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Fks1p and Fks2p are related proteins thought to be catalytic subunits of the beta-1,3-glucan synthase. Analysis of fks1 delta mutants showed a partial K1 killer toxin-resistant phenotype and a 30% reduction in alkali-soluble beta-1,3-glucan that was accompanied by a modest reduction in beta-1,6-glucan. The gas1 delta mutant lacking a 1,3-beta-glucanosyltransferase displayed a similar reduction in alkali-soluble beta-1,3-glucan but did not share the beta-1,6-glucan defect, indicating that beta-1,6-glucan reduction is not a general phenotype among beta-1,3-glucan biosynthetic mutants. Overexpression of FKS2 suppressed the killer toxin phenotype of fks1 delta mutants, implicating Fks2p in the biosynthesis of the residual beta-1,6-glucan present in fks1 delta cells. In addition, eight out of 12 fks1ts fks2 delta mutants had altered beta-glucan levels at the permissive temperature: the partial killer resistant FKS1F1258Y N1520D allele was severely affected in both polymers and displayed a 55% reduction in beta-1,6-glucan, while the in vitro hyperactive allele FKS1T605I M761T increased both beta-glucan levels. These beta-1,6-glucan phenotypes may be due to altered availability of, and structural changes in, the beta-1,3-glucan polymer, which might serve as a beta-1,6-glucan acceptor at the cell surface. Alternatively, Fks1p and Fks2p could actively participate in the biosynthesis of both polymers as beta-glucan transporters. We analysed Fks1p and Fks2p in beta-1,6-glucan deficient mutants and found that they were mislocalized and that the mutants had reduced in vitro glucan synthase activity, possibly contributing to the observed beta-1,6-glucan defects.  相似文献   

Glucan structure in a fragile mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phenotype of VY1160 fragile Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant is characterized by cell lysis upon transfer to hypotonic solutions and increased permeability of cells growing in osmotically stabilized media. Two mutations, srb1 and ts1, have been identified in VY1160 cells and previous studies have shown that the increased permeability is due to the ts1 mutation which causes a shortening of mannan side-chains. Here we report that the srb1 mutation, which is the genetic determinant of cell lysis, is responsible for quantitative and structural changes of glucans. Experiments with isogenic single mutation strains, genetic studies coupled with quantitative measurements of glucan content per cell, and methylation analysis of glucans provide evidence that srb1 mutation leads to i) formation of mechanically unstable cell wall network made of insoluble glucan fibrils which are shorter and contain beta(1-6) inter-residue linkages and ii) insufficient filling of the space between the fibrils due to a shortage of the alkali-soluble glucan. Although growing exponentially in osmotically stabilized media, the srb1 cells cannot resist an osmotic shock and, hence, burst immediately.  相似文献   

We have checked the ability of the Candida albicans GAPDH polypeptide, which lacks a conventional N-terminal signal peptide, to reach the cell wall in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by using an intracellular form of the yeast invertase as a reporter protein. A hybrid TDH3-SUC2 gene containing the C. albicans TDH3 promoter sequences and a coding region encoding a fusion protein formed by the C. albicans GAPDH polypeptide, fused at its C-terminus with the yeast internal invertase, was constructed in a centromer derivative plasmid and transformed into a Suc(-) S. cerevisiae strain. Transformants displayed invertase activity measured in intact whole cells, and were able to grow on sucrose as the sole fermentable carbon source. Northern blot analysis with both TDH3 and SUC2 probes detected a single mRNA species of the expected size (about 2.7 kb), and Western immunoblot analysis of cell-free extracts, using a monoclonal antibody (mAb49) against a C. albicans GAPDH epitope, showed the presence of a 90 kDa polypeptide corresponding to the GAPDH-invertase fusion protein. This indicates that the TDH3 gene is able to direct part of the encoded gene product to the cell wall, and that any putative motifs for this targeting should be within the GAPDH amino acid sequence. Further analysis, using the same approach, of a panel of seven N- and C-terminal GAPDH truncates revealed that the region required for the cell wall targeting is located within the N-terminal half of the protein.  相似文献   

Pulse-chase experiments with [14C]glucose demonstrated that in the cell wall of wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae alkali-soluble (1–3)-β-glucan serves as a precursor for alkali-insoluble (1–3)-β-glucan. The following observations support the notion that the insolubilization of the glucan is caused by linkage to chitin: (i) degradation of chitin by chitinase completely dissolved the glucan, and (ii) disruption of the gene for chitin synthase 3 prevented the formation of alkali-insoluble glucan. These cells, unable to form a glucan–chitin complex, were highly vulnerable to hypo-osmotic shock indicating that the linkage of the two polymers significantly contributes to the mechanical strength of the cell wall. Conversion of alkali-soluble glucan into alkali-insoluble glucan occurred both early and late during budding and also in the ts-mutant cdc24-1 in the absence of bud formation.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae kre5delta mutants lack beta-1,6-glucan, a polymer required for proper cell wall assembly and architecture. A functional and cell biological analysis of Kre5p was conducted to further elucidate the role of this diverged protein glucosyltransferase-like protein in beta-1,6-glucan synthesis. Kre5p was found to be a primarily soluble N-glycoprotein of approximately 200 kDa, that localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum. The terminal phenotype of Kre5p-deficient cells was observed, and revealed a severe cell wall morphological defect. KRE6, encoding a glucanase-like protein, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of a temperature-sensitive kre5 allele, suggesting that these proteins may participate in a common beta-1,6-biosynthetic pathway. An analysis of truncated versions of Kre5p indicated that all major regions of the protein are required for viability. Finally, Candida albicans KRE5 was shown to partially restore growth to S. cerevisiae kre5delta cells, suggesting that these proteins are functionally related.  相似文献   

The yeast spore wall is an excellent model to study the assembly of an extracellular macromolecule structure. In the present study, mutants defective in β ‐1,6‐glucan synthesis, including kre1? , kre6? , kre9? and big1? , were sporulated to analyse the effect of β ‐1,6‐glucan defects on the spore wall. Except for kre6? , these mutant spores were sensitive to treatment with ether, suggesting that the mutations perturb the integrity of the spore wall. Morphologically, the mutant spores were indistinguishable from wild‐type spores. They lacked significant sporulation defects partly because the chitosan layer, which covers the glucan layer, compensated for the damage. The proof for this model was obtained from the effect of the additional deletion of CHS3 that resulted in the absence of the chitosan layer. Among the double mutants, the most severe spore wall deficiency was observed in big1? spores. The majority of the big1?chs3? mutants failed to form visible spores at a higher temperature. Given that the big1? mutation caused a failure to attach a GPI‐anchored reporter, Cwp2‐GFP, to the spore wall, β ‐1,6‐glucan is involved in tethering of GPI‐anchored proteins in the spore wall as well as in the vegetative cell wall. Thus, β ‐1,6‐glucan is required for proper organization of the spore wall. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glycogen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is present in two pools, one soluble and intracellular, the other present in the cell wall and rendered water-insoluble owing to its covalent linkage to cell wall beta-glucan. The insoluble glycogen fraction was solubilized using beta-1,3-glucanase. The alpha beta-glucan complex obtained showed intense red staining with iodine and was isolated from free beta-glucans by affinity chromatography using concanavalin A sepharose 4B. Further use of molecular sieving has confirmed that glycogen is linked to beta-glucan as the non-retained fraction on Biogel P2 split into two peaks on treatment with amyloglucosidase. Partial acid hydrolysis and subsequent paper chromatography of the alpha beta-glucan complex isolated revealed the presence of gentiobiose and other higher oligosaccharides, indicating that glycogen is linked to beta-1,3-glucan through a beta-1,6 branch. The insoluble glycogen can be extracted in a soluble form by acetic acid treatment and is known as acid-soluble glycogen. The presence of glycogen in the cell wall is confirmed by controlled enzymatic release of alpha beta-glucan complex using lyticase from Arthobacter luteus without disruption of the plasma membrane, as can be visualized using electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Deletion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae BIG1 causes an approximately 95% reduction in cell wall beta-1,6-glucan, an essential polymer involved in the cell wall attachment of many surface mannoproteins. The big1 deletion mutant grows very slowly, but growth can be enhanced if cells are given osmotic support. We have begun a cell biological and genetic analysis of its product. We demonstrate, using a Big1p-GFP fusion construct, that Big1p is an N-glycosylated integral membrane protein with a Type I topology that is located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Some phenotypes of a big1Delta mutant resemble those of strains disrupted for KRE5, which encodes another ER protein affecting beta-l,6-glucan levels to a similar extent. In a big1Deltakre5Delta double mutant, both the growth and alkali-soluble beta-l,6-glucan levels were reduced as compared to either single mutant. Thus, while Big1p and Kre5p may have similar effects on beta-l,6-glucan synthesis, these effects are at least partially distinct. Residual beta-l,6-glucan levels in the big1Deltakre5Delta double mutant indicate that these gene products are unlikely to be beta-l,6-glucan synthase subunits, but rather may play some ancillary roles in beta-l,6-glucan synthase assembly or function, or in modifying proteins for attachment of beta-l,6-glucan.  相似文献   

Lipomyces kononenkoae secretes a battery of highly effective amylases (i.e. alpha-amylase, glucoamylase, isoamylase and cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase activities) and is therefore considered as one of the most efficient raw starch-degrading yeasts known. Previously, we have cloned and characterized genomic and cDNA copies of the LKA1 alpha-amylase gene from L. kononenkoae IGC4052B (CBS5608T) and expressed them in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here we report on the cloning and characterization of the genomic and cDNA copies of a second alpha-amylase gene (LKA2) from the same strain of L. kononenkoae. LKA2 was cloned initially as a 1663 bp cDNA harbouring an open reading frame (ORF) of 1496 nucleotides. Sequence analysis of LKA2 revealed that this ORF encodes a protein (Lka2p) of 499 amino acids, with a predicted molecular weight of 55,307 Da. The LKA2-encoded alpha-amylase showed significant homology to several bacterial cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferases and also to the alpha-amylases of Aspergillus nidulans, Debaryomyces occidentalis, Saccharomycopsis fibuligera and Sz. pombe. When LKA2 was expressed under the control of the phosphoglycerate kinase gene promoter (PGK1(p)) in S. cerevisiae, it was found that the genomic copy contained a 55 bp intron that impaired the production of biologically active Lka2p in the heterologous host. In contrast to the genomic copy, the expression of the cDNA construct of PGK1p-LKA2 in S. cerevisiae resulted in the production of biologically active alpha-amylase. The LKA2-encoded alpha-amylase produced by S. cerevisiae exhibited a high specificity towards substrates containing alpha-1,4 glucosidic linkages. The optimum pH of Lka2p was found to be 3.5 and the optimum temperature was 60 degrees C. Besides LKA1, LKA2 is only the second L. kononenkoae gene ever cloned and expressed in S. cerevisiae. The cloning, characterization and co-expression of these two genes encoding these highly efficient alpha-amylases form an important part of an extensive research programme aimed at the development of amylolytic strains of S. cerevisiae for the efficient bioconversion of starch into commercially important commodities.  相似文献   

The synthesis of beta-1,3-glucan, the structural component of the yeast cell wall that gives shape to the cell, occurs at the plasma membrane and is the result of the activity of at least a two-component complex. Fks1p is the catalytic subunit directly responsible for the synthesis of beta-1,3-glucan, whilst the second subunit, Rho1p, has a GTP-dependent regulatory role (Yamochi et al., 1994). RHO1 has been characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yamochi et al., 1994), and in several other fungal species. In this work, we have used degenerate oligonucleotides derived from the conserved regions of Rho1ps to isolate the RHO1 gene of Yarrowia lipolytica. The gene isolated in this way, which we have named YlRHO1, encodes a 204 amino acid protein that shows a high degree of homology with other Rho1ps. However, unlike S. cerevisiae, the ylrho1Delta disruptant strain in Y. lipolytica is viable, although it exhibits an increased sensitivity to Calcofluor white and Congo red. Also, YlRHO1 complements rho1 lethality in S. cerevisiae at both 28 degrees C and 37 degrees C. The complete sequence of YlRHO1 can be obtained from GenBank under Accession No. AF279915.  相似文献   

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