFA)和总多不饱和脂肪酸(total poly-unsaturated fatty acids,PUFA)的含量最高。常量元素中K含量较高的是菊黄东方鲀(3 923.641 mg/kg),Ca含量较高的是双斑东方鲀(82.883 mg/kg),微量元素中Zn含量较高的是暗纹东方鲀(12.075 mg/kg)。研究表明,4种河豚鱼营养元素丰富,营养价值高,营养成分的检测对河豚鱼的进一步研究和开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

河豚毒素是河豚鱼及其他生物体内含有的一种内源性生物碱, 是自然界中所发现的毒性最大的神经毒素之一, 被认为是自然界中毒性最强的非蛋白类毒素。自从2016年9月有条件放开养殖红鳍东方鲀和养殖暗纹东方鲀加工经营后, 水产品中河豚毒素含量的准确测定, 已经受到了越来越多的关注。本文综述了水产品中河豚毒素含量色谱、质谱检测技术的最新研究进展, 着重总结了样品前处理技术和分析检测技术, 并对各种样品前处理技术和检测技术的优缺点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的 比较分析人工培育杂交河鲀(红鳍东方鲀♀×暗纹东方鲀♂)和养殖红鳍东方鲀的肌肉品质。方法 以杂交河鲀和红鳍东方鲀为实验原料, 分别测定肌肉质构特性、肌糖原含量、腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸(adenosine triphosphate, ATP)及其关联化合物水平、游离氨基酸和肌原纤维蛋白热稳定性指标, 通过数据分析进行综合评价。结果 杂交河鲀肌肉硬度(28.80 N)显著低于红鳍东方鲀(31.58 N)(P<0.05)。杂交河鲀肌肉的游离氨基酸组成以赖氨酸、丙氨酸和甘氨酸为主, 和红鳍东方鲀组成基本相似。此外, 红鳍东方鲀比杂交河鲀肌原纤维蛋白稳定性更好, 在45℃下钙ATP酶失活速率分别为3.3×10?3/s和6.1×10?3/s。胰凝乳蛋白酶对两种肌原纤维蛋白的酶解图谱基本相似, 肌球蛋白分别在低盐条件下被酶解为的S-1和rod片段或在高盐条件下被酶解为肌球蛋白重酶解链和轻酶解链。结论 杂交河鲀肌肉质地更柔软, 与红鳍东方鲀肌肉具有相似的氨基酸组成,两者的肌球蛋白结构相似, 都具有较好的热稳定性。  相似文献   

暗纹东方鲀与红鳍东方鳍滋味成分差异研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较分析了淡水和海水两种养殖环境下河豚鱼肉滋味成分差异。结果表明,游离氨基酸中的天冬氨酸、组氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸和无机离子中Na+对暗纹东方鲀的滋味成分贡献较大,谷氨酸、精氨酸和K+、PO43-、Cl-对红鳍东方鲀的滋味成分贡献较大,而风味核苷酸IMP对两种鱼肉的滋味贡献均较显著。呈味游离氨基酸和无机离子含量的差异是这两种河豚鱼肉滋味差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

应用酶联免疫法对福建近海的腹刺 主要鱼种的58尾分部位检测,毒素含量范围为<4.0×10-2~21.6MU/g。毒素含量:雌性大于雄性.性腺>肝脏>皮肤>肌肉。肌肉毒素含量为<4.0×10-2~8.9MU/g,多数属无毒或弱毒。毒素含量的种间差异显著,并存在同种鱼个体间的显著差异。经检测:暗鳍腹刺 、棕斑腹刺 各部位均属无毒级,淡鳍腹刺 属微毒或弱毒级。闽中、闽南渔场捕获的暗鳍腹刺 之间均无显著性差异。不同季节捕获的暗鳍腹刺纯和棕斑腹刺纯肌肉毒性随时间呈有规律的变化。建议在监督控制下,批准部分具备条件的企业进行河纯鱼干品的加工生产,但只允许加工腹刺 属鱼种。  相似文献   

国内外关于河豚滋味的研究主要集中在游离氨基酸、无机离子、核苷酸及其关联物上,而对构成其鲜美浓郁和圆润香滑味感的呈味肽研究较少。因此应用酶生物技术挖掘滋味特性突出的暗纹东方鲀肌肉呈味肽,并应用于食品中具有重要的研究意义与潜在的经济价值。以养殖暗纹东方鲀肌肉为原料,采用中性蛋白酶、风味蛋白酶、水解蛋白酶及复合蛋白酶制备呈味肽,以水解度、寡肽含量和电子舌结合感官评价的方法筛选不同酶解条件下的最优酶制剂。结果表明:风味蛋白酶酶解液水解度最大而水解蛋白酶酶解液寡肽含量最高;电子舌能够明确区分出不同蛋白酶酶解液;电子舌分析结果与感官评价结果存在一定的相关性,但电子舌提供的鲜味、咸味和酸味相对强度与感官评定的结果存在一定的差异。最终确定中性蛋白酶为酶解暗纹东方鲀肌肉制备呈味肽最佳酶制剂。  相似文献   

Toxicity of puffer fish cultured in netcages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During 1990 to 2003, the toxicity of the liver in 4,515 specimens of the puffer fish Takifugu rubripes (torafugu) cultured in netcages or on land were investigated by means of mouse bioassay and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Other tissues (skin, muscles, gonads, etc.) were also investigated in some of them. All the livers and other parts examined were found to be non-toxic. The peak corresponding to tetrodotoxin (TTX) was not detected in the samples by LC/MS analysis for TTX (< 0.1 MU/g). These results show that puffer fish fed on a non-toxic diet in netcages do not become intoxicated.  相似文献   

There were five victims of neurotoxic food poisoning from a dried dressed fish fillet in Changhua County, Taiwan, in February 2000. The toxicity of the dried dressed fish fillets was 243 mouse units per g according to a tetrodotoxin bioassay. The partially purified toxin was identified as tetrodotoxin and anhydrotetrodotoxin. The sequence of the 376-nucleotide region in the cytochrome b gene of the mitochondrial DNA exhibited the same genotype as that of the toxic puffer fish Lagocephalus lunaris. The same single restriction site for Hinfl was found in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products from the dried dressed fish fillet and the muscle of L. lunaris, yielding two DNA fragments of 170 and 206 bp. However, no restriction site for Hinfl was found in the PCR products from other toxic puffer fishes, including Takifugu niphobles, Takifugu oblongus, and Takifugu rubripes. Therefore, the species of the dried dressed fish fillet was identified as L. lunaris and its causative agent was identified as tetrodotoxin.  相似文献   

Y.W. Hsieh    Y.C. Shiu    C.A. Cheng    S.K. Chen    D.F. Hwang 《Journal of food science》2002,67(3):948-952
ABSTRACT: The cooked fish liver retained by the victims was assayed for toxicity and mitochondrial DNA. Meanwhile, 8 live specimens of puffer Takifugu niphobles were also assayed. The toxicity of cooked fish liver was 280 ± 20 mouse units per gram (MU/g). All specimens of T. niphobles showed high toxicity (more than 850 MU/g) in the liver. The toxin from cooked fish liver and liver of T. niphobles was identified to be tetrodotoxin. The cooked fish liver and fresh liver of T. niphobles showed the same sequence genotype and the same single restriction site for Bsa I. Therefore, the species of cooked fish liver was suggested as T. niphobles.  相似文献   

Food poisoning due to ingestion of a puffer fish occurred in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, in October 2008, causing neurotoxic symptoms similar to those of tetrodotoxin (TTX) poisoning. In the present study, we identified the species, toxicity, and toxins using the remaining samples of the causative puffer fish. The puffer fish was identified as smooth-backed blowfish Lagocephalus inermis by nucleotide sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA and cytochrome b gene fragments of muscle mitochondrial DNA. The residual liver sample showed toxicity as high as 1,230 mouse unit (MU)/g by bioassay and TTX was detected by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. We therefore concluded that the food poisoning was due to TTX caused by consumption of the toxic liver of L. inermis. This is the first report that the liver of L. inermis caught in Japanese waters is strongly toxic, with levels exceeding 1,000 MU/g. In this context, we re-examined the toxicity of L. inermis collected off the coast of Japan. Of 13 specimens assayed, 12 were toxic, although the toxicity varied markedly among individuals and tissues. Because the intestine and ovary of L. inermis have been considered non-toxic, it is particularly noteworthy that these organs were determined to be toxic, with a maximum toxicity of 43.6 MU/g and 10.0 MU/g, respectively. Furthermore, kidney, gallbladder, and spleen, whose toxicity has been unknown, were frequently found to be weakly toxic with levels ranging from 10 to 99 MU/g. Therefore, further study is needed to re-examine the toxicity of smooth-backed blowfish L. inermis in the coastal waters of Japan.  相似文献   

Puffer fish is prized as a Japanese traditional food and its fin is also used in the cuisine. However, whether the fin is edible or not is determined for convenience from the toxicity of skin, since little information is available about the toxicity of puffer fish fins. In the present study, we examined the toxicity of fins and skin of three toxic species, Takifugu vermicularis, T. snyderi, and T. porphyreus. The toxicity of T. vermicularis fins (< 5-52.4 MU/g) was significantly lower than that of skin (<5-1200 MU/g). HPLC analysis showed that tetrodotoxin was a major toxic principle irrespective of the toxicity value in each tissue of T. vermicularis. In the case of T. snyderi and T. porphyreus, the toxicity of fins was at almost the same level as that of the skin. The toxicity (< 10-12 MU/g) of caudal fins of T. porphyreus was apparently increased to 16.5-22.0 MU/g by drying. However, the toxin amounts in the dried fins were slightly decreased as compared with those of the non-dried fins. These results demonstrate that puffer fish with toxic skin also have toxic fins.  相似文献   

The obscure puffer fish (Takifugu obscurus) is underutilized as a food fish. To improve the quality of puffer fish flesh, the fish samples were preserved after treating them with electrolysed water (EW), a combination of EW and chitosan (EW/chitosan), or a combination of EW and carboxymethyl chitosan (EW/CMC). The effects of these treatments were compared by analysing changes in the total viable count of aerobic bacteria, firmness, total volatile basic nitrogen, trimethylamine, pH, the thiobarbituric acid and sensory attributes of the refrigerated puffer fish. Changes in the myofibril length of puffer fish flesh was also studied, which is related to flesh softening. The findings suggest that during storage, EW/chitosan treatment is more effective than both EW and EW/CMC treatments in inhibiting microbial growth and myofibril degradation, and in maintaining the quality of obscure puffer fish flesh. This could extend the shelf life by 50% of the original shelf-life of about 4 days of the fish samples.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2005,89(3):373-377
Crude collagen fractions, prepared by alkali extraction from several parts (muscle, liver, swim bladder, bone, fin, gill, alimentary tract) of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes, were analysed by biochemical and immunochemical techniques to examine the distribution of collagen types (types I and V collagens) among these parts. Collagens from these parts showed quite similar SDS–PAGE patterns and similar peptide maps. Immunoblot analyses were performed for these collagens using antisera against types I and V collagens isolated from pepsin-solubilized collagen of skin, revealing the existence of the positive components for these antisera in all of them. The results suggest that types I and V collagens may be widely distributed in these parts of tiger puffer.  相似文献   

以pH值、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、盐溶性蛋白含量和巯基含量为指标,研究了蒸馏水、4g/dL海藻糖糖、4g/dL海藻糖+0.4g/dL多聚磷酸钠以及4%海藻糖+0.4g/dL多聚磷酸钠+0.05g/dLε-聚赖氨酸等各不同成分的抗冻剂对暗纹东方鲀在-18℃和-25℃下冻藏180d的抗冻效果。结果表明,两种温度下海藻糖和多聚磷酸钠复合加入都可有效抑制河豚鱼肉蛋白的冷冻变性,其效果要好于单用海藻糖作为抗冻剂,蒸馏水效果最差。-25℃时ε-聚赖氨酸和海藻糖及多聚磷酸钠复合所产生的抗冻效果要比-18℃时要好,能够有效抑制鱼肉蛋白的变性和分解,提高冷冻河豚鱼的品质。  相似文献   

为明确养殖暗纹东方鲀煮制时关键呈味肽的结构序列,本文对热加工暗纹东方鲀肌肉中呈味肽进行分离鉴定并对其呈味特性进行研究。热加工暗纹东方鲀肌肉水提物经超滤(3 ku)、纳滤(200 u)及Sephadex G-15凝胶过滤色谱分离得到4个多肽组分(F1、F2、F3和F4),感官评价结合电子舌分析筛选出滋味特性最强组分F2。利用半制备RP-HPLC对F2组分进一步分离得到3个组分(F2-1、F2-2和F2-3),电子舌评价F2-1组分鲜味较强。对组分F2-1中呈味肽的氨基酸序列采用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS)进行测定,得到了两种新的呈味五肽和六肽结构:Cys-Ala-Leu-Thr-Pro(CA,503.9253 u)及Arg-Pro-Leu-Gly-Asn-Cys(RP,659.7747 u),2条肽链中均含有的亲水性Cys残基,可能是造成肽具有浓厚感和鲜味的关键。两个肽段经固相合成后测定其呈味特性,肽段RP具有较强鲜味,且肽段RP还与氯化钠和谷氨酸钠具有滋味协同作用,可增强鲜味强度。  相似文献   

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